Another false prophecy/Oct. 23, 2011


Rapture ap harold camping cc1 111011 wblog Harold Camping: Doomsday Prophet Wrong AgainIn In this photo from May 22, 2011, Christian radio host Harold Camping speaks outside of his home in Alameda, Calif. (Brandon Tauszik/AP Photo)

Prophecy Sign: Mark 13:22 says, “For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect”. Matthew 7:15 "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.”  As I promised you, I would write you on the 22nd of Oct. 2011 to show you Harold Camping’s prophecy did not come to pass.

In my post dated Oct. 16, 2011 I wrote you the following: “Back in May of this year I wrote several posts telling everyone it was a waste of time to listen to what Harold Camping was prophesying. This man has a history of setting dates for the end of the world, and like all false prophets what he says fails. Just in case there are people who think the end of the world is coming on Oct. 21, 2011, let me assure you, you will still be here Oct. 22, 2011. Hopefully on the 22nd all the people who have been following this man will have there eyes opened to the Lord’s truth about false prophets. Hopefully when you see that Oct. 21, 2011 has come and gone with out the end of the world you will turn from this man’s teachings”.  

Here is the news I warned you about! This report comes from ABC.

“Doomsday prophet Harold Camping’s revised prediction that the world would end on Oct. 21, 2011 turned out, once again, not to come true.

According to the preacher’s prediction, which was revised after his May 21, 2011 prophecy failed to materialize, Christians would ascend to heaven, while sinners would be left behind to suffer five months’ worth of natural disasters before the earth ignited into a fireball.

Camping’s Family Radio did not respond to’s earlier requests for comment, and seems to be keeping mum on yet another “doomsday” that has come and gone.

“I’m sorry to disappoint you, but we at Family Radio have been directed to not talk to the media or the press,” Camping’s daughter Susan Espinoza wrote to the Associated Press on Friday.

Although this is Camping’s second failed prediction this year, a source familiar with the preacher said he has predicted the end of the world 12 times.”

Some one recently wrote me and asked me how I can say the Camping’s prophecy won’t come to pass on the Oct. 21, 2011.  The person who wrote me more or less stated that by my saying this prophecy won’t come to pass, I was putting myself into the position of being a prophet telling people this event would not happen for sure. this person said it could not for sure, and what if Jesus did pick this date, then I would be a false prophet.  I explained why I could say this, and be correct in saying it based on the Word of God.  The person who wrote me understood and agreed with me once I had a chance to explain.  Just in case this same question popped up in your mind, let me show you why I knew the end of the world would not take place on Oct. 21, 2011 as Camping stated it would.

Since the tribulation period hasn’t even begun yet, and we know that the tribulation lasts for 7 years.  Let’s say that the tribulation began on Oct. 21, 2011. Even if it stated on the 21st the end of the world as we know it wouldn’t take place until 7 years later when Jesus comes back to begin His rule. Anyone who knows prophecy knew Camping’s prophecy was way off base.  Now the rapture of the Church is a different subject all together!  No one knows the day or hour of this event, and if anyone tells you they know it here is my advice, just walk away from them because they like Camping would be a false prophet.



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