A Past Look At The Future Of Egypt With Frank DiMora/Dec. 24, 2012


Yes I am still on my Holiday break and will not be posting much during the Holidays but, because of the importance of what is taking place in Egypt I wanted to present this one report. 

Just prior to the end of 2011,  I posted many warnings as to what was going to take place in Egypt. When Egypt began to  riot against Hosni Mubarak I told you that the Muslim Brotherhood would win Egypt's new elections that were slated for later in 2012.  Keep in mind, at the time I issued that warning the Muslim Brotherhood did not even has a candidate running for office.  Fact is , I posted a report which stated the Muslim Brotherhood said they had no intention of even entering the race for Egypt’s Presidency.  In my one of my videos I told you that the Muslim Brotherhood was lying and that they would enter the race. Not long after I made that video the Muslim Brotherhood did in fact enter the Presidential race and, just as I had warned he won the race.  I also told you that the next thing you would see is that Egypt would move to install strict Muslim law.  Did I steer you wrong?  Below is what I warned you last year in my Dec. 14, 2011 post.


What about my warning on Dec. 14, 2011 concerning Sharia Law coming to Egypt?

Prophecy Sign: In Psalm 83 we see Egypt is one of the nations that will attack Israel. As I have warned you in the past, watch out for what the Muslim Brotherhood does in the near future, because they will turn to strict Muslim law to control their people and anyone else they can. If you plan to visit Egypt any time soon you better read this report. http://frankdimora.typepad.com/the_last_chronicles/2011/12/dec-14-2011.html  Now that you know what I warned you take a look at the headline below from today’s news.

Okay, now that you have seen my warnings from the past take a look at the headline just released today from Egypt.


Headline: Muslim Brotherhood claims victory in Egypt constitution vote amid fraud allegations



Polling station officials deposit ballots during the second round of a referendum on a new draft constitution in Giza, south of Cairo, on December 22, 2012 (AFP Photo)

Polling station officials deposit ballots during the second round of a referendum on a new draft constitution in Giza, south of Cairo, on December 22, 2012 (AFP Photo)

“Egypt's new Sharia-based constitution has been approved in a second round of voting, the ruling Muslim Brotherhood party said. The country's opposition leveled accusations of fraud, saying it will appeal the referendum results and form a new party. The new charter was approved by 64 percent of Egyptian voters in a “resounding victory,” state news agency al-Ahram reported on Sunday. The preliminary tallies were calculated from reports by polling station officials. Egypt's election committee will confirm the final results on Monday”  http://rt.com/news/egypt-referendum-approves-constitution-670/

The third thing I warned you last year concerning Egypt was the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt that was formed in 1979 would be broken and Egypt would again become a bitter enemy of Israel and at the end of the day they would join up with all the nations listed in the Psalm 83 war and try to wipe Israel off the map.  Egypt is clearly moving to the far right under strict Muslim law where in that law there is no room for the existence of the nation of Israel.  Many of you may not be aware of how important this new Sharia-base constitution  in Egypt is in light of Bible prophecy, but I can tell you it is huge.  I can clearly see Isaiah’s prophecy concerning Egypt’s last days events in chapter 19 of Isaiah are causing those real Christians to take notice of how close we are to seeing the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  By the way, since my warning that Egypt would become Israel’s enemy again the Muslim Brotherhood has called Israel their number one enemy!   I pray that the Lord’s fire will again begin to burn in your hearts and you will become all that the Lord has created you to become. Each one of you were created with a special blessing that could be used for the service in Christ in one way or another.  It is disheartening  to see that most Christians have a candle lite for Christ however, it is burning under the bed where few can see the light. Candle What happen to the fire in the hearts of Christians that we read about in the book of Acts with the early Church.  Did not Jesus show you the history of the Church in the first 3 chapters of the Book of Revelation?  Did not He warn us that this last generation would become a lukewarm Church?  Can you not see that while the world is rushing to the second coming that most of the Church is asleep and their candles are almost ready to go out!   While the world is busy rushing in the stores pushing people aside for gifts, fighting with each other over store sales, steeling Christmas gifts left by Postman, stealing Christmas decorations right out of peoples yards, and running up debt they already are to deep in , where is Christ is all this?    Look at what Satan has done to a day the world is suppose to stop and remember what Jesus Christ did for us.  Does it matter to you that Christ wasn’t even born on Dec. 25th but, this was a date installed by the Roman Empire after Rome couldn’t  killed off all the Christians.  The point is this, on what ever day Jesus was born, He choose to enter this world as a human child in order for one day to become the Lamb of God who would have to hang on a cross in order to take away the sins of the world for all who come to Christ.   Do you really think that all those gifts you bought will bring you any closer to Christ?  In many of the homes around the world as people begin to go crazy ripping up the boxes to get to their presents Jesus will be standing outside their door.  The real meaning of Christ’s birth is being replaced with things which really have no value.  This is exactly what Satan wants.  He wants people to keep the appearance of loving Christ but , make sure He is kept outside your life.  For the real believer not one gift has to be exchanged in order for that special day to be a blessing. The gift that has the most meaning for every single person on this planet is the gift that is kept on the shelf .  It is the gift of eternal life via the Christ child and His cross.  It is my prayer what Christ has done for us all will take on new meaning this year and, the flame that burns in your life for Jesus will be one that can not remain under your bed. 

Lord Jesus thank you for loving me when I was sinning, Thank you for loving me when I turned away from you when people preached to me about you.  Thank you for loving me when I took you name in vain and thank you for loving me when I was at my worst. Thank you for keeping me alive in order that I might see your truth concerning your Son Jesus Christ.  I look upon the cross and see my Lord’s body nailed their for me. I know the gift that you wanted Jesus was for me to tell you that I have seen the Lamb on the Cross and have received His blood to cover my sins. Now each day I remember what you did for me.  How was it Lord growing up and each day knowing the cross was before you yet you made the choice to face it for me even when I hated you.  Thank you Jesus for not giving up on me, thank you Jesus for not giving up on anyone reading this post..  On what ever day you were in fact born , I want to say, My Lord God and my Savior Jesus Christ, happy birthday. I can’t wait to be with you and see you face to face. Thank you for handing me the most precious gift anyone can receive, the gift of eternal life. Your servant Frank DiMora





    • John on December 25, 2012 at 8:13 am
    • Reply

    I truly believe that after Psalm 83 war there will be at least 7yrs of peace and prosperity. This is in line with Catholic prophecy. Then the Rapture will occure. I think you a in sync with this outline also If I am not mistaken.JB

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