Link to the show “The Edge”
Correspondent Gina Romano interviews Frank DiMora, the Author of “The Last Chronicles of the Planet Earth”. DiMora is the founder of
Frank has spent 29 years studying and compiling information to present to the public regarding Bible Prophecy and the end times. In this interview Frank discusses the rebuilt Roman Empire and its significance to the rise of the Anti-Christ, as well as current news events as they pertain to prophecy. Frank’s passion for his work instills a sense of excitement as he explains how the world’s current turbulence is preparing us for the most climatic moment in all of history. His book The Last Chronicles of the Planet Earth and his website outline in detail the facts and events that are happening daily in correlation with prophecy. The subject matter deals with facts supporting the fulfillment of bible prophecy, and it will prove this is the chosen generation to see Jesus Christ return. To some people this subject is scary, but the current situation of the world was foretold in the Bible so we would understand and prepare for Christ’s return. Frank charges nothing for his book and it can be found on his website. Although at one time Frank had a publisher it was made clear by the Lord I was never to charge anyone for this work. Jesus warned that the generation who saw all these things (prophecies) take place at the same time, that would be the generation chosen to see His Second Coming.
Picture from chapter 2 of Frank’s book showing the women riding the beast as discribed in Revelation chapter 17.