April 6, 2015- Egypt is Preparing for War with Israel says Nuclear Scientist


Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436 fjdimora@gmail.com

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 1, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.


Headline:   Palestinian Authority rejects Israel tax transfer

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas says he has refused to accept hundreds of millions of dollars of tax revenues unfrozen by Israel. Mr Abbas says he returned the money because Israel deducted a third to cover unpaid Palestinian utility debts. He has threatened to take Israel to the International Criminal Court (ICC) unless the full amount is released. Israel collects taxes on behalf of the Palestinian Authority (PA), but suspended payments in January. It froze the transfers in protest at the Palestinians joining the ICC. Palestinian membership began on 1 April, giving them the option to pursue Israel for alleged war crimes. Israel says it has deducted the cost of unpaid services provided to the Palestinian population, including electricity, water and hospital bills. The government made the decision to restart payments two weeks ago but warned at the time that it would make deductions from the transfer. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said at the time Israel would resume payments partly out of “humanitarian considerations”, adding the “deteriorating situation in the Middle East” and rise of extremists required him to “act responsibly and judiciously”. Speaking at a rally in Ramallah, President Abbas demanded the tax revenues in full. “We are returning the money. Either they give it to us in full or we go to arbitration or to the ICC. We will not accept anything else.”
April 6, 2015


Psalm 83 Foto Flexer bb_thumb2.jpg

Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83) 


Headline:   One militant dead in Army clashes near border

The Lebanese Army killed one Islamist militant and arrested another overnight Sunday during a foiled infiltration attempt into Lebanese territory. One Syrian gunman, Khalil Ahmad, was gunned down by soldiers while another Syrian, Ahmad Hasan, was taken in to custody after a “militant group” attempted to cross into Lebanese territory via the northeastern border, the Army said in a statement Sunday. The militants encountered the Lebanese Army after entering Lebanon from the outskirts of the northeastern border town of Arsal. The statement did not mention the number of militants in the group. The suspect in custody confessed to belonging to one of the terrorist groups stationed across the Lebanese-Syrian border, the statement added. But the Army did not disclose weather he was a member of ISIS or the Nusra Front.
April 5, 2015


Saudi-ArabiaSaudi Arabia

Headline: Pakistan says Saudi asked for warplanes, warships and soldiers

Saudi Arabia has asked Pakistan for military aircraft, warships and soldiers, Pakistani Defence Minister Khawaja Asif said on Monday, at the start of a parliamentary debate on whether Pakistan should get involved in a Saudi-led campaign in Yemen. Saudi Arabia, the Gulf’s main Sunni Muslim power, has asked Sunni-majority Pakistan to join a Saudi-led military coalition that began conducting air strikes last month against largely Shi’ite Houthi forces in Yemen. Sharif has hedged his bets. He has repeatedly said he will defend any threat to Saudi Arabia’s “territorial integrity” without defining what threat, or what action. “Saudi Arabia has asked for combat planes, warships and soldiers,” Asif said, without specifying where Saudi wanted them deployed. Arif Rafiq, a Washington-based adjunct scholar with the Middle East Institute, said earlier Pakistan was hoping to satisfy Saudi expectations at a “minimal” level. “They’re unlikely to be part of any meaningful action inside Yemen,” he told Reuters. “Maybe they will reinforce the border.”
April 6, 2015


Headline: Saudi policeman killed during raid in eastern province

A Saudi policeman was shot dead and three were wounded during a raid which devolved into a gun battle in the eastern Saudi city of Awamiya on Sunday, state news agency SPA said. “An exchange of fire led to the injury of Corporal Majid bin Turki al-Qahtani, and his death after being taken to hospital – may God have mercy on him and accept him as a martyrs – and wounded three security men, a citizen, and a (foreign) resident,” with moderate wounds, SPA said. The agency said forces undertook the search against “terrorist elements” and retrieved automatic weapons, pistols and communication equipment. It added that four Saudis were arrested after the firefight for targeting the officers. Tension is growing in the country’s oil-rich Eastern province, one of the main centres of the Shiite community in majority Sunni Muslim Saudi Arabia, as neighboring Yemen, Iraq and Syria contend with violent sectarian conflict.
April 6, 2015



