August 28, 2022 More end time signs from the news


The guide to a healthy life in Jesus Christ


Directive from Heaven - No. 33 - The Holy Bible, Part 1 given at to Veronica Lueken at Our Lady ...


Prophecy Signs with Frank DiMora Our food sources are dying off and it was a warning from the Lord! -


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 24 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora





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Food Crisis Worsens: California Drought Causes Increase In UNPLANTED Farm Land 
The amount of unplanted farmland in California is increasing making the food supply crisis even worse. The drought is causing farmers to refrain from planting crops that they cannot afford to water.


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Food Crisis: 50 Per Cent Crop Loss Likely Due to Drought
Cop losses of up to 50 per cent are now expected in parts of Germany due to drought, farmers in affected regions have claimed.



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DEA Administrator Anne Milgram Reveals that Mexican Cartels are Using Fentanyl to Kill Americans at Alarming Rates 
Forget China or Russia. The biggest national security threat to the United States lies across the southern border.

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US Border Agents Seize 1.6 Million Fentanyl Pills In Big-Rig, Destined For US Cities
ustoms and Border Protection agents in Arizona seized a mind-numbing 1.57 million fentanyl pills and 114 pounds of cocaine hidden within secret compartments of a tractor-trailer.



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Is America on the verge of a new housing collapse? Mountain West and Sun Belt overvalued by 72%
House prices could fall by up to 20 percent next year if there’s a recession, experts warn – and property in some areas of the country is overvalued by as much as 72 percent.


Watch: Biden Announces Student Loan Relief Which Will Mostly Benefit Top Earners 
President Biden on Wednesday announced the cancellation of up to $10,000 in student debt for millions of American borrowers who earn less than $125,000 per year, and $20,000 in debt for Pell grant recipients.

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 Sellers dropping home prices in droves as real estate market cools 

Some American cities saw as much as 70 percent of home sellers dropping their asking prices in July as the housing market continues to cool and buyers back out of the market.


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California electric company admits it will NEVER be able to charge everybody’s electric vehicles 
The Golden State just enacted a new provision to phase out the sale of all gas-powered vehicles by 2035. The only problem is that the state’s energy grid is already on the verge of collapsing.


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Biden, the liberals, and the climate change cultists are sinking America – How are they going to save the planet?
Turn now to the faith of our fathers and our Father in heaven will give us victory.. We have all heard the term about choosing the lesser of two evils, but the Bible refines the idea by calling it the judging of evil thoughts. It is simple math. As any nation declines in morality, most of what is being accepted by society is wrong and trying to choose between anything becomes a very cloudy ordeal.


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Penn medical school expands minority candidate program that does not require MCAT
The University of Pennsylvania expanded a program that admitted minority and other underrepresented college applicants into its Perelman School of Medicine under special criteria, ding waiving the Medical College Admission Test requirement.





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Rantz: Despite ‘concerning’ transgender study, UW kept quiet because of positive coverage 
A University of Washington study, in partnership with Seattle Children’s Hospital, claimed gender-affirming care via puberty blockers leads to positive mental health outcomes for transgender teen patients. That characterization, however, was false, forcing substantial edits to the materials used to promote the study and prompting UW to cease promoting the research.

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Abp. Viganò: By praising legalized abortion, the President of the Pontifical Academy for Life has aligned himself with the anti-Christ ideology of the UN, WHO 
‘As Shepherd and Successor of the Apostles, I am unable not to condemn with the greatest force Paglia’s scandalous words, which contradict the Gospel and the teaching of the Roman Pontiffs.’


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Nobel Prize winner dismantles transgenderism as ‘unscientific,’ at odds wth fundamental biology 
There are people who want to change their gender, but they can’t do it,’ she said. ‘People retain their gender for life.’

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Google Filtering Pro-Life Pregnancy Center Results When People Search for Abortion Clinics
Google has changed its search results to distinguish pro-life pregnancy centers from abortion clinics in search results for people dealing with crisis pregnancies.



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As Russia Ukraine War Reaches The 6-Month Mark, American B-52 Nuclear Bombers Have Been Deployed To Europe As Situation Grows Worse
Round and round she goes, and where she stops, only God knows. Such is the current state of the Russia Ukraine war on the occasion of its 6-month anniversary. Ukrainian authorities began distributing iodine tablets to residents near Europe’s largest nuclear power plant on Friday, amid fears that fighting around the complex could trigger a radiation leak or an even bigger catastrophe. Could the ‘big one’ actually happen in Europe? It certainly seems to be heading that way as we watched this week American B-52 bombers arrive for some saber rattling.




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British Government Begins Payout to COVID-19 Jab Damage Victims
“The United Kingdom has rolled out a financial compensation program for individuals and families who have been harmed by the COVID-19 vaccine, despite repeated claims by U.S. corporate media entities denying any negative health impacts of the vaccines,”


Japan is considering the abolition of its Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) testing requirement for travelers in line with a concurrent plan to increase the amount of tourists entering the country.

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Crimes against humanity: Mary Holland of Children’s Health Defense says everyone who violated Nuremberg Code during covid needs to be prosecuted

At a recent Action Alliance event in Nuremberg, Germany, Children’s Heath Defense (CHD) President Mary Holland issued a call to action about not letting those behind the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic off the hook for their crimes against humanity.


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‘Smoking Gun’: New Actuarial Report Reaffirms the Trail of Death Caused by Vaccine Mandates
“There were 61,000 excess millennial deaths. Basically, millennials experienced a Vietnam War in the second half of 2021.” “This is what we call democide, death by government.”


