Dec. 14, 2020- Powerful explosion hits key Iranian oil pipeline; Strong explosive eruption at Etna volcano



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Israel normalizes ties with Bhutan

Israel established full diplomatic relations with Bhutan for the first time on Saturday night. Ambassador to India Ron Malka and his Bhutanese counterpart Vetsop Namgyel signed the final agreement normalizing ties on Saturday night. The countries’ foreign ministries held secret talks over the past year towards the goal of forging official ties, which included delegations between the two capitals Jerusalem and Thimphu. The effort to make relations between the two countries was not connected to the Abraham Accords, in which four Arab countries – United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco – normalized ties with Israel in as many months, with American mediation. In fact, Bhutan does not even have official diplomatic relations with the US.
Dec. 12, 2020

Oman, Indonesia likely next countries to forge ties with Israel

Oman and Indonesia could be next in line to establish diplomatic relations with Israel in the coming weeks, a diplomatic source said Sunday. The Trump administration is continuing in its efforts to bring more Arab and Muslim countries into the Abraham Accords. The United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco have agreed to normalization with Israel. US Vice President Mike Pence plans to visit Israel in January, as first reported by The Jerusalem Post last week, Regional Cooperation Minister Ofir Akunis (Likud) told Army Radio on Sunday. While here, Pence may announce that another country will establish relations with Israel, he added. The diplomatic source identified Oman and Indonesia as two countries with which talks have advanced and with whom normalization could be announced before US President Donald Trump leaves office on January 20.
****See also:
Will Oman be next? Rumors swirls that Gulf State will sign peace deal with Israel 
Oman welcomes Bahrain-Israel normalization decision 
As Trump says 5 Arab states to join Abraham Accords soon, diplomatic source say Oman will be next 
Dec. 13, 2020


Israel-Iran shadow war locks in on southeastern Syria

In the last weeks of the Trump administration, Israel is fast-tracking the military drive to push Iran and its helpers back from their advance on southern Syria and the Golan border. The IDF is urged to hurry up in case the Biden administration decides that Iran’s presence in Syria need not be addressed by the US in a potential renegotiated nuclear deal with Tehran. Iran is using the uncertain transition period to advance on the Syrian-Israel Golan border by infiltrating and hiding behind Syrian army positions in the southern Syrian provinces of Deraa, Quneitra and Sweida. The Iranians are also practicing clandestine tactics on the Syrian Golan with the help of a special Hizballah unit and dozens of local armed groups and soldiers, taking advantage of the overall chaos prevailing in the region. The IDF is hitting back by expanding the targets of its air strikes to include the Syrian regime army positions hosting or covering Iranian Revolutionary Guards or Shiite militia forces in the south and the east. The success of the IDF’s ramped-up operations to counter Iran’s strategy was indicated by IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi in an end-of-year summary last Thursday, Dec. 10. “Iran has begun cutting back on its military presence in Syria as a result of our operations,’ he said, “but there is still a long way to go before the job is done.” The tempo and quality of Israeli strikes against Iranian assets in Syria, including kinetic operations, the general said, have been enhanced this year, along with more numerous covert and clandestine missions.”
Dec. 13, 2020


US imposes sanctions against Turkey over S-400 deal

On Monday, the US Treasury Department imposed sanctions on the Turkish Defense Industries Administration and its head, Ismail Demir. The Treasury Department website said Washington had imposed sanctions on three other individuals linked to the Turkish Defense Industries Administration. Last week, Reuters reported on the United States’ plans to impose sanctions against Turkey over its purchase of Russian S-400 air defense systems. Bloomberg also said that US President Donald Trump signed a package of sanctions against Turkey, against the backdrop of the Russian S-400 missile defense system deal that Turkey had bought. The agency stated that sanctions against Turkey will be imposed under the “CAATSA” (Combating America’s enemies through sanctions) law. It is worth noting that the leaders of the European Union countries decided on December 11 to expand sanctions against Turkey and adopt an additional blacklist based on a decision issued on November 11, 2019 regarding imposing restrictions against Ankara due to its “illegal” activities in the Mediterranean.
Dec. 14, 2020

