Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 Earthquakes. Yesterday I reported on a
Here are only some of the earthquakes from 2008, the rest are still on their way!
· Magnitude 6.8 EASTERN HONSHU, JAPAN July 23, 2008 · Magnitude 6.6 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS REGION July 19, 2008 · Magnitude 7.0 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN July 19, 2008 · Magnitude 7.7 SEA OF OKHOTSK July 05, 2008 · Magnitude 7.0 SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION June 30, 2008 · Magnitude 6.6 ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA REGION June 27, 2008 · Magnitude 6.1 TONGA June 26, 2008 · Magnitude 6.9 EASTERN HONSHU, JAPAN June 13, 2008 · Magnitude 6.3 GREECE June 08, 2008 · Magnitude 3.5 SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA, CALIFORNIA June 06, 2008 · Magnitude 3.9 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA June 04, 2008 · Magnitude 7.9 EASTERN SICHUAN, CHINA May 12, 2008 · Magnitude 6.7 GUAM REGION May 09, 2008 · Magnitude 6.8 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN May 07, 2008 · Magnitude 6.6 ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS., ALASKA May 02, 2008 · Magnitude 5.4 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA April 30, 2008 · Magnitude 4.7 NEVADA April 26, 2008 · Magnitude 5.2 ILLINOIS April 18, 2008 · Magnitude 6.6 ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS., ALASKA April 16, 2008 · Magnitude 7.1 MACQUARIE ISLAND REGION April 12, 2008 · Magnitude 7.3 LOYALTY ISLANDS April 09, 2008 · Magnitude 7.2 XINJIANG-XIZANG BORDER REGION March 20, 2008 · Magnitude 6.4 VANUATU March 12, 2008 · Magnitude 6.9 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION March 03, 2008 · Magnitude 4.8 ENGLAND, UNITED KINGDOM February 27, 2008 · Magnitude 7.0 KEPULAUAN MENTAWAI REGION, INDONESIA February 25, 2008 · Magnitude 6.7 SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION February 23, 2008 · Magnitude 6.0 NEVADA February 21, 2008 · Magnitude 7.4 SIMEULUE, INDONESIA February 20, 2008 · Magnitude 6.7 SOUTHERN GREECE February 14, 2008 · Magnitude 6.4 OAXACA, MEXICO February 12, 2008 · Magnitude 6.6 SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION February 10, 2008 · Magnitude 6.9 NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE February 08, 2008 · Magnitude 6.3 TARAPACA, CHILE February 04, 2008 · Magnitude 5.9 LAC KIVU REGION, DEM. REP. OF THE CONGO February 03, 2008 Magnitude 6.6 QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS REGION January 05, 2008
Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 Famine & Revelation 16:3 “And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea.” When speaking about famine most people center on dry land where the food production has been reduced because of droughts, heat, and floods. Let us not forget the food that comes from the ocean. Many nations depend on fishing to feed their people and over the years nations have been depleting that food source. I believe famines will spread do to strange events in the water that will increase. For example the Red Tides, and Brown tides, that destroy the fish. Let me give you one small example of what these tides can do to the fish. “In September 1996 and again in September 1997, residents of Texas’s coasts witnessed an increasing problem: discolored, red patches of ocean waters and thousands and even millions of dead fish washed up on the shores. Red tides are produced when microscopic toxic algae increase in number and “bloom,” causing the telltale discoloration of the oceans. The type of red tide that has affected Texas’s fish and shellfish is caused by an organism called Gymnodinium breve, which produces a toxic affecting the central nervous system of fish. In December of 2001, another red tide bloom affected the Corpus Christi Bay, causing the Texas Department of Health to ban shellfish harvesting for Aransas and Corpus Christi Bays for nearly a year.” Jesus told us in the Revelation that the seas would turn RED and all the fish would die. All I am asking of you is to pay attention to what was written and what is currently taking place.
