
The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 20, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora







6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70A person who does not know bible prophecy may read the report below and have no clue just how important this type of information is. I put up two prophecies. The first one is when they call for Pease and safety than sudden destruction comes and, the second is the Psalm 83 war prophecy.

I believe these two prophecies may have a strong connection together in these last days and here is why. We have seen over the years Israel and the Arabs have had peace talks however, there has not been a lasting peace. Instead what we have seen in the news is more attack against Israel by many of the nations listed in the Psalm 83 war. Since Jesus told us to watch for a time when they are calling for Peace and security we need to watch any developments in the quest for peace between any of the nations listed in that Psalm 83 war and Israel. I copied and pasted a section of the report below that will show you there is a new push for peace and safety and it will affect Jordan, Saudi Araba, people in the Gaza which are the Palestinians, Lebanon, Syria, and the West bank.  As you can see from the photo just about all the nations listed in that Psalm 83 war are mentioned in the report.

We do not know the outcome of the push for a Hashemite Kingdom (Saudi) push for peace with Israel but, since Jesus warned us they will call for peace and safety and, no peace would come, it is important to watch the outcome of what the Saudi’s are trying to do.  Someone out there may be asking what is the sudden destruction Jesus talked about in the 1 Thessalonians 5:3 prophecy?  Is is possible the answer is found in Psalm 83 verse 3 where it says the following. “3They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones.”  We know from Psalm 83 that the people listed in that prophecy will at some point come up with a plan (taken crafty counsel) for an attack against Israel.  Could this new push for peace be that crafty counsel? The answer will be found in time. We will just have to wait and see what the outcome of the new Saudi push will be. I only put up a section of the report however, I suggest you read the entire article.


A break


“Israel’s former ambassador to the United Nations – claiming at the first Abraham Accords Global Leadership Summit – that Saudi Arabia may be one of the next nations to normalize relations with Israel.

Danon stated:

“We have been in contact with the Saudis for years. I worked personally with them at the United Nations on matters of regional stability and security. It’s just a matter of time before courageous leaders step out of the shadows and full peace is achieved between all the children of Abraham. .. I expect we’ll see an agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia this year”

This was good news for those seeking an end to the 100 years-old Jewish/Arab conflict – but bad news for the UN which continues to stubbornly support the two-state solution whilst refusing to even acknowledge the existence of the game-changing Saudi Solution since its publication six months ago.

It beggars belief that on 30 November the UN General Assembly adopted five resolutions on the questions of ‘Palestine’ and the Middle East without one speaker uttering the words. “Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine Solution” – whose successful implementation would see the Arab populations in Gaza, part of the ‘West Bank’ and the wretched UNRWA camps in Lebanon and Syria becoming citizens of that newly-created territorial entity.”



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