Feb. 5, 2020- Abbas to push UN resolution on Trump peace plan; Charting the Global Economic Impact of the Coronavirus



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 2, 2020 Edition written by Frank DiMora 

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Burdensome stone

  ‘Stabbed in the back!’ Erekat fumes over Israel-Sudan talks

Saeb Erekat, secretary general of the Palestine Liberation Organization, blasted the meeting between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Sudanese leader, Gen. Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, on Monday. “This meeting is a stab in the back of the Palestinian people… at a time when the administration of President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu are trying to liquidate the Palestinian cause,” Erekat said, according to the Palestinian Authority’s official WAFA news agency.
Feb. 4, 2020

Abbas to push UN resolution on Trump peace plan: officials

President Mahmud Abbas will travel to the United Nations next week to push for a Security Council resolution condemning US President Donald Trump’s peace proposals, Palestinian officials said Wednesday. The resolution will almost certainly be vetoed by the United States. “The draft resolution that will be voted on in the Security Council will include the rejection of the Trump-Netanyahu deal,” Saleh Rafat, a member of the executive committee of the Palestine Liberation Organisation, told AFP, referring to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He called Trump’s plan, which Netanyahu enthusiastically supports, “the opposite of the UN Security Council resolutions on the Palestinian conflict.” If vetoed at the Security Council, the issue will be taken to the UN General Assembly, Rafat added.
Feb. 5, 2020

Europe Slaps Israel With a Wet Noodle

Quarter of EU states refuse to condemn Israel, so new foreign policy chief issues his own angry statement. Earlier this week, Borrell urgently convened the EU to vote on a resolution condemning Trump’s plan and Israel’s intention to use it as a green light to annex large swaths of the so-called “West Bank.” But Borrell was thwarted.  Such foreign policy decisions and statements require the full consensus of all 27 EU member states. And guess what? Not all 27 European nations seem to have a problem with Trump’s plan, or perhaps even with Israel finally exercising sovereignty over its biblical heartland. According to Israeli media, six countries voted against the resolution. They were Italy, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria, and two unnamed states. No doubt incensed, Borrell decided to release the statement under his own name. “We are especially concerned by statements on the prospect of annexation of the Jordan Valley and other parts of the West Bank,” said Borrell said, despite the fact that officially he was speaking only for himself. “Steps towards annexation, if implemented, could not pass unchallenged,” Borrell went on to threaten in what Israel Foreign Ministry Spokesman Lior Haiat called a “regrettable and odd” diplomatic assault on the Jewish state.
Feb. 5, 2020

Khamenei calls Palestinians to jihad, says peace plan will die sooner than Trump

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called on Palestinians to wage jihad against Israel and said the Trump peace plan will die even sooner than President Donald Trump. He made his remarks Wednesday in a Tehran speech marking the 41st anniversary of the Iranian Revolution. He also called on Palestinians to wage jihad against the U.S. Khamenei said ‘The Americans are taking comfort in the belief that choosing a big name for the plot against the Palestinian nation will help it to succeed.” But that the “foolish and evil” scheme “has been working to their own detriment from the very beginning,” Iran’s PressTV reported. He said that the plan “will definitely end in failure.” “The Americans have made a deal with the Zionists over something that is not theirs [to give away in the first place]. Palestine belongs to Palestinians, and making decisions concerning it is exclusive to them,” he said.
Feb. 5, 2020

Three rockets fired at southern Israel

IDF strikes Hamas targets in Gaza in response to Netivot rockets

Red Color sirens were sounded on Tuesday night, shortly after midnight, in Netivot and in other communities near the Gaza border. The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit confirmed that three rockets were fired from Gaza towards Israeli territory. The rockets exploded in open areas. There were no reports of damages, but two people suffered light injuries after falling while making their way to a protected space. They were treated at the scene. Over the last week, there has been an uptick in the number of rocket and incendiary balloon attacks from Gaza on southern Israel. On Tuesday evening, incendiary balloons were found near Kibbutz Dvir, in Lehavim, in the Har Hevron Regional Council, and in Kibbutz Nir-Am.
Feb. 5, 2020

