Prophecy Signs & The News: Aug. 11, 2011

Do you remember the song "Here comes the sun"?  As the days seem to be getting much hotter the intense heat is taking a toll. Could the rise in skin cancer, and now the rise in sores called,  carbuncles be the early signs of what is to come during the tribulation?  Do you know why the Psalm 83 war is different from the Ezekiel war?  Do you think riots are headed for the US soon, if so could you tell people why you think this is possible and who may behind it? Do you remember the song "bringing down the house"? Looks like this song could be the EU theme song.  Would Russia attack Israel if Israel attacked Iran? Is all creation really groaning to be delivered, and if so can we see signs of this? All of these questions will be answered as I connect the news to what the Bible warns us.


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Prophecy Sign: Revelation 16: 9-11 “They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him. The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom was plunged into darkness. Men gnawed their tongues in agony. and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done.”  The Lord warns us in many places in the Bible that in the last days the sun's intense heat would pour down on the Earth. In Rev. 16:9-11 we see the intense heat mentioned and sores.  As I watched the news today I couldn't help to reflect on these scriptures as we are now seeing a parallel between what Jesus warned and and what is showing up in the news. For example, look at this headline: "Heat-Related Skin Infections On The Rise”.  The photo below is an example of what type of sore is caused by the heat.

 “Often called carbuncles or sebaceous cysts, doctors are seeing a rise in skin infections during this heatwave—as if the weather itself isn’t making us miserable enough.” “Patients sometimes complain of fever, fatigue, or just a general discomfort. Itching can occur before the carbuncle develops, and then the knot will turn painful and irritated with a white or yellow center. As the infection worsens, the cyst will ‘weep’ and be filled with pus, and form a crust. The infection is highly contagious and patients must take precautions to prevent the spread to other parts of the body , or to family members. And be especially vigilant, doctors say, at the gym.” The link below will take you to a news video on these sores.  If the intense heat we are beginning to witness now is causeing these types of sores can you imagine what is going to happen to people when the Lord pours out the heat on the Earth during the tribulation period? Docs Say Heat Wave Increasing Carbuncles Cases.

Yesterday I gave you more news pointing to the coming Psalm 83 war. I suggest you read that post before you watch the news video below entitled: “ Hizbullah MP: Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Hizbullah Will Wipe Out Israel”.  In my post yesterday I explain what Iran's role may be in this next war. 



Prophecy Sign: On my May 1, 2010 post I warned you that Russia would not go against Iran. I quote myself. "The Prophecy in Ezekiel in chapters 38-39 warns the Russia will lead a end times invasion on Israel and Iran will be one of Russia’s main allies in this invasion. Some time ago I told you that Iran would not cave in to U.S. demands to stop building their nuclear weapons program. I also told you that Russia will not go against Iran in this matter. We are getting closer and closer to the two wars which have not been fulfilled yet."  Why am I telling you this?  Because there has been talk that coming this September Israel may attack Iran's nuclear plant that Russia is building for them. In the news today we see the position I told you Russia would take with Iran concerning the nuclear issue.

“Ryabkov reiterated Russia's support for Iran's right to pursue nuclear energy for peaceful purposes as a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty. During the meeting, the two officials also discussed ways to promote bilateral ties on peaceful nuclear activities and exchanged views on prospects for Tehran-Moscow nuclear cooperation.”  Can you imagine what will happen if Israel does hit Russia ally?  If you don't know what would happen you may want to read Ezekiel chapters 38-39.  Let us again consider what Russia said about anyone who attacks Iran. I quote, "The barely reported highlight of Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to Tehran for the Caspian Sea summit last week was a key face-to-face meeting with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. A high-level diplomatic source in Tehran tells Asia Times Online that essentially Putin and the Supreme Leader have agreed on a plan to nullify the George W Bush administration's relentless drive towards launching a preemptive attack, perhaps a tactical nuclear strike, against Iran. An American attack on Iran will be viewed by Moscow as an attack on Russia."  Russia has link Israel and the US as allies and if Israel did attack Iran's nuclear site in September you could have the makings of the coming Ezekiel war of which Russia will lead an attack on Israel with Iran as one of her major allies.

“Protests against the rising costs of living marched on Wednesday in several cities across Israel. In Holon, protesters in the Jesse Cohen neighborhood burned tires and blocked roads after city inspectors ordered them to dismantle their tent compound within 24 hours. Most of the people occupying the tents are homeless. The residents' representative, Nissan Zacharia, criticized the municipality's decision to clear the encampment. "A small match can ignite everything here," he said, adding that if the tents are dismantled "[Holon] will become like London, and it will be the mayor's responsibility." In Be'er Sheva, protesters marched in swimsuits chanting "the protest is spreading" (also "undresses" in Hebrew). A mass rally is planned for Saturday, with organizers hoping for a turnout of 50,000 people. Uri Keiday, who heads the Ben Gurion University Student Association, said the event will be historic.”

