Last Ethiopian Jews/The September blues/September 3, 2011


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FrankDiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 and Luke 21:11 shows us we need to watch for the sign of many earthquakes, and great earthquakes.  Yesterday we saw a 6.8 and 6.7 and today we again saw a huge quake that hit a 7.0. 

MAP  7.0   2011/09/03 22:55:36   -20.585    169.696  132.4   VANUATU
MAP  5.8   2011/09/03 16:20:53   -38.055    -73.456  13.7   OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP  5.0   2011/09/03 14:00:59   -56.241    -25.765  34.9   SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION
MAP  6.2   2011/09/03 04:49:01   -56.551    -27.039  106.0   SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION
MAP  5.1   2011/09/03 01:25:39    52.056   -171.567  51.2   FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA
MAP  5.8   2011/09/03 01:06:56   -12.784    166.672  101.2   SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
MAP  5.1   2011/09/02 20:19:02    2.724    128.519  211.2   HALMAHERA, INDONESIA
MAP  6.7   2011/09/02 13:47:11   -28.422    -63.146  592.8   SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO, ARGENTINA
MAP  6.8   2011/09/02 10:55:54    52.185   -171.684  35.5   FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA

Israel navy July 19, 2011 (AP) Prophecy Sign: Here we go again, more tensions in the Middle East. For anyone who doesn’t know, Turkey is going to play a major rule in the Ezekiel war which is found in Chapters 38 and 39 of the Book of Ezekiel. Turkey could also play a rule in bringing on the Psalm 83 war as well even tough Turkey is not mentioned in the Psalm 83 war. Let me explain. As you will see from today’s news report it tells us that Turkey is going to help ships make it to the Gaza.  Israel has had to block off ships headed for the Gaza because of arms shipments making their way to the PLO.  If Turkey does try to escort ships to the Gaza there is no doubt in my mind that Israel will engage the Turkish ships to stop them from reaching the PLO. 

Since the Lord did not mention Turkey as one of the nations fighting against Israel in the Psalm 83 war we can only conclude that any action Israel takes against Turkey will only lead to the nations listed in the Psalm 83 war to take up arms and fight against Israel.  One other thing that will happen is most of the world will see Israel as the aggressor and world opinion will flow against Israel. Of course this is what the Prophet Zechariah shows us in Zech. 12:3, where he warns us all the nations will come against Israel in the last days. Now for the news!  Could Israel’s actions star a war?   I don’t know for sure but this is what could happen.  Israel could stop Turkey’s ships.  Nations bordering Israel could as I said take up arms against Israel. Turkey’s President would hold back and watch the nations listed in the Psalm 83 war move against Israel thinking Israel will be wiped out.  However, Turkey will get the surprise of her life when she sees Israel again wins that war as they did in the 1967 and 1973 wars.  As the world is stunned by Israel’s victory there is a short period of rest for Israel at which time Israel could take down the 20 foot wall that separates the PLO from the Israeli’s. Since Israel has defeated the PLO and the nations who have come against her there will be no need for the 320 mile wall.  Keep in mind, the Prophet Ezekiel tells us that when Russia, Turkey, Iran, Libya, and the rest of the nations listed in the Ezekiel war come against Israel after the Psalm 83 war, it will happen when Israel doesn’t have any bars, gates, or walls.  On page 249 of my book that you can download for free today, you will see a picture I took while in Israel. It shows you an example of the bars, the gates, and the walls that Israel presently has for their protection. By the way, this is one of the huge differences between the Psalm 83 war and the Ezekiel war.  You see I believe the Psalm 83 war will fulfill what Paul said in 1 Thess. 5:3 when he warned us while they are calling for Peace and safety that is when sudden destruction will come.  That is was we see today. Israel is still calling for peace and safety while at the same time tensions are mounting showing us war is at hand.  The Ezekiel war comes when Israel thinks they are living in security.  As I see it, this could only happen if Israel’s enemies that border her have been defeated to the point where they fell safe enough to bring down the bars, the walls, and the gates that help protect her now.