Headline:  Militants attack church and police in Egypt, one policeman dead

Islamist militants hit Egypt’s two largest cities on Sunday with a bombing in Cairo and an attack on a church in Alexandria, leaving one policeman dead and seven people wounded, security sources said. In a separate incident, the leader of a militant group that has targeted police and soldiers around the capital was killed in a firefight with security forces early on Sunday, the interior ministry said. A bomb explosion on a bridge leading to the upscale Cairo district of Zamalek, which hosts many embassies, killed one policeman, the interior ministry said. Two more officers and a civilian were injured. The force of the bomb, which the sources said was planted in or near a car, left a shallow crater and pools of blood on the 15 May Bridge. In Alexandria, militants in a micro bus shot at the Church of the Angel Rafael, wounding one police officer and three civilians before fleeing, security sources said. On Saturday, two bombs exploded near a police station in the residential Imbaba district across the Nile River from Zamalek, causing no casualties.
April 5, 2015


Headline: ‘Egypt is Preparing for War with Israel’

Noha Hashad (51), an Egyptian nuclear scientist who fled the Nile state in 2011 after her support of Israel made her a target for torture over many long years, has exposed troubling insights regarding Egypt’s military buildup in the Sinai Peninsula, as it fights terrorist organizations there. Speaking to Israel Hayom‘s Emily Amrousi from her new home in Haifa, Hashad was asked to give her take about Egypt’s actions in Sinai, where the Egyptian army has been fighting radical groups such as Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, a group that recently swore allegiance to Islamic State (ISIS). “That’s all for show,” appraised Hashad. “In the race for the presidency, Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis supported (President Abdel Fattah) al-Sisi, who isn’t really fighting them.” The nuclear scientist warned “Egypt is preparing for war with Israel. It armed and trained Hamas in Gaza. Whoever knows Arabic can hear the heads of Egyptian military intelligence talk about wide canals that open up between Israel and Egypt that will be used at the appropriate time.” The warning echoes appraisals by Col. (res.) Dr. Shaul Shay, former deputy head of the Israel National Security Council, who wrote in Israel Defense last December that the “Badr 2014” military maneuver, its largest in decades, was meant to prepare for “a potential conflict with Israel.”
April 6, 2015





Headline:  Yemen conflict: Houthi rebels make gains in Aden

Yemen’s Shia Houthi rebels have made more gains in the city of Aden, despite air strikes by a Saudi-led coalition. Fighting in the southern city has intensified as rebels and forces loyal to President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi battle for control. On Sunday, the rebels advanced further into the city, bombarding residential areas and setting fire to several buildings, AFP reports. Many residents have become trapped in their homes because of the fighting. At least 185 people have been killed and 1,282 injured in Aden since 26 March, health department director Al-Kheder Lassouar said. The toll does not include rebel casualties or victims of air raids, he added. The UN says 500 have been killed over the past two weeks.
April 5, 2015


Headline: Saudi Arabia set to raze empty villages on Yemen border

Saudi Arabia will raze 96 deserted border villages to prevent their use by infiltrators from neighboring Yemen, where the kingdom is leading air strikes on rebels, a report said Sunday. Ten villages have already been demolished since a Saudi-led military coalition began air strikes on Shiite Houthi rebels on March 26, the Saudi-owned Al-Hayat newspaper reported. It cited the border guard chief in the area, Hassan Aqili, as saying that the move was to prevent the empty houses from turning into “a safe haven for traffickers and infiltrators”. The 15,000 inhabitants were resettled following a 2009-2010 conflict that saw Houthi rebels cross into Saudi Arabia from their stronghold in northern Yemen. The same rebels forced Yemeni President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi to flee the country to Saudi Arabia last month as they swept towards his southern refuge in Aden after seizing power in the capital. Three Saudi border guards have been shot dead by gunfire from within Yemen since Riyadh launched air raids against the Iran-backed rebels.
April 5, 2015


Headline:   Al Qaeda in Yemen expanding footprint amid chaos, giving guidance to al-Shabaab

Al Qaeda’s Yemen affiliate is expanding its footprint amid the chaos in the country and now providing guidance to the Somalia terror group that claimed responsibility for last week’s deadly terror attack at a university, an intelligence source told Fox News. The warning underscores the growing threat posed by Al Qaeda in Yemen at a time when the advance of Shiite rebels has effectively created a power vacuum in the country, with the unrest stalling what had been a robust U.S. counterterrorism operation there. The intelligence source told Fox News that the affiliate is providing guidance to Somalia’s al-Shabaab on how major plots — like the attack at Garissa University College in Kenya that killed nearly 150 people — can support their regional ambitions. The intelligence source said Al Qaeda in Yemen is providing guidance and fighters, and sharing bomb-making techniques that account for the more sophisticated vehicle-borne explosive devices now being recovered in the region.
April 6, 2015


