Answer on God’s grace during tribulation for Dave/Sept. 19, 2010


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David sent me this comment at my site that I want to address because it is a good question that has to do with the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. Since Dave put up his email at my site I am sure he won’t mind me posting it again here.

Since Dave's comment might cause confusion among many of the believers or non believers, I wanted to take the time, to address this very important issue. even if it takes time away from me posting the news as it relates to prophecy.  

 I will show you Dave’s comment then my response, to what he wrote me, and than someone I know, (Tim), who is very studied in the Word of God. I wrote (Tim) and asked him to please read what I wrote Dave, and if I was off base on anything to please let me know.  Since I am concerned about teaching sound doctrine, I ask trusted people who I know is are versed in the Word. I am the type of person who is always more concerned about the truth than being right.  I gain nothing if I try to prove something that is really false doctrine.  If I find out that I made a mistake, I will tell you right away as I know the Lord Jesus sees everything I am doing, and saying in this ministry.  I want to make Jesus happy knowing I have adhered to sound doctrine, this has been my prayer since He put me in this last days ministry. Let me say one more thing.  I know Dave loves the Lord and is doing what he thinks is right by questioning me.  It is good to want to protect the faith. I commend Dave for taking the time to email me about this. Now to Dave’s comment to me.

“Frank,Your section in the post seems perilously wrong -"Jesus says He did all the work all you have to do is receive it. This is unlike the tribulation when the grace, or free gift of salvation is no longer there, then it will be by your works, which you now know will be to refuse that mark." – This seems like another gospel – this statement of yours is a contradiction of the verse you quoted – “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” – and of course this is the problem with aspects of dispensationalism, it can change the gospel – all this to maintain a doctrine of a pre-trib rapture.In Galations 1 it says – "I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel—not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ.But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed."I don't think you have cleared up the issue you were discussing, but only muddied the waters even more – Now can you see why I had to respond to this false teaching?"I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose." Gal 2.21"For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ." John 1.17"he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit,"" Titus 3.5"who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began," T Tim 1.9It seems to me, your saying that the only thing that will be relevant in the tribulation is not taking the mark – so that the rest of the teaching in the Bible about Grace and works will become meaningless – this does not seem right.David’(end of Dave's quote).

Frank DiMora’s response to Dave:

First of all David,. you will find in the book of Daniel that God has laid out 490 years to deal with the Jewish people. 483 of those years have passed and now the time clock for dealing with the Jewish people has stopped and we are in the age of grace that all people can receive Jesus free gift of salvation. It is true that Jesus did all the work and we can not do one thing to earn that free gift. That I agree with, it is scripture. When the rapture of the Church takes place the last 7 years of the time God set out to deal with the Jews will again start up. The first 69 weeks or 483 years in actual time has been fulfilled, because each week is a period of 7 years, the Jews had to offer up sacrifices to God for the forgiveness of their sins came via their works following the law. This is not the case in our present age of Grace during the period that the Lord’s time clock has stopped.

As soon as clock starts up again which will be at the confirmation of the peace covenant as cited in Daniel 9:27 the Jews will again go back to their old ways as they did during the first 483 years. They will begin to start the sacrifices again which they are now getting ready for.

Anyone who was left behind to go through the 7 year tribulation will be forced to face the Antichrist rule. Many people who rejected God call for salvation by grace will remember what they were warned would happen and they will choose to follow Jesus Christ. David, you imply that just because they choose Christ that this is the same as receiving the free gift of salvation as it was before the rapture. This is not the case because if the Antichrist catches a Christian during this tribulation he is going to be asked to take the mark of the beast or face death. If that Christian who claims to be a Christian takes the mark he is not saved, but is sealed to the lake of fire because he took the mark. What happen to the so called grace of God here? What seals that Christians fate to heaven or hell at this point? It will be by his works! What works am I speaking about? His works will be shown by refusing the mark of the beast. It is only at this point that that Christian will be allowed to enter into the kingdom of God in heaven. Ask this question. Is is true this Christian who got caught by the Antichrist was saved and sealed to heaven prior to facing the Antichrist? No he was not! Case in point. If that person who claimed to be saved in Christ and is under God’s grace as you say David, why are we told that anyone who takes the mark ends up in the lake of fire? God’s grace of salvation in this case was only granted to this person by his works which was to refuse the mark of the beast.