Netanyahu said to warn Gaza war possible before March 2 elections

ISIS in Sinai is Close, We Must Be Ready,’ Says IDF Battalion Commander

Prime Minister Netanyahu told municipal leaders in the Gaza area that Israel could launch extensive military operations in the Palestinian enclave before the upcoming Knesset elections if the launching of rockets and airborne explosive devices continues, Channel 13 reports. Netanyahu told the leaders during a meeting today that while Israel is making significant efforts to ensure calm in the area, the military was ready for an operation in Gaza if needed, according to the network. The reported comments come after a week of near-daily rocket and mortar attacks from Gaza and dozens of balloon-borne explosive devices being launched from the Hamas-ruled Strip toward southern Israel.
Feb. 5, 2020

Judea, Samaria leaders protest against Netanyahu, demand immediate annexation

Judea and Samaria leaders to meet with PM tonight

Leaders of the councils representing Judea and Samaria and the Jordan Valley rallied in front of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office in Jerusalem on Tuesday, in protest over the prime minister’s reluctance to apply swift sovereignty over settlements in Judea and Samaria. “I call on Netanyahu to fulfill his promise to announce the application of sovereignty. He has political support, he has support inside the party,” Jordan Valley Regional Council leader David Elhani said. According to Samaria Council leader Yossi Dagan, the U.S. handed Israel the opportunity to annex the settlements and then took it away. “Officials in the U.S. took our beloved Prime Minister, elevated him to the top of the Empire State Building – [he stood] with the US president [and promised to apply] sovereignty – then they try to throw our Prime Minister all the way down,” Dagan told Arutz Sheva.
Feb. 5, 2020

Israeli forces demolish illegal settler buildings, arrest rioters

Israeli Civil Administration, along with Border Police and IDF forces have begun demolishing several structures in Shlomo Hill near Kokhav HaShahar in the West Bank on Wednesday morning, according to TPS. Two illegal structures were demolished as dozens of settlers began rioting in the area to stop the security forces from demolishing the structures. Three of the rioters have been arrested for entering a closed military area and assaulting the security forces.
Feb. 5, 2020

17-year-old killed in West Bank protests against Donald Trump’s Mideast plan, as demonstrations continue a week after the plan’s unveiling

Clashes reported in Hebron during funeral for teen shot dead in riot

Seventeen-year-old Mohammad Salman Toameh Al-Hadad was shot in the chest with live fire and died after being evacuated to the city hospital, according to the ministry. According to witnesses, Al-Hadad was wounded during clashes in the neighborhood of Bab al-Zawiyah. Troops fired both live fire and rubber bullets, witnesses said. The Israeli army said in a statement that Al-Hadad was shot during “a violent riot in the city of Hebron,” after he had thrown Molotov cocktails at Israeli soldiers. “For several days there have been violent disturbances in the city of Hebron next to the Jewish area with the participation of dozens of Palestinians who are throwing stones, burning tires and throwing firebombs at IDF troops and the security forces,” the military said in a statement.
Feb. 5, 2020


Islamic State Poised for Comeback, US Defense Officials Report

ISIL steps up attacks in Syria and Iraq, officials say

U.S. defense and intelligence officials say the special forces operation that killed former Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in Syria last October has done little to hinder the terror group. Instead, the Defense Intelligence Agency warns the organization’s command and control structure, as well as many of its clandestine networks remain intact, and recent turmoil in the region due to Turkey’s incursion into northeastern Syria has played to its advantage. “ISIS exploited the Turkish incursion and subsequent drawdown of U.S. troops to reconstitute capabilities and resources within Syria and strengthen its ability to plan attacks abroad,” according to Defense Department Principal Inspector General Glenn Fine in a new report, using an acronym for the terror group. And should the U.S. be forced to pull troops from Iraq following protests there, “ISIS would likely resurge,” Fine added, citing additional DIA analysis.     The findings come less than a week after U.S. defense officials revealed the true identity of Baghdadi’s replacement, cautioning he appears to have IS positioned to eventually make its presence felt in the region, and perhaps on the world stage.
Feb. 4, 2020

Iraqi protesters face off against cleric’s followers

Iraq PM-designate meets anti-government protesters

Anti-government demonstrators faced off against followers of influential cleric Moqtada Sadr in protest squares across Iraq Tuesday, a day after one demonstrator was killed in a clash between the two sides. Sadr, an enigmatic militiaman-turned-politician, backed the anti-government rallies when they erupted in October but has split with other demonstrators over the nomination of Mohammad Allawi as prime minister. The cleric endorsed Allawi while other protesters rejected him, charging he is too close to the ruling elite they have been demonstrating against for four months. In the southern city of Diwaniyah on Tuesday, the rift escalated into a fistfight between young anti-regime demonstrators and Sadr backers, who are recognisable by their signature blue head caps, an AFP correspondent said. Police intervened to separate the two camps but the young protesters broke into chants against Sadr, Iraqi authorities as well as Iran, accused by demonstrators of backing the government’s crackdown against them.
Feb. 4, 2020


