Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 5 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora
We’ve entered into a “new world order” says BlackRock Chairman
“We’re in a new world order of geopolitical fragmentation,” says Tom Donilon, chairman of Blackrock’s Investment Institute, in BlackRock’s 2023 Global Outlook released two weeks ago.
Meteor explodes over Zhejiang – broken windows and street lamps reported, meteorites found, China
A very bright fireball exploded over China’s Zhejiang Province around 10:00 UTC on December 15, 2022. Parts of the object survived the entry and were later recovered. Locals reported broken windows and street lamps.

Watch the video in this fox report.
SHOCK: Biden Authorized US Troops IN Ukraine Setting Up WWIII
The United States maintains troops all over the world, and certainly where embassies exist. But there is a difference between the U.S. military personnel who are there to guard diplomats and those who are “boots on the ground,” indicating that those troops are ready for conflict.
Crop disease is ravaging lettuce fields in Salinas Valley — the “Salad Bowl of the World” — causing a shortage across the country. And as farmers and researchers desperately search for a remedy for the insect-spread virus, shoppers, grocers and restaurant owners are left to face the sticker shock.
‘Artificial womb’ facility is a glimpse of pregnancy in the future
This is the world’s first artificial womb facility – and it lets you choose baby’s characteristics from a menu. EctoLife, able to grow 30,000 babies a year, is said to be based on over fifty years of groundbreaking scientific research.
Actuaries raise alarm that Australians are unexpectedly dying at incredibly high rate
The Australian government should be urgently investigating the “incredibly high” 13% excess death rate in 2022, the country’s peak actuarial body says. An extra 15,400 people died in the first eight months of the year, according to a new analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics (“ABS”) data by the Actuaries Institute, with around one-third of those having no link to Covid.
Tory MP alleges ‘cover up’ of Covid vaccine inflaming heart arteries in bombshell claim
An MP has used Parliamentary privilege to make a bombshell allegation that a senior member of the British Heart Foundation has covered up a report which shows the mRNA Covid vaccine increases inflammation of the heart arteries.
COVID Vaccines linked to tragic loss of Half a Million Young American lives, according to secret CDC & Government data
As the COVID-19 vaccine continues to roll out across the United States, a disturbing trend has emerged.
U.S. Department of Defense issued a ‘COVID-19 Research’ contract 3 Months before COVID-19 was known to officially exist
The contract was part of a larger project for a “Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine,” suggesting that the U.S. Government was at the very least aware of the virus before it spread through Wuhan, China in December 2019, and before it was officially named Covid-19 by the World Health Organization in February 2020.
Consequences of COVID Vaccination from a Pathologist’s perspective – Foot-long blood clots, cancer, infertility…
Dr. Ryan Cole joined Dr. Drew to discuss the action of spike proteins manufactured in people’s bodies after they have been vaccinated. He explained how the Covid injections’ toxic lipid nanoparticles and mRNA, which induce the body to make spike proteins, distribute through the body as well as the mechanisms that cause inflammation, micro blood clots and the fibrous blood clots post-vaccination. He also explained the mechanisms through which Covid injections cause cancer and infertility.
HOSPITALS MOBBED with every room and even HALLWAYS occupied with portable cots … has the spike protein apocalypse begun?
…As witnessed by investigative reporters and journalists, several hospitals in major cities of Virginia are full past capacity, so not only is every room occupied, but many portable cots, with patients on them, are lined up in along the walls of the long halls and numbered.
Data of 72 Million Insured Shows “Sudden, Unexpected Deaths” Exploded in Germany Since 2021
This is an explosive report out of Germany showing a massive increase in “sudden deaths” following COVID “vaccines” that has not received much exposure in the Alternative Media yet, because the sources are all in the German language.
Many People Fully Vaccinated for COVID Are Now Going Blind
We have heard all about the many cases of myocarditis and pericarditis post-injection, as well as recipients repeatedly testing “positive” for the virus even after doing the deed. But there is another concerning side effect occurring in the “fully vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) that is rarely mentioned: blindness.