Let’s look at another example. Some people will say will follow Christ after the rapture takes place. Say these people never get caught by the Antichrist during the tribulation. One may say this was God’s grace that they did not get caught so they didn’t have to face the decision to refuse or take the mark of the beast. In this regard one may this is a form of grace but the question remains are they saved for eternity in Christ? Let’s find out.

We know at the end of the tribulation when Jesus comes back He is going to separate the sheep from the goats. The sheep are all the people who came out of the entire 7 year tribulation and did not take the mark of the beast. The goats are all the people who made it through the 7 years alive but they took the mark of the beast. Jesus gets rid of these goats and they will face the lake of fire. The sheep who are standing after the Lord separates the goats from the sheep will be allowed to go into the 1000 year reign of Christ but are they saved? More to the tune they are spared. They are saved only to enter into the 1000 years, but look at what happens at the end of the 1000 years. Jesus tells us that He will let Satan out of his chains for a short season. It is at this time that all the sheep who were allowed to go into the 1000 years will face one last decision, which will be to follow Satan or to stay with Jesus Christ. Only the sheep who choose Jesus over Satan will make it into every lasting eternity with Christ. Any one of the sheep who lived in the Lord’s 1000 reign on Earth who turn on him will face the lake of fire with Satan. What does all this show us? It tells us that decisions have to be made that will ensure them of eternal life. So, looking ahead to the end of the thousand years you can truly say that known of the sheep who are allowed to enter the 1000 are truly saved until they make that decision at the end of the 1000 years. It is only at that time that Jesus truly saves them, and brings them all into eternity with all the saints who were raptured just prior to the tribulation.

This is a far cry of the free gift of salvation by grace as seen during the Church age right now. This is the bottom line. Right now Jesus extends His free gift of salvation to everyone. Not one person in this present Church age can do one thing to earn that free gift. Jesus did every thing for us a the cross and nothing will change this!!! If some one came up to you today and said you have to do this or do that to enter the Kingdom of God after you receive Him as your Lord, tell them to take a hike. (End of my quote).

Now the reply from Timothy Moore to me as a result of me wanting to make sure I was not off base.

“Brother Frank,
In regard to the comment from David; the other night, I carefully read your post which he is referring to and I am in agreement with your comments, application of applicable scripture, your reasoning and your conclusions. I believe you are theologically correct in your presentation of the concept of application of grace and applicability of works (choices and actions) during the tribulation. I do not fault David for his comments as it points out the danger inherent in finding one comment that you may misinterpret or disagree with and then, the logical path to follow is to find and list scripture that supports that misinterpretation. His scriptures are correct, but his misinterpretation of your comment and failure to completely review your entire teaching with a mind open to scriptural revelation led to his reaction that your teaching was a contradiction of the truth of salvation by grace alone.

I am also in agreement with your response and your careful explanation of what you said in the original post as well as your conclusions. I think that this particular letter from David and your response may be good to post on your blog in the event that others may have made the same misinterpretation, or drawn an incorrect conclusion from what you were saying in the original posting. Be led of the Spirit in your decision to post or not.

The scripture is very clear in Revelation that multitudes will be saved during the tribulation period. Whether a person is a pre-mid or post tribulation rapture believer, they must agree that the scripture very clearly provides John sees that many will be in heaven because they have believed and have given their life through beheading for their faith in Christ. The scripture also is very clear, through the references you provided that, if anyone takes the mark, they have permanently sealed their fate. As you have rightly indicated, there is no middle ground; we must conclude that, even if a person has made a public confession of faith in Christ, he will still be lost in the event he takes this mark in his right hand or forehead.

To elaborate on the concept of the doctrine of follow-on works (read “actions or choices)” requirements after the event of a confession of faith in Christ for salvation (which seems to refute the doctrine of eternal security but is in agreement with salvation by grace), there is found instruction in at least two locations which come to mind; in Matthew 7:21-23 where Jesus, talking about that end-time judgment period when people who very sincerely will be telling Jesus that they have done many great works in His name will be told, “I never knew you, depart from me you that work iniquity (lawlessness)” Obviously at one time these people once believed in Christ for their salvation, and were even granted gifts to operate in gifts of the Holy Spirit (note the comment by Paul in Romans 11:29 “For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance“) but their choices apparently reduced their one-time faith to a result where God has the ability to have never even recognized their original confession.