  Turkey demands Syrian army exit rebel areas, threatens force

Turkey’s president threatened Wednesday to use force against Syrian government forces if they don’t pull back to an earlier cease-fire line in northern Syria by the end of the month. Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s remarks to members of his ruling party followed rare direct clashes Monday between Turkish and Syrian troops inside Syria, which killed several Turkish and Syrian personnel. Syrian President Bashar Assad’s forces have been advancing deeper into the northwestern province of Idlib, the country’s last rebel stronghold, since December. Turkey – a strong backer of some of the rebels – has a dozen military observation posts in Idlib province, which borders Turkey. “If the (Assad) regime does not retreat to areas behind the observations posts, Turkey will be forced to take matters into its own hands,” Erdogan said. He said two of the Turkish observation posts are now behind Syrian lines.
Feb. 5, 2020

US ‘fully’ backs Turkey’s response to Syrian fire


U.S. halts secretive drone program with Turkey over Syria incursion

On February 4, 2020, the United States on Tuesday threw its support behind NATO ally Turkey over its reprisals against the Syrian army following regime shelling. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called the mortar attack on Turkish posts in Syria’s Idlib province “a grave escalation” and said US officials “fully support Turkey’s justified self-defense actions in response.” Meanwhile on the 5th, The United States has halted a secretive military intelligence cooperation program with Turkey that for years helped Ankara target Kurdish PKK militants, four U.S. officials say. The U.S. decision to indefinitely suspend the program, which has not been previously reported, was made in response to Turkey’s cross-border military incursion into Syria in October, the U.S. officials said, revealing the extent of the damage to ties between the NATO allies from the incident. The U.S. officials, who requested anonymity due to the sensitivity of the matter, said the United States late last year stopped flying the intelligence collection missions that targeted the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which both the United States and Turkey classify as terrorists.
Feb. 5, 2020

Afghan Taliban Statements On Donald Trump’s Peace Plan For Palestine: ‘Zionist Terrorists Are Supported By The Tyrants Of This Age (America)

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (the Taliban organization) has issued the following two statements opposing the peace plan announced by U.S. President Donald Trump for ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and establishing an independent Palestinian state. “The Radical Zio-Crusader Leaders Like Benjamin Netanyahu And Donald Trump Should Know That Palestine Is Not Forgotten By The Rest Of The Ummah”Excerpts from the January 30, 2020 statement: “Our Holy Prophet [Muhammad] Peace Be Upon Him said, as narrated in [the books of his traditions] Muslim and Bukhari: Believers in their mutual love, compassion and mercy are like one body; when any limb aches, the whole body reacts with sleeplessness and fever (Bukhari). “It is for this reason that today the troubles of Muslims living in Palestine are the troubles of everyone who calls himself a believer. The conflict of Palestine, which began in the twentieth century, continues at a time when the filthy Zionists are getting the support of the tyrannical forces like America to continue their occupation of the Muslim lands in Palestine, a land holding the third most holiest site of Islam and the former Qibla of Muslims – Bait al-Maqdis. “The Zionist terrorists are supported by the tyrants of this age (America) who continue to work for destabilizing the middle eastern Muslim countries and for the past 53 years, the Muslims of Palestine have suffered and are struggling for their freedom against this Zio-Crusader oppression. The whole world is witness to the crimes and terrorism of the Zionists in Palestine who have ethnically cleansed and committed genocide against the Palestinian Muslims to usurp their homeland. They have taken the lands and destroyed the homes and mosques of the local Palestinians and have been killing them systematically in their own land. From adults to young children, no one has been spared and thousands of others are languishing in the concentration camps.
Feb. 5, 2020

Military Talks to End Libya Fighting Underway

U.N.-sponsored military and security talks aimed at achieving a lasting cease-fire in Libya are underway in Geneva. The negotiations are held as Libya’s warring parties continue to violate a temporary truce agreed to in mid-January. Five high-ranking officers appointed by the Government of National Accord in Libya and five other high-ranking military officers appointed by rebel commander Khalifa Haftar are in attendance. This is the first time ever that high-ranking officers from both sides are getting together to talk peace. U.N. Libya envoy Ghassan Salame says both sides agree on the necessity to turn the truce into a permanent cease-fire. But how they will achieve that, he says, is very much an open question. “That is why these talks in Geneva are meant to listen carefully to the position of the two sides on what are the conditions for them to accept this translation of the truce into a permanent and lasting cease-fire,” Salame said.
Feb. 4, 2020


