Author's posts

Antichrist question?/Police and increased knowledge/What the star of Bethlehem looked like at the birth of Christ/What is coming?/What about America?/Kids in prophecy/ Many earthquakes/Dec. 23, 2009

Frank DiMora: P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438 – I am offering my services to any Pastor who wants to help prepare their flock for the last days.  My prophecy seminars are waking up the dead Church and bringing in the unsaved.  If you love Christ and are not afraid to warn the people entrusted you, …

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What is coming?/What about America?/Kids in prophecy/ Dec. 23, 2009

Frank DiMora: P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438 – I am offering my services to any Pastor who wants to help prepare their flock for the last days.  My prophecy seminars are waking up the dead Church and bringing in the unsaved.  If you love Christ and are not afraid to warn the people entrusted you, …

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In the days of Noah/144,000 Jewish males/ Antichrist signs/ Dec. 22, 2009

Frank DiMora: P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438 – I am offering my services to any Pastor who wants to help prepare their flock for the last days.  My prophecy seminars are waking up the dead Church and bringing in the unsaved.  If you love Christ and are not afraid to warn the people entrusted you, …

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(No title)

Someone sent me a link to a rapture forum where they are talking about my web site and what I am teaching.  I noticed that one person by the name of Miggy wrote the following: “However, later on he started veering into what I took as a belief in a work-based salvation. I stopped reading …

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One World Government/Signs of America’s decline/Out of this world talk again/Giving up on sound doctrine in the last days/Earthquake news/Coming food shortage/Dec. 20, 2009

Frank DiMora: P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438 – I am offering my services to any Pastor who wants to help prepare their flock for the last days.  My prophecy seminars are waking up the dead Church and bringing in the unsaved.  If you love Christ and are not afraid to warn the people entrusted you, …

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Attack message, the reason.

  Some have wanted to know why they are getting a warning about getting an attack on their computer if they go to The Edge Radio show which I am on.  Here is the reason as stated by one of my viewers. – Frank It happens only when using Firefox.  Internet Explorer does not display …

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Warning Dec. 19, 2009

Frank DiMora: P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438 – You can subscribe for all my prophecy updates by putting your email address in the subscribe box, which appears near the top left hand side of my prophecy site.  An email will be sent to you for you to confirm you want to subscribe. When you …

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New Middle East war signs between Israel and Iran/Dec 18, 2009-second post

Prophecy Sign: Earlier today I posted warning signs concerning the Ezekiel war, which is outlined in Ezekiel chapters 38-39.  I told you to watch signs war is going to break out soon when Israel attacks Iran’s nuclear power plant.  Here is new news confirming what I have been warning you.  I quote from the …

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DiMora is now the the air now

Now playing! December 18th 2009, 6:00 PM EST (11PM GMT) "Last Chronicles of Planet Earth" with Frank DiMora – How Bible prophecy is being fulfilled. Frank DiMora reveals how Bible prophecy is being fulfilled.  Frank gives you the latest news that connects the current events to what the Bible has warned.  DiMora covers many subjects this week …

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Food Crisis of 2010/Jesus warning about food prices in the last days/Signs of America’s decline/Warning about Gold and Silver/One World Government signs/Russians moving troops sign of coming Ezekiel war/UFO signs from the heavens/

Frank DiMora: P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438 – I am offering my services to any Pastor who wants to help prepare their flock for the last days.  My prophecy seminars are waking up the dead Church and bringing in the unsaved.  If you love Christ and are not afraid to warn the people entrusted …

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