August 10, 2020- Blessed are those servants whom the master, when he comes, will find watching…



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    IDF fires shells into Gaza following gunfire

Hamas threatens to end ceasefire with Israel amid rising tensions – report

Islamic Jihad threatens response to ‘Israeli terror’ after border incident

IDF troops fired smoke shells into the Gaza Strip to evacuate civilian workers after shots were fired toward Israeli workers along the border fence. “Earlier today, there were reports of gunfire at works on the perimeter fence in the southern Gaza Strip. Work on the fence was stopped and smoke shells were fired,” the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said in a statement on Sunday morning. The shots came after days of explosive balloons being launched into southern Israel from the Hamas-ruled coastal enclave.
Aug. 9, 2020

Hamas launches missiles toward the sea ‘in warning to Israel’

Hamas fired several missiles towards the Meditteranean Sea on Monday morning in a warning to Israel that the calm along the border with the Gaza Strip wouldn’t last. A source close to Hamas was quoted by AFP as saying that the rockets, at least eight of them, were a “message” to Israel that armed groups “would not remain silent” in the face of the continued blockade and “aggression.” The rocket fire came hours after the Israeli Air Force struck Hamas observation posts in northern Gaza near Beit Hanoun in response to the launching of incendiary balloons into southern Israel over the course of the day. On Thursday the IDF also launched retaliatory strikes against targets in northern Gaza in response to explosive balloons that ignited several fires in southern Israel. The warning came after the IDF fired smoke shells into the Strip to evacuate civilian workers that had been working on the perimeter fence and targeted by gunfire near the community of Kisufim.
Aug. 10, 2020


    Lebanon protests

Scholar presents global map of Hezbollah terrorist operations

Entire Lebanese Cabinet resigns as Beirut explosion death toll surpasses 200

Watching the protests in Lebanon that rose after the massive explosion in Beirut last week, and seeing videos posted on social media by anguished and frustrated Lebanese people, a clear theme emerges: People are angry, and many of them are pointing fingers at Hezbollah. When French President Emmanuel Macron visited the site of the blast in Beirut’s port on Thursday – even as many of Lebanon’s political leaders avoided doing so – he was met with large crowds shouting “revolution” and “the people want the fall of the regime.” As he walked through a Christian district of Beirut, some shouted: “Mr. Macron, free us from Hezbollah.” Nasrallah felt the need to make the laughable claim that Hezbollah “did not intervene in Lebanese affairs.” In the same televised speech on Friday night, Nasrallah denied that Hezbollah controls the port, despite strong evidence to the contrary, or that it kept any explosives there.
Aug. 10, 2020


  Erdogan Says Turkey Has Resumed Mediterranean Gas Exploration & Drilling

Greece Convenes National Security Council as Tensions with Turkey Rise

While over a week ago it was looking as if Turkey might back down on its ambitious oil and gas exploration aims in the eastern Mediterranean amidst global pressure, especially coming from the EU and US, President Erdogan is defiant once again, announcing Friday the resumption of energy exploration work that Greece and Cyprus says violates their territorial waters. Emerging from Friday prayers at Hagia Sophia – which Turkey recently declared a mosque (in another shot aimed at Greece) – Erdogan said: “We have started drilling work again,” and added, “I don’t think we are obligated to talk to those who do not have rights in the areas of maritime powers.” Erdogan said a seismic survey ship is currently en route to the disputed region to continue its energy exploration. The Turkish president’s comments were also seen as a firm rejected of a recent Greece and Egyptian deal defining their exclusive economic zones in contradiction to Ankara’s interpretation. Turkey denied the agreement as “null and void” — which means Turkey’s expansionist claims are being contested by pretty much every Mediterranean country, also including Israel. The exception of course, is the Tripoli-based Libyan Government of National Accord (GNA), which lately inked its own agreement with Turkey defining broad swathes of the Mediterranean as within Turkey’s rights. Turkey has sought to argue that the so-called Turkish Republic of Cyprus, which remains unrecognized internationally, gives it expansive rights encompassing the whole of Cyprus.
Aug. 10, 2020


    Belarus election: Clashes after poll predicts Lukashenko re-election

Protesters and riot police have clashed in Belarus’s capital Minsk and other cities, after a state TV exit poll said long-time leader Alexander Lukashenko was re-elected in Sunday’s election. Police used stun grenades, rubber bullets and water cannon. A human rights group said one protester was killed and about 120 arrested. Demonstrators took to the streets in central Minsk as soon as voting ended and the exit polls were released late on Sunday. Many chanted “Get out” and other anti-government slogans. Riot police fired stun grenades, used batons, and made arrests as they dispersed the demonstrators. Since the start of the election campaign in May, more than 2,000 people have been detained, according to Human Rights Centre Viasna.
Aug. 10, 2020

Pro-Police protesters clash with BLM demonstrators in Colorado

Portland protests: Police declare riot as protesters set fires on 72nd night of unrest