The China coronavirus is now at the center of Hong Kong’s protests

U.S. Lawmakers Nominate Hong Kong Protesters for Nobel Prize

Hong Kong’s leader has given another reason for people to be angry. As the coronavirus outbreak continues to spread across China and worldwide, with the number of confirmed cases growing at a rapid rate, Hong Kong is bracing for a potential community outbreak. Already, a leading microbiologist has warned that the city could “become another Wuhan.” Yet many in Hong Kong feel that the government has not done enough to prevent an outbreak in the city. Worse, they feel that officials have been deferring to Beijing, reluctant to take aggressive public health measures for fear of treading on politically sensitive ground. For example, when travel restrictions were announced, officials took care to note that it was China that was suspending visas for travel to Hong Kong, rather than the city rejecting mainland travelers. Now, a singular demand is uniting Hong Kong’s polarized factions after months of divisive protests: the complete closure of the city’s border with mainland China to stem the tide of visitors from the epidemic’s epicenter. As a special autonomous region of China, Hong Kong is administratively separate from Beijing and operates a formal border with the mainland.
Feb. 4, 2020

Lawyers and doctors protest in Paris as pensions row deepens

Self-employed private sector workers from across France, including lawyers, airline pilots, doctors and other health professionals have protested in Paris against the government’s pension changes. The demonstration on Monday by workers in the professions libérales will pile more pressure on ministers as MPs meet to examine the proposed legislation. A cross-party parliamentary committee will begin to examine each of the draft law’s 65 articles in detail on Monday afternoon. The bill is aimed at merging the country’s 42 separate pension schemes into a points-based “universal” system. The committee will also be faced with 22,000 amendments to the law lodged last week, 19,000 of them submitted by the hard-left La France Insoumise party, in an attempt to delay the legislation.
Feb. 4, 2020


Houthi Militia Have Taken Down Saudi-Led Coalition Spy Drone in Country’s West – Yemeni Media

Eight civilians dead, others missing in Houthi missile attack in Yemen’s Marib

On Tuesday, Houthi-led forces reportedly launch a missile attack on a military attack used by Saudi-backed forces in central Yemen, damaging ammunition storage facilities. Houthi militias forces supported by local Popular Committees militias brought down a Saudi-led coalition UAV over the western coastal province of al-Hudaydah, Al-Masirah, a TV channel affiliated with the militia group, has reported, citing a military source. The drone was reportedly shot down in the airspace above the mountainous area in the district of al-Tahita, some 230 km west of the capital of Sana’a, on Wednesday afternoon. No further details were made available about the incident, and the Saudi-led coalition to has yet to comment on the veracity of the report. Also Wednesday, a Houthi source said that multiple Saudi-led coalition mercenaries were killed and their munitions destroyed during an offensive against Houthi-held territories in another part of the province.
Feb. 5, 2020


Charting the Global Economic Impact of the Coronavirus

Why The Coronavirus Is A Real Threat To Oil Markets

As China struggles to contain the deadly new coronavirus, it’s becoming increasingly evident that the disruption to its economy will spill over to the rest of the world. Provinces accounting for almost 69% of Chinese GDP will remain closed for more than an extra week after the annual Lunar New Year holiday, shutting factories, shops and restaurants, leaving ships trapped at port, and slamming household spending. Travel restrictions limit the movement of more than 48 million people, with the crucial manufacturing and logistics hub of Wuhan—the epicenter of the virus—most impacted. Hundreds of major manufacturers have had their links to the global supply chain severed. Robert Bosch GmbH, the world’s largest car-parts maker, had to shutter two factories employing a total of 800 people in Wuhan. Other auto part manufacturers, including Honda Motor Co. Ltd. and Nissan Motor Co. Ltd., have also closed their facilities in Wuhan. And the disruption spreads from there. Key coastal exporting provinces are on an extended break and companies across the nation are taking precautions to stem the virus’s spread. China is the largest exporter of intermediate manufactured goods that can be resold between industries or used to produce other things, so its problems quickly reverberate through global supply chains. Indeed, global reliance on those products doubled to 20% from 2005 to 2015.
Feb. 5, 2020


