April 10, 2020- Unemployment claims swell to 6.6 million as coronavirus paralyzes US economy



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 6 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora

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~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~


 League of Revolutionaries, a recently formed Iraqi group that appears to be an Iranian proxy, released an approximately two-minute video threatening U.S. troops in Iraq

The video included drone footage of the Iraqi Ain Al-Assad Airbase, which hosts U.S. troops in Anbar province targeted in the January 7 Iranian missile strike in retaliation for the January 3 U.S. airstrike that killed Qassem Soleimani, who had been commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Qods Force, and Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, who had been deputy commander of the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU). The video, first posted on the group’s Telegram channel, included a message addres­sing “the whole world.” The message opens with Quran 3:200: “Oh you who believe! Be patient and excel in patience and remain steadfast and be careful of your duty to Allah, that you may be successful.” It further explains that the previous release, which included footage of “the evil embassy, was not our first surveillance mission and will not be the last of them.” The video showed photos of Ain Al-Assad Airbase, describing it as the second-largest air base in Iraq and saying it housed American, British, and Iraqi troops. Switching between several locations of the base, such as a runway and a warehouse of U.S. weapons. An aerial view shows what the video describes as the “housing compound.” It also shows several military planes parked at the base. The video shows footage, apparently filmed inside the base, of military planes landing and taking off. It concludes with a message that reads: “Our eyes are watching their movements and they will not achieve what they want.” The League of Revolutionaries claimed responsibility for the March 12 rocket attacks on the Taji military base north of Baghdad that killed three members of the U.S.-led international coalition in Iraq.
April 10, 2020


Iran defies EU, declaring continued nuclear uranium enrichment

The national security and foreign policy committee for the Islamic Republic of Iran’s parliament declared that Tehran will move forward with its uranium enrichment process, triggering sharp criticism from the US State Department on Thursday. According to a report in the Iranian regime’s state-controlled MEHR news agency, the foreign policy committee for Iran’s parliament “warned on Wednesday that in case Europe does not provide Iran with a practical guarantee on implementation of JCPOA, the Islamic Republic will continue its uranium enrichment to its desired level and volume.”
April 10, 2020

U.S. military base hit by rocket attack, ISIS claims responsibility

The Afghanistan affiliate of the Islamic State group launched a rocket attack Thursday on the largest based used by the U.S.-led coalition fighting terrorists in the war-torn nation. Five rockets were fired at Bagram Air Base in Kabul, but did not cause any injuries, the military said in a tweet. The rockets were launched from a car shortly before 6 a.m., local authorities told Stars and Stripes. “Foreign forces intercepted two of the rockets in the air, and the other three landed outside the base,” said Wahida Shahkar, a spokeswoman for the Parwan provincial government. Islamic State Khorasan, the name used by the group, said that it targeted a helicopter landing pad at Bagram, Reuters reported.
April 9, 2020


  The Day The Fed Nationalized The Bond Market

Recovery law allows Fed to rope off public as it spends billions

Unemployment claims swell to 6.6 million as coronavirus paralyzes US economy

Gold Soars Along With Everything Else As Fed Ends Capital Markets

Two weeks after the Fed stunned markets by doing something not even Ben Bernanke dared to do, start buying investment grade corporate bonds, today the Fed’s nationalization of the entire bond market was complete when the Fed – with the blessing of the Treasury – threw the kitchen sink at the most vulnerable verticals of the bond market – junk bonds, munis and CLOs and… waved it in. And with that the only thing missing from the Fed’s total takeover of capital markets is equities, which the Fed will start buying after the next crash. Until we wait here is a complete summary of everything the Fed announced this morning, when it released the details of the $2.3 trillion in loans and purchases to “support the billionaires economy”, which will consist of:

  1. Main Street Lending Program,
  2. Paycheck Protection Program Lending Facility,
  3. New Municipal Liquidity Facility,
  4. Expansion of existing primary and secondary corporate bond buying facilities.