On June 3, 2002 the BNET Business Network wrote a piece on China’s Red Tides. “A fish-suffocating ”red tide” gripping China’s eastern sea has already expanded to an area of 1,500 square kilometers during the past three weeks and looks set to continue growing, environmental monitors warned in the state media Wednesday.” As of July 24, 2008 China has again been hit with another massaive invasion of these Red Tides.
Not only are Red Tides killing all under water life but we are now seeing dead zones in water increasing as well. A dead zone is a phenomenon which is caused when salt water loses large amounts of oxygen, this condition is known as hypoxia. Recent news tells us “The number of “dead zones” in the world’s oceans may have increased by a third in just two years, threatening fish stocks and the people who depend on them, the U.N. Environment Program said on Thursday. Fertilizers, sewage, fossil fuel burning and other pollutants have led to a doubling in the number of oxygen-deficient coastal areas every decade since the 1960s. Now experts estimate there are 200 dead zones, compared with 149 two years ago.
One more major problem for our world is that we have over fished the waters. “Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, world marine and inland capture fisheries production increased steadily, on average by as much as 6 percent per year. In the 1980s, the rate of growth slowed considerably, and in the 1990s harvests leveled off. Around 1990, global fish production plateaued at about 100 million tons annually and hasn’t moved much in the succeeding years. While aquaculture output continued to grow, yields from fisheries harvesting wild stocks from the oceans and inland waters were uneven and began to stagnate. A consensus emerged that the stagnation was the result of widespread overfishing. This paper examines the environmental and economic costs of that overfishing.” “Over the past decade, it became increasingly clear that fisheries resources that were once thought of as nearly inexhaustible had been severely overfished as one fishery after another experienced serious decline.” “The problem of overfishing is widespread throughout both the developed and developing worlds. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that of the major marine fish stocks or groups of stocks for which information is available, 47-50 percent are fully exploited, 15-18 percent are over-exploited, and 9-10 percent have been depleted or are recovering from depletion. Thus, close to 75 percent of the world’s major fisheries are fully exploited, or worse.” Keep in mind the words of our Lord, “these are the beginning of birthpains.” If you miss the rapture of the Church and are left behind to live during the 7 year tribulation you will see the full affect of every living thing in the waters die. Famine will come in many ways during those 7 years and the oceans will no longer feed you. Is this what you want to go through? If not just turn your life over to Christ and receive Him today as your Lord and Savior. Ask Him into your life and you will not take part in the Lord’s wrath that is soon to come on a unbelieving world. 1Thessalonians 5:9 gives the believers the hope, “For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.” When is God’s wrath poured out? During the tribulation period which is ruled by the Antichrist. Please consider Jesus as your Savior and, way out of the tribulation that is coming to try all men.
Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel 38-39 Coming attack against Israel. Yesterday I talked about an attack that will soon come upon Israel by Russia and her allies which will include Iran. Since 1978 I have been showing people how Russia would link up with Iran in the last days and lead a massive attack on the tiny nation of Israel. In chapter 10 of my book you can read in detail how Russia has already linked up with every nation in Ezekiel’s prophecy which will aid Russia when they attack Israel. All of us need to focus on what is taking place between Israel, Iran, and Russia because this is going to be the next major prophecy fulfilled. For months now Israel has said they are going to take out Iran’s nuclear power plant. We have read reports that this attack could take place in September before Iran has a chance to fire up their plant. Here is another current report on this issue. “Iran is set to receive an advanced Russian-made anti-aircraft system by the year’s end that could help fend off any preemptive strikes against its nuclear facilities, senior Israeli defense sources told Reuters on Wednesday. The first delivery of the S-300 missile batteries was expected as soon as early September, one source said, though it could take six to 12 months for them to be deployed and operable – a possible reprieve for Israeli and American military planners.” God has given us His “Appointed Times” for all prophecy to be fulfilled. The next Appointed Time in prophecy will take place at the Feast of Trumpets which happens to take place thing September. It is around the same time frame that the nations are saying Israel will bomb the Iranian nuclear site. We know It is during the Feast of Trumpets that Jesus will remove His Church, but we don’t know is the exact year however; we know it is very soon and we have been given specific signs to watch for that would tell us to look up for Christ. For example Paul in 1Thessalonians 5:1 said, “But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say Peace and safety: then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” As the Middle East is gearing up for war with Israel, Israel is talking peace and safety and it is exactly as Paul warned us it would be. There is a possibility that this September may be that Appointed Time God has chosen to remove His Church from this Earth. When Paul told the people I don’t need to write you about the times and seasons, he was speaking about the Feast of Trumpets. Every born again believer should be paying close attention to this years Feast of Trumpets which will take place this year on Sept. 31-Oct 1. If we make it past this years Feast of Trumpets, we will be ready at next years feast as well. The point is this, be ready at all times and do not let this day over take you as a thief in the night. I have placed a link to my good friend Pastor Mark Blitz site that gives you detailed information on this Feast of Trumpets. Once you understand this Feast you will fully understand why we pay very close attention to this Jewish Feast of Trumpets.