Housing protest - Moti Milrod - August 10, 2011Photo by: Moti Milrod Protesters in Holon set fire to car and block a road on August 10, 2011

Israel OKs homes

Prophecy Sign: Many times in my posts I pointed out  Zechariah tells us that Jerusalem would be the major problem for the world.  The Prophet tells us that anyone who burdens themselves over this city will be cut into pieces. 

“Israel's interior minister gave final authorization to build 1,600 apartments in disputed east Jerusalem and will approve 2,700 more in days, officials said Thursday, detailing a plan that could complicate diplomatic efforts to dissuade Palestinians from declaring statehood at the United Nations.” The announcement drew immediate criticism from the Palestinians, and from Israel's leading anti-settlement group, which accused the government of seizing on mass protests over housing costs to give economic justification to the always explosive issue of building in the holy city.”

The Palestinians refuse to negotiate with the Netanyahu government as long as it continues to build in the West Bank and east Jerusalem — territories that would form the core of their future independent state. Israel rejects that demand, arguing that previous rounds of talks moved ahead in tandem with settlement construction. Israel annexed east Jerusalem in 1967 after capturing it from Jordan. It does not consider the Jewish neighborhoods it has built there to be settlements even though the international community makes no such distinction and does not recognize Jerusalem's annexation. About 500,000 Jews have made their homes in east Jerusalem and the West Bank since 1967. Adding to the potential for political tension is the Palestinians' plan for even a symbolic endorsement of statehood by the United Nations.

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Prophecy Sign: Jesus in Matthew 24:7 warned us that in the last days kingdom would come against kingdom. Yesterday I showed you videos on how this prophecy is already coming to pass. Today I want to show you what Glenn Beck reveals about what may happen in America and who is pushing it.



Debt crisis: Is this the end for the euro?

Prophecy Sign: There is no doubt that a major shift is on the way that will force a new economic system. The EU is in the midst of the worse crisis since it became a union.  Since Jesus showed us in Rev. chapter 13 and chapter 17 that the Antichrist would come from a revived Roman Empire and control what you can buy or sell it is important to watch what happens to the EU, which is the Western leg of the old Roman Empire.  There is no question that the last days signs all point to what happens in Europe and the Middle East.  Riots have already started to break out again in Europe and the Middle East, and as the global economy shows signs of tanking, one must wonder how long will this present system last?  Could the headline to this next report be a sign that the Antichrist is getting ready to rise to power once the global economic crisis takes hold? 

Headline: "Debt crisis: Is this the end for the euro?". Right now Italy is at the center of EU talk as this nation is sinking under debt as is the US. Here is a short section of the report.

“A funding crisis may have been of Italian making, but it would not be isolated to Italy. The eurozone would have to come to its aid. But Italy is not Greece. Italy's funding requirement this year is larger than the entire stock of Greek debt. It is the third largest sovereign debt market in the world, with €1.8 trillion of outstanding bonds. Rescuing Italy could stretch the eurozone to breaking point. Getting ahead of the markets was therefore vital, to kill the thought before it spread. But then, the ECB joined in the game of brinkmanship. Instead of buying Spanish and Italian debt it bought Portuguese and Irish as rumours circulated that the two bailed-out nations were being rewarded for implementing austerity. It was an almost aggressive challenge to Italy.”

At the present time the global economic system is walking a thin line. All it is going to take is one of the major nations to fall and you will have a crisis like we have never seen before. As it is now, most of the nations are calling for new leaders to clean up the economic mess.  When things break down even futher the calls for a new leader will end up bringing the Antichrist to power.  The question right now is this, which nation will fall first?

Prophecy Sign: Luke 21: 11 is the sign of famines. “The UN representative to Somalia also told the UN Security Council that warlords will take control of areas of Mogadishu abandoned by Islamist insurgents last weekend unless the transitional government quickly gets a grip. The envoy, Augustine Mahiga, said about half the Somali population, about 3.7 million people, are now at risk from famine. The UN estimates that more than 12 million are affected across East Africa. Across the famine zone, more than 13 children out of every 10,000 aged under five die each day, Mr Mahiga said. "This means that 10 per cent of children under five are dying every 11 weeks. These figures are truly heart wrenching," the envoy told the council, appealing for greater international assistance.”

Prophecy Sign: Better read Jesus warning again in Luke 21:11 where He tells all of us, in the last days there will be "great earthquakes". "There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven." Romans 8:22: “We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.” Take a look at the video below and you will see how the Earth is groaning on Aug. 11, 2011.


Prophecy Sign: Signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars. See Luke 21:11, 25



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Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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    • amanda on August 11, 2011 at 1:42 pm
    • Reply

    Your video on Elenin is black and all u hear is talking. Was it like that when u viewed it before posting?

  1. Yes it was black and I believe it was produced that way.
    Frank DiMora

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