What’s the covid jab doing to the brain?
A year ago, on 13th December 2021, I explained why I feared that those had received the covid-19 jab might suffer brain damage. That fear was real. I now believe that many of those who have been jabbed with the toxic covid-19 junk are brain damaged. I believe their brain damage explains their seemingly bizarre behaviour.
Canadian study finds “vaccine hesitancy” is linked to “risky driving” so vaccination should be encouraged to avoid accidents
A new study from Canada set out to test whether Covid “vaccine hesitancy” was associated with the risks of a traffic crash. It claims there is a link between “vaccine hesitancy” and “risky driving.” But the point of the study is revealed in their conclusion so read on …
Official Documents prove the Biden Administration & other “Elected” Governments are under the control of a Shadow Government that has built a sinister Global Vaccine Regime
As we examine the landscape of vaccine development and distribution today, it becomes clear that the players involved are not operating in a vacuum. Far from it – a web of influential organizations, including the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, UNICEF, the CDC, GAVI, USAID, and the World Bank, have been quietly shaping the global vaccine regime for decades.
Thousands of babies survive abortions each year. The abortion industry wants to erase their existence
We have all seen the murder movies where the intended victim just won’t die. We are seeing it again as the abortion industry tries to deal with its live-birth problem, known to abortionists as “the dreaded complication.”
German bishop demands Church ‘widen its understanding of the family’ to include homosexual unions
German bishop said that the Catholic Church should “widen” its understanding of the family to include every form “where people live with children,” including homosexual couples.
Report: AP Advises Journalists to use Pro-Abortion Language
The Associated Press recently put out an “abortion topical guide” for journalists — guidance which pro-lifers say “demonstrate[s] even further the extent of the media’s bias in favor of abortion.”
Biden Suggests Opponents of Child Sex Changes Are Racist, Anti-Semitic And Homophobic: “They’re All Connected”
President Joe Biden suggested Tuesday that anyone who criticizes child sex change surgeries is responsible for “racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia [and] transphobia” — all of which are “connected.”
SICK! Drag Queen Teaches Young Girl to Twerk While Shaking His Nearly Naked Butt in Front of Children at “All-Ages” Drag Show
At an “all ages” drag show in New York City, white liberal parents proudly took their young children to see a half-naked man sharing his bare butt in their faces. As an overweight man in a thong awkwardly lept around on a small stage, he somehow gathered a massive crowd, many of whom were children.
Healthcare Workers Told to Ask 3-Year-Olds About Their Gender Identity
A course for healthcare professionals urges them to start asking children as young as three years old about their gender identity.
GOP Congressman from Florida – “Felony For Publishing Houses Producing Pornographic Content to Minors”
Cory Mills, the Congressman-elect from Florida’s 7th congressional district formerly hed by J6 hoaxer Stephanie Murphy, told Real America’s Voice News earlier this week that he plans on filing legislation to make it a felony for publishing houses pushing hyper-sexualized and pornographic content to minors.
Here Comes The Job Shock: Philadelphia Fed Admits US Jobs “Overstated” By At Least 1.1 Million
Regular readers are well aware that back in July, Zero Hedge first (long before it became a running theme among so-called “macro experts”) pointed out that a gaping 1+ million job differential had opened up between the closely-watched and market-impacting, if easily gamed and manipulated, Establishment Survey and the far more accurate if volatile, Household Survey – the two core com
“The Food Shortage is Real!” Woman Shocked as Frozen Rodents Sold in NYC Shop
…While the appearance that rats are being sold at a New York City store and being openly cooked may be quite jarring, the creatures are actually guinea pigs, which when prepared properly are a Peruvian cultural delicacy known as “cuy.”
Freak wave hits South African beach, killing 3 people and injuring 17
An unusually large wave hit a popular beach in the city of Durban, South Africa at around 17:00 LT on December 17, 2022, killing three people and injuring 17 others.