Chapter 2 of The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth now in Spanish

Israel Vlla is translating my book The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth chapter by chapter for me. He has just finished chapter two. If you know anyone who speaks Spanish please let them know were they can read these first two chapters for free. I will post the rest of the chapters as Israel completes them. God is good to me and is allowing me to reach as many as I can for Christ and now the Spanish community can begin to read the last day signs in my book.



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  1. Hi Frank:

    Would you mind sending my landlady, Janet Diaz, the link to the Spanish version of your book? I was talking to her about the Rapture tonight. She’s heard of it but doesn’t know much about it. So….I’d like her to get educated a bit.

    Her email address is:

    Thanks much,
    Art Williams
    (in Barranquilla)

    She speaks some English but I think it would mentally digest better if she could read it in Spanish.

    1. My assistant sent a PDF version to her. Please let her know. God bless

    • Victor on April 30, 2018 at 1:54 am
    • Reply

    Hi Frank:

    Would you mind sending my landman, Janet Diaz, the link to the Spanish version of your book? I was talking to her about the Rapture tonight. She’s heard of it but doesn’t know much about it. So….I’d like her to get educated a bit.

    Her email address is:

    Thanks much,
    Victor Cruz
    (in Monterrey, México)

    She speaks some English but I think it would mentally digest better if she could read it in Spanish.

    1. I only have the Spanish version of The Thief in the Night which deals with the rapture
      of the church. Here is the link:—spanish—un-ladr%C3%B3n-en-la-noche.pdf

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