Frank DiMora and Bill Salus discuss the Psalm 83 war and the Ezekiel 38 war/Oct. 28, 2012



    • Katie Long on October 28, 2012 at 11:31 am
    • Reply

    Dear Frank
    Thank you for your many years of listening to the voice of the Lord. You have been a blessing to me these past 4 years since I first found your website. From all that I receive of my fellow christian brothers and sisters in the Lord ” we all feel the Lord’s return is very near” and at the door. Your videos and website have blessed me so much that I share them in many of the christian sites I frequent and lost family members.
    God continue to bless and keep you.
    A sister in the Lord
    Katie Long

    • John Saputo on October 28, 2012 at 4:52 pm
    • Reply

    Great talk between you two….as you know Frank I served the Lord in Tehran among the Jewish people. I just finished a research paper regarding Job and Israel the Hidden message regarding Israel’s destiny and the Body of Messiah’s duty to hand the ‘Torch of the Gospel’ off to Israel like a ‘Midwife’ helping Yahweh with the birth of the Kingdom of Heaven just before we are rapture into heaven. The Lord has given me a vision into the word of God. I did not make this up. How can I email you the Word document? Your Italian brother and fellow Gentile watchmen.
    John Saputo

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