February 13, 2024




Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 10 2024 Edition by Frank DiMora


Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven. (Pestilences=Diseases)




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Large geriatric practice reports 3X increase in deaths AFTER the COVID vaccines rolled out
Where are the “success anecdotes” where all-cause mortality dramatically fell in a US geriatric practice after the COVID shots rolled out??? All I can find are anecdotes, like that from Deanna Kline, an RN with 35 years of experience who wrote a top-rated book on Amazon about what she observed in the large geriatric practice she works at (thousands of elderly patients).


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Moderna Begins Trial For New mRNA ‘Vaccine’
Moderna has launched a trial for an experimental mRNA ‘vaccine’ for cancer in the United Kingdom. The therapy, which utilizes technology from the COVID-19 shots, was given to patients at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust.

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South Australian court rules employers who mandated COVID jabs can be held liable for injuries 
The South Australian Employment Tribunal has found that employers who mandated their staff to take the COVID-19 vaccines can be held liable for injuries caused. The ruling implies that employers will no longer be able to claim that they are protected from compensation because they were complying with a lawful state government directive.


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Northern Exposure: Fatal ‘Alaskapox’ Infection Reported Near Anchorage
Alaska health officials have documented the first fatal case of Alaskapox virus (also known as “AKPV”) in an elderly man from the Kenai Peninsula, located just south of Anchorage. He passed away in late January, prompting concerns among officials that the virus’ transmission may be more extensive than previously thought.




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NATO Chief Shocks With Prediction Of ‘Decades-Long Confrontation’ With Russia
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg issued some shocking words over the weekend which the Kremlin will likely take as a threat. “NATO is not looking for war with Russia. But we have to prepare ourselves for a confrontation that could last decades,” he told German daily Welt am Sonntag on Saturday. His words also reflect a new emphasis and drive among NATO planners for European countries to urgently invest more heavily in defense and domestic weapons production,


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Invasion Spreads To Unfenced US Northern Border Amid “Record-Breaking Surge” Of Illegal Entries Detected
As the Biden administration and “shadowy network of secretive nonprofits” facilitate the greatest migration invasion this nation has ever seen on the southern border, new concerns are mounting that illegals are finding alternative routes into the country via the unfenced northern border with Canada.

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Funding UNRWA is like ‘providing missiles to Hamas – It’s fuel to keep the conflict going,’ says UN Watch official
UN Watch is a human rights organization based in Geneva, Switzerland that monitors the conduct of the United Nations using the standard of the organization’s own charter. they still run refugee camps that were founded over 70 years ago because UNRWA applies a different definition of the word refugee than UNHCR does…” Smith continued. “It’s a unique situation in the world where Palestinians remain refugees generation after generation.


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Israeli commandos rescue two hostages in dramatic operation in Rafah
Overnight, Israeli special forces commandos conducted a dangerous and dramatic operation in Rafah, the southernmost city in the Gaza Strip. By God’s grace, two Israeli hostages – Fernando Simon Marman (60) and Norberto Louis Har (70) – were rescued from the clutches of Hamas terrorists and safely returned to Israel.


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IDF Airstrikes Pound Damascus As Syria Warns That It Is Ready For War With Israel
…I believe that a Great Middle East War will be one of the conflicts that defines World War III.  For months, the fighting has mostly been limited to Israel and Hamas, but events on the northern front are really starting to heat up.  In fact, as you will see below, the IDF just pummeled Damascus with more airstrikes and the Syrian government is saying that it is ready for war with Israel.  So could we soon see a scenario where Israel is fighting an all-out war with Hezbollah and the Syrian army simultaneously?

Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in The stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the Sea and the waves roaring;


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Intense hailstorms hit UAE after cloud seeding operations 
Heavy rain accompanied by lightning and intense hailstorms hit the city of Al Ain and other parts of UAE on the morning of February 12, 2024, causing impressive hail accumulations. This is reportedly the strongest hailstorm Al Ain has seen in 40 years. It comes after NMC conducted a series of cloud-seeding flights.


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M6.3 earthquake hits Volcano Islands, Japan region at intermediate depth
A strong earthquake registered by the JMA as M6.3 hit Volcano Islands, Japan at 11:19 UTC on February 12, 2024. The agency is reporting a depth of 260 km (161 miles). The USGS is reporting the quake as M6.1 at a depth of 250 km (155 miles); EMSC as M6.0 at a depth of 254 km (159 miles).

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San Diego reports shaking as earthquake swarm rattles Southern California Monday
A series of over a dozen earthquakes rattled parts of Southern California early Monday, with residents




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Satanic Temple Claims Abortion Is Part Of Their Religion In Effort To Block Abortion Bans
The Satanic Temple (TST), a nonprofit based in Salem, Massachusetts, has filed lawsuits in Missouri, Indiana, Texas, and Idaho that so far have been unsuccessful. That hasn’t stopped the headline-grabbing organization from plaintiff-shopping for new religious freedom lawsuits to stop abortion bans, according to its website.


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Democrat State Senator Shows His Support For Worshipping the Devil and Honors Satanists During Arizona Senate Floor Session
Democrat State Senator Juan Mendez showed his support for worshipping the devil as he proudly honored and welcomed Satanists to the Arizona Senate last week.

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Transgender woman who opened fire in church had ‘Free Palestine’ written on rifle
A transgender woman armed with an AR-15 rifle opened fire inside a Texas megachurch on Sunday afternoon, bearing the words ‘Free Palestine’ on her weapon, as reported by various media outlets.


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German seminary rector says he allows openly homosexual men to enter, become priests
The rector of the Catholic seminary in Munich has said that he allows openly homosexual men to enter the seminary and be consecrated as priests, contrary to the teaching of the Universal Church.



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Crowd Sets Waymo Driverless Car Ablaze In Lawless San Francisco
A Waymo self-driving car was targeted and deliberately set ablaze by a group of people in San Francisco’s Chinatown on Saturday evening. This incident is part of a rising trend of hostility towards autonomous vehicles, highlighted by an individual late last year on X: “The AI crusades have begun.”


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“You Will Burn!’: Pro-Hamas Demonstrators Heckle Hillary Clinton at Columbia University Event
Pro-Hamas demonstrators threatened and heckled former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at Columbia University this past Friday. Clinton, a staunch defender of Israel, was speaking at an event, titled “Preventing and Addressing Conflict-Related Sexual Violence” and held by the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), when a male heckler rose from his seat and screamed her name.

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NYPD Says ‘Well Over 5,000’ Cops Injured Amidst Migrant Crisis.
Projections suggest over 5,400 police officers were injured by suspects in New York City in 2023, as the Big Apple remains in the grip of a disorderly migrant crisis.




Daniel 12:4 Explained

The prophet Daniel did not understand what this prophecy meant because it was for the last generation to understand it and, the meaning would be sealed until that last generation came along. Then would we know when the time of the end was? By the mire fact that the last generation would advance in knowledge more than any other generation while at the same time millions upon millions of people would be traveling back and forth daily. Our generation has advanced more than all the generations before it and it is still advancing at hyper speed because of computers and now artificial intelligence. No other generation can make a claim to this end time prophecy except ours!


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Scientists create the first “functional” 3D-printed brain organoids
Scientists at the University of Wisconsin–Madison (UWM) say they have created the first 3D-printed brain organoids that function like natural brain tissue.



Download Jehovah Witnesses are directed by Demon angels read the proof for yourself February 2 2024 by Frank DiMora




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