Evolutionary Theory

Evolutionary Theory? Fact, Fiction.

I’d like to start this out by saying that there is no way we could ever exhaust the depth of this subject EVER. This has become such a fundamental dogma within academia today that to deny, or oppose the theory is to literally lose your status among the so called “Elite Thinkers” within the university setting.

Evolutionary Theory is a strong theory in IDEAS, but still to this day doesn’t have the steel to hold up the building. The first thing I’d like to say about this revolution of Materialism and Natural Process thinking is that there is no evidence for it whatsoever. Not is the category that one might expect. Yes, animals do have the ability to adapt, to change, over time in order to survive within their environment and this has been happening from the beginning and will continue on as such. This type of change is called Micro-Evolution and is not even in the same Ballpark as “Evolutionary Theory” as proposed by Universities today.

Micro Evolution is when a change happens within a species such as with the finch that Darwin observed on the Galapagos Islands. Some have developed larger beaks vs. others with smaller ones. The point here is that the DNA or information within the finch was always present for this type of adaptation to take place, and after it did take place the finch still remained a finch. But MICRO-EVOLUTIONARY theory takes this thing to a whole new level. Here we go from the finch growing a larger or smaller beak when needed, to turning into a totally different species all together.

This type of Evolution I believe is a Lie, and has no credible evidence for it’s HUGE claims. Man evolved from Ape type thinking is so off the wall that it amazes me, mind boggles me, and frankly shows me how far man will go in their attempt to free themselves from Divine accountability and they even voice that very fact.

War of the Minds

The culture today would have you to believe that anyone who opposes the truth claims of evolution is literally “STUPID” here is an example.

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