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I invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Oct. 8, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book. The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Oct, 12, 2009 Edition
The “River of Life Church at 757 Wilderness Road, Lexington Ky. has invited me to do a three day seminar at their Church. The seminar will on December 11- December 13, 2009. I have accepted this blessing to come and am working out the details with them. I will keep you posted, as we get closer to the date for the seminar. If anyone is lead to help advertise for this seminar, you can email me and I will give you the contact name at the Church in Ky.
New Radio show/video show will be up on Oct. 15, 2009. You can view all of my radio/video shows at The Edge by clicking to the link below This show deals with the major prophecy signs in the news from the past week. I will also be covering new information on the seat of the Antichrist in light of a yes vote to the EU Lisbon Treaty. Show is still running at the following link below.
Prophecy Sign: I want to pick up where I left off yesterday to show you all the signs that America is setting herself up to crash. When this crash takes place it will speed up the process that will help lift the revived Roman Empire into the position as world leader. I have new people coming to my site every day now and you need to understand that exactly what is happening. Both the Prophet Daniel and Jesus Christ showed us, in the last days the old Roman Empire would again rise to power. When it did the Antichrist would rise up from within this revived Roman Empire and take control of kingdom in the same fashion as Caesar did during the first Roman Empire. Since America was the stronger nation in the world something must have happened to bring her down from power. How do we know this, because America is not mentioned once in the entire book of Daniel. Since our generation is the one who is living in the last days what was unknown to Daniel has been made known to us. I am not just saying this, this is what God told Daniel. I quote God in Daniel 12:4, “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” Our generation is the one who has gain more knowledge than one other generation in history and we have done this all in a span of 50 years. This present generation is also known for the number of people traveling back and forth. There are more signs that prove this present generation is the one God showed Daniel. For example, In Revelation 9:21 Jesus told us this generation would become known for its drugs which we have. Also, in Matthew 24:37-38 Jesus pointed out that this generation would become just like Noah’ generation and we have. The last generation was to witness the rebirth of Israel as pointed out in Ezekiel chapter 37 and Matthew 24:32, and we have. Israel was born as a nation on May 14, 1948 and in 1957 the revived Roman Empire started to come back to life as well just as was prophesied. In the 60 years since the rebirth of Israel the European Union, (revived Roman Empire) has grown from 3 nations to 27 nations and just last week the EU passed what is called the Lisbon Treaty which is going to give the 27 EU nations their first full time President. This is the first time this has happened since Caesar ruled the first Roman Empire. All this has happened all at the same time that America is declining in power. This is what I call the last days power shift. Keep in mind, God showed us that Daniel would not understand the things of the last days because it was a sealed book. However, our generation has witnessed this book unsealed, and all who have the Holy Spirit living in them understand exactly what God was showing the Prophet Daniel for these last days. In order to lift up one empire another one must fall, and this is what is currently taking place between the United States and the European Union. If this is your first time at my site you will get a better understanding of the revived Roman Empire if you read chapter 2 of my free prophecy book. There you will read about the Western leg of the revived Roman Empire and the Eastern leg of the revived Roman Empire.
If you are new to my site it would be good to review my previous posts and see what I have been warning you. Since 1977 I have been warning that Europe would join together to form a superstate, which would resemble the old Roman Empire. As you can see from the passage of the Lisbon Treaty which is a off shoot of the Rome Treaty that my warning has come to pass. There was no way I could be wrong because I am repeating to you what Jesus has already written in His Word for these last days. Since September of 2008 I told you all that hundreds of thousands would lose there jobs every month. I told you to watch the banks in the U.S. because they would begin to fall, I warned you that the U.S. dollar would decline while the euro, which is the currency of the EU would rise. I also warned that during this time the prices of gold and silver would begin to take off. Everything I have warned you has been taken from Christ’s warnings. Most of the people don’t know what signs to look for in these last days because they do not know the Word of God found only in the Bible. Jesus has blessed me by allowing me to understand His Word and to repeat His warnings to you so that you could easily understand what is happening in these last days. All I am doing for you is connecting the dots between what Jesus has warned and showing you His fulfillment in the news.
