Dec. 8, 2017- ‘Day of Rage’ over Jerusalem spreads worldwide

 1coverThe Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 6, 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

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Headline: One dead, scores hurt in Palestinian “Day of Rage” over Jerusalem

At least one person was killed in clashes with Israeli troops on Friday when thousands of Palestinians demonstrated against U.S. President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and the Palestinian president said Washington could no longer be a peace broker. Across the Arab and Muslim worlds, thousands more protesters took to the streets on the Muslim holy day, expressing solidarity with the Palestinians and outrage at Trump’s reversal of decades of U.S. policy. Israeli soldiers shot dead a Palestinian man near the Gaza border, the first confirmed death in two days of unrest. Scores of people were wounded on the “Day of Rage.” The Israeli army said hundreds of Palestinians were rolling burning tires and throwing rocks at soldiers across the border.
Dec. 8, 2017

Headline:Third Rocket Fired From Gaza Explodes in Southern Israeli City

A rocket fired from Gaza on Friday night exploded in Sderot. Cars were damaged but no casualties were reported. This was the third rocket fired toward Israel from the Palestinian enclave in a day. The

first was intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system, while the second failed to reach Israeli territory. Retaliating to the first two launches, the Israeli air force struck Hamas positions in the

Gaza Strip’s north. The Israel Defense Forces spokesperson said that fighter jets struck a training site and a weapons warehouse. According to reports in Gaza, 10 people were wounded in the strike. As

the rockets were launched from Gaza, rocket sirens were sounded in the southern Israeli cities of Ashkelon, Sderot and a number of other communities located around the Gaza Strip. The rocket fire

came after a day of widespread unrest in Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. One Palestinian was killed and at least 90 were wounded in clashes with Israeli forces.
Dec. 8, 2017

Headline: Thousands protest in Jordan, burn US and Israeli flags

Headline: Iranians rally against Trump’s Jerusalem move, burn US flags

Headline: Diplomatic censure, protests in Pakistan over US Jerusalem move

Headline: Protesters burn Israeli flags during rallies in Lebanon

Headline: Hamas calls for Palestinian uprising over Trump’s Jerusalem plan

Thousands of protesters have gathered in the Jordanian capital of Amman, one of the largest demonstrations against Trump’s declaration on Jerusalem. The protesters are calling for their government to

cut ties with Israel. Local Jordanian media is reporting that protesters in Amman are also burning American and Israeli flags and demand closure of the US embassy in Amman.
Dec. 8, 2017

Headline: EU vows push to make Jerusalem capital for Palestinians too

The EU’s top diplomat pledged on Thursday to reinvigorate diplomacy with Russia, the United States, Jordan and others to ensure Palestinians have a capital in Jerusalem after President Donald Trump

recognized the city as Israel’s capital. The European Union, a member of the Middle East Quartet along with the United States, the United Nations and Russia, believes it has a duty to make its voice

heard as the Palestinians’ biggest aid donor and Israel’s top trade partner.   “The European Union has a clear and united position. We believe the only realistic solution to the conflict between Israel and

Palestine is based on two states and with Jerusalem as the capital of both,” EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini told a news conference.
Dec. 8, 2017,7340,L-5053694,00.html

Headline: Israel to build 14,000 new housing units in Jerusalem

Construction and Housing Minister Yoav Galant (Kulanu) is promoting a plan to build 14,000 housing units in Jerusalem, Hahadashot (formerly Channel 2 News) reported on Thursday. The move

follows President Donald Trump’s announcement on Wednesday that the United States recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. According to the report, the government would promote the

construction of 5,000 housing units in Atarot, in addition to a new neighborhood in the area which is being promoted by the Jerusalem municipality. Another 1,000 housing units are expected in Pisgat

Ze’ev and are waiting for approval, 3,000 units will be built in Katamon and 5,000 units will be built in Reches Lavan. “Following President Trump’s historic declaration, I intend to promote and

strengthen the construction in Jerusalem,” said Minister Galant.
Dec. 8, 2017



Peter 2 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.

Also on Dec. 8, 2017 Headline below: 



Once again the Pope has made another comment that goes against what the real leader of the Church Jesus Christ has taught us. I went to the Catholic set that reported on what the Pope said and left a comment which you will see below.






Saudi Arabia

Headline:Gov’t fighters capture coastal area in Yemen

A Western-backed Saudi-led coalition scored its first major gains in Yemen since former President Ali Abdullah Saleh was killed on Monday when local fighters captured an area on the Red Sea coast

from Houthi rebels, residents said on Thursday. Local fighters loyal to Saleh, who was killed by the Iran-aligned Houthis after switching sides in the civil war, captured Al Khoukha district about

350km south-west of the capital Sanaa after heavy fighting over Wednesday night which also involved coalition forces. Houthi forces control Sanaa and much of the rest of the impoverished country,

where three years of war has killed more than 10,000 people and brought it to the verge of famine. Saleh had helped the Houthis win control of Sanaa and much of the north, and his decision to

abandon them had major implications on the battlefield. The Houthis crushed a pro-Saleh uprising in the capital and shot him dead in an attack on his convoy on December 4. The US and UK-backed

Saudi-led coalition has stepped up air strikes on Yemen since then as Houthi forces have tightened their grip on the capital. Residents said Saleh’s killing spurred opposition to the Houthis and fighters

known as the Southern Resistance, together with other local militia and backed by coalition advisers from the United Arab Emirates, launched attacks on Al Khoukha on Wednesday.
Dec. 8, 2017


Headline:  Japan to acquire air-launched missiles able to strike North Korea

Japan is to acquire medium-range, air-launched cruise missiles, capable of striking North Korea, a controversial purchase of what will become the longest-range munitions of a country that has

renounced the right to wage war. Defence Minister Itsunori Onodera did not refer to North Korea when announcing the planned acquisition and said the new missiles would be for defence, with Japan

still relying on the United States to strike any enemy bases. “We are planning to introduce the JSM (Joint Strike Missile) that will be mounted on the F-35A (stealth fighter) as ‘stand-off’ missiles that

can be fired beyond the range of enemy threats,” Onodera told a news conference. Japan is also looking to mount Lockheed Martin Corp’s extended-range Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile

(JASSM-ER) on its F-15 fighters, he said. The JSM, designed by Norway’s Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace , has a range of 500 km (310 miles). The JASSM-ER can hit targets 1,000 km away.
Dec. 8, 2017


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 Getting ready for Christmas whata think?


    • Helen Bilowus on December 9, 2017 at 6:44 am
    • Reply

    That beard has to go. It makes you look like a Muslim….yikes!

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