Chaos In Chicago: Bridges Raised To Prevent Gun-Toting Looters Getting Downtown

Counterprotesters got involved in a violent confrontation with pro-police supporters at a Back the Blue rally in Fort Collins, Colo. Saturday, which ended with the arrests of three people. The pro-police attendees said two different groups of counterprotesters — consisting of Black Lives Matter supporters and what appeared to be members of Antifa — joined the event. Meanwhile, Anti-racism and police brutality protests continued in Portland for the 72nd consecutive night on Saturday, where police declared a riot outside the Portland Police Association (PPA) building. People chanted in the street. At one point, a dumpster was overturned and the trash inside was set on fire. Officers used pepper spray to disperse the crowd. Just before midnight, Portland police announced over their loudspeaker that the demonstration was an unlawful assembly and told people to leave the area. Minutes later, authorities declared a riot.
Aug. 10, 2020


French National Assembly Approves Abortion up to Birth

The French National Assembly has approved a number of amendments to the nation’s bioethics law, one of which would legalize abortion-on-demand up to birth. By a vote of 60 in favor and 37 opposed, the legislators agreed to permit abortion at any time for a mother undergoing “psycho-social distress,” a nebulous term that allows healthcare workers total leeway to approve the procedure. In its late-night vote last week to revamp the country’s bioethics law, the National Assembly also approved taxpayer-funded artificial procreation for lesbian couples, genetically modified embryos, and chimeras. The French pro-life group Alliance Vita underscored that psycho-social distress is an “unverifiable criterion,” which opens the door for women to have a medical abortion for any reason.
Aug. 10, 2020


 World’s Top Epidemiologists – Masks Don’t Work

Major US airlines have created a ‘no fly list’ for travelers who refuse to wear face coverings during the pandemic

Denmark boasts one of the lowest COVID-19 death rates in the world. As of August 4, the Danes have suffered 616 COVID-19 deaths, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University. That’s less than one-third of the number of Danes who die from pneumonia or influenza in a given year. Despite a global stampede of mask-wearing, data show that 80-90 percent of people in Finland and Holland say they “never” wear masks when they go out, a sharp contrast to the 80-90 percent of people in Spain and Italy who say they “always” wear masks when they go out. Dutch public health officials recently explained why they’re not recommending masks. “From a medical point of view, there is no evidence of a medical effect of wearing face masks, so we decided not to impose a national obligation,” said Medical Care Minister Tamara van Ark. Others, echoing statements similar to the US Surgeon General from early March, said masks could make individuals sicker and exacerbate the spread of the virus. “Face masks in public places are not necessary, based on all the current evidence,” said Coen Berends, spokesman for the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment. “There is no benefit and there may even be negative impact.” The problem with mask mandates is that public health officials are not merely recommending a precaution that may or may not be effective. They are using force to make people submit to a state order that could ultimately make individuals or entire populations sicker, according to world-leading public health officials. That is not just a violation of the Effectiveness Principle. It’s a violation of a basic personal freedom.
Aug. 10, 2020

  For Your Information

Event 201

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.

Military World Games

The opening ceremony was held on 18 October 2019 in Wuhan China and the event was officially opened by the Chinese President and General Secretary of the Communist Party Xi Jinping. An extravaganza titled “Torch of Peace” was performed during the opening ceremony highlighting the main motto of the event.,main%20motto%20of%20the%20event.


***Please see all links below (page 8)


  5.1 magnitude earthquake jolts Charlotte area Sunday. One of two to hit NC

A 5.1 magnitude earthquake felt in Charlotte shortly after 8 a.m. Sunday was centered just over a mile south of Sparta, North Carolina, near the Virginia border, the strongest quake to hit the state in more than a century. This was the strongest earthquake to hit North Carolina since 1916. People in the immediate area of Sparta reported “strong shaking,” the U.S. Geological Survey reported. The quake was centered about 2.2 miles deep, officials said. Photos posted on social media showed cracks in street pavement, brick facades on homes crumbling and items thrown off shelves at stores.
Aug. 9, 2020

Powerful eruption at Mount Sinabung Indonesia

A high-level eruption took place at the Indonesian Sinabung volcano at around 03:16 UTC on August 10, 2020, ejecting ash up to 10 km (32 000 feet) above sea level and forcing authorities to evacuate nearby communities. The Aviation Color Code was briefly raised to Red. The Alert Level remains at III (Siaga/Alert). The country’s Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation Center said there were no fatalities or injuries after today’s eruption. Armen Putra of the Mount Sinabung observation post said a thick layer of ash covered several villages up to 20 km (12.4 miles) from the volcano. Villagers and tourists are advised to stay at least 5 km (3.1 miles) from the crater. The volcano is known for its violent pyroclastic and lava flows.
Aug. 10, 2020

note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album


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