Aug. 28, 2020- Take Heed That No One Deceives You- for false christs & false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive



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   IDF strikes Gaza after 6 rockets fired towards southern Israel

IDF forces struck targets in the Gaza Strip belonging to the Hamas terrorist group early Friday morning in response to six rockets that were fired from Gaza towards southern Israel through the night. Sirens sounded on Friday morning in the towns of Nahal Oz and Alumim. Underground infrastructure and military positions belonging to Hamas were targeted in the strikes by tanks and IAF aircraft, according to the IDF Spokespersons Unit. A number of incendiary and explosive balloon landed in southern Israel on Thursday, sparking at least 26 fires throughout the area. Terrorists in the Gaza Strip have launched incendiary and explosive balloons towards southern Israel on a daily basis in recent weeks, sparking fires that have burned large swaths of land. A number of rockets have been fired towards the Gaza envelope as well.
Aug. 28, 2020

Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Gaza threatens ‘explosion’ if blockade continues

Israel’s decision to close the crossings to and from the Gaza Strip because of the recent escalation spike in arson balloon attacks and rocket fire from Gaza drew harsh words from terrorist organizations on Friday morning, after a series of IDF airstrikes hit a number of Hamas targets, including a weapons workshop. The military arm of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad issued a statement stressing that “a continued delay in implementing the conditions having to do with lifting the ‘siege’ will lead to an explosion,” and that Israel “would bear the responsibility.” According to the Hamas representative, Israel was being “dismissive” of people’s lives, given the spread of coronavirus in the Gaza Strip. “The continued blockade and the worsening electricity crisis, and the stop of goods and fuel and supplies to Gaza are a crime against humanity that we cannot allow to continue or remain silent in the face of,” Barhoum said.
Aug. 28, 2020


  U.N. To Renew Lebanon Peacekeeping Mandate, Reduce Troops

The U.N. Security Council will extend the mandate for a peacekeeping force in southern Lebanon for another year later on Friday, but will reduce the number of troops amid U.S. and Israeli criticism over the mission’s efficiency, diplomats said. The United States and Israel have argued that the force needs to be smaller but with more powers and more access to areas controlled by Hezbollah. They have pointed to recent incidents on the border in areas monitored by UNIFIL as examples of why the force should be bolstered. Israel struck Hezbollah targets on Wednesday after it said it had come under attack. The renewal of the U.N. mission comes as Lebanon grapples with a financial crisis, political deadlock and the aftermath of a blast that killed 180 people. France, overseeing the resolution’s progress at the United Nations, circulated a final compromise draft on Thursday, which will be put to a vote on Friday afternoon. The United States was satisfied because it called for a detailed plan to improve the efficiency of the mission and report back to the council within 60 days, the diplomat said.
Aug. 28, 2020


 EU could sanction Turkish ships over east Med row

Macron Sets a ‘Red Line’ With Turkey Amid East Med Row

The European Union is preparing sanctions against Turkey that could be discussed at the bloc’s next summit on Sept. 24 in response to the eastern Mediterranean dispute with Greece, the EU’s top diplomat said on Friday. The measures could include individuals, ships or the use of European ports, said Josep Borrell, adding the EU would focus on everything related to “activities we consider illegal.” Tensions between Turkey and Greece escalated after Ankara sent a survey vessel to disputed eastern Mediterranean waters this month, a step Athens called illegal.
Aug. 28, 2020


Former CIA operative: We are in Phase 2 of a Marxist-Maoist takeover of the nation

Militia group put out call to arms in Kenosha and 5,000 people responded

Virginia Senate approves bill downgrading assault of a police officer to a misdemeanor

Thousands expected at March on Washington commemorations

Minneapolis put under state of emergency after renewed unrest

An organizer of the ongoing rioting in Portland admitted that the goal of the anarchists who are besieging America is the “abolition of the United States as we know it.” Charles “Sam” Faddis, a former CIA operative with 30 years of experience in intelligence operations, noted: “We are watching an insurrection in progress, one which uses incidences of the police use of force as pretexts, but which has as its goal the destruction of the existing social, economic and political order in the United States.” As their power grows, Black Lives Matter, Antifa and other anarchists “will expand the scope of their challenge to the authority of the existing governmental structure,” Faddis wrote. Then, phase three begins, as the level of violence expands. “We will see a shift from vandalism, burning, and beatings to the use of Molotov cocktails, firearms and car bombs,” Faddis wrote. If that happens, then “we are well past the point where this movement could have been snuffed out easily, the Maoists will begin to challenge the federal government directly. In control – by this point of urban centers, National Guard armories, and fielding their own police forces – the revolutionaries will move to threaten the very existence of the republic,” Faddis wrote.
Aug. 28, 2020

Putin says he could send police to Belarus if necessary

Two Belarus Protesters Found Hanging from Trees

Russian President Vladimir Putin says he has formed a police reserve force to intervene in Belarus if necessary, but that point has not yet been reached. Speaking on Russian state TV, he said Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko “asked me to set up a certain police reserve” and “I have done so”. “We also agreed that it won’t be used until the situation gets out of control,” he told Rossiya 1TV. Mr Lukashenko’s disputed 9 August re-election triggered huge protests. President Putin is upping the ante on Belarus, with a direct confirmation of what Alexander Lukashenko claimed some time ago: that Russia will step in to help him, with force, if things go bad. Just what force, and how bad, Mr Putin hasn’t fully defined. By “law enforcement officers”, he doesn’t mean ordinary street police, though. The term is far broader, including riot police, the National Guard (Rosgvardia) and even the FSB. So the potential for some kind of Russian intervention now hangs as an open threat both to opposition leaders and protesters – and to the West.
Aug. 27, 2020


