Dec. 23, 2020- Israel headed to 4th elections; More Volcanic Activity



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Election prevention bill fails, Israel headed to elections on March 23

Naftali Bennett slams Netanyahu, declares he’s running to become PM

A bill proposed to avoid Knesset dispersal and the fourth elections over the last two years has failed to pass on Monday night, sealing Israel’s fate. 47 MKs voted for the bill, while 49 voted against. The 23rd Knesset will be dissolved automatically at midnight on Tuesday night. Prior to the vote, Gantz called Netanyahu on Monday with upgraded demands for preventing a March 23 election. The list included preventing harm to the rule of law, approving all key appointments, passing the 2020 and 2021 state budgets and closing all loopholes that would prevent Gantz from becoming prime minister next November. A bill that would postpone the deadline for passing the budget and prevent early elections from being initiated passed in the Knesset House Committee by a seven to five vote on Monday afternoon. Even before Gantz’s ultimatum to Netanyahu, passing the bill into law by Tuesday night’s deadline would have been a challenge, due to rebellions in Blue and White and Likud, and further complicated by MKs suffering from COVID-19. Ultimately, the bill failed to pass. There are at least two MKs remaining in Likud who could defect to Sa’ar’s party soon, and as many as five MKs in Blue and White could end up opposing the bill.
Dec. 23, 2020

Israel Hopes for Rapprochement With Fifth Muslim Country Before Trump Exit, Minister Says

Israel is working towards formalizing relations with a fifth Muslim country during US President Donald Trump’s term, which ends next month, an Israeli government minister told Ynet TV on Wednesday. Asked if a fifth country could sign up before Trump steps down on Jan 20, Israeli Regional Cooperation Minister Ofir Akunis told Ynet TV: “We are working in that direction.” “There will be an American announcement about another country that is going public with the normalization of relations with Israel and, in essence, with the infrastructure for an accord — a peace accord,” he said. He declined to name the country but said there were two main candidates. One is in the Gulf, he said, giving Oman as a possibility while adding that Saudi Arabia is not. The other candidate, further to the east, is a “Muslim country that is not small” but is not Pakistan, Akunis said.
***Please also see:
Tunisia says it does not intend to normalize relations with Israel

Trump administration attempts to lure Indonesia into recognizing Israel with $2bn in aid 
Dec. 23, 2020


Report says several dozen killed in latest Ethiopia massacre

Tigray: Hundreds of civilians reported killed in artillery strikes, warns UN rights chief

An Ethiopian news agency says several dozen people have been killed in the latest massacre along ethnic lines in the western part of the country. The Amhara Mass Media Agency, affiliated with the country’s Amhara region, cites witnesses as saying the attack occurred early Wednesday morning in the Metekel zone of the Benishangul-Gumuz region. The attack occurred a day after Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed visited the region and spoke about the need to bring those responsible for recent attacks to justice. Ethnic tensions are a major challenge as Abiy tries to promote national unity in a country with more than 80 ethnic groups. The witnesses, speaking by phone, said houses were burned in the attack in Bikuji county. It was not immediately clear who the attackers were. The ruling party in the region, the Benishangul-Gumuz Prosperity Party, said in a statement that “armed bandits” had committed a “horrifying crime.”
Dec. 23, 2020

Libyan Army captures strategic city in oil rich region

The Libyan National Army (LNA) has reportedly entered and established full control over the city of Ubari in southwestern Libya this evening. According to Al-Arabiya, ​”The Libyan army entered the city of Ubari and took full control of it.” The capture of Ubari by the Libyan National Army comes just days after they gave the militias there a deadline to withdrawal; they refused, thus resulting in a military operation. The Tripoli-based Government of National Accord (GNA) forces have slammed the move by the LNA as a new violation of the ceasefire that was established earlier this year. On the other hand, the Turkish parliament approved on Tuesday, a request from President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to extend the work of Turkish military forces in Libya for a period of 18 months, at a time when Ankara strongly supports the Government of National Accord in Tripoli.
Dec. 22, 2020

Western Sahara: UN Reiterates ‘Unchanged Position’ During Security Council Meeting

