April 17, 2020- Tea party-style protests break out across the country against stay-at-home orders



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  US gives $5 million in coronavirus aid to Palestinian Authority

The Trump administration announced on Thursday that it will give the Palestinian Authority (PA) $5 million to help fight the coronavirus. “I am very pleased that the United States is providing $5 million for hospitals and Palestinians to meet the immediate and vital needs of the fight against COVID-19,” tweeted U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman. “The United States, as the largest donor of aid, pledged to help the Palestinian people, and others around the world, in this crisis,” he added. As of Thursday, 229 residents of the PA-administered areas of Judea and Samaria have been infected with the coronavirus and two have died, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry. In March 2018, the Senate passed the Taylor Force Act into law, which stops American financial support to the PA as long as it continues to pay salaries to convicted terrorists and deceased terrorists’ families. The State Department announced in September 2018 that the U.S. – the largest contributor to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), giving $350 million in annual aid – will make slash all funding to the agency until it stops supporting terror. Both the U.S. and Israel accuse UNRWA  of perpetuating the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by supporting a school curriculum that promotes anti-Semitism and hatred of Israel in its classrooms and for assisting terrorists.
April 17, 2020

 Rivlin sets August 4 as date for fourth elections if unity govt not formed

President Reuven Rivlin has set August 4 as the date for an unthinkable round of fourth elections should the Likud and Blue and White fail to form a unity government, as negotiations between the two sides was deadlocked Thursday night. Negotiations between the two parties have been stuck over the Likud’s demands to pass legislation to protect Netanyahu from possible rulings by the High Court of Justice which might invalidate him either as prime minister or later as deputy prime minister due to his criminal indictments. Rivlin’s office released a political timetable earlier on Thursday, laying out May 7 as the date by which an MK must be tasked by the Knesset with forming a government, May 8 as the date for informing the Knesset speaker as such, and August 4 as the date for the next election, allowing for a three month campaign. Despite the rapidly dwindling time for forming a government, Likud and Blue and White seemed no closer to a deal Thursday evening. If the talks fail, there is also little expectation that a single member of the Knesset will garner the 61 signatures needed of MKs to avoid another vote. In light of the impasse, Blue and White indicated that if no agreement is reached by Monday, the party will advance legislation to prevent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from serving as prime minister.
April 17, 2020


   Russia clashes with Europeans over Syria chemical weapons

Syria’s close ally Russia clashed with European nations in the U.N. Security Council on Wednesday over a report from the global chemical weapons watchdog blaming the Syrian air force for a series of attacks using sarin and chlorine on a rebel-held town in 2017. Moscow dismissed it as “baseless” and the Europeans demanded accountability for the government’s action. An investigative team of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons said in a 82-page report issued April 8 that the Syrian air force dropped bombs containing either chlorine or sarin on a hospital and open farmland in the central town of Latamneh, injuring over 70 people and killing at least three — a surgeon and two others. When the report came out, a Syrian Foreign Ministry official, quoted on state media, said “Syria condemns in the strongest terms what was stated in the report,” and “categorically denies that it used toxic gases in the town of Latamneh or in any other Syrian city or village.” Russia’s U.N. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia told the council that all of Syria’s chemical weapons were destroyed and accused the OPCW experts of “echoing baseless accusations” by some unnamed countries, “biases,” and preparing a report “without even the slightest traces of due diligence.”
April 16, 2020


  Tea party-style protests break out across the country against stay-at-home orders

Hundreds in Tel Aviv Turn Out Over Police Curbs on Protests During the Coronavirus Crisis

Across the U.S., protests against the stay-at-home orders health experts say are needed to save lives are taking place, with more set for the coming days. This week, about 100 protesters gathered outside the Ohio statehouse in Columbus to push for Republican Gov. Mike DeWine to reopen the state. In Raleigh, more than 100 demonstrators gathered to protest Democratic North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper’s stay-at-home order, where at least one protester was charged with violating the order. In New York, a few dozen people gathered Thursday outside the state Capitol to rally for returning to normal. Kentucky, Utah and Wyoming also saw similar. More events are scheduled for Pennsylvania, Virginia, Texas, Oregon, Idaho and Washington state. The largest took place in Michigan on Thursday, where police said between 3,000 and 4,000 people showed up at the state Capitol in Lansing to protest Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s extended and expanded stay-at-home order, which was signed into law last week. The stay-at-home measures have reignited — amidst a global pandemic — an age-old U.S. debate over government regulation vs. personal liberty. Across the country, states have implemented restrictive measures with the aim of saving lives.
April 16, 2020


