More Fish die off! For Feb. 13, 2014


  FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 13, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora

What if some one told you that Jesus had spoken to them? What would you think? I know that right away some people would think that person was off center or weird and they probably wouldn’t read or watch any thing this person said. However, what if you found out that what Christ said to the person actually came to pass and you can see the fruits of what Christ had directed, in that case would you believe that Jesus did in fact speak to this person? What if the person told you that he or she never actually saw Christ but, heard Him speak and give this person orders for their ministry? Would you believe the person or, at least begin to check out what this person is saying to see if it lines up with the Word of God and, is in fact really being directed by the Holy Spirit? What if this person had groups of people who were eye witnesses to what Jesus was doing to this person would you consider reading what he or she is posting or watch the teaching video this person is making? I must confess to you the person who had this happen to them would consider not telling people Jesus spoke to them so as not to drive people away before they had a chance to see what Jesus was doing with them!

What if, over the years, people from nations around the world began to be directed to this person’s ministry and people began to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior? They were, at first, receiving the Lord one at a time, then it began to happen in large groups. This was taking place all the time while this person’s ministry was still under the radar but, then Pastor after Pastor were directed to this person’s ministry and their they were telling this person that he or she’s work for Jesus had changed their lives and they wanted to partner up with this person to teach people about the Lord and what to expect in the near future. If you heard this news would you consider reading or watching this person’s videos? What if you heard stories about this person, such as this example:

While working for Jesus, doing the normal service for Christ, someone wrote this person who the person did not know. The person in this ministry received an email with this message. “I was told by Jesus Christ to write you and give you this message. I was told to tell you, ‘you are going to preach to millions of people around the world’ “. At first, the person in the ministry didn’t believe it, but after thinking about it, chose to file it away, to see if this message was in fact from Jesus. 

The person in the ministry never told anyone that someone had told them they were going to preach to millions of people. Then, the following month, something happened that started to perk this person up.  The next sign, after this person received the first message, someone else emailed the person and the message was repeated again.  It was the same message from a person of which the leader of the ministry did not know.  The message was exactly the same as the first one in that this person was told he or she was going to preach to millions of people!  The next month the same thing happened, via a third person, who the leader of the ministry did not know.  The third message confirmed the same message as the first two. Again, this person was told they would be preaching to millions of people. 

Can you imagine what the leader of the ministry must have been feeling?  What is up with with all these people telling this person that Jesus had spoken to them to give them the same exact message?  So far, the leader of the ministry got one message a month, for 3 months, saying the exact same thing, and then it happened a fourth time, through someone else who the leader of the ministry did not know.  The 4th message was also the exact same message. as the other three!

 Now this minister is really excited, because they know something is up but he or she doesn’t have a clue as to what Jesus is doing. 

After the 4th message, this person received a call asking thiem to come to Hollywood and preach to a group of people at the Paramount Studios. This person had always traveled alone, but this time, via the Holy Spirit, it was laid on their heart to pray for a person to travel to this function with them. A few days later, while at a prayer meeting, this person asked for prayer for someone to travel to Hollywood with them. In that meeting it was laid on one of the people to go with this person.  After that meeting the leader of this ministry, and the person who went with them ,went back to the room where the leader fired up the computer to check if there was any emails sent to them.  The person in question read a message and after reading it said out loud “I can’t believe this!” The person with the leader said “what is it?”  The person in question turned the laptop around so the person could read the message which said, “I was told by Jesus to give you this message, you are going to preach to millions of people”. 

For the first time, the leader of the ministry in question, told that person he or she had received one message a month, from people unknown to them, but every message was exactly the same.  So now the person in question has an eye-witness to what was being said to them.  But the story gets better…

The next Sunday, while at church, a man who the leader of this ministry did not know, came up to the person and said he had to talk with them. This unknown person told the leader that last week, “Jesus Christ spoke to me and told me I had to give you a message ,but when you get the message you are going to laugh at me, but I have to tell you what happened. Last week Jesus told me to  give you this message and He also told me to talk to a young man before he left the Church.”

” I did not talk to the young man and I didn’t give you the message I was directed to give to you. The young man left the service last week and drove away from the service and was killed in a car crash. When I heard about that I was pressed all week in waiting to give you the message Jesus wanted me to give you. This is the message.” He said, “I know you don’t know me but here it is, Jesus told me you are going to preach to millions of people”. With that the leader of the ministry started to laugh and the person who gave the message said “I told you you were going to laugh at me.” The person in question said “I am not laughing at you, I am laughing because you are the fifth person in five months who Jesus has spoken to to give me the exact same message!” 

