Food stamp program saying goodbye in New Mexico?/Drought killing crops/The Lord blesses Israel with water/Decline of America/No dividing Jerusalem will lead to war! /France under the Lord’s curse/Earthquakes/June 2, 2011


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Are you really searching to know the truth?

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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Earlier today I wrote to you about the decline of America.  This next report did not catch my eye until later today.  In my book I give you the stats on the number of people forced to use the food stamp program.  I warned you that the states are running out of funds to feed those who have lost their jobs and are down on their luck.  I warned this is going to be a major problem, one that could and will in my mind lead to even more violence as people who have become desperate turn to crime to feed themselves. Look what New Mexico is about to do!

"New Mexico will end a food stamp supplement for elderly and disabled residents, according to the Associated Press. The cuts come just as Congress is considering cuts to the food stamp program even as a record-high amount of people are receiving the benefits. The AP reports that the Human Services Department will stop the supplement on July 1 because there is no money in the state budget for the program. The program cost half a million dollars last fiscal year.

Federal law requires that those who receive food stamps receive at least $16 a month. New Mexico currently provides at least $25 a month for those who qualify for food stamps. On a federal level, ABC News reported that Congress is considering spending $2 billion less on food stamps than President Barack Obama says in his version of the budget."

"A record number of Americans — about 14 percent — now rely on the federal government’s food stamps program and its rapid expansion in recent years has become a politically explosive topic. More than 44.5 million Americans received SNAP benefits in March, an 11 percent increase from one year ago and nearly 61 percent higher than the same time four years ago".  America is falling apart and people are not ready for what is coming.  President Obama is doing a great job if you are rating him as how fast he is bringing down America!  All I can say to everyone in America is this, Pray this the US because she is about to collapse, which will shock the world right into the empire of the Antichrist.

Prophecy Sign: In Rev. 9:21, different translations have different words in this verse; some say “magic arts” others say “sorceries”.  In all translations, the Greek word is Pharmakeia, meaning the use or administering of drugs from which our word pharmacy comes.  We see from this that in the last days, there will be an increase in drug use.  Since we already know that this last generation is to be like Noah's generation, which was full of sin and ungodly acts.  Put two and two together and you come up with a losing senario concerning drug use in the last days.  I am sure as time goes on more states and more nations will change the laws concerning drug us in order to make an attempt to take the drug money away from the cartels.  In any case the end result will be just as Jesus showed us in Rev. 9:21. 

"A high-level international panel slammed the war on drugs as a failure Thursday and called on governments to undertake experiments to decriminalize the use of drugs, especially marijuana, to undermine the power of organized crime. Compiled by the Global Commission on Drug Policy, the report concludes that criminalization and repressive measures have failed with devastating consequences for individuals and societies around the world.

"Political leaders and public figures should have the courage to articulate publicly what many of them acknowledge privately: that the evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates that repressive strategies will not solve the drug problem, and that the war on drugs has not, and cannot, be won," the report said."

 While I am on the subject of drugs look at what Jesus wrote to us. "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold" Matthew 24:12. This is what has happened in Mexico as the drug wars get out of hand.

"Mexico's southern border awash in crime and violence If the border that separates the United States and Mexico is fairly easy to penetrate, then Mexico's other border – the southern one, abutting Guatemala – is virtually a sieve. Of great concern are the tons of illicit narcotics that move north, and the drug cartel gunmen who move easily in either direction, committing crimes on one side only to escape to refuge on the other."

Prophecy Sign: Revelation 7:16 “They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat.” Not only will you fine the mention of heat in Revelation but you read about famines, in the gospels.  Many parts of the world are baking and here is the latest news on Texas and Oklahoma.  I want to also mention that Jesus shows us that people will be working all day long for one small meal of wheat or barley. See Rev. 6:6.  For months now I have keep up the posting showing you all the nations who have seen their wheat crops being destroyed for one reason or another.  I don't need to tell you as the crops die off the price of food goes up and this is the pattern we find ourselves in right now. 