Report: China may be testing nuclear weapons, US State Dept. says

A new arms-control report from the U.S. State Department raises concerns that the Chinese military has been conducting nuclear weapons tests in violation of an unratified international accord barring all nuclear tests. The coming report does not present proof that China has violated the “zero-yield” nuclear-weapons testing ban, but it does show patterns of activity that suggest nuclear testing is taking place. An executive summary of the report list notes extensive excavations at China’s Lop Nur test site, suggesting the construction of chambers to contain blasts. Such observations may suggest the development of nuclear weapons with very low explosive power. The central issue at the heart of the report concerns the 1996 Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty. While the treaty has not met the criteria for ratification, China and the U.S. have both claimed they are abiding by its terms. Another concerning trend said to be included in the State Department assessment is an interruption in the flow of radioactive and seismic data collected in monitoring stations in Chinese territory. The monitoring stations are part of an international network to provide data to prove compliance in the nuclear test ban agreement. The stations are to be maintained by the participating nations and have voluntarily shared data with the Vienna-based Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization.
April 15, 2020


  For The First Time Ever, The Fed Will Monetize Double The Total Treasury Issuance

While daytraders look transfixed at a stock market which continues to surge higher even as the US has lost around 22 million jobs in the past month alone, something far more nefarious is taking place behind the scenes: the Fed is nationalizing (or privatizing, depending on whether one views the Fed as a public, or a private – which it actually is – entity) the entire capital market at a pace unseen before in history. the current pace of weekly Treasury purchases is simply staggering, unparalleled by anything seen before in history. It’s not just the Fed: with QE officially back (and not in the cute “Not-QE” variant, but full blown global debt monetization), every single central bank is now actively injecting billions of liquidity into the stock market. At the peak in late March, the Fed was buying $75bn in Treasuries every day, and we are now down to “only” $30bn per day” These enormous Fed purchases combined with rates moving sideways in recent weeks make you wonder where 10-year rates would have been if the Fed had not intervened. As the Fed gradually steps away over the coming weeks, and Treasury issuance continues to increase to finance the fiscal stimulus, the market will be focusing more and more on demand and supply in the US Treasury market. And as we ride into the sunset of US monetary supremacy and into the gaping chasm of economic, financial and fiscal turmoil now that helicopter money has been unleashed without anyone apparently realizing what has just happened, we highlight the following chart, also from Slok, which lays out succinctly what it now takes to avoid a full-blown fiscal crisis: a Fed which is monetizing twice the Treasury’s net issuance.
April 17, 2020


    Airline conducts COVID-19 blood tests on passengers

How Coronavirus Is Eroding Privacy

One airline is now administering blood tests to passengers before they board flights amid the coronavirus pandemic, it announced on Wednesday. Emirates said this week that on a Wednesday flight to Tunisia from Dubai, passengers “were all tested for COVID-19” before departing by way of blood tests conducted by the Dubai Health Authority at the airport’s check-in area, and “results were available within 10 minutes.” Emirates called itself the first airline to conduct on-site rapid COVID-19 tests on its passengers. These blood tests are in addition to other precautions the airline has taken, such as requiring passengers to wear masks. CNN notes that “serology (blood) tests aren’t meant to diagnose active coronavirus infections,” but they “check for proteins in the immune system, known as antibodies, through a blood sample,” and “their presence means a person was exposed to the virus and developed antibodies against it.” But this, CNN also observes, may be “a sign of what the future holds for air travelers,” while NPR describes it as potentially “a step toward making air travel palatable to the public again.” The airline is hoping to expand this practice, as Emirates Chief Operating Officer Adel Al Redha said in a statement, “We are working on plans to scale up testing capabilities in the future and extend it to other flights.”
April 16, 2020

‘New globalization should secure its benefits and cure its ills’

Matthew Rooney, the Managing Director of the George W. Bush Institute, says that globalization of the American economy is the answer to coronavirus, and shouldn’t been seen as the problem. “Our top priority must be the health and safety of our families, our neighbors, and our national community”, Rooney wrote in an op-ed published on the Institute’s website, “We must be prepared to do what it takes to “flatten the curve” of infection, and to spend what it takes to prevent economic collapse”. “But when the crisis is over”, he writes, “and we have defeated the virus and people are back at work and we are all able to go out for dinner again, we must be ready to come together around a new strategy for globalization that secures its benefits and cures its ills”. Rooney concludes: “It will take American leadership and political will, but we know what needs to be done and have successfully met greater challenges in the past”.
April 17, 2020

