April 1, 2018 Author Frank DiMora replies to comments made about his Third Temple video

April 1, 2018 Author Frank DiMora replies to comments made about his Third Temple video

March 26, 2018 I published my video called “One Giant Step Toward building The Jewish Third Temple” which you see below. After I posted that information I have some people leave me comments which I want to address now. Underneath my video you will see what I said about each comment. 


This is what Elaine e commented at my site. Frank DiMora Wake up! A third temple was tried in 363 AD and an earthquake put an end to that.

My reply: Part of what you stated is incorrect. Yes I understand the Jews already tried to rebuild the Temple in 363 A.D., egged on by the Roman Emperor Julian the Apostate. However, the timing to actually build the Temple was wrong and therefore they never did build it under Julian’s watch. Now let us take a look at what Jesus stated in Matthew 24 15. “When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet,  stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand” 

This prophecy was reserved for the last days and, it was not the last days when the Roman Emperor Julian was alive. Did Jesus say anywhere in scripture that they would try to rebuild the Temple but would not finish it? Read verse 15 again! “When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand”. Jesus showed us the Temple would stand! That means it would be finished! If it was not finished the Antichrist could not be able to walk into that Temple as Daniel 9:27 shows us and stop the Jewish sacrifices which Jesus warned us about. This is why right now the Jews are practicing those sacrifices!

Elaine e, by you saying the Temple will not be built you are saying Jesus’ words in Matthew 24:15 are false. If Jesus’ word on this prophecy is false that would make Him a false prophet which, if that was the case He could not be our messiah. As someone who believes in what Jesus stated I know that Third Temple will in fact be built! If anything I believe Jesus stepped in in 363A.D. so the Temple would not be built because as I said the timing to build that temple was wrong. So Elaine e, that is not the end of that!

This is what Kidd Wee commented.  Christian Zionists cant wait until Israel builds its temple and starts its sacrifices showing their open contempt and hatred of the Lord Jesus!

My reply: Since there may be people who do not know what a Christian Zionist is let me explain. Christian Zionism is simply Gentile support of Jewish Zionism as based on the promises to Israel found in the Bible, passages such as Jeremiah 32 and Ezekiel 34. Christian Zionists are primarily evangelical and give support in any way possible to the Jewish state of Israel. The return of the Jews to the Promised Land is the fulfillment of prophecy and is seen, especially by dispensationalists, as a sign that the world has entered the end times.

A true Christian who truly loved Christ would believe what the Bible says. If the Lord warned us that Israel would be born again as a nation we as believers should recognize that this prophecy had to be fulfilled to bring on the last days.  I want to quote part of a section of Matthew 5:43-45 43“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45that you may be children of your Father in heaven.” My question to Kidd Wee is this. Didn’t Jesus give us all those prophecies and tell us to keep on the watch? Anyone who read his word knows the answer is yes. A true Christian would follow what Jesus said and in fact keep their eyes on the news to see where Jesus is taking us and, recognize how close we are to His second coming. Since we know Jesus wanted us to look for this Third Temple every person who is following Christ would get excited to see news that the Temple is about to be built. The true Christian knows that the starting up of animal sacrifices as far as atonement for sins goes is wrong because Jesus took care of that on the cross as the true Lamb of God. However, that should not stop the Christians from watching for the Temple and those sacrifices and, just because we are watching and getting excited it does not mean we hate Israel or the Jews. We understand the Jews do not believe in Jesus and one may say they are enemies of Christ in their unbelief of Jesus’ work on the cross but this does not mean that we should hate Israel or the Jews. After all the Lord picked the nation of Israel to show the world He is God. So the true Christian does not have as you stated “open contempt and hatred of the Lord Jesus! I am sure some as yourself may see it that way if they aren’t a believer in Christ but, those of us following the Lord Jesus are expecting God to deal with Israel and the Jews in these last days because this is what He tells us in scripture. I for one pray for the Jews and the State of Israel and for the peace of Jerusalem because I know what the Jews are going to have to go through before the recognize Jesus is and always was the true Messiah.


yoannrun commented the following: Jean 14 …6.Jésus lui dit: Je suis le chemin, la vérité, et la vie. Nul ne vient au Père que par moi…

If a person were to read what yoannrun stated it would say the following: 


If you read it the way we see it above it would look like no one goes to the Father by Jesus but, that is not what the Bible says! To be fair yoannrun may have had a translation problem This is what the Bible says:    John 14:6 6Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the lifeNo one comes to the Father except through me. I wanted to make sure everyone understood the correct meaning so no one would be mislead in thinking no one comes to the father by Jesus. I am pretty sure Yoannrun who speaks French had a translation issue.


Thank you all for coming to my web site and for watching my teachings on Youtube. I pray all of you will have a blessed resurrection day as we remember what Jesus did for us all.  The Lord’s sacrifice is the only one this world will ever need!

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