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Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 11 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora
Review: Churches and the Crisis of Decline
Is the church experiencing a crisis of decline? The evidence would seem to support that conclusion. Whether it’s denominational attendance/membership reports or the latest polls, people aren’t going to church like they once did. Many of our churches, including the churches I’ve served over the years, are aging and there are few signs that younger cohorts will come to the rescue. Even congregations that seem to be vital, worry about the future. While mainline Protestant churches have been in decline for several decades, recent studies suggest that even more conservative congregations and denominations that once seemed impervious to the threat of decline are experiencing signs of decline.
Gambia experiences worst floods in nearly half a century
Flash floods that hit most of Gamia on July 30 and 31 and on August 5 and 6, 2022, have been the worst that have hit the country in nearly half a century. The worst affected were the West Coast Region, North Bank Region, and the Greater Banjul Area.
India holds first March for Life as Day of Mourning for nearly 800 million aborted children
Under the leadership of Western Latin and Eastern Syro-Malabar Rite Catholic bishops, India will observe its first National March for Life as a “Day of Mourning” for the millions of babies killed in abortion in the country over the last 50 years.
WaPo: Drag Shows for Children Are ‘Squeaky-Clean,’ ‘Family-Friendly’
The Washington Post is continuing its apparent public relations campaign on behalf of drag shows for children by running another op-ed claiming the events are “squeaky-clean for family-friendly audiences,” and laws aimed at banning them are the true indoctrination.
NEA head teaches fellow educators how to BRAINWASH children
…“The president of the largest and most powerful teachers’ union in the country is brainwashing the minds of today’s educators, so that they can then brainwash the minds of our children,” Petrick said. Fiorazo, on the other hand, warned that Pringle is mobilizing her fellow educators to groom potential “social justice” warriors for the Left.
Pelosi Claims China is ‘One of the Freest Societies in the World’
After an ill-advised visit to Taiwan, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in an interview that China is “one of the freest societies in the world,” in a possible gaffe, or actual delusion.
Dozens Of Whole Foods Stores Allow Customers To Pay With Palm Print Biometric Data
Amazon’s palm-reading payment technology will expand to dozens of Whole Foods locations across California. Shoppers will be able to pay for groceries by scanning the palm of their hand at checkout devices instead of using cash or card, as this is more evidence of the emergence of a cashless society.
Latest Amazon Acquisition Means Bezos May Have a Map of Your Home’s Interior … Especially If One of These Is Laying Around
Jeff Bezos’s Amazon now has access to see everything in your home with the recent purchase of iRobot.
EMF And RF Radiation is a Growing Health Risk, Roll-Out of 5G Must Be Stopped
5G relies primarily on the bandwidth of the millimetre wave which is known to cause a painful burning sensation. It’s also been linked to eye and heart problems, suppressed immune function, genetic damage and fertility problems.
Vaccine-Derived Polio Is Found in London’s Sewage and Their Solution is to Inject People with More Vaccines
Without question the go-to disease to defend vaccines is polio. Coincidently it could also be the greatest lie and medical con of all time. Toxins causing “polio” is well documented. Is polio the virus that never was?
Groundbreaking Ruling: Italian Court Orders Analysis of Covid ‘Vaccines’ to Determine if ‘Harmful’
“We have asked to ascertain how mRNA vaccines work since we are dealing exclusively with mRNA vaccines here and investigating whether the enzymes in mRNA vaccines can harm our health.”
New study finds 29 percent of young people had heart problems after second Pfizer dose
Almost 30 percent of children who received Pfizer’s mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine suffered heart-related effects, according to a new study out of Thailand.
UN Warns Of ‘Worrying And Dangerous’ Conspiracy Theories
The United Nations would like everyone to be on the lookout for ‘worrying and dangerous’ conspiracy theories – especially those that might lead people to the conclusion that COVID-19 escaped from a lab in Wuhan, China… you know, the thing the WHO just admitted could very well be the case, and which Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has launched recent investigations into
World governments are preparing for an Extinction Level Event (ELE); CDC reverses itself on every pillar of COVID theater
The first story concerns new intel from commercial suppliers, indicating that governments of the world are stockpiling supplies like never before, seemingly in anticipation of an Extinction Level Event (ELE) that threatens to wipe out the vast majority of human beings living today.
Excess non-COVID deaths in England and Wales almost 20% higher than average: gov’t data
‘The signals in the data suggest something is not quite right,’ Oxford Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine Dr. Carl Heneghan stressed.
Netherlands to SHUT DOWN 11,200 farms to meet climate goals
If you have followed my reporting you probably know about the protests happening in the Netherlands. Tens of thousands of farmers have taken to the streets to protest against new climate goals which will force farmers to shut down their farms
Majority of farmers warn Trudeau’s emission restrictions would cause crop production to plummet
Nearly three quarters of Canadian farmers warn that crop yield will drop drastically under Trudeau’s proposed emission restrictions.
‘War on Seniors’: Democrats to Cut Seniors’ Prescription Drug Benefits Ahead of Midterms
The passage of the Inflation Reduction Act would mean that Democrats would cut seniors’ Medicare prescription drug benefits ahead of the midterms.
How the U.S. gave away a breakthrough battery technology to China
When a group of engineers and researchers gathered in a warehouse in Mukilteo, Wash., 10 years ago, they knew they were onto something big. They scrounged up tables and chairs, cleared out space in the parking lot for experiments and got to work.
Judge Rules Walgreens ‘Substantially Contributed’ to San Francisco Opioid Crisis
“Walgreens knew its system to detect and stop suspicious orders was nonexistent but continued to ship opioids at an alarming pace to increase profits,” said an attorney for the alifornia city.
In 2012, We Warned You Of The Coming Second American Civil War, In 2022 It’s Now Arrived. We Here At NTEB Have Picked A Side, Have You?
America is now a nation where, whatever party is in power, they use that power to control and marginalize the other side. This has always been done, of course, but never so nakedly and open as it is here in 2022. During the Obama years, history records him as the first ‘post-American president’, and through him were sown the seeds for the America’s second civil war. Our nation is irretrievably ripped down the middle, with no hope of either side ever coming to a reconciliation unless it is formed under Antichrist.
A toxic combination of climate emergency, conflict and Covid is pushing some of the poorest countries into an acute hunger crisis
Global hunger toll soars by 150m as Covid and war make their mark