Two weeks later a woman called the leader of the ministry and said that she was searching the web when she came across their site, just by chance.  She began to read what was on the site and watched some of the videos and was led to want to call and talk to them.  This women said she wanted to know if the person in question would be interested in being interviewed on her radio show?  Of course, the leader never closed a door that Jesus has opened.  She told the person in question that she would call back in about 3 months to set up a time to do an interview.  She said her interview dates were full ,3 months out, but she would get in touch then.  But, instead, she immediately called the person in question back and asked if them if they could do a interview that day.  The person in question asked “What happened? I thought your dates were full?”

The woman said that she felt pressed to not wait to interview them, so she moved people around, so she could do the interview that day.  After the first interview, the woman called back and told the person in question that they had hit a cord with her audience and she asked them if they could do another interview?  Once again, the person in question said that if the Lord opened the door the interview would be done. 

That interview went the same as the first and the person in question was asked back eight more times.  Then something major happened. 

The person in question got a phone call from London from a radio producer who asked if I would do a conference call with his radio director out of London.  Of course the person in question gave the okay for the conference.  In that conference call the person in question was asked if he or she would do a radio show on their station.  The person in question was told they could do as many shows as they wanted to for a long as they wanted and at no cost.  The leader of the ministry was blown away by this request and then asked a question that brought the answer to the 5 messages from Jesus.  The person in question asked the radio producer can you tell me how many people I would be speaking to?  The producer said any where between 4 to 7 million people.  Can you image what the leader of the ministry was thinking?  Talk about your heart racing, right away this person started to count on he or she’s fingers one, two, three, four, five and now I will be speaking to millions of people around the world just like Jesus said I would.  Talk about being humbled before Christ.  One of the first things that passed through the leaders mind was why me Lord?  It was just another example of how Jesus was directing this ministry.  Of course when the five people who gave the person in question the message from Christ started to listen to this person on the radio they too came to realize they had been used in a real way by Jesus because what they said came to pass. 

This was just the tip of the iceburg. As the person in question was teaching on the radio people from many nations started to visit this leader site and sure enough Pastor after Pastor started to come out of the wood work to get information and direction to help them spread the news about Jesus.  The story you just read is true and the people who were involved are the witnesses that it happened just the way you read it.  What you don’t know is Jesus was and has been doing things with this person in question that many people have stated the person in question is like Paul the Apostle however, the person in question under orders from the Holy Spirit alway remembered what Jesus said which was “keep your pride in check”.  The story you read is only one of many things Jesus has done to show that this person is in fact is abiding in Him and is being lead by Christ.  I ask you again after reading this story which is true, would you at least consider reading or watching what this person is saying? 

Before you answer that question let me give you another example of what Jesus did with this leader. One day while riding a bus to work in the front of the bus this leader began to talk to a young women in her 20’s about the Lord and His signs. The young women started to laugh at the leader and Jesus pushed out of the leaders month this message to the young women. Because you are laughing at what Jesus wants you to know He is sending a earthquake to show you He is serious. As soon as the leader said these words the bus they were sitting on began to rock back and forth. Right after the leader said those words there was a earthquake that was rocking the bus. The young women stood up looked
at the leader she  was scared stiff and yelled at the bus driver to get her off the bus. Both the bus driver and the leader watched the young women run down the street. Then the bus driver turned around to look at the leader as to say who are you?, but he did not say anything. Six months later that bus driver took time out to find the leader at his job. The bus driver said do you remember me? At first the leader did not recognize him but after he mentioned what happened on his bus the leader recalled who he was. The bus driver found the leader to give him a message which was this. He told the leader that he wanted the leader to know that he had received Jesus as his Savior because of what I said on his
bus. He went on to say the reason I wanted to find you was to thank you for what you did because I am dying and I wanted you to know that because of what you did I am to to be with Jesus soon. Can you imagine what was going through the leaders heart and mind? These are acts of the Lord to save people and it was over whelming to hear of the kindness of our Lord. As for the young women who ran off
the bus the leader never did see her again but one thing was for sure, she would never forget that moment in her life!