    Damascus ISIS
Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan


Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan

ISIS Syria_March 31 2015

Syria Headline:   ISIS in Syria Update: March 31, 2015

-ISIS Consolidates Defensive Posture Near Ayn al-Arab

-ISIS Maintains Pressure on YPG Forces in Western Hasaka Province

-ISIS Enhances Security Measures in Eastern Deir ez-Zour

-ISIS Assaults the Syrian Regime in Central Syria

-ISIS Builds Presence in the Damascus Countryside

-ISIS Tests Rebel Unity in Aleppo

April 1, 2015

Syria Headline:   Islamic State Seizes Palestinian Refugee Camp in Syria

Syria Headline:   Hamas-linked group in Yarmouk to force out ISIL

Islamic State militants have seized most of a sprawling Palestinian refugee district in the southern part of the Syrian capital, Damascus, an area that has been under siege and bombardment for nearly two years already, according to Palestinian and United Nations officials and residents. The officials called for quick action by international organizations, the Syrian government and all armed groups to head off an unfolding catastrophe. Reports of killings and even beheadings were beginning to circulate on Saturday, worsening what is already a longstanding humanitarian nightmare for the 18,000 residents of the Yarmouk refugee camp. By seizing much of the camp, the Islamic State terrorist group, also known as ISIS or ISIL, made its greatest inroads yet into Damascus, a significant step for a group that rose largely in the northern and eastern provinces of Syria, far from the capital. Yet at the same time, the move suggests that as the Islamic State loses ground in Iraq and northeastern Syria, the most daring response it could muster on the ground was to attack one of the most vulnerable populations in Syria.
April 6, 2015



Syria Headline:   Islamic State Blows Up Church in Syria on Easter Sunday

Terrorists from the Islamic State group have reportedly blown up a church in northeastern Syria on Easter Sunday. The 80-year-old Church of the Virgin Mary in Tel Nasri, an Assyrian village in Syria’s Hassaka province, was destroyed by the terror group, no deaths or injuries were reported, Reuters said, citing a report by the Syrian State News Agency (SANA). Assyrian Christian and Kurdish militia have been battling the Islamic State in the region. In February, the Islamic State abducted hundreds of Assyrian Christians from their villages in northeastern Syria. Meanwhile in Iraq, hundreds of thousands of Assyrian Christians and other minority groups have been persecuted and driven from their homes in northern Iraq as a result of the Islamic State. The terror group has also destroyed numerous churches and antiquities in Iraq as part of an effort to erase Iraq’s non-Islamic past. Assyrian Christian groups recently spearheaded an effort asking that UN missions from various countries call on the UN Security Council to issue a resolution against Islamic State’s persecution of minorities and to take tangible steps to save those vulnerable groups.
April 6, 2015


Syria Headline:   ISW Syria Situation Report March 24-31, 2015


Syria Headline:   Control of Terrain in Syria: March 31, 2015


Syria Headline:   Syrian Observatory for Human Rights




Iraq Headline: 30 killed in airstrike, clashes with IS militants in Iraq

A total of 30 people were killed and 27 others wounded on Monday in a U.S.-led coalition airstrike and clashes with the Islamic State (IS) militants in Iraq, security source said. In Salahudin province, 13 IS militants, including foreign fighters, were killed when the security forces repelled an attack by dozens of IS militants on military positions near the village of Mazraa, just south of the refinery town of Baiji. Also in the province, a total of eight security members were killed and 13 others wounded in separate clashes in west of the city of Samarra, about 120 km north of Baghdad, in Allas oil field near the town of Alam. In Iraq’s western province of Anbar, a U.S.-led airstrike hit a group of IS militants on a bridge in south of the IS-held city of Fallujah, some 50 km west of Baghdad, leaving nine militants killed and 14 others wounded, along with destroying part of the bridge, a provincial security source anonymously told Xinhua.
April 6, 2015


