The blessings


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Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October 28, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438, USA

Chaplain Simeon Koech Eldoret Prison Kenya

Here is an up-date on what has been happening behind the scenes with the DiMora Ministery, and the Last Chronicles of Planet Earth.  I just received an email from Pastor Titus in Eldoret Kenya.  I have been working with Titus to help spread the good news of Jesus Christ.  Here is a email I just received from Titus. If anyone would like to email Pastor Titus to encourage Him or Chaplain Koech, or both, here is Titus’s email address.  He can give you the Chaplains email if you so desire.


Titus Idati to me

From Titus: “For sure to meet you before the return of our Lord has been my prayers always. so that we have to work together rejoicing for the far the Lord has brought us.I have just handed the books to Rev. Simeon Koech the Eldoret Prisons Chaplain. this is at the door of his house at the prisons. David always calls me and remind me to not forget to tell you thanks for the sacrifice towards finishing for the Lords Church. God bless you so much.”



"This is where the Church has reached , three quoter of the Church is finished except the open front both the roof and the wall. still red walls are made of earth and it still need to smeared with white clay then it will be finished. so what we believing God is to finish the remaining open part put the walls and the roof and the the picture is Turbo pastor David , his wife Princila and their son Methuselah with a miracle Cow which they were blessed by Tim family. This photo I took them yesterday as I visited them . Titus"

Because of Jesus' help I am in the process of working with another Brother in the Lord to build a Church in Turbo Kenya. Also from Pastor Titus: "Turbo Church need 25 sheets this 25,000 .10,000 for round post for the roof and 2,000 for rafters, and 17,000 for doors and window. This is the quotation from the pastor immediately you asked me the question i called the Turbo pastor,through the phone he said that i give you his greeting.This amount is 49,000kshs. Titus"

What Turbo Church looks like so far

Pastor David in Turbo Kenya with wife

Why am I writing you about this?  I am dealing with many Pastors in Africa. I am doing my best to support as many of them as I can as the Lord blesses.  If you work with love for Christ He will make things happen for you that you never imagined.  I never imagined my book The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth would travel to many nations and fall into the hands of people who are hungry to know about Jesus, and His last days signs.  Anyone who has come to my site, or seen my YouTube videos know I never ask you for a dime for my Ministry.  I leave all that up to Christ.  I do this so that when the ministry is blessed as you can see from the photo, I know the blessings happened because Jesus made it happen not because of anything I strived to do.  Most of the Pastors have little for themselves but they are all rich in Christ as they are in the field witnessing for Christ.  I am not ashamed to ask you if you would like to help Titus’s ministry, or Rev. Koech to write them and see what it is they need.  The door is wide opened in Africa and the Holy Spirit is bringing in many new souls there.  I am a blessed man to be chosen to work for Christ in these last days.  I may not have enough money to buy nice things, but who needs it when you have the Holy Spirit working for you to take part in the winning of souls for the Father Jesus.  I want to thank all of you who allow me into your home each day to show you the last day signs.  I may not be perfect, but one thing I know for sure. Jesus loves me and He love you.  What can you do for Christ today?


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