February 4, 2023 America’s decline continues





Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 10 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora




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As The Spy Balloon From Communist China Continues To Float Freely Over The United States, A Compromised Joe Biden Has Pusillanimous Response
It is a scenario ripped from the pages of either Saturday Night Live, or the Manchurian Candidate, take your pick. A spy balloon from Communist China not only entering US airspace over our mainland, but being given full access to roam about anywhere they want to go. What is pretend president Joe Biden doing about all of this? Absolutely nothing, but don’t be too harsh on him. When you are as embedded with the Communist Chinese as deeply as Joe Biden and his entire family are at this point, you wouldn’t be able to do much about it, either.


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‘State of Control’: The control society is increasingly becoming a reality




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Evidence suggesting an iatrogenic death spike in England in the spring of 2020 is mounting up 
The evidence is mounting up. ONS data shows that in England during the spring of 2020, there was a death spike. The causes of the deaths were recorded across several disease groups suggesting they are iatrogenic deaths – deaths induced by medical professionals or by medical treatment or diagnostic procedures.


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SHOCKING!: EMA Approval of COVID Vaccine for Children caused a 698% increase in Child Excess Deaths across Europe 
The recent revelation that child excess deaths in Europe increased by 698% following the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the COVID-19 vaccine for children by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) is a shocking and deeply disturbing trend.




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