World hates those who follow Christ/Again, Israel find the Lord’s blessing(Oil and Gas) March 13, 2010


This is a special note to anyone who chooses to read my prophecy documentary. My book was written in the hope that those reading it will be driven to the Bible where they should have been in the first place. This book, or for that matter any other book, should never come or be placed above the Holy Bible. The Last Chronicles was written only to help you see how close we are to the second coming of Christ, and how important it is for you to begin studying the Bible in preparation to meet Jesus. Millions of people know nothing about the Bible or Bible prophecy and will not be ready to meet Christ. My book will help you see exactly what the Lord has shown us about these last days via His Word.

FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 7, 2012 Edition by Frank DiMora

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

Ezekiel 38 war map.

This is one of the most chilling headlines I've ever seen in a secular newspaper (albeit one from Tehran) in all my nearly forty years of following Bible prophecy.  Senior defense officials from Russia and Iran met in Tehran yesterday, March 12, to prompote the so-called benefits of their new, mutual defense arrangements.  This is directly out of Ezechiel 38 & 39, with absoulutely no interpretation required.  Note that they are pointing to all the advantages; regional stability, a "win-win game" for both sides, and increased stability for the region and its people.    All of their reasonings are warped truths meant to lull the people into a false sense of security while increasing the power of their meglomaniacal leaders, and then suddenly, great destruction will come upon them.  These individuals may really believe all this rhetoric, but the real truth is the exact opposite.  The alliance of Russia and Iran is going to plunge the Middle East into the most destructive, severe war in the region's history, if not actually precipitating World War III.  The prophecy teachers who were our predecessors, and walked in faith in past decades, were laughed at when they spoke of a Russian-Persian alliance that would come against Israel in the last days.  Well, now it's here for all to see with their own eyes!

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24: 9 we see the world will hate the Christians.

The British government asserts that Christians have no right to wear a cross or crucifix at work and is eager to prove it in court. The case was initiated by two British women Nadia Eweida and Shirley Chaplin, after they were punished for refusing to take off their religious symbols. Nadia Ewedia is a British Airways employee, who was asked to cover her cross while at work, and was placed on unpaid leave when she refused to do so. Shirley Chaplin is a nurse moved to a desk position after she refused to remove a crucifix. The women claim they were discriminated against when their employers barred them from wearing a cross and crucifix respectively. The government position is that wearing the cross is not a “requirement of the faith” and therefore employers can ban the wearing of the cross at work. The case has been taken to the European Court of Human Rights, which is to decide on whether the right to wear a cross is protected under Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

See full size imageIn my posted dated Oct. 27, 2010 I wrote you the following:

“Prophecy Sign: Deuteronomy 33:19-24. Did you know God warned us that Israel would be blessed in the last days?  Guess where these blessings would come from? Can’t get it? Let me show you what the Lord said in Deuteronomy 33":19. “They will summon peoples to the mountain and there offer sacrifices of righteousness; they will feast on the abundance of the seas, on the treasures hidden in the sand." Let me ask you a question? What is usually found in the seas, and in the deserts in the Middle East? Gas and Oil! These are the hidden treasures and Israel is beginning to find these treasures.”

After I wrote the above I gave you news showing you Israel had found oil and gas.  At the end of that section I wrote you the following: “Since the Lord told us Israel would be blessed with these treasures, you can expect the economics of the Middle East to change in the near future. The change in oil and gas powers could start a war, and that war could be the Ezekiel war. Let’s watch as Israel discovers even more oil than they have so far.  I don’t believe Israel has hit the big oil find yet, but God’s promise is coming for sure.”  You can read my 2010 post by clicking to the link below.

“Moddin Energy, Adira Energy announce oil discovery of up to 232.2 million barrels, drilling to begin at end of year.”  “In its notice to the TASE, Modiin says the best estimate for Gabriella is 128.4 million barrels of oil.”  “According to Adira, Gabriella and Yitzhak have a best estimate of 232.2 million barrels of oil, including 110.1 million barrels of contingent oil. Together, the Gabriella and Yitzhak licenses have a best estimate of 1.8 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.” There is no question we are living in the last days and the Lord is showing everyone you can count of what He says.  Not only is Israel finding the gas and oil but this tiny nation is among 30 leaders in natural gas reserves.  Like I did back in Oct. 2010, I ask you to keep your eyes on the news concerning oil and gas discoveries because this won’t be the last you hear about Israel finding these blessing from the Lord.  Could Israel end up being a oil and gas giant and alter the Middle East gas and oil powers which, just could be one reason why the Ezekiel 38 war takes place?  We will find out! 

Tamar holds 240 billion cu.m. of gas.


Leviathan holds 453 billion cu.m. of gas [file] By Courtesy of Albatross

Israel is among the 30 leading countries in natural gas reserves, and about 70 percent of these nations export their gas, according to data presented on Sunday to the inter-ministerial committee for examining government policies about the market for the fuel.

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