There is story after story of accounts of what Jesus was and is still doing with this leader to confirm to this person that He the Lord is with him.  If you were this leader would you tell people what was happening to you or, for concern that you may turn people away you would keep the stories to your self?  I have been asking my self this question for years until this weekend.  The person I wrote to you about today is me. For years I have only told people very close to me what has been happening between the Lord and myself.  Many of these people saw first hand acts like you read about in this post but as I said the list of events keep piling up.  This weekend I gave a prophecy seminar in Palm Spring were once again someone famous in Hollywood after hearing my testamony called me a prophet.  As usual I told this person I am only doing what Jesus asks me to do and I do not consider my self as a prophet.  I am just a man who loves Jesus more than I could ever tell anyone, I could not find the words to express my love for the Lord who hung on the cross so that I could come and live with Him for ever and ever.  I just want to serve Jesus, I want to love Him more and more each day and I long to mirror His image in love so when people look on me they see Him in me.  I long for the Lord compassion because this compassion makes a difference in a world that is hurting and filled with so my hate.  I long to be able to take those who hate me and pray with them and for them so they may see how Jesus would act toward them.  And now each day I look up to Christ and in that day I say what now Lord?  What will you do with me today as I am willing to obey your voice. I pray for all the people I have witnessed to over the years in the hope that my Lord’s voice would draw them to Himself.  I hold on to the Lord promise where the Lord said the following in Isaiah 55:11. 11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”  When I hear those words I think of Bill the bus driver who was blessed with Isaiah 55:11 and is now beside Jesus in rest.  I think of that young women on the bus and pray she to would see the promise of Isaiah 55:11 and while thinking of the past I move forward in the Lords work as He moves my ministry forward to other nations.  In 1993 when Christ told me to write The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth I had no idea what He would do with this work but for someone with no funds Jesus has taken this book and moved it into one nation after another and people from these nations are coming to Christ like I have never seen.  I am moved to be one who was chosen to speak the words of Christ and to move life into the souls of many as they hear the message of hope and peace that is waiting for them in Christ.  You want love real love.  Look to Christ and you will be given love beyound measure and with that love will come the Lord’s peace. Even now as I write I since Jesus with me and I know that these words are going to move many of you who are now reading this message. 

Even now  I look back and shack my head in amazement at all the people that have asked to join me. I know that everyone of these people wanted to join me not because of me but because Jesus has pulled them in to help me tell the people we are very close to seeing Jesus return as He promised.  So, if someone asks you who Frank DiMora is just tell them he is some guy who loves Jesus and wants to walk in the same foot prints as his Lord.  Tell them that Frank believes Jesus words when He says I am in you.   John 14:20 “At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.  Tell them that Frank longs to be called and when Jesus calls Frank acts on that call and as a result people see Jesus at work.  Tell them that Frank wants nothing from anyone.  I do not want money, I do not want anyone to think I am someone special, I don’t want to be called anything unless Jesus calls me that by name.  Christ is the focus and I know that in life people want to be something big in the world but all I want is to be something big for Christ so I in the end will hear the words I long to hear which are “well done good and faithful servant”. 

Once again today I was blessed and humbled by the acts of our Lord via my work for Him.  The pictures you are about to see below are pictures from yet another man in Kenya who Jesus has spoken to recently to join me in spreading the last days message.  I know that if it were you and you saw your book that Jesus told you to write in the hands of men in many nations teaching about Jesus’ prophecies you to hopefully would not become prideful but humbled.  Every time I see another man holding my book I shake my head, my mind is flooded with thanks that I have the privlage to be called a Son of Christ and have the privilage to share our Lords message.  I leave you with a message I received today from zablon Osoro who lives in Kenya.  Just for one moment think about this, think it is your book that he is holding in his hands, how would you feel?  Would you want to tell people what Jesus is doing with your ministry? 

I love you all,

A Servant of the Lord

Frank DiMora

Dear Pr.Frank,
I hope you’re getting well and doing the work of Jesus Christ there, here in Kenya I have seen the hand of God as I was teaching even though not all people I teach receives Jesus but for those accepts I thank Lord. My dear friend in Christ,I thirsted for God and to do the work of Jesus in his vineyard so I prayed now he  has answered me.So that is why  I have given you this testimony topic  below as it was my prayers.

The following photos shows the work of Jesus Christ I did this week,the first and second picture is my group of fellowship after Bible studies ;from left Veronica,Grace,Sedekiah,Joel,Wilkster,Alice my wife Everline with Brian and remember there are others did not attend that day .so pray for my Group. And the other pictures shows as I was teaching and giving books in a congregation.     I would like to inform you that my friend that old woman whom I used to feed food,as I think one time I sent to you a picture of her she died this week so on 11.02.2014  I’ll travel to her place as it will be burial day so pray for me as I’m hopping that I will teach.With much love, dd    Zablon Osoro. 