Look, however it goes down, Turkey’s main role for the last days events will be played out in the Ezekiel 38 war.

One other thing. Did you stop to consider that Turkey’s move they are making just prior to the UN meeting with the PLO to proclaim a PLO State isn’t being done to draw attention to Israel in the hope the UN will move to create, or okay a Palestinian State? I believe these actions as well as all the new rockets  the PLO are firing into Israel are planned moves to paint a negative picture of Israel. When you read what the media is writing about Israel their plan seems to be working.

“The Turkish navy will significantly strengthen its presence in the eastern Mediterranean Sea as one of the steps the Turkish government has decided to take following the release of the UN Palmer report on the 2010 Gaza flotilla, Turkish officials told the Hurriyet Daily News. "The eastern Mediterranean will no longer be a place where Israeli naval forces can freely exercise their bullying practices against civilian vessels," a Turkish official was quoted as saying. As part of the plan, the Turkish navy will increase its patrols in the eastern Mediterranean and pursue "a more aggressive strategy". According to the report, Turkish naval vessels will accompany civilian ships carrying aid to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Another goal of the plan is to ensure free navigation in the region between Cyprus and Israel.The region includes areas where Israel and Cyprus cooperate in drilling for oil and gas.”


As I said in my posts this past week, September is going to be a very interesting month.  Even Israel is talking about September, and what they are talking about runs along the lines of prophecy concerning the call for peace and safety, and the fear of ear.

I quote, “We are entering September under the least convenient circumstances. The world is tired of Israel, whether or not there is a social-welfare demonstration of a million people in Tel Aviv and the nation is tired of its leaders and the unjust distribution of the economic and defense burdens.

Slowly but surely there is an increasing sense that terror is returning, accompanied by claims around the world that we didn't take advantage of the time to reach an agreement with the Palestinians. A combination of terror and international diplomatic pressure is the last horror scenario we need for our current problems.

The army and the police are preparing for every eventuality, they reassure us. They are preparing, for example, for the possibility that violent Palestinian demonstrators will try to break into the settlements, whether en masse or in small groups. When they say "preparing" they mean that the army is teaching the settlers how to protect themselves from a Palestinian infiltration. A kind of "tower and stockade" as in the old days. But if you think twice about this brilliant proposal, you'll discover that the settlers might use the knowledge they get from the army against the army itself when it has to evacuate people in any land-swap agreement.

The world is urging us to take advantage of the time until September 20 – when the United Nations is supposed to officially recognize the Palestinian entity as a state – to enter last-minute negotiations with the Palestinians.”

I am praying for everyone of you who is reading this post today. I am praying Jesus will open your eyes to the events He said would take place in the last days as a sign to you that He is coming back shortly.  I am asking you out of love to repent of your sins and ask Jesus to save you before He returns from His Church.  Jesus earned your love as He took away your sins when He hung on the cross for you. Until you ask Jesus into your life, you will be owned by Satan.  Who’s house do you want to spend eternity in, Satan’s in the lake of fire, or Christ’s in heaven? It’s time to choose because today is the day of salvation.  Do you think Satan wants you to believe all the signs Jesus gave us to let us know how close we are to seeing Him?  Satan is doing his best to keep you in the dark. I am asking you again to consider what Jesus told Paul. “

1 Thessalonians 5

1But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.

2For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.

3For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

4But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.

5Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.

Prophecy Sign: Take time out to read Matthew chapter 24, Mark chapter 13, Luke chapter 21, and the book of Revelation and you will lean that some of the last days signs are intense heat, droughts, famines, and massive storms that move the seas and waves.  This next report gives you the details on the stalled storm called, (LEE) that could drop 20 inches of rain.  Texas on the other hand who has been living with intense heat in triple digits for some time will still remain in one of the worse droughts that state has ever had.

“No rain for Texas

The water-logged system is tantalizingly close to Texas but too far away to alleviate the state's drought.