Some of you may want to write me and say, no where in the Bible did Jesus say the U.S. banks would fold. Of course He didn’t. However, Jesus didn’t have to write this information down. All you have to do is put two and two together and you can see how prophecy is being fulfilled. For example, we know that Rome was to rise again to be the last world empire, which would mean that who ever was the leader, had to give way to the new empire. All you have to do is watch the news and you can see how America is going to fall away as a super power. You don’t have to be a scholar to see America’s economy is falling apart. When America goes down her fall will be felt worldwide. It is going to be at this time that the power of the revived Roman Empire will completely take hold, and it will be at this time that the Antichrist will begin his ascend to power.
Now for my warnings. Has the banks started to fold as I told you? If you click to the link below it will take you to all the banks that have folded just in 2009. At the present time so far there has been 99 banks that have folded, and this isn’t going to be the end of it either.
Yesterday I wrote to you warning you that the FDIC was out of money and wouldn’t be able to insure your money when these banks folded. Click to the link below and listen to an expert who has never been wrong yet in his predictions about America’s economy. The video is entitled. “pt 1/3 gerald celente on Goldseek radio 17 Oct 2009”
If you watched the Gerald Celente video you would have heard him mention how the Middle East problem is going to explode. Celente tells the listen these events will help erode the economy. I have never heard Celente say he was or was not a Christian, but his warning should be taken seriously because Jesus told us sudden destruction was going to take place when Israel was calling for peace and safety. As you can see all these events are hooked together. If you don’t believe my warnings or Gerald Celente, maybe these facts on the American economy will begin to open your eyes to this power shift. I quote, “Faced with a $550 million budget deficit, Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley on Monday said that all non-union city workers would take nearly five working weeks of unpaid leave next year to save the city money. Daley announced plans Monday to save $114 million by requiring 3,600 non-union city workers to take 24 unpaid days off, eliminating 220 vacant jobs and cutting expenses like travel and supplies by $20 million.
Gov. Ed Rendell said Monday that he might make an announcement on layoffs by the end of the week. The state has laid off more than 300 employees since July because of spending cuts
The New York Times plans to eliminate 100 newsroom jobs — about 8 percent of the total — by year’s end, offering buyouts to union and non-union employees, and resorting to layoffs if it cannot get enough people to leave voluntarily, the paper announced on Monday.
Oct. 15 (Bloomberg) — U.S. state tax collections tumbled the most in almost half a century in the second quarter as the economic recession curbed levies on incomes and sales. The 16.6 percent plunge was the biggest since at least 1963, the Nelson A Rockefeller Institute of Government said today. For the 12 months to June 30, the fiscal year for most states, revenue declined 8.2 percent, or $63 billion, about twice what states got from the $787 billion U.S. economic stimulus package, the institute said. State revenue has dwindled for two straight quarters and continued to decline in July and August, the Albany-based research organization said. Budgets for the year that began July 1 already face $26 billion of deficits, the Washington, D.C.- based Center on Budget and Policy Priorities said Aug. 12, forcing state lawmakers to confront additional spending cuts. “We’re looking at a multiyear problem hitting essentially every state,” Robert Ward, the institute’s deputy director, told reporters. “It has happened during recessions before, but the depth of this decline is unprecedented in modern times.”
The financial crisis taught us that markets can drop further and faster than anyone expects. Housing prices, for example, fell for three straight years starting in 2006, even though the conventional wisdom right up until the bust began was that prices would not fall even a little bit. Let's apply some of our hard-won knowledge to the dollar, which is also supposed to be resistant to a bust. After weakening gradually since 2002, the greenback rose during the financial crisis last year. It has fallen roughly 15% since March as investors moved to higher-yielding currencies. The conventional wisdom is that at these levels the dollar is cheap and, if anything, due for a rebound. "Currencies don't go much more than 20% from their long-term averages in real [inflation-adjusted] terms. We're there already," says Michael Dooley, an economist who is co-founder and research chief of Cabezon Capital Management, a San Francisco investment firm. Please watch the video a this link.