Libra overhauls core parts of its digital currency vision

The Facebook-led digital currency project Libra has announced a drastic downgrading of the scope of its initial vision, overhauling several elements of the project in an attempt to placate global regulators. On Thursday, the 22-strong Libra Association, which lost a flurry of high-profile members last year over concerns that the initiative might hurt monetary stability or facilitate money-laundering, unveiled a substantially diminished “Libra 2.0”, designed to appease wary regulators. It added that it was still aiming to launch by the end of 2020.  In particular, the association outlined plans to offer a set of digital versions of single currencies, such as a Libra dollar or a Libra euro, that would be fully backed one to one by cash or cash equivalents, plus support from a capital buffer. It also said it would support central bank digital currencies, as central banks continue to circle the space.  The shift follows a backlash from US watchdogs over its initial proposals to create a synthetic coin backed by a basket of currencies, which prompted concerns about foreign exchange risks and raised questions as to how such a basket would be weighted. Libra said it was still aiming to create a “multi-coin currency”, though this would be a “digital composite” of some of its existing single-currency coins.
April 16, 2020


“And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke 21:11) “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places “(Matthew 24:7) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation 6:8)



 Evidence points back to Wuhan lab, not wet market, as source of COVID-19, Fox News reports

Lawsuit against China bolstered by evidence virus leaked from lab

Chinese Coronavirus Is a Man Made Virus According to Luc Montagnier the Man Who Discovered HIV

Anthony Fauci joins Bill Gates in calling for “digital certificates” of coronavirus immunity

Mutation strain from India could kill current research efforts for coronavirus vaccine: report

“There is increasing confidence that COVID-19 likely originated in a Wuhan laboratory,” Fox News’ Bret Baier reported on Wednesday evening. The news reinvigorates early theories that the coronavirus pandemic began in a Wuhan lab. Sources told Fox News that evidence points to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, based on “classified and open-source documents and evidence.” The Daily Mail similarly reported that “The Wuhan lab was originally set up with assistance from the French and American governments, but in recent years the Chinese have rebuffed international assistance there and tried to prove their ability to work independently.” Safety procedures were sloppy at the lab. U.S. Embassy officials warned in January 2018 about poor safety protocols, noting in particular risky studies linked with coronavirus pathogens in bats, The Washington Post reported on Wednesday. The Fox report noted that the sources stressed that the intelligence isn’t definite. “Some inside the administration and the intelligence and epidemiological communities are more skeptical, and the investigation is continuing,” the report said. Until now, it was generally accepted that a wet market located a few miles from the lab, where exotic creatures are sold for human consumption, was the source of the disease. Bats in particular were to blame. However, the wet market in Wuhan that was pinpointed, the Huanan Wholesale Seafood Market, didn’t sell bats. Sources told Fox News that the Chinese government blamed the wet market “to deflect blame from the laboratory.” It might be the “costliest government coverup of all time,” one source told Fox News.
April 16, 2020


Worst Megadrought in Centuries Emerging in U.S., Scientists Warn

Climatologists have been predicting megadrought in the western United States and northern Mexico but it seems to have already begun, scientists suggest in Science on Thursday. While the combination of natural circumstances could have caused a megadrought at this time anyway, this one – exacerbated by global warming – could be the worst in thousands of years, the team warns. The study by Park Williams, Edward Cook, Jason Smerdon, Kasey Bolles and Seung Hun Baek, of Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory; John Abatzoglou of the University of Idaho; and Andrew Badger and Ben Livneh of the University of Colorado, Boulder, is based on weather observations, tree-ring data going back 1,200 years and dozens of climate models. “Earlier studies were largely model projections of the future,” Williams says. “We’re no longer looking at projections, but at where we are now. We now have enough observations of current drought and tree-ring records of past drought to say that we’re on the same trajectory as the worst prehistoric droughts.” The new study is based on dendrochronological data from thousands of trees in nine U.S. states, from Oregon and Montana down through California and New Mexico, and part of northern Mexico, starting 1,200 years ago. The researchers detected the four megadroughts lasting decades: in the late ninth century, 12th century, 13th century and 16th century. As for the drought conditions today, the team didn’t need tree rings: we have records going back to 1901. They calculated drought severity from 2000 to 2018 using a soil-moisture model.
April 16, 2020


   Forecasters predict a very active 2020 Atlantic hurricane season

The Atlantic hurricane season is likely to be very active, fueled by very warm ocean temperatures in the tropics, according to several forecasts including a report released April 16 by The Weather Channel. A total of 18 named storms — nine of them hurricanes — are predicted in the season starting June 1, according to the Atlanta-based weather forecasting company, which is owned by IBM. That’s higher than the seasonal average of 12 named storms, including six hurricanes, determined by the U.S. National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration. Four of the hurricanes forecast by the Weather Channel are expected to be “major hurricanes” of Category 3 or higher, with sustained winds of at least 178 kilometers per hour (111 miles per hour). Other researchers have also predicted above-normal activity for the year, including forecasters at Colorado State University in Fort Collins and the University of Arizona in Tucson, as well as a consortium of risk experts known as Tropical Storm Risk at University College London.
April 16, 2020

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