Coronavirus could cause collapse of world’s supply chains

The great unknowable about the impact of the coronavirus for businesses, investors and economic policymakers is just how much damage it will inflict on the global economy. That’s why the markets are gyrating, with the US stockmarket tumbling on Friday and then recovering half those losses on Monday. Oil prices have fallen more than 20 per cent since the outbreak, copper is down about 13 per cent, iron ore prices have fallen about $US10 a tonne and soy beans, which were supposed to benefit from the Phase One trade deal between the US and China, have fallen about 8 per cent. It is obvious that China’s economy will be hard hit by the virus. The epicentre of the crisis, Wuhan and Hubei Province, are key manufacturing, transport and logistics hubs. More than 50 million people in the province are now in lockdown in the world’s largest-ever quarantine. With the virus still spreading rapidly throughout China – almost all of the 17,000-plus confirmed cases so far are within China, with only a relative handful elsewhere – its industries and consumers are going to be adversely impacted, with the major uncertainties being the related questions of severity and duration. At an economic level, the visible response of the Chinese authorities has so far been measured, with an injection of the equivalent of $US173 billion ($258 billion) of liquidity into their financial markets on Monday. That failed, however, to stop their stock market falling about 8 per cent, its steepest one-day fall since 2015.
Feb. 4, 2020


Gov’t unveils new electronic tags for people under Wuhan coronavirus home quarantine

The Hong Kong government has announced it has 500 electronic monitoring tags ready to distribute to Hong Kong people placed under home quarantine upon returning to the SAR after having spent time in Hubei province, the epicenter of the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. The government’s chief information officer, Victor Lam, unveiled the e-tag at a press briefing this afternoon, saying that any Hong Kong residents who have been to Hubei in the past 14 days must undergo home quarantine of 14 days, a measure the new electronic bracelets are meant to ensure. The tag is paired to a person’s smartphone — using Bluetooth Low Energy, or BLE, technology — and is plugged into the mains at the wearer’s home. If the person wearing the tag unplugs the phone and leaves the quarantine zone with it, or if the distance between the tag and the phone exceeds 20 meters, an alert will be sent to the Department of Health and the police.
Feb. 3, 2020


  US archbishop: Pope told us gay civil unions can be ‘acceptable’

A U.S. archbishop says Pope Francis told a group of American bishops in Rome that civil unions for homosexual couples that give them access to public benefits are “acceptable,” as long as it’s clear such arrangements can never be considered marriage. Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco told LifeSiteNews that during their January 27 ad limina visit, the pope said, in the words of the archbishop, that “civil unions between two people of the same sex can never be marriage.  As long as this is respected, civil unions that give access to government benefits can be acceptable.” However, to regard homosexual civil unions as acceptable contradicts Catholic teaching, notably reaffirmed in the 1986, 1992 and 2003 documents issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) under Cardinal Josef Ratzinger, now Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, and approved by Pope Saint John Paul II.
Feb. 3, 2020


“We’re On A Very Dangerous Path” – Pelosi’s Page-Ripping ‘Resistance’ Is Harbinger Of Things To Come

It is a rare thing to witness a truly iconic moment happen on live television, but that is precisely what tens of millions of Americans had the opportunity to do on Tuesday night. At the conclusion of President Trump’s State of the Union address, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ripped her copy of Trump’s speech in half in front of a nationwide audience. We have never seen anything like that before in the entire history of this country, but of course so many unprecedented things have taken place during Trump’s presidency. Pelosi is claiming that she did not plan in advance to rip the speech in half, and at that moment she probably wasn’t doing much thinking at all, but it is a moment that will live in all of our memories for the rest of our lives. Pelosi shocked the entire nation by tearing the speech in two, but more importantly I believe that her action was a perfect metaphor for what is about to happen to America. We are more deeply divided than we have ever been, and during this election season I believe that we will see very frightening eruptions of anger and frustration all across the United States.
Feb. 5, 2020


  Tencent may have accidentally leaked real data on Wuhan virus deaths

Image deleted from Tencent sparks doubt about official virus tally

Chinese Officials’ Statements Show Authorities Are Hiding Real Scale of Coronavirus Outbreak