"A report released Thursday from a consortium of national climate experts said over the last week, Texas saw the highest levels of drought – rated as "exceptional" – jump from 43.97 percent of the state to 50.65 percent of the state. Meanwhile, to the north in Oklahoma, another key farming and ranching state, about 30 percent of the state continued to suffer severe and exceptional drought levels. The drought conditions have ravaged the region, sparkin g thousands of wildfires, drying up grazing land needed for cattle, and ruining thousands of acres of wheat and other cropsThe biggest expansion of harsh conditions is in west Texas, including the Texas panhandle, said Texas state climatologist John Nielsen-Gammon. The situation will likely get worse before it gets better as summer heat sets in"

Netanyahu on Jerusalem Day: This city is ours!Prophecy Sign: Once again, I have to inform the readers what is likey to bring the Psalm 83 war to a head. For years I have been warning watch what happens with the issue of ownership of the Holy City of Jerusalem.  Most of the world is aware, or should be aware the Arabs have stated over and over they will not stop pressing in on Israel until they have East Jerusalem back in their hands.  I have stated many times that when the Arabs finally come to realize there is no hope to recapturing East Jerusalem via the peace process, it will be at that time that Israel will find itself in another war with all the nations listed in the Psalm 83 war.  Also keep in mind, the Zechariah prophecy which tells us Jerusalem will be at the heart of troubles for all nations as they all turn on Israel in the last days. Zech. 12:3 even tells us all the nations that burden themselves over this city will be cut into pieces!  As you can see for yourselves all of these prophecies are in the process of coming to pass.  The Middle East peace process has all but collapsed and this is the sign that Paul's warning in 1 Thess. 5:3 is about to come to pass also.  The first part of Paul's warning has been fulfilled to the letter and now the destruction is about happen also.  The Arabs have Israel in their sites, and Jerusalem is again at the heart of the problem.   The Prime Minister said something today that just about every Arab hated to hear.  First he said he will never allow this city to be divided, and that he will do what he wants including building in the disputed city, which I can assure you ticked off the Arabs.  Read the report below and I will connect the dots.

"As Israel marked the 44th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem on Wednesday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insisted that Israel would never allow the city to be again divided.  "Forty-four years ago, IDF soldiers realized the prophets' vision and returned Jerusalem to its proper place,"Netanyahu said, referring to the liberation of the eastern half of Jerusalem during the 1967 Six Day War.

Speaking at Jerusalem's Merkaz Harav Yeshiva, which has long been at the forefront of religious Zionism, Netanyahu continued: "Jerusalem will never be divided. There's nothing more holy to us than Jerusalem, we'll protect Jerusalem, it's unity, and we'll build and develop it."

US President Barack Obama and other Western leaders have been pushing hard to restart Israeli-Palestinian peace talks based on Arab demands that Israel return to its pre-1967 borders. For its part, the Palestinian leadership insists it will never sign a peace deal with Israel that does not include the full surrender of the eastern half of Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount.

But a Jerusalem Day poll revealed that a strong majority of Israelis remain firmly behind Netanyahu's policies, and do not agree to divide Jerusalem even as part of a comprehensive peace agreement."

The next major event the Arabs are going to pull off will be on June 5 as they will repeat the march on Israel as they did on May 15 of last month.  The nations marching are the exact same nations you will see mentioned in Psalm 83. (See the photo above).  More violence is coming to Israel as they protect their borders on June 5th.  The Arabs no full well that this march like the once last month will again paint Israel in a bad light with the International community, and this is one of their goals.  They are no doubt unaware that they are helping bring about the Zechariah 12:3 prophecy. Will the march on June 5th turn into the Psalm 83 war?  That is a question that only time will answer.  It is my opinion that it will not, but what it will do is lay down another step to that war.  Then again, there is that chance that this march could get out of control, and the IDF will have to kill many of the marchers to stop them from entering Israel's land.  If they stop them the next wave of increased tension will take place when Turkey sails the 15 ships to toward the Gaza.  The Prime Minister has stated there is no way they will allow those ships to reach Gaza

As you will see from the news below, the Israeli Prime Minister is preparing the world for the June 5th march by warning what he is going to do. 

