CHAPTER 17: GOLD AND SILVER IN PROPHECY (my newest chapter for the June up-dated book


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Are you really searching to know the truth?

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

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Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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CHAPTER 17 from my newest up-dated book that I will release very soon.  Thank you for staying with me as I take the time to up-date the book for you.


“And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more: The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble” (Revelation 18: 11-12).


Revelation 18:12 gives us a look at some of the items that will be taken away by Jesus from the people living in the last days. These items no doubt have skyrocketed in price for we see the people weeping over these items. Most people as you know won’t cry over items that hold no value.  Based on what we see from Revelation 18:12, I have been warning as many as I can over the years that the prices of gold and silver will skyrocket.  Almost every month we are reading news reports showing gold and silver are indeed becoming major items in these last days on a globe scene. Around ten years ago I could have purchased an ounce of gold for $300.00. If I would have told you ten years ago gold would be pushing the $1,600.00 mark, most people would have just laughed at me, and many people would have called me crazy!  However, those people who laughed at this prediction have taken a second look at what they were told.  Now, what if I told you in the future you could see the price of gold hit the $3,000 to $5,000 mark?  We know what could drive the price of gold and silver up in the near future.  The collapse of the U.S. dollar would send these precious metals through the ceiling.  As of June 22, 2011 the U.S. Government is broke under the huge weight of the American debt.  The crash is coming, and as you will learn from this chapter all of these concerns will be addressed.   I am now going to take you through a window of time to show you over the years we have witnessed the prices of gold and silver begin to skyrocket. The road to fulfilling Revelation 18:12 has already begun, and like the rest of the prophecies, this prophecy is also just beginning to take place at the same time as all the rest. Once again, I point out the Lord’s Word, when He warned the following: “Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door. I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened” (Matthew 24:33-34).

“Gold hit a 17-year high on Friday as concerns about inflation from high energy prices and worries about the US budget and trade deficits prompted investors to buy. Bullion peaked at $458.80 a troy ounce, its highest level since December 1987, after breaking through last December’s long-term high of $456.75. The swift move through key technical and psychological levels of $450 and $455, and strong investor buying, increased the prospect of bullion scaling new long-term peaks” ( Sept. 16, 2005).

“Gold prices rose to new heights above $700 an ounce Wednesday. Oil prices also rose. Inflationary pressures have been part of a mix of bullish factors fueling the rally in the precious-metals sector, along with ongoing geopolitical tensions and dollar weakness” ( May 11, 2006).

“Gold prices hit a near 28-year high on Monday, just shy of $750 an ounce amid renewed US dollar weakness. Spot gold in London rose to $747.65 an ounce – its highest since the record $850 an ounce in January 1980 – after the dollar fell to an all-time low of $1.4281 against the euro” ( Oct. 1, 2007).

“Spot gold prices pushed to a fresh all-time high above $1,000 a troy ounce on Friday as investors sought refuge from financial turbulence after Bear Stearns, received emergency funding after its liquidity position “significantly deteriorated” ( March 14, 2008.

“Gold scaled a record high on a weak dollar and global stocks jumped on Monday after better-than-expected U.S. home sales data and rosy economic news in the euro zone bolstered appetite for riskier assets. The Dow surged to a 52-week high before paring gains as a rally on Wall Street reversed most of the losses from a three-day sell-off last week. Gold hit a record $1,173.50 an ounce as the slumping U.S. dollar boosted gold purchases as a hedge against depreciation of paper currencies and future inflation” (REUTERS Nov. 23, 2009).  

“Gold surged to a new record high Tuesday, as uncertainties about the global economy sent some investors flocking to the save-haven precious metal. Gold futures for December delivery, the most actively traded contract, rose $24.60, or 2%, to settle at a new record high of $1,271.70. That topped the previous record of $1,264.80 reached on June 21” (CNNMoney Sept. 14, 2010).  Over the years when people realized buying gold was becoming an even bigger business companies got the idea to make even more profits but setting up vending machines which would enable you to buy gold bars right from a machine.  The first place one of these new machines was installed was in Abu Dhabi. I quote, “There’ no mistaking what’s in this vending machine.  The well-heeled in the Gulf can now grab “gold to go” from a hotel lobby in the United Arab Emirates, when the need for a quick ingot strikes. On Thursday, a day after its inauguration, the shiny machine attracted spectators of many different nationalities who gathered to watch whenever an enthusiast was struck with the urge to splurge on a bar of the precious metal” (Yahoo News May 13, 2010).