As many experts question the veracity of China’s statistics for the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak, Tencent over the weekend seems to have inadvertently released what is potentially the actual number of infections and deaths, which were astronomically higher than official figures. On late Saturday evening (Feb. 1), Tencent, on its webpage titled “Epidemic Situation Tracker”, showed confirmed cases of novel coronavirus (2019nCoV) in China as standing at 154,023, 10 times the official figure at the time. It listed the number of suspected cases as 79,808, four times the official figure. The number of cured cases was only 269, well below the official number that day of 300. Most ominously, the death toll listed was 24,589, vastly higher than the 300 officially listed that day. Moments later, Tencent updated the numbers to reflect the government’s “official” numbers that day. Netizens noticed that Tencent has on at least three occasions posted extremely high numbers, only to quickly lower them to government-approved statistics.
Feb. 5, 2020

Chinese baby born to a Wuhan coronavirus patient is diagnosed with the disease, prompting fears that the killer infection can be transmitted in the womb

Fears thick ‘death’ smog over Wuhan confirms China is burning coronavirus bodies

Hong Kong reports virus death as workers strike at hospitals

Wisconsin confirms first case of new coronavirus

New Presumptive Case of Novel Coronavirus in British Columbia

A Chinese baby born to a Wuhan coronavirus patient has been diagnosed with the deadly disease 30 hours after being delivered. Doctors in China are now fearing that the infection could be passed from mothers to their babies in the womb. The news came after experts claimed that the virus might also be spread by faeces. The infected child, whose gender has not been revealed, was born in Wuhan on Sunday. Its mother had been confirmed to have the coronavirus before going into labour. Medics gave the baby a test 30 hours later and the result turned out to be positive. The baby was then transferred to the Wuhan Children’s Hospital, which has been appointed by the government to treat all infected children. The three-day-old baby’s condition was stable and it was being closely monitored, the hospital announced through a post on its official social media account today. ‘This reminds us to pay attention to a potential new transmission route of the coronavirus – vertical transmission from mothers to babies,’ said Dr Zeng Lingkong, chief physician from the hospital’s Department of Neonatal Medicine.
Feb. 5, 2020

WHO: ‘No known effective’ treatments for new coronavirus

 WHO Director Overseeing Coronavirus Response Covered Up Cholera Epidemics In 2013

The World Health Organization played down media reports on Wednesday of “breakthrough” drugs being discovered to treat people infected with the new coronavirus which is causing an epidemic in China and has spread to at least 20 other countries. A Chinese TV report said that a research team at Zhejiang University had found an effective drug for the virus, while Britain’s Sky News said researchers had made a “significant breakthrough” in developing a vaccine. Asked about the reports, WHO spokesman Tarik Jasarevic said: “There are no known effective therapeutics against this 2019-nCoV (virus).”
Feb. 5, 2020

The coronavirus is already mutating as it jumps from person to person

Novel coronavirus is already demonstrating an exceptional ability to mutate, according to Chinese scientists, which means that fighting it just got a whole lot more difficult. In a process described as “striking,” coronavirus is able to substantially alter itself on the fly, morphing into new forms as it passes from one person to another – including within the same family of people. Researchers investigating a cluster of infections identified in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong found that the genes of coronavirus undergo significant changes as the virus continues to spread. While all viruses are known to mutate, they typically do so “silently” or synonymously, meaning the changes have little effect on how the virus behaves. Coronavirus, however, adapts non-synonymously, altering its biological traits.
Feb. 5, 2020


Feb. 5, 2020-  African swine fever kills hundreds of pigs in Bali Link 


Tropical cyclone forming near Western Australia, severe impact likely

A tropical cyclone is forecast to develop from a tropical low off the northwest Kimberley coast in Western Australia on Thursday, February 6, 2020, according to the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM). As of Wednesday, February 5, the low has sustained winds near the center of 35 km/h (22 mph) with gusts to 85 km/h (53 mph), moving west at 14 km/h (9 mph). The agency warned that a severe cyclone impact is likely on Saturday, February 8. Once formed, the system will be named Damien. While southern WA is experiencing severe heat conditions this week, residents in the north particularly the Pilbara coast were advised to prepare for a tropical cyclone impact. “We will see this tropical low move off the Kimberley coast today and it is likely to reach tropical cyclone strength during Thursday morning,” said BOM. For the past four days, this slow-moving low has dumped nearly 200 mm (8 inches) of rain to several areas in the Kimberley. A flood watch remains in place for the rivers in the region’s north and west.
Feb. 5, 2020

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