Saudi’s and Iran what does this mean?/Will Jews soon rebuild their Jewish Temple?/Worse flood in 70 years/Satanic forces at work/Another “great earthquake”/Muslim Brotherhood and forced sin fee vacations/Dec. 14, 2011



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The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” October 28, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October 28, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 Is where you will fine the warning about the seas and waves roaring.  2011 has been plauged by massive storms that has caused complex problems for many nations. Thailand is now in the midst of some of these problems as this nation finds itself under water.

Prophecy Sign: Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in heavenly places.”

Over the course of years Satan has been working to remove anything that has to do with the Savior of the world Jesus Christ. Satan has his people working trying to destroy the Lord’s Church.  Those who know the Word of God know that Satan loses and will be cast into the lake of fire along with the Antichrist and the false prophet and anyone who chooses to not to receive the Lord’s free gift of salvation. The battles as noted in Ephesians 6:12 are waging and the video below shows you an example of what Paul warned us about via Jesus Christ.


A Nativity display in Santa Monica

For nearly 60 years at Christmastime, Christian congregations from Santa Monica have come together to organize a life-sized Nativity scene, using 14 display areas in a city park to illustrate the story of the birth of Jesus Christ.

This year, however, the story had to be abridged.

Because of a city lottery system to dole out available spots in Santa Monica's Palisades Park, along Ocean Avenue, atheists have been able to claim most of the display spaces traditionally used for the Nativity, leaving room for only three of the scenes.


Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:11 Christ told us “great earthquakes” would be one of the many last days signs. 2011 has seen its share of these great quakes and today there was another one!

Strong 7.3 magnitude quake hits PNG

A spokesman from Geoscience Australia confirmed the earthquake had occurred on land north of Port Moresby.

Geoscience Australia's website said the quake could be felt by people 1,523 kilometres away.

It says damage may have occurred within a 122-kilometre radius.

An AAP corespondent reported that the windows of the parliament building shook for about 1.5 minutes, however there appears to be no damage. The earthquake comes on a day of political upheaval.

The quake happened at 4.04pm (AEDT). Witnesses in Port Moresby said people came running out of buildings, power lines swayed and parked cars rocked.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center did not issue a tsunami alert.


Prophecy Sign: In Psalm 83 we see Egypt is one of the nations that will attack Israel. As I have warned you in the past, watch out for what the Muslim Brotherhood does in the near future, because they will turn to strict Muslim law to control their people and anyone else they can. If you plan to visit Egypt any time soon you better read this report. “The Muslim Brotherhood, which won success in the first round of parliamentary elections in Egypt last month, is reportedly set on turning the country's holiday resort 'sin-free'. Azza al-Jarf, a candidate for the Muslim Brotherhood, told supporters: "Tourists don't need to drink alcohol when they come to Egypt; they have plenty at home." "They came to see the ancient civilization, not to drink alcohol," he added.” “Speaking to private television network Dream TV, he said: "A five-star hotel with no alcohol, a beach for women – sisters – separated from men in a bay where the two sides can enjoy a vacation for a week without sins."

You may ask what does this report have to do with the Psalm 83 war? It just shows us the direction the new Egyptian government is headed by the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood. I believe it will be because of the Muslim Brotherhood that they will make a move to destroy Israel

This report tells us “There are around 15 million visitors to Egypt every year”. I would think as the result of the Muslim Brotherhood’s control in the new Egyptian government many of the people who would have traveled to Egypt will be traveling to some where else. At a time when Egypt needs to keep their people employed, all that is going to happen is people will stay away from Egypt and cause the tourism to keep sliding in Egypt, hence say goodbye to more jobs!

Speaking about the Muslim Brotherhood, a report out with the headline “Egypt holds second round of parliamentary election” is important because it shows us what direction Egypt will be headed in the very near future. At this point the Muslim Brotherhood has taken the lead. Knowing that Israel will be attacked by Egypt as seen in the Psalm 83 war what are the odds  the Muslim Brotherhood will not win the second round Egypt?

