Dec. 14, 2017- Islamic State threatens US attacks over Jerusalem decision

 1coverThe Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 6, 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

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Headline: Islamic State threatens US attacks over Jerusalem decision

Islamic State threatened attacks on US soil in retaliation for the Trump administration’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, one of the group’s social media accounts reported on Thursday without giving any details. In a message on one of its accounts on the Telegram instant messaging service titled “Wait for us” and “ISIS in Manhattan,” the group said it would carry out operations and showed images of New York’s Times Square and what appeared to be an explosive bomb belt and detonator. “We will do more ops in your land, until the final hour and we will burn you with the flames of war which you started in Iraq, Yemen, Libya and Syria and Afghan. Just you wait,” it said.
Dec. 14, 2017,7340,L-5056922,00.html

Headline: IDF strikes Hamas targets in Gaza Strip in response to rocket fire

The IDF struck Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip in response to earlier rocket fire fired from the enclave, the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit confirmed. The IDF said the targets were training sites and weapons storage units. Earlier tonight, three rockets were fired into Israeli territory, as two rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome over the city of Sderot and a third fell in open territory in Eshkol Regional Council, causing no damage or injuries. This was the sixth night in a row with rockets fired at Israel. The IDF confirmed earlier that one of the rockets fired from Gaza landed inside the Strip and hit a school there. “The State of Israel an attack, or attempted attack, on its citizens and will continue to defend them and its sovereignty sharply and decisively,” the IDF statement read. “The terrorist organization Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, leads the people of Gaza into a life of poverty, destruction and despair, and bears responsibility for the situation.”
Dec. 14, 2017

Headline: Hamas will reverse Trump’s Jerusalem move, leader tells Gaza rally

Tens of thousands of Palestinians including hundreds of gunmen rallied in Gaza on Thursday to mark the 30th anniversary of Hamas’s founding and its chief vowed to reverse U.S. President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Earlier in the day, Israel shut its border crossings with Gaza in response to daily rocket fire from the Hamas-ruled enclave since Trump’s announcement on Dec. 6, which stirred anger across the Arab and Muslim world and concern among Washington’s European allies as well as Russia. “We will knock down Trump’s decision. No superpower is capable of offering Jerusalem to Israel, there is no Israel that it should have a capital named Jerusalem. Our souls, our blood, our sons and our homes are a sacrifice for Jerusalem,” Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh told the rally in Gaza City. With gunmen from other Palestinian militant groups showing support for Hamas, Haniyeh added, “We are marching towards Jerusalem, sacrificing millions of martyrs along the way,” and the crowd repeated his chants.
Dec. 14, 2017


Saudi Arabia

Headline: Yemen war: Air strikes on rebel prison in Sanaa ‘kill 30’

At least 30 people are reported to have been killed in Saudi-led coalition air strikes on a rebel military police camp in Yemen’s capital, Sanaa. Most of the dead were said to be detainees at a prison inside the camp. A guard said an initial attack damaged one wing of the jail, prompting some inmates to try to escape. Then another strike almost demolished the building. The raid on the camp in eastern Sanaa began in the early hours of Tuesday. One of the guards at the camp’s prison, Mohammed al-Aqel, told AFP news agency that it was hit at least five times, and that several buildings and a perimeter wall were heavily damaged. An official told Reuters news agency that about 180 people were being detained at the jail, and that 35 bodies had so far been pulled from the rubble.
Dec. 13, 2017


Headline: US-backed Syria fighters kill 20-plus IS fighters

The US military says American-supported Syria opposition fighters killed more than 20 Islamic State fighters in an area near the Jordanian and Iraqi borders. A US officer, Brig. Gen. Jonathan Braga, said the IS fighters had slipped through an area controlled by Syrian regime forces. The Syrian government has fought against IS, but Braga said this is the second time in recent weeks that IS fighters fleeing a contested area further north have moved freely through Syrian-controlled territory. A coalition press release said that in addition to the 20-plus IS fighters killed on Wednesday by a US supported Syrian opposition force, an unspecified number were captured. A US official said the detainees numbered about 15. The official was not authorized to provide details and so spoke on condition of anonymity.
Dec. 14, 2017,7340,L-5057153,00.html