Matthew 25:1-13, the passage regarding the 5 wise and 5 foolish virgins is accepted by most theologians to be a direct teaching regarding the condition of the church (individual believers) at the time of the catching away. You have very clearly and fully discussed the implications of this passage and its relevance to the rapture in earlier posts. Jesus here is clearly speaking of circumstances that occurred to these individuals immediately prior to the rapture and immediately after the rapture (whether pre,mid or post!) It is clear that all were believers at the time of the rapture event (all were virgins and all went to wait expectantly for the bridegroom, Jesus). This may be extremely alarming to those who believe in eternal security, but due to their choices, which was failure to keep oil in their lamps, or by interpretation to maintain their attitude and condition of being prepared for the coming of the bridegroom, when He showed up; they were not there, watching and waiting for His arrival. When they returned, they were denied admittance due to this failure. Jesus’ teaching here clearly indicates that it is possible to be a professing believer, but due to our actions and failures after such profession, to miss the catching away. This is another example from Jesus of how works (read actions or choices) will have negative implications upon our readiness for the rapture event.

In light of this, how much more so will our choices and actions affect the position of an individual who professes Christianity during the tribulation? As you have clearly stated, even though the church will be removed, multitudes will be saved, as evidenced by their presence in heaven. Obviously they have believed and by grace have received the promise of eternal life, but are only finally saved by the action of giving their life for their faith in Christ. Since you have clearly given evidence of what happens to the remaining inhabitants on the earth after Christ returns to set up His kingdom, it is extremely reasonable to conclude that, if an individual believes in Christ for salvation during the tribulation period and during the millennium, he still must undertake actions and make choices in order to either be saved and taken to heaven (beheaded for their faith in Christ during tribulation) or endure to the end of the millennium and accept Christ and refuse to follow satan when he is loosed for a season to deceive the nations. This is not a contradiction of the doctrine of salvation through grace and not of works. Jesus clearly teaches us through the references provided above that proper action after the act of profession of faith in Him is required from us for ultimate salvation.
It should be remembered as well that, the circumstance of those who survive the tribulation and have not taken the mark of the anti-christ (all of those who have taken the mark and are still alive at the end of the tribulation will be destroyed when Christ returns (see Rev. 19:21. The remnant I believe refers to the followers of the anti-christ who have survived Armageddon who will then be finished off by the Lord). These survivors who have not taken the mark will go into the millennium in their natural bodies, they will not be in glorified bodies as the raptured saints and the martyred tribulation saints will be. These will go into the millennium (perhaps a billion strong?) and will repopulate the earth for 1,000 years until satan is loosed for a season. By inference, the scripture tells us that there will be a desire for rebellion during that time, even though satan is bound. The scripture tells us that Jesus will rule the nations with a rod of iron during that time and even indicates that, if a nation does not come to worship Him each year, that He will withhold rain from that nation. Even though these individuals will be in their mortal bodies, many of the conditions that were prevalent prior to the fall of man will apparently exist since Isaiah 65: 20 speaks of a time when almost no one will suffer death, but he also mentions sinners in that same passage, so rebellion will still continue in the heart of man during the tribulation, even though all of those alive did not take the mark. So, it is reasonable to conclude that, individuals in their natural bodies during the millenium who worship Jesus and believe in Him for salvation will still be tempted by satan at the end of the millennium and will be required to make a choice at that time for Christ. Someone might also call this works, but it is still very consistent with the teachings of Christ which require proper choices after one has believed in Him for salvation. I believe those who resist satan at that time will go into eternity in their natural bodies and will live forever, but will still not exist in the glorified bodies that those of us who go in the catching away will have. The foregoing also leads me to conclude that, while Isaiah 65:20 does indicate that some will die during the millennium, I have to believe that such an individual will be saved if they are in proper relationship with Christ at that time. As to whether such an individual is then translated into a glorified body or just lives to serve Christ in heaven for eternity, I haven’t found enough scriptural evidence to make a conclusion. I just believe they will be saved.

Frank, I apologize for getting so lengthy about this subject. You have really covered it well and maintained theological integrity in your posts. I just get excited when I discuss these things and have to write! What a future we have! We just really cannot fathom the extent of the future God has for those who believe in Him.

I still think it might be a good idea to post David’s comment and your response. He was sincere in his comment, but others may have made the same incorrect conclusion that you were teaching a doctrine of works but be led by His Spirit.
Your brother-in-Christ,
Tim  (End Quote)

I will let the Lord allow everyone to examine my heart based on the word in this matter. I pray these responses clears this up for anyone who may have questioned it.

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