Voters queue in Giza (14 December 2011)Just as in the first round, queues formed early at some polling stations

Egyptians are going to the polls in the second round of elections to a new parliament – the first since President Hosni Mubarak was toppled in February. Voting has been relatively peaceful, with no major irregularities reported. The first round earlier this month was dominated by Islamist parties, with the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party winning a third of vote. They are set to consolidate their gains this week, with polling taking place in more rural and conservative areas. The long and complex election process will not be completed until next month. The aim is to elect a lower house of parliament, which will then appoint a 100-member committee to draft a new constitution.

Prophecy Sign: Psalm 83 shows the Hamas will be one of the peoples who attack Israel. I have been showing you the signs that this war is about to take place. Here is another one of those signs.

Syria is another nation listed in the Psalm 83 war against Israel. Syria's President has said many times that if his nation is attacked by Nato he will attack Israel.  Could it be possible that Syria will hit Israel soon as a result of today's report which said the following: "In a shift, Israeli officials are welcoming the prospect that Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad, will be overthrown, an event Defense Minister Ehud Barak says could be weeks away." If Bashar al-Assad thinks he will be gone soon he just may jump at the chance to take Israel out with him.  These are very interesting times for the Middle East to say the least!  Let's see what happens?

Prophecy Sign: In Matthew 24 Jesus told us their would be Christian persecution in the last days.  A report entitled: "Obama Hails ‘New Iraq,’ But Ignores Persecution of Christians and Other Religious Minorities" gives you facts on what is happening to Christians in Iraq.

Prophecy Sign: Why is this news you are about to read important?  Did you know that the Psalm 83 war tells us the Saudi's will attack Israel in that war?  Ezekiel 38 also tells us Iran will go to war with Israel.  After you read this report I hope you can see that these new alliances have to take place in order to fulfill prophecy. 

"A large Iranian delegation led by Intelligence Minister Heidar Moslehi visited Riyadh Monday, Dec. 12 and put a proposition before Crown Prince Nayef bin Abdulaziz: Why not bury the Saudi royal house's historic feud with the ayatollahs of Tehran and form an anti-US and anti-Zionist pact for leading the Middle East? The Iranians boasted that after the seizure of America's top secret drone technology by a successful cyber attack they must now be accepted as the superpower of the region. (Click to report and read more).