Headline: Turkey, Lebanon eye embassies to Palestine in East Jerusalem

The Turkish and Lebanese foreign ministers announced in statements on Thursday their respective governments’ intentions to open embassies for the Palestinians in East Jerusalem. Their statements came against the backdrop of US President Donald Trump’s recognition of the city as Israel’s capital, which has drawn sharp criticism from Muslim countries. Turkey’s top diplomat, Mevlut Cavusoglu, specified that Ankara only plans to make the move once the world recognizes an independent Palestinian state. He said there was “serious determination” among countries that have not yet recognized Palestine to do so. “Once we succeed, embassies will open in the independent Palestinian state’s capital, East Jerusalem,” he asserted. Lebanese Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil said he had informed Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas of Beirut’s willingness to establish a Lebanese embassy in East Jerusalem.
Dec. 14, 2017


Headline: US Presents ‘Undeniable’ Evidence Iran Illegally Arming Yemen Rebels

A senior U.S. official said Thursday that Washington has “undeniable” evidence that Iran is illegally supplying weapons to rebels in Yemen as part of a “pattern” of bad behavior in the region. “In this warehouse is concrete evidence of illegal Iranian weapons proliferation, gathered from direct military attacks on our partners in the region,” U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley told a news conference at a military base in Washington. Haley made her presentation standing in front of large pieces of debris she said were from a short-range missile recently fired by Iranian-backed Houthi rebels based in Yemen into Saudi Arabia that struck a civilian airport. She said the U.S. would invite Congress and members of the U.N. Security Council to inspect the debris.
Dec. 14, 2017


Headline: Russia Sharply Expanding Nuclear Arsenal, Upgrading Underground Facilities

Russia is aggressively building up its nuclear forces and is expected to deploy a total force of 8,000 warheads by 2026 along with modernizing deep underground bunkers, according to Pentagon officials. The 8,000 warheads will include both large strategic warheads and thousands of new low-yield and very low-yield warheads to circumvent arms treaty limits and support Moscow’s new doctrine of using nuclear arms early in any conflict. In addition to expanding its warheads, Russia also is fortifying underground facilities for command and control during a nuclear conflict. One official said the alarming expansion indicates Russia is preparing to break out of current nuclear forces constraints under arms treaties, including the 2010 New START and 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaties.
Dec. 13, 2017

Headline: N. Korea: Trump taking dangerous step to nuclear war by seeking naval blockade

US President Donald Trump is taking an “extremely dangerous” and “big step” towards nuclear war by seeking a naval blockade, North Korea has stated, according to the official KCNA news agency. Pyonyang also said it will take “merciless self-defensive” measures against any blockade, as it would consider such a move an “act of war.” The North Korean government also believes any blockade would be a “wanton violation” of its sovereignty and dignity, KCNA reported, citing a foreign ministry spokesman. US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson previously mentioned the “right to interdict maritime traffic transporting goods” to and from the North, following Pyongyang’s latest intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) test on November 29.  Pyongyang also lashed out at the possible US move in a commentary on Sunday in the communist party newspaper Rodong Sinmun. Earlier on Thursday, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin warned that North Korea now finds itself in a position where it “doesn’t see any other way for self-protection rather than developing weapons of mass destruction and missile technologies.” Having reiterated that Moscow in no way supports Pyongyang’s nuclear program, the Russian leader stressed that the Kremlin calls for steps by all sides towards a peaceful solution.
Dec. 14, 2017


Dec. 4, 2017–Over 100 tons of fish have died in Lake Maninjau, West Sumatra, Indonesia

Dec. 5, 2017–Hundreds of tons of fish have died in 2 lakes in West Java, Indonesia

Dec. 6, 2017–Millions of fish have died in a river in Morales, Colombia

Dec. 7, 2017–Hundreds of dead fish found in a river in Vila Bela da Santissima Trindade, Brazil

Dec. 11, 2017–16,000 ducks killed due to avian flu in Biddinghuizen, Netherlands

Dec. 12, 2017–76,000 ducks killed due to avian flu in South Korea


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