August 4, 2020- Massive explosion shakes Lebanon’s capital Beirut; Another Fire in Iranian Industrial Area



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  Israel strikes Hamas sites in Gaza following rocket fire

Israel Air Force jets struck several Hamas sites in the central and southern Gaza Strip early Monday morning after a rocket was fired from the coastal enclave towards southern Israel, as residents of the town of Sderot took in a Drive-Through movie. The military said warplanes hit a cement factory used in the construction of tunnels as well as “underground facilities” used by Hamas. The retaliatory strikes came several hours after a rocket was fired from northern Gaza and was intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system. It was the first in almost a month. “One [rocket] launch was detected from the territory of the Gaza Strip toward Israel, which was intercepted by aerial defense soldiers,” the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said in a statement.
Aug 3, 2020

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) thwarts attack along Syria border fence

Gantz warns Syria and Iran as tensions on northern border rise

As tensions remained high in the North, soldiers thwarted an attempt to place explosive devices near the Syrian border fence late Sunday night, the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit announced Monday. On Sunday night, observers identified suspicious movement of two shepherds around 8 p.m. and around 11 p.m. and saw the four-man cell approach the same area and place explosives along the fence. The cell crossed the Alpha Line between Syria and Israel, putting them in Israeli territory, but did not cross the border fence, Zilberman said. They were simultaneously struck and killed by air and ground forces. “A short time ago, an IDF force foiled an attempt to place explosive devices along the border with Syria,” the IDF said. “Special forces that were carrying out an ambush near an IDF post in the southern Golan Heights spotted a cell with a number of terrorists planting explosive devices along the border. An IDF force and an aircraft opened fire together on the four-member cell and hit them.”
Aug 4, 2020


  Massive explosion shakes Lebanon’s capital Beirut

A massive explosion shook Lebanon’s capital Beirut on Tuesday wounding a number people and causing widespread damage. The afternoon blast shook several parts of the capital and thick smoke billowed from the city center. Residents reported windows being blown out and a false ceilings dropping. The explosion appeared to be centered around Beirut’s port and caused wide scale destruction and shattered windows miles away. An Associated Press photographer near Beirut’s port witnessed people wounded on the ground and widespread destruction in central Beirut. (Ongoing story)
Aug 4, 2020

Lebanese try to storm energy ministry amid power cuts

Lebanon is sliding into the abyss of a “failed state”

Dozens of Lebanese protesters tried to storm the Ministry of Energy on Tuesday, angered by prolonged power cuts as the country grapples with a crippling economic crisis. Security forces pushed back against the angry protesters, chasing away some who breached the ministry perimeter. Scuffles ensued as protesters pushed the metal barricade and said they plan to set up a sit-in at the ministry. “We came today and we will stay” said an unnamed protester who read a statement to the media, adding that they will liberate the ministry “from corruption … and the management that plunged this country into darkness.” Lebanon’s economic and financial crisis poses the most significant threat to the country since a devastating 15-year civil war ended in 1990. The highly-indebted government is facing a rapid inflation, soaring unemployment and poverty, made worse by the coronavirus pandemic.
Aug 4, 2020

Russian planes bomb rebel-held area in Syria’s Latakia, say opposition, war monitor

Russian warplanes bombed Syrian rebel-held mountainous areas in the western coastal province of Latakia on Monday as Syrian government forces hit the area with artillery and rocket fire, an opposition group and a war monitor said. The Syrian army and allied forces also clashed with rebel fighters while trying to advance on a frontline town near the strategic Jabal al-Akrad mountain range, said Jaish al-Nasr and the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. An opposition tracking center that monitors military aircraft movements said the airstrikes by Russian warplanes had stopped by the early afternoon.
Aug 3, 2020


Fire breaks out at Iranian industrial area

A fire broke out at an Iranian industrial area near Tehran on Tuesday, Iran’s state TV reported, the latest in a string of fires and explosions, some of which have hit sensitive sites. “The fire broke out at the industrial area of the Jajrud district in the Pardis county this morning … there were no casualties … firefighters are trying to contain the fire,” it said. A fire department official told state TV that the cause of the fire was under investigation. There have been several other incidents at facilities in the past weeks, including a fire at the underground Natanz nuclear facility last month which caused significant damage, but Iranian officials said operations were not affected.
Aug 4, 2020