Powerful explosion hits key Iranian oil pipeline

Two people were killed and ten others were wounded on Monday, in an explosion at an industrial unit south of the Iranian capital, Tehran. The Iranian Fars news agency said that the explosion occurred in the industrial city ​​of Salafjakan in the province of Qom, and was followed by a fire. On Sunday, firefighting teams in Iran managed to contain an explosion caused by an oil leak in a pipeline that pumps crude oil to Isfahan, the second largest refinery in the country. Several explosions and fires have followed in Iran during the earlier this year, as gas capsules exploded in a medical clinic north of Tehran, killing and wounding dozens. In addition, a fire broke out in an electrical transformer in the city of Ahvaz, southern Iran, and another explosion hit the east of the capital, Tehran, near the Khojar missile base and near the Parchin military site. Iranian media said that Tehran does not exclude an act of sabotage by opposition groups or a cyber attack by America and Israel in these fires and explosions, especially with regard to the explosion of the Natanz nuclear facility in Isfahan, in the center of the country, which occurred last August.
Dec. 14, 2020

Sudan PM Visits Ethiopia for Talks on Restive Tigray Region

Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok briefly visited Addis Ababa Sunday for talks on Ethiopia’s restive Tigray region, where fighting has caused tens of thousands of people to flee to neighboring Sudan. “I look forward to having productive discussions on political, humanitarian and security matters of common concern that serve the future of peace, stability and prosperity for our two sisterly nations and the region,” Hamdok wrote on Twitter early in his visit. Hamdok’s visit was initially scheduled to last for two days, but he returned to Sudan after a few hours. It was not clear why the trip was cut short. Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed says the violence in Tigray has stopped and that there is no need for Sudan’s offer to broker a cease-fire.
Dec. 13, 2020

US recognition of Morocco’s claim over Western Sahara illegal: Algeria

Trump Faces Backlash on Western Sahara Recognition

Algeria has rejected a decision by outgoing US President Donald Trump to recognize Morocco’s sovereignty over the disputed territory of Western Sahara, saying the move lacks legal effect and undermines de-escalation efforts in the region. In a statement released on Saturday, the Algerian Foreign Ministry said Trump’s decision “has no legal effect because it contradicts UN resolutions, especially UN Security Council resolutions on Western Sahara.” “The proclamation would undermine the de-escalation efforts made at all levels in order to pave the way for launching a real political process,” it added. The remarks came after the United States adopted a new map of Morocco that included Western Sahara. “This map is a tangible representation of President Trump’s bold proclamation two days ago – recognizing Morocco’s sovereignty over Western Sahara,” US Ambassador to Rabat David Fischer said during a ceremony at the American diplomatic mission. He then signed the “new official US government map of the kingdom of Morocco” and noted that it would be presented to Morocco’s King Mohammed VI.
Dec. 13, 2020

Nagorno-Karabakh conflict flares despite ceasefire

Russian forces intervene to stop battle between Azerbaijani and Armenian troops in Karabakh

Azerbaijan announced on Sunday that four of its troops had been killed in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region since a peace deal with Armenian separatists was agreed in early November. The defence ministry said a group of Armenian fighters remained in the mountainous province — breaking the terms of the Russian-brokered truce — and had recently launched fatal attacks on Azerbaijan’s forces. The ministry said three servicemen were killed in a separatist ambush on November 26 and another sustained fatal injuries during an attack near the village of Hadrut on Tuesday. Both Armenia and Azerbaijan accused each other breaching the truce that ended six weeks of fighting between the longstanding foes for control of the breakaway region. Armenia said on Sunday that six separatist fighters were injured in clashes with Azerbaijan troops after skirmishes broke out on Friday evening. The Armenian defence ministry reported hours of fighting near Hadrut on Saturday, including with heavy artillery, claiming Azerbaijan had bolstered its military presence in the area.
Dec. 14, 2020


Mayhem in Washington, DC, as Trump supporters, opponents clash; at least 4 stabbed, 23 arrested

Trump supporters, counterprotesters violently clash in Olympia WA; 1 shot, 2 arrested

Pedestrians struck in Midtown Manhattan during protest, 1 seriously hurt

Chaos erupted in Washington, D.C., on Saturday night, hours after two pro-Trump rallies ended. Groups of Proud Boys and Antifa activists clashed under cover of darkness, with police repeatedly forcing them apart amid reports of brawls and stabbings. At least four stabbings occurred near a bar that served as a gathering spot for the Proud Boys, according to the Washington Post. The victims were hospitalized, possibly with life-threatening injuries, a D.C. Fire Department spokesman told the newspaper. She also said police pepper-sprayed a group of protesters a few blocks away and later reported that at least two people had been stabbed, citing fire officials. As of 9 p.m. ET, 23 people had been arrested, including 10 charged with misdemeanor assault, six with assaulting a police officer and four will rioting, FOX 5 of Washington reported. One suspect was carrying an illegal stun gun. At least two D.C. police officers were hospitalized with moderate injuries, the report added.
Dec. 13, 2020

