Democrats Punish Israel – Remove Language on Jerusalem in 2012 DNC Platform/Message from what looked like a death bed?/Sept. 4, 2012



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Prophecy Sign: Zechariah 12:3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth are gathered together against it.


Headline: Democrats Punish Israel – Remove Language on Jerusalem in 2012 DNC Platform,7340,L-4046460,00.html

From the Comment Section of The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Web site:

Tim Sweeney ( has replied to Best man Duties's comment:

I too "discovered"  Frank about two weeks ago. His work is beautiful. It is exciting, and at the same time, terrifying to read. But I feel very fortunate, and humbled, to think that God in His great wisdom, somehow directed me to Frank's website.I had back surgery in November, then a total knee replacement, 3 months ago, on June 7th. I have had problems with both surgeries, neither one has healed, my heart almost stopped beating after the knee surgery and they actually summoned a priest to my room to give the last rites. My little hospital room was packed with Doctors and nurses with di-fibrolators, and when the priest arrived, he had to elbow his way throuth crowd, to get close to me. He took my hand and asked me,"Son, are you a Catholic?" Meanwhile, all the Doctors and Nurses had their eyes focused on the chart  showing my heartbeat steadily slowing, and my blood pressue, steadily dropping, it was down to 34/16, then 34/15, the Priest asked me again, are you a Catholic? suddenly it occured to me why he was there, I looked around the room, all eyes were now on me, on me and my priest, he was holding my hand tightly now, there was an air of expectation that hung over the little, packed hospital room, they were waiting for me to breathe my last breath, to give up the ghost, I looked at my priest, I told him, yes Father, I am a Catholic, but I'm a RECOVERING Catholic! And, since, I'm NOT DEAD yet, and since I didn't come here to die, I would appreciate it if everyone would just back off here a little and give me some room to breathe. At that, the Doctors started laughing, the Nurses started laughing, and my blood pressure and my heartbeat, both slowly but surely started back up.A month later a lady I know, who had been praying for me, she asked me I thought I wasn't healing, and why did  I think all these things had happened in my life? My answer was that I think God was trying to get my attention, something He is quite good at, but unless I had been knocked flat on my back, had my back stop working, and my left knee collapse under me, for no apparent reason, and then having that Priest squeeze my hand that day and remind me of my mortality, the odds are I would never had noticed a whole lot of things including Frank Dimora's website. So now I count all these seeming tragedies, as blessings. Tim Sweeney


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