 Zablon is the second one the right holing my prophecy book. 

feb13left Veronica,Grace,Sedekiah,Joel,Wilkster,Alice my wife Everline with Brian





FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 13, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora


[Hosea 4:1-3] “There is no faithfulness, no love, no acknowledgment of God in the land. There is only cursing, lying and murder, stealing and adultery; they break all bounds, and bloodshed follows bloodshed. Because of this the land mourns, and all who live in it waste away; the beasts of the field and the birds of the air and the fish of the sea are dying.

February 13, 2014, Farmers losing S$15,000 to S$300,000 as mass fish deaths look set to continue


February 12, 2014 – 160 TONS of dead fish found along Johor Straits in Singapore.

February 12, 2014 – Thousands of birds killed due to avian flu in various provinces in Vietnam.


A true story on faith from James Morris

God wants to teach me about faith & to have faith in him.  I’m going to achieve this by learning to have faith & knowing God is real & wants to change me & then through me God can help change others.  A example would be on my last trip to Minnesota I was not right with God & was struggling in the flesh real bad it took me 6 day’s to go from Reno to Salt Lake City, Utah. On the 7th day in Ogden, Utah on a off ramp I finally told God, you know I can’t do it any more, I’m giving it all to you to help me get to Minnesota.  By the end of that night I ended up going from Ogden, Utah to Bozeman, Montana. The person that gave me a ride to Montana & I were talking & I was a little short on cash so I asked if he could help me, he said sure that it was to cold outside to let anyone sleep outside.  That’s blessing number one in my journey to God showing me to have faith & how I might use this to teach others & bring them to the Lord by what I saw. Example number 2 came on this same trip I was in a town called Harden, Montana & it was real cold I had no money so I was not sure what I was going to do. Then in my heart I heard this voice go to the Roadway Inn, I heard it like 3 times so I said “ok God did you say that?  I said ok God I will go”.  I get down there go inside & asked the guy there if I could do some work the next day so I could have a room tonight & he said “no but I will tell you what, it’s to cold, I will just give you a room”. One more trip for you about what God wants me to do with faith, I wanted & needed to buy a car I had no money.  I called a few friends of mine & told them I was in need of a car & asked them if they could help .They asked how much I needed, I told them that the car I was looking at was $950.00 they said we will see.  My first friend called me & said he could give me $200.00 .So then I’m like God I guess there is no car for me, then in my heart I heard that voice again don’t worry your other friend will take care of you. I said to myself it will take a act of God to get this car.  So I went to Walmart & on my way back to my hotel room my other friend called me & says I can help you .So I told him Cory gave me $200.00 & I know you can probably just much it right,  he said no I can do much more then that .So I asked how much & he said I can give you $850.00!! I was floored!!! That’s when I knew that faith goes a long way in life & I want to keep it.   It took me to see these 3 things to realize what God wants to do with me in my life. I plan to achieve this goal by knowing without God I can not do it or teach anyone about his words. With God I can do anything & teach anyone about God with the Lords help. So whats happened so far is God has shown me that in everything I do as in proverbs 3:4-5 that if I trust God with all I am & in Matthew 6:33-34 that if I seek his kingdom first in my life that God will take care of me & the situation.  So in closing, I have learned from the Lord, accidents are a small set back, but when you quit or give up then it’s permanent.  Last is this, live by faith & not buy sight & know God wants you to cast all your problems to him everyday & that’s what I’m now going to do. The devil does not have this child anymore I belong to God so I can teach the Word of God !!!!!!


More Prophecy News from End Times Research Ministry 2-13-14

“For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. “ (2 Corinthians 4:6)

2-13-14 2 Corinthians 4-6


    • Elizabeth Kauahi on February 14, 2014 at 3:56 am
    • Reply

    Brother Frank, thank you for today you bought tears to my eyes and really made me believe Jesus is reaching us all with help from people like you.

    I love your work for it has changed me and every day I look forward to your daily ministry.

    May our Lord continue to give you the voice to speak the Good News of Jesus coming soon.

    With much love in Christ a faithful follower

  1. Dear Frank.. I listen to your report all the time ,I totally believe you are a faithful servent of our great lord ,the work and hrs you put into your love for our lord is so admirable ,Iwill continue to listen and to appreciate the phophecy updates as phophecy can be so confusing when things are been kept back from people by the media ……who do you have that is reliable Frank Di’More thank you so much I will pray for by great friend that God is revealing himself though … Carolyn

    • Leon Turner on February 20, 2014 at 9:36 pm
    • Reply

    Hi Frank, It looks like you are really reaching out form your website.
    keep up the good work, and God be with you.

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