Addressing lies Sept. 20, 2011

Today I received two comments from this email: that I will respond to. 


Dear, This is what you stated at my site and, I quote, “DUDE seriously, take your lies of your MONEY making blog. Yesterday you posted a video which is blatently a lie. If you point a camera at the sun, you normally get a orb/flare that is a reflection. The guy even says 'if i move the camera it moves with it, so…' You can even test it yourself, same thing happens with all cameras. Stop freaking less cleverer people than yourself for the sake of a few extra pounds. People, do not follow men like sheep, but you can look to God and the Holy Spirit can reveal things to you when needed. In the Bible it says Jesus will return like a thief in the night. All we need to fear is turning away from God to face forever away from his presence rather than in it. Love,peace,patience,joy,kindness.

“Flippin heck I thought you were cleverer than this… you posted a video of someone holding a camera at the sun and he even said himself 'if I move the camera it moves with it so…'. When you point a camera at the sun, you get flares on your camera, and the camera is sometimes damaged. It is LIES. Nothing but a normal day. Learn how to use your brain to deduct conspiracy theories man, stop trying to make more money by posting lies in your blogs. Yes, I know you make a hefty amount of money from your blog. Post the truth the truth and nothing but the truth. Do not spend your lives living in fear, but walk in the truth of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. We do not need to look to other people or the news to find out what's happening. Just live your life normally, and know that your saviour will return at ANY MOMENT like a thief. Peace,love,joy,patience,kindness. Fear only turning away from God, and having to be away from his presence forever rather than in it.” (End of your quotes).


First of all your statement about my money making blog is in itself a lie that you have posted at my site.  Go back to the day I opened up this site and find one place where I charge anyone for anything.  Fact is, I do not charge a penny for any thing that relates to my ministry.  I give everything away for free.  Just the mire fact that I have posted my book here at my site for free will address this lie you have posted.  Just about every youtube video I make I tell the people watching the video you can download the book for free.  When people write me and ask me how they can buy a copy of my book I tell them what I say at my post and in my videos, which is, you can not buy my book, because I will give it to you for free.  I am sure Pamela won’t mind that I use her email to me yesterday as an example what I have stated is the truth.  Below is her email and then what I wrote her back.  I have countless people who read this post that I said the same thing to and I sure you will hear from them as they know what you have stated is untrue.

Pamela Balsam to me
show details 6:27 PM (13 hours ago)

Good evening Frank,

I am interested in purchasing a copy of your book, Last Chronicles of the Planet Earth.  I see how to download the book, but can you tell me where/how I can purchase your book and the cost.

Thank you,

Pam Balsam

Frank DiMora to Pamela
show details 7:41 PM (12 hours ago)

I never sell my book as the Lord gave me instructions never to sell or charge for anything i do in this ministry.  I can send you a CD of my book you can read on your computer if you like.  Send me your mailing address and I will send it out in the morning.


That should take care of your first comment to me if you are really looking for the truth?

Now I want to address your second statement which you said, “Yesterday you posted a video which is blatently a lie. If you point a camera at the sun, you normally get a orb/flare that is a reflection.”


Did you not see what I also posted yesterday at that same post?  I went out of my way to show people how camera’s can distort pictures of Elenin. I posted some good info from someone with knowledge of how these distortions can take place.  Below is what I posted which you failed to even mention in your attack on my work for the Lord.


I quote myself from my post yesterday, which by the way is still up for all to see.  “I hope by now you understand I am always trying to get to the truth of the matters. So, may I ask everyone who have watched my International radio show at The Edge, this prophecy site, and my youtube video to do me a favor.  I have people from just about all parts of the globe.  If you can see Comet Elenin where you live could you take a picutre, or pictures of it and send them to me via the email.  I will post them here at my site.  If Elenin is that big and is truly headed for Earth as the thousands of have said on the Net than we all should be able to see it very soon. I will do my best to bring you the truth.

Most of you know I am dedicated to finding the truth about all matters that come up in the news as they relate to prophecy. I have no fear of posting information that helps bring out the evidence of whatever I am reporting on.  One of my viewers sent me some information that I want to pass on to you.