These Fed’s loans and facilities are based on the additional capital the Treasury has made available under the CARES Act. Of the total $454bn that Congress appropriated to backstop Fed facilities, this morning’s announcements commits $195bn, leaving the majority of funds available for other purposes – like stocks – or to expand these programs if necessary. That said, the programs the Fed announced this morning cover essentially all of the areas in which we have expected the Fed to act, so we do not expect the Fed to announce any further facilities for the time being.
April 10, 2020

Saudis, Russians Bury Differences, but Mexico Threatens Oil Deal

Russia and Saudi Arabia have called off their brutal price war and are now pushing dozens of major crude producers toward a deal that would slash production and help stabilize a market that’s been rocked by the coronavirus pandemic. A marathon video conference between OPEC members and other major energy powers on Thursday ended with a tentative deal to reduce production by 10 million barrels per day in May and June, the deepest cut ever agreed by the world’s oil producers. But there was a snag: Mexico declined to support the agreement, and meeting participants acknowledged in a statement that final agreement is conditional on the country’s consent. Attention has now turned to another round of talks between the Group of 20, which includes Mexico.Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador told reporters that he had discussed the issue with US President Donald Trump, and agreed to cut production by 100,000 barrels per day, which is far less than the 400,000 barrels per day other producers had sought on Thursday.According to López Obrador, Trump offered during the phone call to cut US production by 250,000 barrels per day to compensate for Mexico. The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Friday.
April 10, 2020

Eurogroup Strikes Half-Trillion Euro Deal to Help Members Cope with COVID-19

IMF Sees World in Worst Recession Since Great Depression

China Quietly Injected A Record 5.2 Trillion In New Credit To Kickstart Its Frozen Economy

Finance ministers from the 19 eurozone countries Thursday agreed on a package worth more than half a trillion euros to help companies, workers and health care systems mitigate the economic consequences of the coronavirus outbreak. Mario Centeno, president of the Eurogroup of eurozone ministers, called the package of measures “totally unprecedented.” “The package we approved today is of a size close to 4 percent of European GDP,” he said. “Plus, the automatic stabilizers that are quite powerful to protect European economies in case of crisis. This is totally unprecedented. We have never ever reacted so quickly to a crisis as this one.”
April 10, 2020


  Two Version of Digital Dollar Emerge as Contenders

Private Companies Could Play Role in Digital Currency Issuance, Bank of England Says

The coronavirus pandemic is the biggest global crisis since the events that sparked the creation of Bitcoin (BTC) in 2008, and is one that will also have long-lasting effects on the economy. World governments are taking unprecedented measures to cope with the economic fallout of the virus, namely through the third coronavirus relief bill, which was approved by the United States Congress earlier this month and constitutes the biggest stimulus package in the country’s history at $2.2 trillion. During the negotiations for the third emergency bill, one of the drafts submitted by House Democrats — the first version of the Take Responsibility for Workers and Families Act — caught the attention of the cryptosphere with mentions of a digital dollar, hinting at the creation of a U.S. central bank digital currency that could possibly be underlied by blockchain technology.  Crypto digital dollar vs the Fed’s digital dollar: Despite sharing the same name, these two versions of the digital dollar have many differences. While the Fed’s digital dollar would not use blockchain technology, the crypto digital dollar would place it at the heart of the project. It goes without saying that the Fed’s digital dollar would be centralized by design, while Giancarlo’s digital dollar aims to take another path. While there are arguments to be made for both cases, Giancarlo’s vision seems more aligned with that of Bitcoin advocates. It proposes a “government-sanctioned blockchain protocol,” one that would still allow for issuance to be controlled by the government but would ultimately involve more entities in the process, as the ledger would be maintained and administered by independent private entities.
April 8, 2020


2 Timothy 4:3-4: For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.

Joel Osteen Easter Sunday Service To Feature Kanye West, Mariah Carey, Tyler Perry

Although the pandemic’s social distancing protocols prevent large mass gatherings this Easter Sunday, Pastor Joel Osteen’s Lakewood megachurch has an all-star plan for the faithful. The virtual Easter Sunday service will feature Kanye West, Mariah Carey, and Tyler Perry, plus the Lakewood choir. The pre-taped program will air online and will be available to the public. Osteen told TMZ that Carey reached out to him about joining the service. Carey will perform her song Hero as a salute to first medical professionals and first responders working during the pandemic. “I have known Mariah from years past, and we’d talked about doing some things,” Osteen said. “They actually contacted us because she wanted to show some support and honor to the first responder… and do her part to bring hope and uplift the nation.” What Kanye West will do is unclear. He previously appeared at the church for an Osteen interview session last November. However, West’s Sunday Service has been a popular draw in its various incarnations around the country. Finally, filmmaker Tyler Perry, a past Lakewood church speaker, will address the church. Osteen did not reveal the subject matter.
April 8, 2020


