December 9, 2022






Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 5 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora


Luke 21 25 storms


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Very large tornado hits Ras Laffan, Qatar 
A very large tornado formed in Ras Laffan, around 80 km (50 miles) north of the capital Doha, Qatar on December 7, 2022. Another tornado was spotted on the same day in the abandoned town of Al Huwaylah.



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Tropical Cyclone “Mandous” forms in the Bay of Bengal, red alerts issued for parts of Tamil Nadu 
A deep depression formed in the Bay of Bengal on December 7 and intensified into a Cyclonic Storm “Mandous” on December 8, 2022, becoming the third named storm of the 2022 North Indian Ocean cyclone season. The cyclone is expected to make landfall over northern Tamil Nadu on December 9, bringing strong winds and heavy rainfall.



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Bright fireball over Ibaraki, Japan 
A bright fireball was seen over the coast of Ibaraki, Japan at 09:07 UTC on December 8, 2022. The object was recorded by a camera placed on a private home in Hiratsuka, facing northeast.






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Disney still all-in on “queering” their content

No surprise here. Disney may be making noises about returning to mainstream entertainment, but noises are noises and action is action.



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Dutch farmers block roads with tractors in protest of government plan to seize thousands of farms over “climate change”
At a time when energy and food prices are already through the roof, the government of The Netherlands wants to ban most farming throughout the country in order to save the planet from “global warming.”





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Space race 2.0: China is building weapons to attack U.S. ‘ground, sea, or air targets from orbit’ 
China is rapidly building a large force of space weapons, including sophisticated anti-satellite missiles, lasers, jammers, orbiting killer robots and cybertools, to “blind and deafen” a war enemy, the U.S. military is warning.



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FL Surgeon General Ladapo: COVID mRNA vaccines MORE DANGEROUS than any shot used in the US 
The Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) mRNA vaccines are more dangerous than any vaccines being used in the United States, according to Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo.


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Excess Deaths Rising After Citizens Worldwide Forced To Get Covid Injections
“This is deliberate depopulation,” he said. “It goes in and it kills some people right away because the Moderna shot is so strong. It’s four of the Pfizer shot, it’s the exact same thing. The others go in with virus vectors and go in with a whole live virus that goes into the cell and programs the cell to make the spike protein.”


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Measles: why the World Health Organization has declared it an ‘imminent global threat’



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 Covid is helping the decline of America and as a result pushing towards a one world government.

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Privacy concerns arise as Australian gov’t moves toward implementing digital ID
Last year, an item on Australian news channel 9 News, which was obviously planted by government propaganda outlets, suggested that in future, the ability to undertake international travel or shop could be dependent on having proof of having taken a COVID shot.


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China buying up the world’s GOLD supply in preparation for new world reserve currency designed to END the DOLLAR 
…China is buying up the world’s available gold supply at a pace that dwarfs all the other countries on the planet. Why is China doing this? “China thought to be stockpiling gold to cut greenback dependence,” reports Nikkei Asia, which goes on to say this gold was likely purchased from Russia:



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Another sign America in decline leading to the road of a one world government.


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Police Keep Violating the U.S. Constitution With Illegal Traffic Stops

·3 min read


Mario Rosales's citations that he received after his illegal traffic stop
Mario Rosales’s citations that he received after his illegal traffic stop

For years, we’ve been reporting on unconstitutional traffic stops by police. They suck, and yet, they keep happening. Recently, Forbes published a great article highlighting this exact issue, and while it’s a great read, it’s also pretty depressing. The way the incentive system is currently set up, law enforcement officers stand to gain a lot more than they might lose for conducting what amount to glorified fishing operations — even though the practice is a wholesale violation of rights guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution.





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