Nikon 35mm f2 Kogaku – Lens Flare Test  5 months ago

Hello Frank,

First and foremost, I'd like to thank you for sharing your wonderful works for our Lord Jesus Christ with the world. I initially discovered your website through a video you'd posted on YouTube earlier this Summer. Since then I've been a daily visitor. It's a pleasure to have found a source for updated prophecy information, that I know through my understanding, is being presented with the truest of intention, according to the Holy Bible and your faithfulness to God. You especially gained my trust with your recent update regarding the correlation seen by many of Revelation 12 being fulfilled with the coming constellation Virgo alignments. Although I do believe this is indeed a significant sign, it was very nice to see you bring to light the important "middle of the week" scenario.

In regards to the latest "comet Elenin" video posted, that is definitely what is known as a reflective lens flare. When a powerful light source enters the camera's lens, it reflects back the image almost directly to the center of the outer lens, but smaller. Somewhat like looking through the wrong end of binoculars. Unlike light that enters through the more concave sides of the lens, a direct light flare doesn't tend to move when the camera does, unless the angle of the light source is dramatically changed. This is especially relevant with the sun. From what I've seen thus far, this phenomenon accounts for nearly all of the available videos claiming to show Elenin. The gentleman who originally posted this particular video has a couple of others as well. In each one you can clearly see the sun "the white orb" being reflected back onto his finger when he places it near the lens (see attachments) . For now it looks like Elenin may literally be a wait and see for ourselves situation, but I'll certainly pass along anything worthwhile if I happen to come across it.

There is a great website showing lens flare effects I explained on multiple brands of cameras at:”  (End of my quote from yesterday).


I hope now you will recognize I was up-front and very truthful with all my readers.  Ask yourself this question.  Why would Frank put up a video about Elenin showing a picture of the comet, and then right after that video show how cameras could cause an effect that could make it look like a comet when in fact it isn’t?   Bottom line, I was bringing out the truth.

On to your next comment which you state, “Learn how to use your brain to deduct conspiracy theories man, stop trying to make more money by posting lies in your blogs. Yes, I know you make a hefty amount of money from your blog”.  I would ask you to again, visit any of my youtube videos and you will see I never ask anything from anyone.  It is odd that you call me a liar when in fact by your own statement shows that you are the one who is spreading lies about me.  If what you say is truth, show me anywhere on my site, in my videos, or even in my International radio show that I ask anything of anyone?  You will not find any proof, because in 35 years of my ministry I have never charged one single person for anything I have ever done. 

Now I want to address your next comment which is very misleading and contrary to the Word of God.  You state and I quote, “We do not need to look to other people or the news to find out what's happening.”

In the Matthew chapter 24, Luke chapter 21, and Mark chapter 13 you will read where Jesus repeats over and over again the warning to us to (keep on the watch). Here is an example of one of these verses. “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him. – Matthew 24:42-44.  In all three of these chapters Christ outlines for us the things to watch for. Jesus gave us these signs for us to watch!!!!  You said, "We do not need to look to other people or the news to find out what's happening”.  How in the world are you going to know what is happening as far as these signs are concerned if you are now reading the news?  The news is God’s proof that what He told us to watch for, (those very specific signs), is in fact coming to pass.  Everything you have written to my in your comments are untruths, and misleading.  I meet Christians just about every day who when questioned about the Lord’s last day signs, don’t have a clue what is happening and just how close we are to seeing Jesus return for His Church, and you say you don’t have to watch the news!  I say what Jesus says to us in His instructions to us.  “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour” (Matthew 25:13).

I let Christ’s words speak for me. By the way, you can download my book for FREE today as everyday by clicking to the link below.

The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” August 30, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 30, 2011 Edition By Frank DiMora pdf




  1. Thank you for that email. Trust me, I have been doing this for 35years and I know the enemy
    is up-set with the winning of the souls. It is people like you who give me strength when these attacks come.
    I plan to finish the race Jesus has sent me in!
    God Bless

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