By May, of 2010 the United States saw its first gold vending machine installed in Florida. “Looking for something shiny to put under the Christmas tree? Try a new vending machine in Boca Raton. A new automatic teller machine at the Town Center at Boca Raton dispenses 24-carat gold bars and coins. The Gold to Go machine is the first of its kind in the United States. "I think of a vending machine like a Coke or say a candy bar maybe or gum, but gold? It’s unbelievable," one shopper told WPBF 25 News” (WPBF 25 News Dec. 17, 2010).  Japan also had its first gold vending machine installed in their nation, but they took it one step futhur by selling silver from their machines as well as the gold. I quote, “It is true that the gold vending machines have appeared for a long time on the international market but as of lately, Japan has inaugurated the first one for the local gold consumers. The glittering gold machine has been placed in Tokyo and has been preceded by a simple ceremony marking its entry into the market. The yellow metal is not the only type of precious metal that can be bought from these machines. Silver is also among the best precious metals that can help you take better care of your savings” (Article Source:  Other nations  who have now installed the machines are Germany, Spain, and Italy.  The bottom line is this. As gold and silver prices continue to climb, business men are finding new ways to sell these precious metals to as many as they can, and people are buying them up.

Why has Russia bought so much gold and is still in the process of buying more?  I am convinced Russia like China and India are setting themselves up for the fall of the U.S. dollar.  In 2010 while many nations were setting up gold vending machines, Russia had started its gold buying machine up!  I quote, “The International Monetary Fund’s gold holdings fell by 15.25 metric tons (490,286 ounces) in May, according to figures from the Washington-based lender. Russia’s assets expanded by 22.46 tons. Reserves of gold at the IMF were 2,951.58 tons at the end of May compared with 2,966.83 tons at the end of April, data on the IMF’s website show. Russia increased holdings to 703.1 tons in May, from 680.64 tons, and has added gold every month since at least February, the data show” (Bloomberg Businessweek June 30, 2010).  Just to prove to you Russia is buying up the gold for fear of the dollar collapse read this next report. “Unease over the future of the dollar prompted Russia to buy 135.3 tons of gold in 2010, as the country started moving out of the greenback and into precious metals, according to The Australian. All told, Russia spent $5.8 billion on gold, and, in the process, pushed itself up two spots to No. 8 on the list of central bank gold holdings with 784.1 tons” ( Feb. 2, 2011).

In chapter one of this book you read news that Russia and China had begun to dump the U.S. dollar.  While they are now in the process of dumping the dollar they are also in the process of buying as much gold as they can get their hands on.  India is doing the same thing. Take a look at how much gold both China and India had acquired in 2011?  I quote, “China edged out India to become the world’s largest buyer of investment-grade gold products, according to a World Gold Council report. In the first quarter, Chinese consumers purchased 90.9 metric tonnes in gold bars and coins, valued at $4.1 billion. That’s more than double the amount Chinese consumers were buying year ago. It’s also more than the 85.9 metric tonnes bought by Indian consumers during the first three months of the year. "Persistent high inflation levels in [both countries] continued to motivate investment in gold," the organization’s analysts wrote in a research report. India still dominates the gold jewelry market, buying 206.2 metric tonnes in the first quarter, compared with China’s 142.9 metric tonnes. China and India account for nearly half of all gold products sold during the first quarter, said the World Gold Council” (Yahoo Finance News May 20, 2011). Both these nations know the dollar is dying, and these nations are setting themselves up for th
at fall. The world will be rocked when the dollar dies, and their is little doubt that gold and silver will strength the position of anyone holding these precious metals.

Not only has China been buying up the gold, but the Chinese government has even told their citizens to start buying gold as well.  I quote, “Since 2003, Beijing has been buying most of the gold excavated and refined locally. It was a perfect strategy. No one in the international market became the wiser and the bill was paid in yuans. Today, China has more than 1,000 tonnes in its official vaults, up 75% in six years. Its gold reserves are now the fifth-largest among national central banks after the US, Germany, France and Italy. This insurance helped mandarins in Beijing sleep easier at night. But the public still had no such hedge. So, Beijing has begun actively encouraging people to invest up to 5% of their income in gold and silver. The biddable Chinese have diligently followed this advice” (The Economic Times Jan. 7, 2010).