Clashes on Nakba Day Photo: AP"Israel issued a harsh warning to Syria and Lebanon ahead of 'Naksa Day' – the 44th anniversary of the Six Day War. "We shall use all means to prevent an attack on our sovereignty. You will be held accountable," the message said. Israel is raising its alert level ahead of Sunday's events, which may involve marches on Israel's borders similar to those held on 'Nakba Day.'  Israel has also informed the United Nations it will not tolerate any attack on its sovereignty. The Hezbollah-affiliated Al-Akhbar newspaper reported that Sunday's events may be canceled in light of enormous pressure on Hezbollah and the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF)which may hurt their ability to secure the marches.",7340,L-4077203,00.html

The is no question that tensions in the Middle East are reaching their highest levels since the last war.  These are the birth pains Jesus warned us about and they do appear to be getting much worse.  If the June 5th march is held in check, and Israel holds the line on the ships Turkey sends, then expect Israel to look real bad in the eyes of the press as they report how brutal Israel is toward a peaceful people who are just trying to gain a home land for themselves.  This will be anything but the truth. The goal for the PLO and its allies has always been to push the Israeli people into the sea and get rid of them one and for all.  If you read the Psalm 83 war you will see the sea will not swallow up the Jewish people as God will make sure that His chosen do not lose that war.  Today I read news that shows me my line of thinking on when the attack will come is correct. I quote,

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas"Inter-PA Dispute re: Third Intifada Saidam, who is currently visiting the United States as part of a State Department-sponsored conference on innovation, also predicted “a third intifada” if no breakthrough occurs in the peace talks between Israel and the PA. Abbas recently rejected the idea of a third intifada, saying the second intifada in 2000 was "disastrous" for the "Palestinian nation." Intifada is war, and as you can see for yourself they are now saying the same thing I have been warning you.  All you have to do is put all the warnings Jesus gave us and you can see what is coming down the road. In this case the failed peace talks and the issue of ownership of Jerusalem will be what brings on the new war or (Intifada).

How in the world can a tiny nation like Israel ever defeat these huge nations that border her if they all attack at the same time?  This is where you who do not believe the Lord's promises for Israel better take notice!  When you see Israel wins this next war the only wise thing for you to do is get on your knees and call on the name, the only name that saves a man's sould, the name of Jesus Christ.

As for any nation that wants to mess around with trying to divide up Israel I suggest that read my warning of what is going to happen to France as I read France was going to join sides with the PLO in working to give back the 1967 borders to the PLO.  The following is one of my warning from my April 21 post. 

"Prophecy Sign: Genesis 12:3 the Lord’s curse on anyone who curses Israel. Do you remember my March 28, 2011 post where I show you how Britain and Germany had suffered from the Lord’s curse for trying to divide Israel?   In that post I left out France as nothing had happen to them at that time . This is a quote from my March 28 post. “Britain, France and Germany want the United Nations and the European Union to propose the outlines of a final settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that would lead to the establishment of a Palestinian state, UN diplomats said.  Some of you may have thought France got away with going against God’s will, not so."  After I wrote that France was hit by a major disease. (See the April 21, 2011 post for details).  I told you to keep your eyes on France as the Lord's curse has fallen on her.  Was my warning which I pointed on in the scriptures above true? 

"France is now on heatwave alert after the hottest spring since 1900 has left water tables down and farmers struggling to feed their livestock. The Health Ministry has put into effect level one of an anti-drought plan that was drawn up after 15,000 people died in the long-hot summer of 2003." "

Summer 2011 could be drier than summer 1973, when drought cost the economy an estimated 15 billion euros and a “drought tax” was introduced to raise 900 million euros to make up farmers’ losses, according to weather forecasters. Spring this year has been the hottest since at last 1900 and the driest for 50 years. Temperatures have been 2.6°C higher than the average between 1971 and 2000." 

