Feb. 12, 2013



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FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 6, 2013 Edition written by Frank DiMora


Starting Monday for the next 9 days after this post you will need to go to my facebook link to read my prophecy up-dates. The link is below.  I had to go to Costa Rica for a certain reason and now that I am here I can see Jesus has me here to do His work and already He is touching lives.  I am in the jungle so and I borrowed a computer to send you this message.  I noticed that my shipment of books has arrived in Africa and have been placed in the hands of those who Christ has chosen to receive them. I am a blessed man! I pray that Jesus will speak to each of those people and direct all of them to His Words in the Bible.

Since I did manage to get a hold of a computer I am posting a PDF link so you can read the current news.  I love you all and miss you all. I am sorry I can not answer your emails at this time, I will do my best to answer them when I return.  I want to thank Jesus for answering my prayers. Just prior to leaving for this trip most of my family members became violently sick and I throught this trip was going to be canceled. Jesus told me to tell everyone who was sick that He was going to heal them.  Within one day everyone who was sick was healed.  Since arriving Christ opened up the doors for me to witness and I have been given a taste of what Paul must of felt like when he traveld to do the work of Christ!  I am a blessed man.

I am not sure if I will be able to post again until I get back so please keep checking my Facebook link for the latest prophecy up-dates. I won’t be able to make any new videos until I return. God bless you all.



Prophecy News from End Times Research Ministry 2-12-13



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