Birth pains in the Middle East-Rapture of the Church- Peace and safety-Sign Ezekiel’s war is coming-Sept. 12, 2009


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Prophecy Sign:  The event you are about to read is what I call, “A LOOK AT THE FUTURE”. I have been telling you to expect another war between Israel and Lebanon.  If you have come to my site in the past 3 days you would have read what is about to take place between Israel, Lebanon, Syria, and many of the Arab nations bordering Israel.  The Middle East is about to enter another war.  No one can say for sure what will start the war, but if we see more rockets launched from Lebanon into Israel, Israel will move on Lebanon again the way they did in 2006.   All I know is the birth pains Jesus told us would take place are increasing again, let me show you how?  I quote, “Sept. 11 (Bloomberg) — At least two rockets were launched from Lebanon into northern Israel today, and Israeli forces returned fire across the border, an Israeli Army spokesman said, speaking anonymously according to regulation. There were no reported casualties or damage on the Israeli side, according to the Israeli army and police. Israel shelled a southern Lebanese village in retaliation for what may have been rocket attacks that were launched from the area, the Lebanese Army said.”  Keep in mind sudden destruction is supposed to happen when they are calling for “Peace and safety”.  Next week the Middle East peace talks are suppose to begin again, the timing for these new round of rockets into Israel very interesting.  I keep telling everyone when the Arabs finally come to grips with the fact that they will not get East Jerusalem from the peace talks, that is when this sudden destruction would come.  Yesterday Israel’ Prime Minister let the world know that East Jerusalem will never be given back to the Arabs, then today the rockets came.  This is only the beginning.  Is it possible that another war will break out during the Jewish Feasts?  We better be on the watch as Christ warned us to be, because it is possible we may, and I say may, see the war of Psalms 83 fulfilled very soon.  Just keep your eyes on Lebanon and Israel for the next few weeks.  These events may reduce in intensity as birth pains do, or it jus may deliver Psalms 83.

Let us not forget that arms have been making their way into Lebanon for the next war.  I quote from a report 5 months ago to prove my point. “The Lebanon-based militant group Hezbollah has stockpiled 40,000 rockets near the border with Israel and is training its guerillas to use missiles capable of striking Tel Aviv, The Times of London reported on Wednesday. According to the report, militants are now being trained in the use of both long-range ground-to-ground missiles as well as anti-aircraft missiles to use against Israel.” What did you think the Hezbollah was going to do with these 40,000 rockets?  They did exactly what I warned you they were going to do, they fired two of them on Israel, and it is going to be the last one either.

Yesterday I took my dog to a local dog park.  I use this time to let the dog run, but more importantly I use the time to speak to people at the park about Jesus Christ.  Yesterday the Lord set me 5 people who didn’t know anything about any of the warning Jesus had given us about these last days.  Everyone of the people were glued to what I was saying and wanted to know more.  Usually I carry my books with me, but yesterday I ran out.  One of the people was so interested she followed me back to my house so I could give her a free copy of the book.  She waited for me in her truck until I came out to give her the book.  While I was getting the book Jesus told me to give her a Bible.  I went out to the truck and gave her my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” and the Bible.  As I was speaking with her Jesus told me to make sure she know she has to except Him as Lord and repent, and do it fast.  She asked me what do I mean I needed to do it fast?  I explained that we are running out of time and all the prophecies being fulfilled show us the Lord we return soon for His Church.  At the moment I heard the Lord in my head say, “lead her to me right now”.  I asked her would you like to accept Jesus as your Savior now?  The answer was yes.  We prayed and her name was entered into the book of life!  After she left, Jesus made it very clear to me that before I let anyone go that I will be speaking to, ask them if I can lead them in pray to Christ at that very moment.  It is very clear that Christ was showing me time is running out and soon the free gift of Salvation will be gone.  Once Jesus takes His Church home and the people who refused Jesus Salvation are left behind, the only way those left behind can enter into heaven will be by dying for Christ.  Jesus warns everyone that if you are left behind to face the Antichrist he will come after you and cut your head off if you do not take the mark of the Antichrist.  This mark we are told will be put in the right hand or forehand of those who take the Antichrist’s ID mark.  Anyone who takes this mark will be going to the lake of fire.  This is a warning for Jesus.  Decide now what road you are going to take because the current events show us the seven year tribulation is about to begin soon.  One thing you do not want to happen is to find yourself left behind when the Church is gone.  Knowing this information I ask you today.  Repent, ask Jesus to give you of all your sins, believe in Christ that He did die for you to set you free from the gates of hell, believe he rose from the dead for you and that He is coming back soon to take your home with Him.  Then begin to live out your life for Christ, read His Word, live your life for Him and abide in Him each day, become a real born again believer one that the Father can say, “well done good and faithful servant”.

I want to warn everyone again that the war between Iran and Israel is going to begin soon.  This war could turn into what we were warned about in Ezekiel chapters 38-39.  It is coming! I quote news today from Israel. “In the rare moments when it's not preoccupied with the decline of U.S. President Barack Obama in the polls and with the debate over its government's proposed health-care reforms, the American press continues to deal almost obsessively with another pressing issue: the deadlock in efforts to stop Iran's nuclear program and the growing likelihood that the endgame will be an Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear facilities.”  In the past few weeks alone, an editorial in The Wall Street Journal warned the president that the United States must put a quick halt to the Iranian nuclear program, because otherwise Israel will bomb the facilities.  “An op-ed in The Los Angeles Times states (with some justification) that if Iran does not respond in September to the demands made of it, the world should brace itself for an Israeli attack. However, the author adds (mistakenly) that in the event of an Israeli strike, Obama "will probably learn of the operation from CNN rather than the CIA."


    • Gina Romano on September 12, 2009 at 4:01 pm
    • Reply

    Frank, you and your family are amazing! I admire your courage to speak to others about Christ. Your open willingness to share Christ shows how strong your faith really is in Christ. Thanks for all you do for everyone!! Gina Romano, Edge Correspondent and Host (

    • Wayne on September 13, 2009 at 12:08 am
    • Reply

    Frank, Praise Jesus for your work.. I had tears in my eyes when I read about you leading that woman to Christ outside your house. I pray that time is short and we will all go home soon (including her!).
    As to the comment from Bubba Joe above.. It is true you can live through the tribulation and enter the kingdom as a ‘natural’ – otherwise the sheep and the goats judgment would not need to occur – but it will be an awful time, and there is plenty of evidence to say that the age of grace will be over – you may even have to keep the original Jewish law during the tribulation to be fully saved as you will be technically in the age of law again.. I’m not 100% sure… and I know I don’t want to find out. Come Lord Jesus soon.

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