As I said in many of my previous posts, every time some nation goes against Israel and works to divide up their land major destruction takes place soon after.  It happen with Germany, it happen with the UK, it happen with France, and as you can see after the Obama press on dividing up Israel two weeks ago the US has been hit with one major disaster after another non-stop.  Flooding in the Midwest, flooding in the North, major tornadoes in record numbers, and they are still hitting the states as both Massachusetts and three came down on Maine today!  In Germany they just got hit with a new form of E. coli. " The World Health Organization says the E. coli outbreak in Germany is a completely new strain of the bacteria. The infection can cause the deadly complication – haemolytic-uraemic syndrome – affecting the blood and kidneys. More than 1,500 people have been infected and 17 have died: 16 in Germany and one in Sweden."

I can honestly say I know how John the Baptist felt as he witnessed the signs of Christ's first coming, and as he prepared the way for the Lord. There are many of us who are now calling to the people in our warning to them to get ready to meet the Lord as we like John watch all of Christ's last day signs come to pass.  I am excited, to see these days as I know Christ is coming back to take all who believe in Him to safety.  Will you listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit today as you witness with us these signs?  I pray you do!

While nations who come against Israel are being cursed look at what the Lord is doing in Israel?  He is contining to bless her.  Water is a main concern for the Middle East nations and as the water shortage continues in the nations bordering Israel look at what God has shown Israel.

Cave Jerusalem"Excavation work by Israel Railways while working on high speed Jerusalem-Tel Aviv train line reveals cave with largest underground water sources ever discovered in Israel." What will it take to show you the Lord is real and is calling for you to come to Him?

As far as America goes, the Lord's curse is taking its toll as you can see.  While many people still believe America is and will always be the most powerful superpower in the world, her legs have turned from the pillar of steal to  looking like warn out wheat ready to crack with the next wind. Here is today's news about the US economic out look.

"The last month has been a horror show for the U.S. economy, with economic data falling off a cliff, according to Mike Riddell, a fund manager at M&G Investments in London."


"It seems that almost every bit of data about the health of the US economy has disappointed expectations recently," said Riddell, in a note sent to CNBC on Wednesday.

"US house prices have fallen by more than 5 percent year on year, pending home sales have collapsed and existing home sales disappointed, the trend of improving jobless claims has arrested, first quarter GDP wasn’t revised upwards by the 0.4 percent forecast, durables goods orders shrank, manufacturing surveys from Philadelphia Fed, Richmond Fed and Chicago Fed were all very disappointing."

What about those jobless numbers?  Have you paid attention to my warnings telling you to look for hundreds of thousands of Americans to keep losing their jobs?  Today June 2, 2011 the numbers rolled in and once again we saw nearly a half million people get pink slips, and once again the government wants to paint this as encouraging news because the numbers show a slight change.  "Initial claims for state unemployment benefits slipped 6,000 to a seasonally adjusted 422,000, the Labor Department said. The prior weeks figure was revised up to 428,000."  In the back ground to the declining power of America is the last world empire Jesus warned us about.  We are very close to seeing this last world empire taking its position to fulfill everything Jesus said about it.

 I am sure you recall me warning you to watch for more disasters to befall on America as she has fallen under the Lord's cure.  I told you these disasters would put more burdens on an already failing economy.  Take a look at the tornadoes!  We are seeing these tornadoes hit places where it is very unusual.  Here is a up-date on the news that hit yesterday.

"Springfield Mass. (AP) – Residents in tornado-damaged parts of western and central Massachusetts are being urged to stay off roads, schools are closed and state workers have the day off as officials assess damage and begin the daunting task of cleaning up."