If the center moves mostly into Louisiana, as expected, winds on its west side will blow from land to open water and reduce the chance of rain in Texas, said NWS meteorologist Dennis Cavanaugh. The hot, dry winds could even spur fire danger across the state.”

If you continue to read the full report I will provide you, you will learn “Houston had a record string of 24 days in August with the thermometer over 100 degrees.”

While Lee is beginning to dump the rain on the Gulf States, Katia is gaining strength in the ocean.


[Image of probabilities of hurricane force winds]












[Image of probabilities of tropical storm force winds]








AP PhotoWhen you read this next report you will think you are already in the tribulation. The report lists all the things that have happen in 2010, and so far this year, all of which are signs of the last days! I am only going to quote a short section of the report but if you read the entire report and read Jesus’ warnings you will see for yourself these are the same things Jesus said would happen in our generation!

  “WASHINGTON (AP) — Nature is pummeling the United States this year with extremes.

Unprecedented triple-digit heat and devastating drought. Deadly tornadoes leveling towns. Massive rivers overflowing. A billion-dollar blizzard. And now, unusual hurricane-caused flooding in Vermont.

If what's falling from the sky isn't enough, the ground shook in places that normally seem stable: Colorado and the entire East Coast. On Friday, a strong quake triggered brief tsunami warnings in Alaska. Arizona and New Mexico have broken records for wildfires.

Total weather losses top $35 billion, and that's not counting Hurricane Irene, according to the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration. There have been more than 700 U.S. disaster and weather deaths, most from the tornado outbreaks this spring”.

“What's happening, say experts, is mostly random chance or bad luck. But there is something more to it, many of them say. Man-made global warming is increasing the odds of getting a bad roll of the dice.

Sometimes the luck seemed downright freakish.

The East Coast got a double-whammy in one week with a magnitude 5.8 earthquake followed by a drenching from Irene. If one place felt more besieged than others, it was tiny Mineral, Va., the epicenter of the quake, where Louisa County Fire Lt. Floyd Richard stared at the darkening sky before Irene and said, "What did WE do to Mother Nature to come through here like this."

The writer of this report almost had it correct when he said “is something more to it”.  If this reporter knew the Lord’s last days signs, and if this reporter knew Jesus, he would have hopefully written that people should be prepare for even worse conditions as the Earth has gone into the labor pains Jesus said it would during the final days before His second coming.

FILE - In this Tuesday, April 17, 2011 file photo, men check a plow and tractor in a field along the highway near the southern city of Kaesong, south of Pyongyang, North Korea. The United States sent a plane loaded with a small but symbolic shipment of emergency aid that was due to arrive in flood-stricken North Korea on Saturday, Sept. 3, in the latest sign of a thaw in relations between the countries. (AP Photo/David Guttenfelder, File)

Speaking about the roaring seas and waves here is more information. "SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — The United States sent a plane loaded with a small but symbolic shipment of emergency aid that was due to arrive in flood-stricken North Korea on Saturday, in the latest sign of a thaw in relations between the countries. "A cargo plane departed Friday from the U.S. packed with $900,000 worth of food, medical aid, soap, blankets and cooking kits, according to the North Carolina-based aid group Samaritan's Purse.

 Famine likely to spread in southern Somalia: UN
Nairobi: Famine hit areas of southern Somalia will likely spread in coming days, with the situation continuing to worsen despite massive international aid efforts, the United Nations has warned. "The situation in Somalia is deteriorating," the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (Ocha) said in a report released late Friday, noting that updated malnutrition figures will be "available shortly."