Islamic State Claims 20-Hour Afghan Prison Attack that Killed 29

Afghan security forces ended a nearly 20-hour-long attack on a prison and nearby shopping mall in eastern Afghanistan on Monday, killing ten assailants, Afghanistan’s Tolo News reportedAt least 29 people died and 50 were wounded in the fighting in Jalalabad, the capital of eastern Nangarhar province, government officials said. Afghanistan’s Defense Ministry issued a statement saying government security forces killed ten attackers, the attackers killed five prisoners, and six other people were wounded in the fighting. By late Monday, security forces had rounded up 1,025 inmates who attempted to escape during the prolonged assault on the prison. Two security force members lost their lives in the fighting, the Defense Ministry added. “The attack began when a suicide bomber detonated a vehicle full of explosives at the entrance gate of the prison in … Jalalabad city at 6:44 pm on Sunday,” Tolo News reported. After the car explosion, the attackers began an assault on the prison and a nearby shopping mall. Afghan chief of army staff, Gen. Yasin Zia, was deployed to Nangarhar province to oversee a counterattack. After 18 hours of fighting, the deputy spokesman for Afghanistan’s Defense Ministry, Fawad Aman, confirmed that the attack had ended on Monday.
Aug 4, 2020

Russia moves to secure its investment in Libya

In a move that illustrates new levels of boldness, Russian fighters have seized one of the largest oil fields in Libya. The Es Sider oil field was one of the main economic pipelines for the Government of National Accord. Over the last seven months, the Libyan National Army (LNA) has held a stranglehold on oil exports. Over the last month, Haftar’s allies have taken further steps to save their investment from failure. Egypt’s parliament approved the deployment of troops into eastern Libya, making Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi’s threat of violence all the more real. Egypt’s involvement is political; it holds a deep resentment toward the GNA’s Muslim Brotherhood roots. Russia, on the other hand, is looking for influence and oil. Russia’s increasing involvement in Libya complicates a wide variety of conflicts. Turkey is the primary backer of the GNA. Russia sells arms to Turkey and is already supporting the Syrian government, which has regularly been at odds with Turkey over Northern Syria. Russia’s support of the LNA puts them in direct conflict with Turkey on another front.
Aug 3, 2020


North Korea has ‘probably’ developed nuclear devices to fit ballistic missiles, U.N. report says

North Korea is pressing on with its nuclear weapons program and several countries believe it has “probably developed miniaturized nuclear devices to fit into the warheads of its ballistic missiles,” according to a confidential U.N. report. The report by an independent panel of experts monitoring U.N. sanctions said the countries, which it did not identify, believed North Korea’s past six nuclear tests had likely helped it develop miniaturized nuclear devices. Pyongyang has not conducted a nuclear test since September 2017. The interim report, seen by Reuters, was submitted to the 15-member U.N. Security Council North Korea sanctions committee on Monday.
Aug 3, 2020


Federal Reserve: US Needs Another Lockdown To “Save” The Economy

Futures Slide On US-China Tensions, Fiscal Stimulus Worries, Poor Earnings

According to a story from The Hill, Federal Reserve officials are now saying the US needs another lockdown in order to “save” the economy. The government should again impose strict coronavirus-related lockdowns for a month or longer across the U.S. in order to boost the economy, a top Federal Reserve official said Sunday. I mean if we were to lock down really hard, I know I hate to even suggest it, people will be frustrated by it, but if we were to lock down hard for a month or six weeks, we could get the case count down so that our testing and our contact tracing was actually enough to control it the way that it’s happening in the Northeast right now,” Kashkari said. He also said that Congress can afford large sums for coronavirus relief efforts, though Republican lawmakers are looking to lessen the amount of supplemental aid for unemployed Americans as part of the next relief bill.
Aug 4, 2020

The Spreading Feeling “This Is Happening All By Design”

