Aug. 18, 2020 For your information

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 18 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora

Frank11 Many of you know that YouTube is taking down videos that do not take to the liberal thinking. For example, if you say anything against the killing of babies at the 9 month stage which is a comment against Planned Parent Hood more than likely you will have that video taken down. If you say anything against Doctor Anthony Fauci who has been seen as the lead doctor against Covid19 you can count on your video being taken down by YouTube. When people say things on Youtube against Jesus Christ those videos stay up however, when someone posts something against Mohammed they have their video taken down.  If you post videos trying to help what President Trump is doing such as backing the America’s Policemen, building the wall for U.S. protection, or telling all the good things Trump has done your video will be taken down.  It comes down to the liberal view against the conservative. Liberals have turned away from the bible in practice while for the most part conservatives are holding on to what Jesus Christ has taught.  Think about this for a moment. Why are liberals against shutting down Plan Parent Hood when it is Plan Parent Hood who is killing babies even up to the 9 month age!  How can anyone really call themselves a follower of Jesus and condone such killings?  That’s just one example but I think you get the point.  

It has become clear that the left is doing what they can to silence the conservative voice and that is why so many videos are being taken down by YouTube. As a result I am beginning to post my videos at as they do not censor videos. If you have been following my work for Christ I am asking you to begin watching my prophecy video at the site. When I make a new video I will let you all know here at my bibleprophecyman site.  I am asking any one who have subscribed to my YouTube channel to go over to the site and subscribe to my channel there.  If anything what YouTube is doing is just another example how the last day signs.  Satan wants to remove anyone who stands up for God and Christ and he is using the liberals to help tear down a God fearing nation. Below are a few of the videos that I have posted to my new channel at My channel name is theprophecyman.  At the present time I need 191 more view in order to be able to post 100 videos.  You see brighteon allows you more videos when you get more people watching your work. Thank for your help.


Doctors Pen Open Letter To Fauci Regarding The Use Of Hydroxychloroquine for Treating COVID-19
Anthony Fauci, MD National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Washington, D.C. Dear Dr. Fauci: You were placed into the most high-profile role regarding America’s response to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 18 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora

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