On page 229 of my Aug. 30, 2011 book I wrote the following:In Isaiah 43:6, the Lord spoke about calling His people from the north and the south. The countries the Lord was referring to are Russia, which is directly north of Israel, and Ethiopia, which is south of Israel."   If you read on you would have learned how God moved the Ethiopia Jews out out Ethiopia and brought them back to Israel just as God promised He would in Isaiah 43:6. What I find interesting is now as we head into September we read this headline: “Last Ethiopian Jews Finally Make Exodus to Israel.
I quote, “Gondar, Ethiopia — In the half-light of dawn, 16 families huddle on benches in the early morning chill, waiting patiently for their journey to a new and unimaginable life. They sit in a courtyard, hidden from the view of friends and relatives who have come to say farewell, behind the modest local offices of the Jewish Agency for Israel, in a walled and guarded lot.

The women, wearing headscarves, are wrapped in flowing gabis ­­— traditional Ethiopian throw blankets. Some men are dressed in Western clothing; others dress more traditionally and grasp their dulas, or walking sticks. Some of these 82 adults and children have crosses tattooed on their foreheads, emblematic of their Christian backgrounds — and of the status that has kept them and their compatriots waiting in Gondar for a decade or more to emigrate to Israel despite their validated claims of Jewish ancestry.

But the previous morning, the heads of these families were handed a small travel allowance by officials from the Jewish Agency for their long awaited journey. Each signed the acknowledgement of receipt with a thumbprint. As village people who used to farm with oxen and are now day laborers, it is clear that they will not fit into Israeli society easily.”

Why is this taking place at the same time as all the other prophecies are taking place? It is because this is the generation Jesus said these things would happen. Jesus also stated that this generation would not pass away until all these things took place. In other words, weather you like it or not you are in the generation who will be confronted with all the final last days prophecies. One of those very specific prophecies was concerning the Jews from the South, (Last Ethiopian Jews).


Ministry info:

“The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” August 10, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Are you really searching to know the truth?

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 30, 2011 Edition By Frank DiMora pdf

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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IMG_0270 July 12, 2011 show is now playing for you at the above link. All of my radio/video shows can be seen at The Edge, just click to link.

What it will be like when the rapture hits.

Rapture of the Church in English: Download A THIEF IN THE NIGHT.doc Aug.7, 2011 By Frank DiMora pdf

Below is a link to the rapture of the Church in French.



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  1. Frank, I believe that God’s power is so amazing!!!! How he is setting everything up so perfectly is so astonishing!!!! Many people can’t see this and I can’t understand why when it is so so so clear!! The greatest thing I have ever had in this life is God being in it, nothing will ever top that in my heart! I live in New Jersey and we were very lucky that the lord spared us any damage to ourselves and home, but I have a feeling because of this many people will not take the next one seriously, and I say next one because katia looks like it’s coming next, I hope I’m wrong, but if not I know the good Lord will be with me and my family. I really can’t wait to be with Jesus in Heaven Frank!! I’ve been praying a lot and trying so hard to be the best christian the lord wants me to be. Have a blessed day Frank and as always thank you so much for your info!!!!

    • Kim H on September 3, 2011 at 3:13 pm
    • Reply

    Thank you so much for your daily posts. I have been reading them for several years now and I believe in my heart that the Lord is now presenting us with signs pointing to his imminent return. It is so clear that He is trying to get our attention..I live on the east coast and I experienced an earthquake, a hurricane and a tornado/hailstorm(hail almost the size of golfballs) in the span of a week! Thankfully we were kept safe! Earthquakes just don’t happen where I live..made alot of us take notice and wonder.. God bless you and thanks again for all you do!

  2. These warnings are so eye-opening but many of our fellow brethen refuse to pull out of the babylonian system and come out of her. Even Church leadership isnt sounding the horn what must God do to get the attention of the church in America? Im an intercessor and every thursday our group have been crying out for pastors these past couple weeks.Warn the flocks please!!! Since there is more coming why not adjust? All this year i have felt and feeling the heavy presence of God when in intercession. Im just going to say having these God moments daily is truly blowing my “box”. Thank u Frank for keep us inform and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ! ~ Rev.Sean

  3. Nations bordering Israel could as I said take up arms against Israel. Turkey’s President would hold back and watch the nations listed in the Psalm 83 war move against Israel thinking Israel will be wiped out.

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