Feb. 2, 2018 Syria Warns Israel

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 2 2018 edition written by Frank DiMora



CooltextprophecysignPsalm 83 points to a war of which Hamas will be one of the many nations that try to destroy Israel. 

IDF attacks Hamas outpost in response to rocket fire
The IDF attacked a Hamas observation post in the northern Gaza early Friday morning in retaliation to last night’s rocket fire from the strip. The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit once again reiterated that “the IDF considers the Hamas terrorist organization solely responsible for what is happening in the Gaza Strip.”

US troops arrive for drill simulating massive missile attack on Israel 
US forces are deploying in Israel ahead of a large-scale joint Israel-US military exercise, due to start next week, which will simulate a major conflict in which Israel is attacked with thousands of missiles.

CooltextprophecysignRevelation 16:3 The second angel poured out his bowl on the sea, and it turned into blood like that of a dead person, and every living thing in the sea died.  Reports like the one you see in the video below are becoming very common. To see these types of report you can down load my book and read those reports and see for yourself the pictures of the waters that are turning blood like!

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