Iraq Headline:   ISW Iraq Situation Report April 2-3, 2015


Iraq Headline:   ISW Control of Terrain in Iraq: April 3, 2015


Kurdish Headline: Al Qaeda kidnaps 300 Syrian Kurds – Kurdish official

Al Qaeda’s official Syrian wing, the Nusra Front, kidnapped 300 Kurdish men in the country’s north, a Kurdish official in Syria said on Monday. Idris Nassan, an official in the Kobani canton, said the men were taken on Sunday evening as they were travelling from the town of Afrin, which is under Kurdish control, to the cities of Aleppo and the capital Damascus. “They left women and children but they kidnapped 300 men and young people,” he said. “They captured them in Tuqad village, 20 kilometres west of Aleppo and then they moved them to al-Dana town in Idlib province,” he said. The Nusra Front has not claimed the kidnapping. Syrian state media did not report the incident. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group, which tracks the conflict from Britain, said Kurds were kidnapped but it was not clear how many.
April 6, 2015


rise of ISIS

ISIS sancuarty

Headline:  ISIS Sanctuary: April 3, 2015

ISIS lost control over central Tikrit following an offensive by the ISF and allied forces with the support of coalition airstrikes. Tikrit was announced captured by the government on April 1, 2015, and PM Abadi, ISF commanders, and local government officials have toured the city center. Since that time, clashes have not been reported in the city and reports that looting of homes is taking place further indicates that combat operations in Tikrit have ceased. The areas immediately surrounding Tikrit likely remain an ISIS attack zone, however. Meanwhile, ISIS intensified its military campaign in central and western Syria. Over the past month, ISIS launched a series of successful hit-and-run attacks against regime checkpoints, military facilities, and oil installations throughout eastern Homs and Hama Provinces, including several villages along the regime supply route to Aleppo city. ISIS counterbalanced these operations with consistent pressure along frontlines in Ayn al-Arab (Kobani) canton and Hasaka Province meant to dissuade further Kurdish advances into core ISIS terrain. ISIS also reasserted its presence in southern Damascus city, advancing into the Yarmouk Camp district after heavy clashes with rebel forces. The nature of these offensives suggests that ISIS seeks to shape conditions for future territorial gains in the Syrian central corridor while bolstering its narrative of victory following losses in northern Syria and Iraq.
April 3, 2015


Psalm 83Ezekiel

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia. 

RussiaRussia   war_thumb_thumb.jpg

Headline:  Nine government soldiers killed in three incidents in east Ukraine

Nine Ukrainian soldiers were killed in three separate incidents over the weekend in the country’s east, the latest breach of a fragile ceasefire organized by international powers earlier this year. Two soldiers were killed in the government-controlled port city of Mariupol when their vehicle struck a mine, and four others died in Schastye, near the rebel bastion of Luhansk close to the Russian border. Ukraine’s interior ministry released a statement saying the four were killed by an anti-tank rocket fired by a pro-Russian separatists as their vehicle crossed a bridge. On Saturday three other government soldiers were killed in a mine blast near the rebel stronghold of Donetsk. The incidents join other isolated breaches of a February ceasefire organized in Minsk, Belarus, by leaders of Ukraine, Russia, Germany and France.
April 5, 2015



Headline: Iran ‘is intensifying efforts to support Hamas in Gaza’

Iran has sent Hamas’s military wing tens of millions of dollars to help it rebuild the network of tunnels in Gaza destroyed by Israel’s invasion last summer, intelligence sources have told The Sunday Telegraph. It is also funding new missile supplies to replenish stocks used to bombard residential neighbourhoods in Israel during the war, code-named Operation Protective Edge by Israel. The renewed funding is a sign that the two old allies are putting behind them a rift caused by the conflict in Syria, where Shia Iran is backing President Bashar al-Assad against Hamas’s mainly Sunni allies. Iran has sponsored Hamas’s military operations for years, despite the contradiction that Hamas is part of the worldwide, Sunni-supremacist Muslim Brotherhood, while Iran is Shia. Hamas’s leader, Khaled Meshaal, who left Damascus for Qatar after falling out with the Assad regime, has often fought with Hamas’s military wing over the strength of the Iranian connection. However, with the Sunni Arab world joining forces against Iran, led by Saudi Arabia and President Abdelfattah el-Sisi of Egypt, who are both hostile to Hamas, the Palestinian militant group has been left little option but to accept the Iranian largesse. At the same time, Iran’s overseas operations arm, the Al-Quds force, led by its charismatic general Qassem Suleimani, has been consolidating a broad hold over the Middle East.
April 4, 2015


Headline: Iran’s Revolutionary Guards said ‘preparing for war’ in case deal collapses