"At least two late-afternoon tornadoes on Wednesday shocked the region more accustomed to dealing with snow than funnel clouds. Four people were killed and dozens injured. In the state's third largest city, Springfield, up to 1,000 National Guardsmen are patrolling streets to discourage looting and a state of emergency has been called. Power is still out for tens of thousands."  Here is the bottom line.  We are seeing weather like we have not seen which are bringing on all these strange tornadoes in places that they normally do not hit.  Most will dismiss these events, but the wise who know the warnings of Christ realize all these are signs that we have reached the days just prior to the tribulation.


Many of you are aware that we have heard of plans that the US leaders behind the scences are forming a union that will enclude America, Mexico, and Canada.  New today points out the link from WikiLeaks. It has been proven in the past 6 months that what has been released in these WikiLeaks papers is in fact trustworthy, and this is the reason why heads of state want to see the people putting out these facts behind bars.  If you don't know the importance of this move you may want to read chapter 2 from my book which shows you the 10 unions that are being formed, which some believe will be where the 10 kings will come from that give up all their power over to the Antichrist during the 7 year tribulation.

CONTACT: Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)
(866) 703-0864

A secret document recently released by WikiLeaks reveals a high level US ambassador promoting a merger of the United States, Canada, and Mexico into one combined consumer and labor market, with a common currency and a mutual electronic security perimeter with less focus on physical borders.

The secret documents reveal a well developed plan that advocates secrecy, an incremental approach as not to alarm the public. The document clearly states, that the plan is to prevent US efforts to protect citizens from terrorism or disease from interfering with commerce and other financial interests. The documents also advocate that promotion of this plan focus on "individual firms, industries or travelers, and especially consumers" instead of the nations as a whole.

This high level leak appears to validate earlier concerns by many groups of plans to create a new government, which would supersede the sovereignty of America, Canada, and Mexico in a way similar to the European Union. Critics of these merger plans call the plan the North American Union. Supporters of the plan call it the North American Community or North American Integration (NAI).

"It is conspiracy, but it is no theory," said William Gheen of ALIPAC. "These traitors are trying to conceal their plans, but they are out in the open now. They are trying to force an economic union on America that is not ratified by the US Congress, not authorized by the US Constitution, and not approved of by the American public. This plan is being facilitated by the nonenforcement of our existing immigration and border laws."

Americans were shocked to learn in 2005 and 2006 that millions of illegal aliens had been imported into America and were now marching in the streets demanding legalization, citizenship, voting rights, and taxpayer resources. Federal lawmakers loyal to the North American Integration plans have claimed "our immigration systems are broken" when in fact the immigration systems have been compromised by those advocating a merger of the populations of America, Mexico, and Canada."


Prophecy Sign: As you know, or by now I hope you know we have to keep our eyes on the sign of earthquakes.  Why?  Because Jesus told us to as well as the other signs.  Here are some of the latest quakes that have hit since I have been away. Chile had a good size quake but their others coming soon that you will hear about.  I can not tell you which nation is going to be hit but I do know they are coming!  Jesus' words do not fail and if he said these last days would be like birth pains, then we will see these huge quakes.  I say to you what Jesus has said in His Word, Watch!

MAP  5.0   2011/06/01 23:34:18    27.002    140.416  456.6   BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
MAP  5.0   2011/06/01 22:58:01    4.766    -75.821  78.4   COLOMBIA
MAP  5.0   2011/06/01 21:55:24   -14.782    167.335  151.4   VANUATU
MAP  5.1   2011/06/01 19:21:48   -31.732   -177.867  32.3   KERMADEC ISLANDS REGION
MAP  5.1   2011/06/01 13:47:30   -37.460    -73.665  26.9   OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP  6.2   2011/06/01 12:55:22   -37.545    -73.663  15.1   OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP  5.0   2011/06/01 02:30:31   -18.129    168.057  75.3   



  1. Thank you for your insight,the article was worth every minute reading it

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