Bro. Frank,  
Thanks so much for posting the video from Gary Stearman which analyzes the probable mis-interpretation of the scripture in the KJV from the original Greek of Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians in chapter 2 verse 3.  I believe this is another excellent and probably definitive example of conclusive evidence to support the theological position of the pre-tribulation rapture of the church and to refute the interpretation in the KJV which reads “a falling away”  instead of “the departure”  as interpreted in many early English Bibles, or possibly more accurately, according to Strongs, “the separation”. In addition to the work by Gary Stearman, Dr. Thomas Ice has also written a very good analysis of this scripture at which references the work of Dr. E. Schuyler English regarding the proper interpretation of this passage of scripture. Researching the validity of their position and their conclusions is very easy with the resources available to us on the internet; even for amateur researchers such as myself. The pre-KJV early English Bibles mentioned are all available for viewing on the internet as is the Greek New Testament with references to Strong’s. The Wesley Center has a number of them available on-line for review. I reviewed a number to sources cited in Stearman’s work and found the following: Regarding the mis-translation of the word “the” into the word “a”, which precedes the term “falling away” in the KJV;  in the Greek New Testament (available on-line at the Wesley Center and easily understood with Strong’s references) the Strongs reference is 3588 and the interpretation of the Greek word clearly appears to be “the”, or “the one”, or “it”, which indicates a specific thing or event rather than the general thing or event which would be indicated by the word “a”.  In addition, the Coverdale Bible which precedes the KJV uses the word “the”.  So, it appears that the original Greek intention was to indicate a specific rather than a general thing or event which changes the nature of the scripture dramatically, since we now are to look for a specific occurrence of the event which follows the word “the”. The Greek NT word which was mis-interpreted by the KJV which follows “the” is “apostasia” which has a Strong’s reference number of 646. Strong’s definition of this word, (from which our word apostasy is derived) is defection, falling away or forsake.  The interesting fact is that, according to Strongs, this is a form of the following word (647) “apostasion” which indicates separation from or to separate. Obviously from the foregoing descriptions, the Greek word “apostasia” was intended to indicate that a falling away is, by definition, being separated from where you are now. As such, early translators of the Bible that preceded the KJV almost universally used the word “departure” to interpret the Greek word “apostasia” instead of falling away. I looked at the Geneva Bible, The Tyndale Bible and Coverdale Bible. All three of these translations, which precede the KJV used the word “departure” or “departing” in II Thes 2:3 to describe the event that must occur “FIRST” before the man of sin (anti-christ) can be revealed.  (Tyndale is “departynge first”)(Coverdale is “departynge come first”)(Geneva is “departing first”). Dr. Ice also mentions that Jerome’s Latin Vulgate from about A.D. 400 renders “apostasia” with the word “discessio” which means departure. The foregoing would appear to indicate conclusively that the Greek NT was referring to the specific event of a departure, or departing or possibly more accurately a separation from our current situation or position. Dr. Ice writes that no one knows why the KJV version was completely different from the preceding versions. My personal opinion is that the English word apostasy was probably becoming almost universally used by that time to refer to a falling away or departure from or separation from the true faith and the KJV translation just used that more current definition of the Greek word “apostasia” rather than the translation into departure or separation from which appears to have been the original intent. One final piece of evidence needs to be discussed in order to support the fact that departure or separation is the proper interpretation of the word “apostasia” to use in this passage of scripture. Obviously the word as used in the sentence is a noun, indicating a specific thing, event or place. “Apostasia” is not followed by another noun, so it is impossible to indicate that the word is used in the sentence in a descriptive manner, which might be necessary if the interpretation was “falling away”. The question would be; “falling away from what? Paul does not indicate what this “falling away” is, probably because he knew that his first century readers would clearly understand that he was telling them of the departure or separation of the church prior to the revelation of the anti-christ. This is probable since II Thes. was written to correct false teaching that the church in Thessalonica  had received telling them that the resurrection and the departure or catching away of the church Paul prophesied to them in I Thes. had already occurred. As such, the church there and then would know that Paul was describing the event of the catching away or rapture of the church. I think we in modern times have always loosely quoted this scripture as “in the last days there will be a great falling away from the faith.” I’m certain that everyone has heard this passage preached upon in that way, and then followed by many examples of how the church is, without doubt, falling away from the faith.  However, in this context and in the Greek and in the KJV it is obvious that the word is used as a noun with no additional description, except to say that this departure will occur FIRST before the revelation of the man of sin. As such, our addition of the concept of falling away “from the faith” is presumptive based upon our current use of the word apostasy which would indicate a falling away from the faith. The original text did not add this and we cannot add it either in order to determine the proper use of the word in its original context. In summary, while the forgoing appears to conclusively indicate that Paul was referring to the departure or separation of the church prior to the revelation of the man of sin (anti-christ) and was not referring to a general falling away from the faith of the church or even the end time falling away from the faith of the church (which is occurring daily); I would submit that, even if you use the KJV interpretation of falling away, you must conclude that, in this context, falling away should indicate a departure or separation from your current position or situation. This means a physical falling away and not a theological falling away, which would be indicated by a falling away from the faith, which is the current use of the word apostasy. This further serves to remind us of possibility of the return of Christ at any time and instead of bring fear into our heart, should drive us as believers in Christ into fulfilling the Great Commission to share the gospel to all unbelievers. Now is not the time to sit down and wait and hope for a quick escape, it is time to get to work for the Lord! Tim Moore

Ministry info:

The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” June 30, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October 28, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Are you really searching to know the truth? Jesus will show it to you!

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438


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What it will be like when the rapture hits.

Rapture of the Church in English: Download A THIEF IN THE NIGHT.doc Aug.7, 2011 By Frank DiMora pdf

Below is a link to the rapture of the Church in French.






    • Jay on December 3, 2012 at 2:28 pm
    • Reply

    Thankyou Frank. Your website is amazing. It is so fascinating and very exciting to see the connection between bible prophecy and the latest news events. You do a fantastic job of keeping us informed and up to date. God Bless you with everything you need to continue on with your work, not only with this website and what God has called you to do, but with the local pastors that you have been working with and encouraging in thier call from God also. You are doing a wonderful job, thankyou again 🙂

  1. Did you know that I have a new site? I will be putting
    up my up-dates at this new site.

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