The Last Chronicles brings Good News to those seeking Christ/Oct 15, 2012



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FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see
the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the
future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with
specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in
this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October 11, 2012 Edition written by Frank DiMora


The Last Chronicles Mission has provided the much needed medical needs for Pastor Fiaz’s wife Zeenat who in turn is now giving free medial examines to both Christians and Muslims in need. We look at the heart of a person in this ministry not what they wear on their heads. The best way to show Jesus’ love is by giving love to those around us no matter what their beliefs.


Medical Camp 10-13-12 6

Medical Camp 10-13-12 4
Medical Camp 10-13-12

Now on to The Last Chronicle Mission in India

Dear beloved ,
Gracious and sweet greetings to you in the Most precious name  of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you very much for your sweet and kind letter. I am always feel so happy to receive your  loving emails. We hope and pray that you are all doing good and great in the presence of God.We are also doing good in the service of God. Sister, today I have received another Box with 10 Holy Bibles. I am so happy and blessed to receive the precious Word of God for our ministry. Yesterday and today we have distributed 15 Holy Bibles to the educated young man and women.They are so happy to receive an English Bible  for the  first time in their lives.They conveyed their  sincere and hearty  thanks to you. They believe that The Word  of God will be a great blessing to them. Sister , we distribute the remaining Bibles in two or three days in different places. As soon as I distribute  them I will send you the Pictures . How is our beloved brother.Tim and his health. We are all continuously praying for the restoration of his health. I believe that God will definitely touch his beloved son Tim with his powerful hand.We are also praying for our Sister Amy and her health. In the first picture you see I am blessing  a orphan  Disabled youngman with a Bible and 6 Dollars of your blessing. Now he is with his  poor old Grandmother. He is a strong believer of Jesus. He is Baptized through our ministry 2 years ago.He is so thankful to you for your Loving Bible and blessing .2,3,4 pictures show the distribution of Bibles and last one shows  my prayers to the people, Please continue to pray for our Children,Gospel workers, ministry and family.we are all earnestly praying for you,health,ministry and family   that God to  prosper and bless you greatly  with his showers of blessings. I prayerfully wait for your  loving and kind reply.
Thank you and God bless you.
yours loving brother,
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The Holy Bibles

The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth has also been very active in Haiti. We are doing what we can with what Jesus gives us to make sure the Pastors have rents paid, food for the kids, and the Word as well as school supplies. Pastor Josue just sent me pictures of his service this weekend.  The pictures below are today’s email.

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