Morocco Must Counter Pro-Polisario Narrative in US Media

The UN Security Council held a meeting behind closed doors on Monday to discuss recent developments on Western Sahara. The meeting came after US President Donald Trump announced his decision to recognize Morocco’s sovereignty over Western Sahara on December 10. During the Security Council meeting at the request of Germany, UN officials briefed the members of the body on the latest developments in the decades-long dispute. The US move was unprecedented, taking by surprise both Security Council members and the whole international community following the lingering territorial conflict. Refraining from openly frustrating Algeria and the Polisario Front, the US  promoted the UN-moderated political process while implicitly supporting  Morocco’s autonomy initiative as a credible, realistic, and serious solution to end the Western Sahara conflict. Polisario and its supporters, Algeria and South Africa, however, continue to oppose Morocco’s territorial integrity, promoting independence and a referendum. The UN resolutions continue to call on parties to the conflict, including Algeria, Mauritania, Polisario, and Morocco to engage in the political process to end the conflict. The resolutions also repeatedly emphasize the importance and “credibility” of Morocco’s Autonomy Plan.
Dec. 23, 2020

Armenians take to streets of Yerevan to call for PM’s resignation

Thousands of people took to the Armenian capital’s streets again Tuesday, demanding the prime minister’s resignation over his handling of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict with Azerbaijan. Armenian opposition politicians and their supporters have been calling for Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan to step down for weeks since he signed a peace deal that halted 44 days of deadly fighting at the cost of territorial concessions to Azerbaijan. Crowds of protesters on Tuesday besieged government buildings in Yerevan, chanting “Nikol, go away!” In other parts of Armenia, protesters were reported to have blocked several major roads. Several hours into the rally, opposition supporters erected tents on Yerevan’s main square. “We have pitched the tents and intend to stay as long as possible, including overnight. Pashinyan needs to resign,” Ishkhan Saghatelyan, a member of the opposition Dashnaktsutyun party, was quoted by the Russian state news agency Tass as saying. The opposition also called on Pashinyan’s My Step coalition, which currently has the majority of seats in the parliament, to sit down for talks on Tuesday. My Step so far has not commented on the proposal.
Dec. 22, 2020







US Slaps Sanctions On Belarus Police Over Crackdown

Belarus Update: Promised Major Opposition Protest March Fizzles

The United States on Wednesday slapped sanctions on Belarus police units and a senior security official over their violent crackdown on mass protests following the strongman leaders contested reelection. The Treasury Department said it will freeze any US assets and bar transactions with first deputy interior minister Gennady Kazakevich, who in October appeared in a video threatening protesters with lethal force. “We stand with the brave people of Belarus and support their right to free and fair elections,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said, denouncing ongoing “efforts to undermine Belarusian democracy.” The Treasury Department also imposed sanctions on three security bodies involved in the crackdown including the Minsk Special Purpose Police Unit.
Dec. 23, 2020

CAR rebels seize Bambari city, Russia confirms sending military

UN Says Seized C.African Town Under Peacekeepers’ Control

Rebels in the Central African Republic have seized Bambari, the country’s fourth-largest city, five days before nationwide elections, according to the local mayor, government and UN sources. “The town is under the control of armed groups,” Bambari Mayor Abel Matchipata said on Tuesday, while a senior government official confirmed “they are in the town, we are waiting for reinforcements, which are on their way”. The sources said the rebels were led by an armed group called the Unity for Peace in Central Africa (UPC), one of the militias contesting the government in the run-up to the December 27 polls. The attack triggered a two-hour gunfight with CAR troops and the United Nations’ peacekeeping force MINUSCA, sources in NGOs and the UN said. The attack follows the government’s accusations at the weekend that former president Francois Bozize was seeking to mount a coup with armed groups before upcoming elections. At CAR’s request, Russia and Rwanda have sent military personnel to support the troubled country. Russia on Tuesday said it had dispatched 300 military instructors to the CAR at Bangui’s request “to train the military personnel of the national army” under an existing cooperation agreement.
Dec. 23, 2020








New Science Paper Proposes AI-Based Formula To Pre-Identify Twitter Users Who Post “Unreliable” Information