Anti-Lukashenko Protesters Detained in Belarus – Rights Group

Police in Belarus detained 135 demonstrators at a Sunday march, the Belarusian rights group Viasna-96 (Spring-96) said, as weekly protests demanding the resignation of veteran President Alexander Lukashenko continued. More than 120 marches took place in the Belarus capital Minsk and other cities on Sunday, with numbers at each ranging from dozens to several hundred, according to local news outlet Nasha Niva. Police regularly arrest participants, issuing numbers of detainees on Mondays. Some protesters marched in outlying residential areas of Minsk, waving white flags with a red stripe in the middle, a symbol of the opposition, and shouting “long live Belarus”. More than 30,000 people have been detained in Belarus since the start of the protests in August, according to opposition leaders.
Dec. 13, 2020







November 29, 2020- Over 10,000 turkeys killed due to avian flu in Yorkshire, Northern England. Link

November 30, 2020- Ducks killed due to avian flu in South Korea. Link

November 30, 2020- Hundreds of birds ‘kill themselves’ by flying into apartment block, ‘a mystery’ in China. Link

December 1, 2020- Thousands of dead rays, shrimp, fish wash up in Florida, America. Link

December 3, 2020- Chickens killed due to avian flu in Germany. Link

December 8, 2020- Dead dolphins found washed up in Devon, England. Link

December 8, 2020- Thousands of dead fish appear in the Salado River, Argentina. Link

December 11, 2020- Thousands of dead fish found in a dam in Mohmand District, Pakistan. Link

December 11, 2020- Turkeys killed due to avian flu in Norfolk, England. Link

December 13, 2020- Almost 300 dead seals found washed up on beaches in Dagestan, Russia. Link








Drought intensifies across High Plains, western and southern US

California’s Drought Worsens in December

Colorado activates municipal drought response for second time ever as water forecast worsens

This U.S. Drought Monitor week saw intensification of drought across parts of the western U.S. including California, Nevada, and Colorado where precipitation has been below normal since the beginning of the Water Year (Oct. 1). In California, statewide snow water content is currently at 36% of the historical average for the date (Dec. 7) and Water-Year-to-Date precipitation (statewide) is ranging from the bottom 10% to the bottom 33% with some areas in the Mojave Desert experiencing the driest on record for the period. According to NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information, the 6-month period from June to November 2020 was the hottest and driest on record for both Arizona and California. Current snowpack conditions across the West are generally reflective of a La Niña-like precipitation pattern with the mountain ranges in the Pacific Northwest and some areas of the northern Rockies observing near-normal to above-normal snowpack conditions.
Dec. 10, 2020











Asteroid 2020 XF4 to flyby Earth at 0.8 LD on December 16

Asteroid 2020 XX3 to flyby Earth at 0.1 LD on December 18

A newly-discovered asteroid designated 2020 XF4 will flyby Earth at a distance of 0.89 LD / 0.00229 AU (342 579 km / 212 868 miles) from the center of our planet on December 16, 2020. This is the 103rd known asteroid to flyby Earth within 1 lunar distance since the start of the year and 8th so far this month. 2020 XF4 was first observed at Palomar Mountain (Zwicky Transient Facility), California on December 10, six days before its close approach. Meanwhile, asteroid designated 2020 XX3 will fly by Earth at a distance of 0.15 LD / 0.00038 AU (56 847 km / 35 323 miles) from the center of our planet on December 18, 2020. 2020 XX3 was first observed at Pan-STARRS 1, Haleakala on December 10, eight days before its close approach.
Dec. 13, 2020

Strong explosive eruption at Etna volcano, Italy

A strong explosive eruption started at Etna volcano on December 13, 2020, ejecting volcanic ash up to 4.8 km (16 000 feet) above sea level by 23:00 UTC. The Aviation Color Code was raised to Red. Monitoring networks observed increased strombolian activity at the SE Crater starting at 19:20 UTC on December 13, INGV’s Etna Observatory reported. At the same time, there was a sudden increase in the magnitude of the volcanic tremor that has risen from average to high levels, the observatory said at 22:22 UTC, adding that the amplitude is still growing. In addition, an increase in infrasonic activity has been observed both in the number and amplitude of infrasonic events. Two eruptive fissures opened on the southeastern side of the SE Crater, producing two lava flows propagating towards the S and SW, whose fronts remained confined to an altitude of about 2 850 m (9 350 feet) a.s.l. Three pyroclastic flows were observed at 22:15 and 22:16 UTC.
Dec. 14, 2020

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