Are the “great earthquakes” about to happen?



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FrankDiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438


See full size imageThis is what I wrote you on my May 17, 2010 post: “For the past month or so I have been posting a lot of information about the signs of the Psalm 83 war and the Ezekiel 38 war as outlined in the Bible.  In my prayer time this morning I had the distinct impression Jesus wanted me to warn you about some major shaking that is coming very soon. To be honest, I am not sure if this shaking is from the Earth, or whether it will be man made such as a great shaking from a bomb.  The last time I had an impression like this China, and Japan had huge earthquakes within 3 days.   One thing that has also been placed on my heart is the warning found in Mark 13:8, which I have covered recently in many of my posts.  This is the sign were Jesus warns us the events taking place on Earth will happen as a women with birth pains.  I can not shake the feeling that these birth pains are really going to intensify shortly. I watched the videos below, and while watching them it was almost as if I was with Christ standing next to the people in these videos.  It was if He wanted me to focus in on what they were saying, and how they were reacting while the shaking was going on.  I became very uncomfortable because I knew all of these people were caught off guard.  I heard people use Jesus name, and I heard a women say she thought this was the end of the world.  We are in for some more huge earthquakes so remember who it was who told you they were coming.  It wasn’t Frank DiMora, it was Frank quoting from the Word of God.  As you can see from the videos below we have already seen some pretty bad quakes this year already, but more are coming.  I want to leave you with this Word from God. “"This is what the LORD Almighty says: 'In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land” (Haggai 2:6).”  End of quote from my May 17, 2011 post.

As I continue to study and pray about the events which are suppose to occur during the month of September I am beginning to get the sense that we will be seeing some of these great earthquakes Jesus has warned us about very soon.  I know Comet Elenin is coming, and I know that this comet as it lines up with the planets and Earth may cause some huge quakes, because of the electricity pull.  As  Elenin moves closer to us take note of the following dates just in case. Sept. 5 and 6th, September 11th, September 27-29th, and Oct 17, 2011 when this comet will be the closet to Earth. We have already seen a pattern of quakes in the past from Elenin so as this comet gets closer it could give us quakes higher than a 10 magnitude.   Knowing what we see from Ezekiel 38:16-20 I am expecting a quake much higher than a 10.0. The bottom line is this, Jesus forewarned us about these “great earthquakes” so what makes you think we won’t see them?

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Location of Wednesday's earthquake

Location of Wednesday's earthquake

A magnitude 5.4 subsea earthquake struck along the Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge on Wednesday, according to the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre.

The earthquake was recorded at a depth of 10km and was located just over 500 kilometres from the Azores.

The quake occurred at 1:17 PM GMT.

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) is a mid-ocean ridge, a divergent tectonic plate boundary located along the floor of the Atlantic Ocean, and part of the longest mountain range in the world. It separates the Eurasian Plate and North American Plate in the North Atlantic, and the African Plate from the South American Plate in the South Atlantic.

The Ridge extends from a junction with the Gakkel Ridge (Mid-Arctic Ridge) northeast of Greenland southward to the Bouvet Triple Junction in the South Atlantic. Although the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is mostly an underwater feature, portions of it have enough elevation to extend above sea level. The section of the ridge which includes the island of Iceland is also known as the Reykjanes Ridge. The average spreading rate for the ridge is about 2.5 cm per year.


    • julie on September 1, 2011 at 5:17 am
    • Reply

    I hear u! Frank, things are gonna get very shaky indeed!

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