Like many of the people watching this slow-moving train wreck, I’m beginning to lose perspective. My insight has become blocked by the increasingly irrational actions taking place. The uneasy feeling that things will get far worse is being heightened by the suggestion this is all by design, and when you don’t get that ‘you have no defense’, it is indeed frightening. It is bolstered by the supporting argument we should not listen to what those in charge say but rather that we watch what they do. Much of the growing apprehension is rooted in the domino effects about to be unleashed upon the economy. An example is, the tenant doesn’t pay the landlord and risks eviction. The landlord doesn’t pay his mortgage and risks foreclosure. The bank doesn’t get paid, but that’s OK because taxpayers will bail them out. With so much unresolved and hanging in the wind conspiracy theories are taking wing. While I do not endorse the theory this is all developing as planned, it is difficult to deny the situation is dire and the general population remains clueless as to the dangers ahead. Collectively this includes a Fed which is out of control and a polarized government that is dysfunctional at best. Add to this the market manipulation which has reached epic levels. This whole scheme has resulted in a massive huge transfer of wealth and the creation of social chaos. For the “greater good” we have seen rules to further restrict our freedom being instituted and more expected to be imposed in one way or another.
Aug 3, 2020


   Homicides Spike in 50 Largest Cities across Nation

Homicides and gun violence have spiked in major cities around the country since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, spurred by an economic recession and unrest that arose from protests against police brutality. Across the nation’s 50 largest cities, homicides are up 24 percent this year, totaling 3,612 so far, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of police department data. In 36 of those cities, the homicide rate increased by double digits. Shootings have also surged, but other kinds of violent crime have declined, including robberies, which sank 11 percent across the 41 cities that provided such data. Chicago saw the largest jump in homicides, reporting more than 400 more homicides than last year, an increase of more than 50 percent. Philadelphia and New York City came in just behind the country’s third-largest city, both tallying more than 200 more homicides this year. Along with Chicago, Austin and Fort Worth, Tx. saw the largest increase in murders. The staggering increase in violence comes after months of protests against police departments that have included calls to defund and dismantle departments
Aug 3, 2020


 Red Flags Soar As Big Pharma Will Be Exempt From COVID-19 Vaccine Liability Claims

Texas Downgrades COVID-19 Deaths After ‘Automation Error’

Gilead Sent Death Threats To Kill HCQ As COVID-19 Cure, French Dr Testifies In Parliament

Last week we warned readers to be cautious about new COVID-19 vaccines, highlighting how key parts of the clinical trials are being skipped as big pharma will not be held accountable for adverse side effects for administering the experimental drugs. A senior executive from AstraZeneca, Britain’s second-largest drugmaker, told Reuters that his company was just granted protection from all legal action if the company’s vaccine led to damaging side effects. “This is a unique situation where we as a company simply cannot take the risk if in … four years the vaccine is showing side effects,” said Ruud Dobber, a top exec at AstraZeneca. “In the contracts we have in place, we are asking for indemnification. For most countries, it is acceptable to take that risk on their shoulders because it is in their national interest,” said Dobber, adding that Astra and regulators were making safety and tolerability a top priority. AstraZeneca is one of the 25 pharmaceutical companies across the world, testing experimental drugs that could be used to combat the deadly virus. And, of course, if testing yields positive results, AstraZeneca could manufacture hundreds of millions of doses, with no legal recourse if side effects are seen. European officials told Reuters that product liability was a significant discussion to secure new vaccine drugs from Pfizer, Sanofi, and Johnson & Johnson. As for the US, well, when it comes to the legal framework around vaccines, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) already has a law called the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, which provides immunity to vaccine companies if something goes wrong.
Aug 4, 2020


Isaias barrels across Virginia on way to US Northeast

5.6 million affected, 109 killed and 260 000 ha (640 000 acres) of crop area destroyed by floods in Assam, India

Flash floods damage or destroy dozens of homes, claim lives of at least 16 people in eastern Afghanistan

Tropical Storm Isaias unleashed heavy rain and strong wind across southeastern Virginia on Tuesday, threatening tornadoes on its way north toward major cities of the US Northeast, the National Hurricane said. The storm had regained hurricane strength on Monday night just before making landfall in southern North Carolina. It later was downgraded to a tropical storm while flooding homes and streets in North Carolina but not causing any immediately reported deaths. A tropical storm warning remained in effect all the way to Maine, with major cities such as Washington, Philadelphia and New York likely to feel the effects later on Tuesday. The center of the storm was about 100 miles (160 km) south of Washington as of 8 a.m. (1200 GMT), moving in a northerly direction at 33 miles per hour (54 kph), the hurricane center said. Isaias blew maximum sustained winds of 70 mph (110 kph) while threatening to spread tornadoes through midday from southeast Virginia to New Jersey, the hurricane center said.
Aug 4, 2020

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