“And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke 21:11) “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places “(Matthew 24:7) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation 6:8)

10:50 AM

12:02 PM


Israeli COVID-19 treatment shows 100% survival rate – preliminary data

China blocked US companies’ health supplies from reaching US – Trump weighing legal options

Corona hysteria doing more damage than epidemic

Bill Gates agrees to cooperate with South Korea on COVID-19 vaccine

How CDC Is Manipulating COVID-19 Death Toll

Six critically ill coronavirus patients in Israel who are considered high-risk for mortality have been treated with Pluristem’s placenta-based cell-therapy product and survived, according to preliminary data provided by the Haifa-based company. The patients were treated at three different Israeli medical centers for one week under the country’s compassionate use program and were suffering from acute respiratory failure and inflammatory complications associated with COVID-19. Four of the patients also demonstrated failure of other organ systems, including cardiovascular and kidney failure. Not only have all the patients survived, according to Pluristem, but four of them showed improvement in respiratory parameters and three of them are in the advanced stages of weaning from ventilators. Moreover, two of the patients with preexisting medical conditions are showing clinical recovery in addition to the respiratory improvement.
April 10, 2020

US confirms first case of H7N3 bird flu since 2017

The US Department of Agriculture on Thursday confirmed the country’s first case of virulent avian flu in commercial poultry since 2017. The agency found H7N3 avian influenza, a virulent or highly pathogenic strain, in a turkey flock in Chesterfield County, South Carolina, according to a statement. No human cases of the virus have been detected and there is no immediate public health concern, the USDA said. The worst-ever US outbreak of avian flu in 2014 and 2015 killed about 50 million birds, most of which were egg-laying hens in Iowa.
April 10, 2020

New, larger wave of locusts threatens millions in Africa

Weeks before the coronavirus spread through much of the world, parts of Africa were already threatened by another kind of plague, the biggest locust outbreak some countries had seen in 70 years. Now the second wave of the voracious insects, some 20 times the size of the first, is arriving. Billions of the young desert locusts are winging in from breeding grounds in Somalia in search of fresh vegetation springing up with seasonal rains. Millions of already vulnerable people are at risk. And as they gather to try to combat the locusts, often in vain, they risk spreading the virus — a topic that comes a distant second for many in rural areas.
April 10, 2020


Tropical Cyclone “Harold” aftermath: Widespread destruction across Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji and Tonga

Tropical Cyclone “Harold” lashed Tonga on Thursday, April 9, 2020, after leaving major destruction across the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, and Fiji. Harold is the first Category 5 severe tropical cyclone to form in the South Pacific basin since 2018 and so far the strongest storm of the 2019/20 South Pacific cyclone season. The storm demolished almost all tourist resorts in Tonga with winds of up to 260 km/h (162 mph). Harold intensified again into a Category 5 storm by early Thursday, April 9, leaving meteorologists surprised as forecasts initially showed that the storm’s strength was dropping. Prior to the storm’s arrival, the government had declared a state of emergency– the second time in a month, following a similar declaration for the global pandemic, COVID-19. Strong winds caused power disruptions in parts of the island, particularly the capital Nuku’alofa. Heavy rains caused extensive damage to vegetation as well. At least three tourist resorts in the north had been completely eradicated, according to the authorities.
April 9, 2020

Strong explosive eruption at Sheveluch volcano, ash to 10 km (33 000 feet) Russia

A strong explosive eruption took place at Sheveluch volcano, Kamchatka, Russia at 19:10 UTC on April 8, 2020. According to the Tokyo VAAC, volcanic ash column rose up to 10 km (33 000 feet) above sea level by 21:20 UTC, drifting SSE. Satellite data by KVERT showed an ash cloud was about 230 km (143 miles) SE of the volcano at 03:50 UTC. “Explosive-extrusive eruption of the volcano continues. Ash explosions up to 10 – 15 km (32 800 – 49 200 feet) a.s.l. could occur at any time. Ongoing activity could affect international and low-flying aircraft,” KVERT said in its latest VONA, released 04:12 UTC.
April 9, 2020

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