Google told its scientists to ‘strike a positive tone’ in AI research – documents

“Thought crime” or “precrime” is a theme commonly referenced in science fiction novels. It is the idea that computers and supertechnology in a surveillance state setup can be used to predict who will commit a crime and who will not, and with the purpose not of stopping actual crime, but with preventing anybody from expressing any disagreement with the way the system is being operated, allowing those in charge to commit crimes with complete freedom and imprisoning or destroying the rest of the public.Unfortunately, there has been a trend toward embracing ‘precrime’ type thinking across the world. I do not mean just in China with the ‘social credit’ system, but in the US with aggressive policing and the use of cameras and other AI-type programs to attempt to predict crime before it happens. As this trend continues, one can see the danger of this right now as a new science paper has proposed an AI-based formula to pre-identify Twitter users who spread “fake news”. “Social media has become a popular source for online news consumption with millions of users worldwide. However, it has become a primary platform for spreading disinformation with severe societal implications. Automatically identifying social media users that are likely to propagate posts from handles of unreliable news sources sometime in the future is of utmost importance for early detection and prevention of disinformation diffusion in a network, and has yet to be explored. To that end, we present a novel task for predicting whether a user will repost content from Twitter handles of unreliable news sources by leveraging linguistic information from the user’s own posts. We develop a new dataset of approximately 6.2K Twitter users mapped into two categories: (1) those that have reposted content from unreliable news sources; and (2) those that repost content only from reliable sources. For our task, we evaluate a battery of supervised machine learning models as well as state-of-the-art neural models, achieving up to 79.7 macro F1. In addition, our linguistic feature analysis uncovers differences in language use and style between the two user categories.”
Dec. 23, 2020







Progressive group launches new Methodist denomination

A group of progressive United Methodists and other Christians have launched a new denomination named the Liberation Methodist Connexion, or LMX. The new church aims to center on the voices of people of color as well as queer and transgender individuals—those the LMX organizers see as marginalized in the United Methodist Church. “We are a grassroots denomination of former, current, and non-Methodist faith leaders working on the unfolding of the kin-dom of God,” the LMX says on its website. “We intentionally invite the full participation of all who are living out their God-given identities and expressions.” The LMX is getting off the ground after decades of intensifying debate within the United Methodist Church about how inclusive to be of LGBTQ Christians. United Methodists expected to take up a proposal to resolve the dispute over same-sex marriage and gay ordination through a formal denominational separation at the General Conference this spring. However, coronavirus-related shut­downs postponed the lawmaking assembly, which is now scheduled for fall 2021.
Dec. 14, 2020


Increased seismicity under Hudson volcano, alert level raised, Chile

Strong eruption at Sheveluch volcano, ash up to 8.5 km (28 000 feet) a.s.l., Russia

The National Geology and Mining Service of Chile (SERNAGEOMIN) has raised the alert level for Cerro Hudson volcano from Green to Yellow (2 of 4) on December 22, 2020. The last eruption of this volcano took place in 2011 (VEI 2). This volcano has a history of VEI 6 and VEI 5 eruptions, with the last VEI 5 from August 8 to October 27, 1991 — this was Chile’s second-largest eruption of the 20th century. The decision to raise the alert level was made after the evaluation of activity from December 1 to 15, which showed increased seismicity under the volcano — volcano-tectonic, long-period, and hybrid earthquakes were detected. Meanwhile, A strong eruption took place at Sheveluch volcano, Kamchatka, Russia at 00:35 UTC on December 22, 2020, with volcanic ash rising up to 8.5 km (28 000 feet) above sea level. As a result, KVERT raised the Aviation Color Code to Red at 01:22 UTC. According to visual data from Ust-Kamchatsk, explosions sent ash up to 8 km (25 240 feet) a.s.l. and an ash plume extended to the northeast of the volcano to a distance of 42 km (26 miles). *** These are the latest volcanoes showing activity in the last few days (Italy, Hawaii and New Zealand)
***Please also see ETRM Dec. 21 report regarding recent volcanic activity 
Dec. 23, 2020

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