Now that you know there has been a lot of activity concerning buying gold and silver, you need to see that the prices of these metals have continued to rise.  The State of Utah has taken the position of preparing for what is to come as the U.S. dollar declines.  l“In a bold move, the state of Utah has distanced itself from the U.S. dollar and approved minting its own gold and silver currency. On Thursday, March 10th, the Utah Legislature passed a popular bill allowing state minted gold and silver coins to be legally accepted as currency within their state’s borders. The value will be based on the market price of the metals, not the face value stamped on the coins” (Helium Economic News March 11, 2011).

As I witness to people by quoting Jesus warnings concerning the gold and silver in the last days, I make sure the people know that the prices of these metals will no doubt keep skyrocketing to levels we have never seen.  In Revelation 18:12 we see a picture that gold and Silver no doubt skyrocket during the tribulation period. How do we know this? We know this because we see the people weeping over these metals when Jesus takes them away from them. People don’t weep over items they own that don’t hold value. As you can now see from the news you already read, Jesus’ warning about the gold and silver is already well on its way to being fully fulfilled during the tribulation.  Are the prices still going up, see for yourself?

“The price of silver continued its amazing rise today, reaching almost $50 an ounce before sliding back down to around $47. This is in line with certain predictions made by analysts in February who pointed to strong gains in the commodities market in general for 2011. Silver hasn’t been at this high a price since the 1970s, when a weaker dollar and higher inflation had the market turning to precious metals as a money and investment source. The same conditions have existed the last few years as well, and the market demand for both silver and gold has dramatically increased. Combine this with the fact that the supply of silver is actually on the decline, and that the uses for it, including certain industrial applications, are on the rise, the price of the metal is not expected to decrease anytime soon” (Yahoo News April 26, 2011.

As you see from the Revelation 18:12 prophecy, Jesus shows us what items people will weep over when He takes them away from them.  I believe the Holy Spirit has given His believers wisdom about the skyrocketing prices of gold and silver as well as the other items He warned us about in verse 12.  Knowing this I am ever watching the news for these prices to continue to climb.  By the way, I am not alone in this thinking.  Experts in the finance world are predicting unheard of prices for these metals.  “An exhaustive report by Standard Chartered predicts that gold will more than triple to $5,000 an ounce because of a lack of supply, not just because of a surge in demand that most bullion bugs cite in their bullish calls. There are very few large gold mines set to commence operation in the next five years,” said Standard’s analyst Yan Chen in a report Monday. “The limited new supply comes at a time when central banks have turned from being net sellers to significant net buyers of gold. The result, in our view, will be a gold market in deficit, even assuming flat growth in demand. With the supply-demand balance so out of kilter, we see the gold price potentially going to US$5,000/oz” (CNBC News June, 14, 2011).  Look, Jesus doesn’t tell us exactly why the prices go up, all we know is that must have been the case as the reference to the people weeping over their lost gold and silver.  The predictions about the future prices appears to be holding as the prices are still climbing.

“Gold prices rallied to a record high $1,497.20 an ounce on Monday after Standard & Poor’s downgraded its credit outlook for the United States and as investors worried about debt in the euro zone and inflation in China” (REUTERS April 18, 2011).  In the month of June, which is the month I publish this book, the last report on the new record highs for gold was issued by the Los Angeles Times on June 22, 2011.  Just like I have been warning, a new high had been hit again.  I quote, “Gold: Trading now at $1,558 per ounce, up 0.8% from Tuesday. Dow Jones industrial average: Trading now at 12199.85, up 0.1% from Tuesday”.

At this point all I can say is this, If you dought what Jesus has warned you, and you still refuse His warnings concerning these matters, just keep watching the news. As time marches on you will see the prices of these metals reach levels we have never seen. We have come a long way from the gold prices below the $300.00, and silver is holding its own. Before it is all over with gold and silver will fulfill their role in prophecy. I pray you will receive this proof, and stand ready to be raptured away before you are placed in a position to witness the fulfillment of this prophecy as one living in the midst of the seven year tribulation.

Watch the videos and see what the experts are warning you about the prices of gold and silver.



    • Sue on August 16, 2012 at 12:57 am
    • Reply

    I have a limited amount of money left in my IRA. I am a single female, 60 yrs old divorced after 32 years of marraige. I have a Fidelity IRA and my financial advisor wants me to move it over to Pershing. The Lord has really been speaking to me about investing in silver and maybe some gold but mostly silver. Is it wise to take the last bit of $ out of My IRA and buy silver and gold. I have watched my IRA dwindle and become stagnant. I don’t know how to start or who to trust.
    Thank you for your advice. I need to do something very soon.

  1. I like all details that you provide in your articles.

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