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Official Gov. data suggests COVID Vaccines take 5 Months to Kill but 20,000 Excess Deaths in the UK since May 2022 proves it 
According to the UK Government’s Office for National Statistics, there have been 20,000 excess deaths in England and Wales since May 2022 compared to the previous five-year average. Further data provided by Scotland shows an additional 1,500 excess deaths in the same time frame.

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1 in every 73 COVID-19 Vaccinated People were Dead by May 2022 in England according to UK Government
Official data released by the UK Government confirms that 1 in every 73 people who received at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine in England had sadly passed away by the end of May 2022.

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Federal judge upholds US Marines’ right to refuse COVID vaccines for religious reasons
A federal judge last week issued a preliminary injunction upholding the rights of U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) personnel to refuse the mandated COVID-19 injection for religious reasons.

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Social media Gestapo: Twitter engaged in illegal COLLUSION with CDC to silence anyone questioning covid vaccines 
It has come to light that tech giant Twitter has been actively colluding with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other government agencies to silence free speech.

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Were deadly covid vaccine lots shipped to red states on purpose? Shocking 196% excess mortality recorded in Florida and Georgia in third quarter of 2021 
The Society of Actuaries Research Institute (SOA) gathered data on excess mortality during the covid-19 pandemic (April – December 2020) and during the emergency use covid vaccine rollout (January – September 2021). The report compared Group Term Life Insurance mortality results during 2020 and 2021 to baseline mortality results from a period prior to the pandemic (2017-2019). The data set includes over two million claims worth over $93 billion in premiums.

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UK Gov. confirms 9 in every 10 COVID Deaths over the last year have been among the Fully/Triple Vaccinated
Official figures published by the UK Government reveal the fully/triple vaccinated population have accounted for over 9 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths in England over the past year, 91% of all Covid-19 deaths since the beginning of 2022, and 94% of all Covid-19 deaths since the beginning of April 2022.


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Medicine Regulators admitted in October 2020 that they knew the COVID Vaccines would cause Heart Damage, Blood Clots, harm to Children & Death 
Every serious adverse reaction to the Covid-19 vaccines that medicine regulators in both the USA and United Kingdom have been forced to admit is occurring was predicted by the very same medicine regulators to occur before the Covid-19 vaccines were even rolled out.


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Unvaccinated Mothers Forced to Pay Back Maternity Leave in BC 

Mothers (also known as “birthing people” to the woke) in BC are no longer entitled to maternity leave unless they cave and take the vaccine. This is the very vaccine that has provenly caused issues in fertility and comes with a plethora of side effects. The vaccine does absolutely nothing to prevent transmission and infection. But the government is so eager to retain power under the guise of COVID while pushing forth the Great Reset that they are continuing to force the public into dangerous situations.


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Ontario’s COVID advisory group set to be dissolved in September 
The Ontario Science Table, an independent group of public health advisers to the Ontario government, announced it will fold in September, more than two years after it was created.

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Another Healthy Professional Athlete Drops Dead ‘Suddenly and Unexpectedly’ 
Why are Western governments not investigating potential vaccine injuries and instead attacking people trying to look into them?

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CJ Hopkins: We’ve Got About a Month Before New Normal Germany’s New Enabling Act Takes Effect
So, it’s official. On Wednesday, 24 August, New Normal Germany’s Bundestag rubber-stamped the government’s latest revision to the so-called “Infection Protection Act” (i.e., New Normal Germany’s new Enabling Act), authorising the continued persecution of “the Unvaccinated” (i.e., New Normal Germany’s new official Untermenschen), the mandatory wearing of medical-looking masks (i.e., the ideological-compliance symbol of the New Normal Reich throughout the world), the banning of protests against the New Normal (i.e., the new official ideology of Germany), and assorted other “emergency measures.”


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The US Has Conducted 3 Consecutive Days Of Airstrikes In Syria

CENTCOM said that the strikes resulted “in four enemy fighters killed and seven ene
oyed.” CENTCOM announced the initial airstrikes that started the escalation on Tuesday night and said they targeted “infrastructure facilities used by groups affiliated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps,” but Iran denied having links to the groups.




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Children’s National Hospital Caught Admitting to Giving Children Under 16 Hysterectomies in Shocking Audio Recording

Children’s National Hospital in Washington, DC, has admitted that they give “gender affirming” hysterectomies to children under 16 years old.

Reports like this one below show how the road to world is on the way

The Birth of a Worldwide Green Police Force, Complete with Climate Crimes Prosecution and Interrogation Facilities

Spain passed rules that prohibit adequate cooling in summer and adequate heating in winter as part of a European Union-wide initiative for member states to cut back their reliance on Russia.



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Technocratic World Economic Forum wants to microchip your Children in order to track them
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has stated in black and white that there are “solid, rational reasons” for implanting a chip inside children so that they can be tracked. They have also laughably stated in black and white that if the idea of implanting a chip in your body makes you cringe then you should “consider all the pharmaceuticals you take without question”.


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The Next Big Experiment on Western Populations – You Will Eat Bugs
Food lovers, be warned because meals made from insects are coming to a plate near you, Country File warned in 2018.  The reason they gave: “It’s been well documented that the world’s population will hit nine billion by the year 2050. Which means a vast number of extra mouths to feed, a massive increase in the demand for meat, and enormous pressure on our existing land and food resources. So, the search is on to find new types of protein to feed us and our animals. That’s where the farming of insects for food could provide the answer. Soon, Sunday lunch might be crickets, grasshoppers, caterpillars or termites.”



The prayer



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