 Beijing warns of possible ‘military accidents’ after US carries out ‘provocative’ operation in South China Sea

Beijing has cautioned against further US naval operations in the South China Sea, claiming that recent activities by the American side create conditions for an unintentional military confrontation.A spokesman for the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) said on Friday that a US warship entered Chinese territorial waters without permission. “We urge the US to stop such provocative behavior and restrict its maritime actions to avoid possible military accidents,” Senior Colonel Li Huamin said, adding that PLA naval and aerial forces monitored the vessel as it traveled through the South China Sea. The US Navy said that the USS Martin carried out a “routine” operation in the region. Washington has cited the so-called “freedom of navigation” principle to defend its regular activity in the sea.
Aug. 28, 2020


Why central bank digital currencies will drive out cryptocurrencies

In a recent webinar, 2007 Nobel Laureate for economics, Harvard Professor Eric Maskin outlined why he sees central bank digital currencies (CBDC) as likely to displace cryptocurrencies. Maskin believes central banks’ role in managing monetary policy is critical and that their actions in 2008 prevented a repeat of the 1930s depression. And the primary function of commercial banks is to make loans. Maskin stated that if new unregulated lending organizations replace banks, leverage without regulation is dangerous. Maskin believes that digital currency will replace cash completely. “Twenty years from now, all money will be electronic,” he said. “It’s very hard for me to see how old fashioned cash is going to persist for that much longer. “
Aug. 28, 2020


And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.” (Matthew 24:4-5) “ For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” (Matthew 24:24)

Engineer creates ‘AI Jesus’

AI Clone of Jesus. I like to describe this A.I. as locking a baby in a room with nothing but a Bible for 15 years. You then open up the room 15 years later and find that its learned to read, speak, and write using nothing but the Bible. ‘The Plague’ and the other high randomness writings can be thought of as the more creative works of that person. ‘Blood’ and other low randomness writings would be like the high school essays of that person.


“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” Romans 1:28-32

  New video: Planned Parenthood officers admit under oath to using partial-birth abortion to harvest baby parts to sell

In unsealed video testimony released Monday, Planned Parenthood officers admit under oath that some of their abortion doctors have changed abortions to harvest more usable fetal organs and tissues. CMP’s newly released video also shows testimony from Dr. Mary Gatter, former medical director for Planned Parenthood Los Angeles, admitting that after internal debate in the organization, she “evolved” in her thinking to believe that changing abortion “techniques” in order to harvest higher quality fetal tissue was acceptable. During the trial of CMP’s David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt last October, Gatter had to admit under oath that her “wanting a Lamborghini” comment in the released undercover video in 2015 was directly related to compensation for babies’ body parts. In a released statement, CMP founder and project leader Daleiden said it’s time for federal authorities to investigate. Earlier this month, 28 US Senators wrote to Attorney General Bill Barr demanding an update on action the Department of Justice has taken to enforce the laws against trafficking in human fetuses and other violations.
Aug. 28, 2020

Trump Says DNC Removed ‘Under God’ From Pledge of Allegiance

Although the line was omitted from some small DNC meetings, the words “under God” were included in several of the convention’s prime-time TV recitations of the pledge. The omission of “under God” was not included in any official DNC guidelines. The first day of the DNC, the Hispanic Caucus, the Labor Council, the AAPI Caucus, the Black Caucus, the Interfaith Council, the Ethnic Council, the Youth Council, and the Women’s Caucus all held meetings prior to the night’s nationally televised program. In at least two of these meetings of smaller individual caucuses — the LGBTQ caucus meeting and the Muslim Delegates Assembly on Aug. 18 — the phrase “under God” was omitted from the pledge.

Report uncovers dramatic spike in children abusing parents during COVID-19 pandemic

The coronavirus lockdowns around the world have sparked fears that many people may be living in quarantine with violent partners or spouses. A new study reveals a different disturbing pattern growing in isolation: young children abusing their parents. Researchers from the universities of Oxford and Manchester find this “hidden” problem is intensifying during the pandemic, with the number of violent episodes skyrocketing by 70 percent. Researchers say social workers are reporting a 69-percent uptick in referrals for families suffering child or adolescent-to-parent violence (C/APV). More than 60 percent of the social workers believe the severity of these violent incidents are increasing too.
Aug. 27, 2020


 Calif. church fined $10,000 for singing, meeting inside

The pastor of a California church fined $10,000 for holding indoor worship services despite adhering to social distancing guidelines has begged Gov. Gavin Newsom to allow churches to reopen, warning that ignoring the spiritual health of the community will result in “chaos.” Last Friday, North Valley Baptist Church in Santa Clara was fined $5,000 for holding a morning service and $5,000 for the evening service in violation of orders from Gov. Newsom, who has mandated that churches in some counties refrain from indoor services amid the pandemic. The church was also served a written citation for singing in each worship service although social distancing was practiced in the auditorium that seats 3,000 people, according to a statement sent to The Christian Post.
Aug. 27, 2020


   Thousands of Swedes receive false-positive COVID-19 results

Approximately 3,700 Swedes received false-positive COVID-19 tests due to a faulty testing kit from China, according to the Reuters, citing a Tuesday statement by Sweden’s Public Health Agency – which said that the kit was unable to distinguish between a very low level of the virus and a negative result. “The supplier must adjust the performance that is required for this test to be used,” said the agency’s head microbiologist, Karin Tegmark Wiselll, who added that the test kit has been widely exported to other countries. BGI Genomics, two of whose subsidiaries are on a U.S. economic blacklist of companies implicated in human rights violations regarding China’s treatment of Uighurs, could not immediately be reached for comment. It received emergency use authorization from U.S. authorities for its coronavirus testing kits in March and got an Emergency Use Listing from the World Health Organization in May.
Aug. 27, 2020


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