Headline: Outline of Iran Nuclear Deal Sounds Different From Each Side

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards “are preparing for war” in the event that negotiations to turn Thursday’s framework nuclear agreement into a binding deal by June 30 collapse, an Israeli TV report said Sunday night, citing Arab intelligence agencies. The Israeli Channel 10 report said Arab intelligence agencies have warned “France, the UK and the US” that the Revolutionary Guards fear Iran could face a military strike should the talks break down, and that the Guards are ready to close the Strait of Hormuz and take other unspecified measures. The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that the US was working as recently as January on improving its biggest bunker buster bombs in case they were needed for strikes on Iran’s nuclear facilities. The Sunday Israeli TV report highlighted the major discrepancies that have emerged between the US and Iran since the framework agreement was announced on Thursday, raising the concern that the non-binding understandings reached to date will fall apart and the negotiations collapse. A little over a month ago, the Revolutionary Guards held large-scale naval and air defense drills near the Strait of Hormuz — a strategic Gulf waterway, through which one fifth of the world’s oil passes — in which dozens of speedboats swarmed a replica of a US aircraft carrier. State TV showed footage of missiles fired from the coast and fast boats striking the mock US aircraft carrier. The late February drill also included shooting down a drone and planting undersea mines.
April 5, 2015







Headline:   Today’s Afghanistan News April 5, 2015 ***clicking on the underlined section will take you to each news story

There is considerable confusion about the current state of the Taliban and the prospects for peace talks. Yesterday, NBC reported that Mullah Omar is preparing to enter peace talks, with an implication that Pakistan is sincere in saying that it will no longer harbor the Afghan Taliban and that this may have driven him to negotiations.

Today, however, Khaama reports that he may be deador in any event has delegated authority to Akhtar Mohammad Mansoor; and that the Taliban may have split into three factions, perhaps because of his death. Another possibility is that Pakistan, which has obviously been harboring him, now has him in custody and has incapacitated him.

It is unclear whether all this bodes well or ill for the prospects for peace. Certainly the emergence of factions which no longer answer to Omar or his successors means that a comprehensive peace is not possible. Leaders who have adopted the Islamic State brand are apparently responsible for the kidnapping of 31 Hazaras in February. Meanwhile, a high level of violence continues.

A bomb kills 7 people in Logar.

A bomb near a police station in Kundoz injures 10.

Explosion in Helmand injures 3 soldiers and 3 civilians.

On Thursday, a suicide bomb attack on a protest in Khost killed 17 and injured dozens. Since then, the death toll has risen to 20 and the National Directorate of Security says the Haqqani network was responsible.

A sticky bomb injures an attorney in Kundoz.

100 insurgents storm police outposts in Farah, leading to death of 5 police, 4 militants and a clergyman. Communications in the area were also knocked out by damage to a radio tower.

Motorcycle bomb in Baghlan kills 4, injures 5.

Teachers at Nangarhar university go on strike  because money intended for their salaries was stolen by gunmen on the Kabul-Jalalabad highway, and evidently they have not been paid

Former member of a provincial council in southern Ghazni is injured by a would-be assassin.






Headline: Islamic State Claims Responsibility for Deadly Suicide Bombing in Libya

The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing Sunday that killed at least six people — including several women and children — at a security checkpoint near the Libyan city of Misrata. At least 21 people were injured in the attack, according to LANA News Agency, an outlet affiliated with the Libyan government in Tripoli. According to AFP, the Islamic State’s Al-Bayan radio identified the bomber as a Sudanese man named Abu Dujana. Misrata, the site of the bombing Sunday, is located about 150 miles northwest of Sirte, a coastal city that has seen numerous skirmishes between Islamic State affiliates and Dawn of Libya forces. At least 11 oil fields in the area have been shut down due to Islamic State attacks. Groups pledging allegiance to Islamic State also took credit for a suicide bombing last month at a Tripoli police station, as well as a series of suicide bombings in Benghazi. Dawn of Libya’s Misrata-based 166 brigade is currently working to oust the Islamic State from positions in and around Sirte. Brigade commander Mohammed Hassan told VICE News his forces launched an attack Saturday night that killed a number of Islamic State fighters, including foreigners from Tunisia and Mauritania. The 166 brigade has imposed a curfew on the city and asked residents to stay away from areas where clashes have been taking place, Hassan added. On Sunday, the internationally recognized government launched airstrikes against Dawn of Libya sites near Tripoli, an air force defense official told Reuters, but no deaths or injuries were reported.
April 5, 2015


nation against nation 3CooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline: Kenya bombs Somalia al-Shabab bases after Garissa attack