In Today’s news “Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi, on his first official visit to Washington, warned Thursday that Israel would not rule out any course of action regarding Iran’s nuclear ambitions, Israel Radio reported. “We are all united in the view that Iran needs to be prevented from obtaining a nuclear weapon. There is no doubt that diplomatic activity and sanctions are preferable, but we all understand – we and the Americans – that we need to prepare all options,” the radio report quoted Ashkenazi stating after meeting with senior United States officials.” If you think for one minute Iran’s nuclear power plant isn’t going to be attack, you really must be blind. Israel can not afford to allow Iran to finish that nuclear site. The Israeli government knows Iran will strike at Israel as soon as they get hold of the bomb. I am warning you now, watch the Middle East, war is coming!
Signs of America decline: “Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is threatening to pay thousands of state employees the federal minimum wage of $6.55 an hour until lawmakers reach a deal on California’s overdue state budget. Democrats and Republicans have so far been unable to compromise on a solution to the state’s $15.2 billion budget deficit for the fiscal year that started July 1. As the stalemate continued, Schwarzenegger has ratcheted up his rhetoric.” At a time when food prices are the highest they have ever been, and hundreds of thousands of Californians are walking away from their homes our government leaders want to lower the wages. America is in debt up to her neck and if you are not preparing yourself for her fall you aren’t going to be able to handle what is coming. The U.S. dollar is going to crash and there isn’t anything backing those notes. Once the dollar crashes the rest of the world with effected. We believe this is one of the ways the Antichrist will come on the scene. Once the world economy looks bad one man will arise and seem to have the answers to all the problems. This man will take power during the 7 year tribulation and if you ever read the book of Revelation and know what will happen during those 7 years, you will want to be as far away from this planet as you can get! The only way that can happen is if you are taken by Christ at the rapture of the Church. God help those who are left behind.
Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 “distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and waves roaring” “On Wednesday, Hurricane Dolly made landfall about 20 to 25 miles north of the town of South Padre Island or 35 miles northeast of Brownsville as a borderline category one to category two hurricane with maximum sustained winds of 95 to 100 mph between 1:30 to 2 p.m. CDT.” ABC news last night reported they didn’t expect the winds to reach as high as they did and now there is a concern over the amount of rain Dolly is dropping. I want to warn you again, this is a small storm compare to the ones that are coming. Just watch the news and you will see what I am talking about. This storms will max out during the tribulation.
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Special note: Some one taped my radio interview with Gina Romano on The Edge radio program and made videos in order that you may listen to the show if you missed it. I am posting the videos here.
Major signs showing we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed. In blue, DiMora’s youtube Video outlining some of these signs.
Major signs video:
Part 1 how Ministry started:
Part 2 how Ministry started:
F. DiMora’s Video showing Jehovah’s Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words, link is below.
If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the introduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora. This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements.