Feb. 10, 2020 The Earth’s Last day signs as warned by Christ Jesus



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11animals dying

Prophecy Sign: “There is no faithfulness, no love, no acknowledgment of God in the land. There is only cursing, lying and murder, stealing and adultery; they break all bounds, and bloodshed follows bloodshed. Because of this the land mourns, and all who live in it waste away; the beasts of the field and the birds of the air and the fish of the sea are dying. [Hosea 4:1-3]

Below are the report that just came in which I am adding to my book.


February 2, 2020 – 18,000 chickens killed due to bird flu in Hunan, China. Link

February 3, 2020 – TONS of dead fish appear in rivers in Aruana, Brazil. Link

February 4, 2020 – Hundreds of dead fish wash up on beach in Pasir Ris Park, Singapore. Link

February 4, 2020 – Hundreds of thousands of poultry killed due to avian flu in Saudi Arabia. Link

February 5, 2020 – Hundreds of TONS of fish died suddenly in a lake in Indonesia. Link

February 5, 2020 – Hundreds of pigs dead due to swine fever in Bali, Indonesia. Link

February 6, 2020 – Thousands of flamingos dead due to disease in Mazandaran, Iran. Link


Prophecy Sign: Matthew chapter 24 Jesus told us to watch for the sign of diseases.

‘Enemy of mankind’: Coronavirus deaths top SARS as China returns to work
China’s ambassador to Britain described the newly identified virus as “the enemy of mankind” in a BBC interview on Sunday, but added it “is controllable, is preventable, is curable”. “At this moment is very difficult to predict when we are going to have an inflection point,” Liu Xiaoming said. “We certainly hope it will come soon, but the isolation and quarantine measures have been very effective.”

Prophecy Sign:In Matthew chapter 24 and in the book of Revelation Jesus gives a host of end time signs to watch for. Major storms, weird weather, and major earthquakes are some of signs.


Even The Mainstream Media Is Now Admitting That Humanity Is Facing “A Perfect Storm”
Over the last several decades, have we ever seen a year start as strangely as 2020 has? Global weather patterns have gone completely nuts, large earthquakes are popping off like firecrackers, it looks like the plague of locusts in Africa could soon develop into the worst in modern history, and …


Prophecy Sign: “The second angel poured out his bowl on the sea, and it turned into blood like that of a dead man, and every living thing in the sea died.” (Revelation 16:3).  You may want to turn to pages 513 – 518 in my Feb. 9, 2020 book and view for yourself the many reports showing this blood like in the waters found in many nations.

Deadly Earthquake in Turkey Turns Rivers Blood Red
Ten days ago, a 6.8 magnitude earthquake rocked eastern Turkey, killing 41 people and injured at least 1,600. The earthquake that was centered near Sivrice, Turkey also caused a series of aftershocks ranging from 3.3-5.4 in magnitude. Images of red water flowing into the river appeared on the internet soon after the earth stopped shaking. For the Biblically inclined, the image of a blood-red river evokes a stark message.

A blood water


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