Roaring of the seas and waves/The coming wars/What can you see from the street compared to a high tower?/Sept. 1, 2011


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Prophecy Sign: After reading these first two reports today I could not help to think how close the Psalm 83 and Ezekiel wars are.  I found it interesting that as Israel moved their war ships toward Egypt, and Iran is also moving their war ships closer to Israel, all of a sudden French President Sarkozy warned about attacking Iran. Do you suppose he thinks Israel is moving into position to attack Iran?  I am not ruling this out. What I also found interesting is that for a long time we saw no news about any nation forcing Iran’s nuclear quest to halt. Then all of a sudden Israel moves and we again here news about putting more sanction on Iran.  For the past 3 years Iran has put their nose up in the air to all the nations who have threaten to put sanctions on them.  France’s President just doesn’t get it!  Iran is not going to abide by any request or demands they stop their quest for the nuclear bomb.

“French President Nicolas Sarkozy said on Wednesday that a preventive strike on Iran could lead to a crisis in the region and called on world powers to toughen their sanctions on Tehran instead.

"Iran's military, nuclear and ballistic [missile] ambitions pose a growing threat that could lead to a preventive strike on Iranian facilities and provoke a serious crisis, which France wants to avoid by all means," Sarkozy told French diplomats at an annual ambassador conference.

The West suspects Iran of pursuing a secret nuclear weapons program, but the Islamic republic, which is already under four sets of international sanctions over its nuclear activities, insists it needs nuclear power solely for civilian purposes.

Talks between Iran and six world powers, including France, Russia and the United States, broke down in December last year.

"The international community can respond effectively [to Iranian nuclear threat] if it demonstrates unity, resoluteness and imposes even tougher sanctions," the French president said.

Israel has repeatedly signaled its readiness to attack Iran's nuclear facilities if diplomacy fails to dissuade Iran from moving forward with its uranium enrichment and ballistic missile development programs.”

As the world waits to see if Israel will attack Iran, Turkey is now sending a threatening message to Israel today as you will see from this next report.

“Turkey declared Thursday that it would not tolerate further delay in the release of a United Nations report concerning Israel's deadly raid on a Gaza-bound flotilla in 2010, and warned of consequences including sanctions should Israel continue to refuse to apologize for the incident.

Publication of the Palmer Commission's report into the Israel Defense Force's raid, in which Turkish activists died aboard the Mavi Marmara, has been postponed three times. In each case the delay took place following the consent of both Turkey and Israel, and as a result of their joint request to the UN secretary general.

Ahmet Davutoğlu,Recep Tayyip Erdogan,Benjamin Netanyahu

Turkish FM Ahmet Davutoğlu, Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and PM Benjamin Netanyahu

Photo by: Avi Ohayun – GPO / Reuters

Haaretz reported earlier this week that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had suggested to both Turkey and to the United Nations secretary general that the release date again be postponed past the scheduled September 2 release date, and that the idea was dismissed by the Turks.

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu told the Turkish daily Today Zaman on Thursday that Ankara "could not accept a six-month extension."

"The release date of the UN report is the last date for us. We will put Plan B into play if no [Israeli] apology,” Davutoğlu told the Today's Zaman, without elaborating on what that "Plan B" may be.”

So, reading these reports what do we know for sure. The events surrounding Iran and Turkey are leading up to the fulfillment of the Ezekiel war of which Iran and Turkey will play a major rule in with Russia, Libya and other nations listed in the 38th chapter of Ezekiel.  This also brings us to Libya. If you do not believe God is showing you signs of things to come, ask yourself this question. Is it a coincidence that Libya has fallen apart at the same time as Iran and Turkey are making threatening statements to Israel? Look at it this way. When a parade is coming down the street the people can only see things that happen just as they get to them while they waited for the parade to get to them. Now picture yourself on a 15 story building where you can now see what is coming before the people sitting waiting on the street. That is what God has allowed us to see. We are seeing the alignment of the nations listed in both the Psalm 83 war and the Ezekiel 38 war before these wars actually take place. You can either believe these signs God gave us or you can reject them. If you are wise you will not only listen and believe what the Lord has shown us, but you will make yourself ready to meet the Lord.  Keep in mind, both the Psalm 83 war and Ezekiel war are wars showing us the tribulation is about to begin.

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