Kenyan fighter jets have bombed positions of militant Islamist group al-Shabab in neighbouring Somalia, a military spokesman has told the BBC. The warplanes had targeted two camps in the Gedo region, used by al-Shabab to cross into Kenya, the spokesman added. This is Kenya’s first response to the al-Shabab assault which left 148 people dead at Garissa University last week. President Uhuru Kenyatta had vowed to respond to the attack “in the severest way possible”. Kenyan army spokesman David Obonyo told the BBC that the military had responded to “threats” by launching the air strikes on Sunday night in the remote region. Two camps had been destroyed, he said, adding: “The bombings are part of the continued process and engagement against al-Shabab, which will go on.”
April 6, 2015


Headline: Boko Haram militants kill 7 civilians in Chadian village

At least seven civilians have been killed when members of the Nigeria-based Boko Haram militant group launched an attack against a village in neighboring Chad. Dimouya Souapebe, the deputy prefect of Baga Solan region, said Boko Haram extremists on Friday ambushed people on their way to a market in Tchoukou Telia near Lake Chad, which borders Chad, Nigeria, Niger and Cameroon. He said some of the victims had their throats slit, while others had succumbed to fatal gunshot wounds. Improvised explosive devices were later discovered along the road between Tchoukou Telia and Ngouboua, which lies close to the border with Nigeria and has come under Boko Haram attacks in recent weeks. The report comes as the leaders of Central and West African countries plan to hold a summit in an effort to come up with a common strategy to counter the threat posed by Boko Haram.
April 6, 2015







Cooltextprophecysign Pestilence & Plagues Luke 21:11 & Revelation 6:8 “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation)

Headline: Drug-resistant strain of infectious illness hits U.S.

A drug-resistant strain of the food-borne bacteria Shigella has made its way to the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reportreleased Friday. The bacteria causes Shigellosis, a diarrhea-inducing intestinal infection that can vary in severity and infects approximately 500,000 people in the U.S. every year. The disease comes with a host of unpleasant symptoms, including acute muscle cramping, nausea and vomiting. Typically, the disease resolves itself within a week for those in otherwise good health, and the antimicrobial drug ciprofloxacin is recommended to alleviate the symptoms and shorten the duration of illness. The multi-drug resistant bacteria has shown itself to be immune to ciprofloxacin, and has infected at least 243 people in the U.S. throughout the past year. Just over 20% of patients had to be hospitalized.
April 3, 2015


Headline: Fleas test positive for plague near Flagstaff

Coconino County officials are taking precautions after finding fleas collected in Picture Canyon northeast of Flagstaff have tested positive for plague. The Arizona Daily Sun reported Friday that the County Public Health Services District is conducting additional tests and disinfecting prairie dog burrows. Public health officials collected the fleas around trails in the popular hiking area after noticing some prairie dogs dying off. The positive test is the first sign of plague activity in the county since last September in Doney Park. Officials are advising residents to take precautions such as using insect repellent and to avoid handling sick or dead animals. Symptoms of plague appear within two to six days after initial exposure. They can include fever, chills, swollen lymph glands and muscle pain.
April 5, 2015









March 31, 2015 – Large die off of blackbirds near Picher in Oklahoma, America

April 1, 2015 – Major fish kill found in a canal in Portmore, Jamaica

April 1, 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish wash up along Elizabeth river in Virginia, America

April 1, 2015 – Dead fish washing ashore for the past week in Lake Parsippany in New Jersey, America

April 1, 2015 – 75,000 birds dead after heavy rains in Chimborazo, Ecuador

April 2, 2015 – Thousands of ‘blue button jellyfish’ wash ashore on Pensacola Beach, Florida

April 2, 2015 – 53,000 turkeys to be killed due to avian flu in South Dakota, America

April 2, 2015 – Fish kill in Wascana Lake in Regina, Canada

April 2, 2015 – Die off of sea birds along Seward City coast Alaska, America

April 3, 2015 – Thousands of dead fish found floating off Lantau Island, China

April 3, 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found in Bethlehem Township pond in Pennsylvania, America

April 3, 2015 – Fish kill found in La Cienaga dam in Argentina

April 4, 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found in the Tonto River in Mexico

April 5, 2015 – Masses of dead fish found in mangroves in Santos, Brazil

April 6, 2015 – Thousands of dead fish found in the Tagus River in Portugal

April 6, 2015 – 12,000 birds killed due to avian flu in North Brabant, Netherlands

April 6, 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found floating in the Kali Bein in India

April 6, 2015 – Massive fish kill in Kolleru Lake in India

April 6, 2015 – Geese dead due to avian flu in Taiwan, China

    Luke 21-25 signs in heavenCooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes


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