"WASHINGTON – Even with an economic revival, many U.S. jobs lost during the recession may be gone forever and a weak employment market could linger for years. That could add up to a "new normal" of higher joblessness and lower standards of living for many Americans, some economists are suggesting." The revived Roman Empire says they are worried about the fall of the dollar. They know how this fall will affect the world economy. I quote, “The 16 countries that use the euro single currency are "worried" by the weakness of the dollar on currency markets, the head of the eurogroup said on Monday.”
God is speaking to His children in these last days. What is He telling you? He is telling you to get ready to meet your savior. He is also warning you to prepare for what is about to taken place. Christ has shown me to learn the lesson of Joseph. In Genesis chapter 41 Joseph tells Pharaoh what his dream meant. God showed Joseph what was going to happen to Pharaoh’s kingdom for a seven year period. This is what Joseph starting in verse 25. “Then Joseph said to Pharaoh, "The dreams of Pharaoh are one and the same. God has revealed to Pharaoh what he is about to do. The seven good cows are seven years, and the seven good heads of grain are seven years; it is one and the same dream. The seven lean, ugly cows that came up afterward are seven years, and so are the seven worthless heads of grain scorched by the east wind: They are seven years of famine.” Once Joseph told Pharaoh what God showed him for the future Pharaoh put Joseph in charge of storing food up so when the seven years of famine hit Pharaoh’s kingdom would have been prepared. In the same way Jesus has shown me that I to must act to prepare for the dollar to crash. When the dollar falls nothing on this planet is going to be the same again. Nations will panic and much turmoil will begin to break out. If you have all your money in the bank, you might as well kiss it good-bye. Once the dollar crashes it will be worthless. If you check the Internet you will see that experts who know about economics are moving their investments out of America and the dollar, and are beginning to move them into the European Union and the euro. This is all part of the last days power shift. You would have to be blind not to understand this is why we are now hearing news that the world leaders are calling for a new world currency other than the U.S. dollar. You may be blind to what is coming, but the rest of the world is already preparing for the dollar crash. When America started to fall last year I told you her fall would begin to affect other nations. Don’t think that the rest of the world won’t be touched by America’s fall. You are going to witness a global depression and out of this depression will emerge the Antichrist.
If you do watch the signs of the times you can see how banks outside the U.S. are also in trouble. I quote one such report. “Dutch bank DSB put in administration to halt run on deposits” Ailing Dutch bank DSB was placed under administration at the behest of Holland's central bank (DNB) on Monday to halt a client run on deposits, state and court officials said. "The court has awarded an application by the DNB for emergency regulations to be instituted at DSB," said a statement from the Amsterdam district court. It said an independent administrator will be appointed to represent the interests of bank creditors for a period of 18 months. The central bank said the court ruling meant that DSB clients would "temporarily not be able to access their money". It explained that it had sought the measure due to a "large outflow of liquidity that has put the survival of DSB under threat in the short term." In my book in chapter one I write about how people will run on their banks when the dollar dies. This generation hasn’t seen this much panic since the Great Depression, but it is coming and we see signs everywhere this day is approaching faster and faster. The real question I need to ask you is this, are you ready? Have you listened to God’s warnings and do you believe His warnings?
Prophecy Sign: One of the many signs that was suppose to take place at the same time as all the signs is the sign of the roaring seas and waves. This end time sign is found in Luke 21:25. Once again I took what Jesus had shown me in His Word, I prayed about these things and the Lord had laid it on my heart to tell you huge storms are on their way. If you don’t believe me, just go back and read what I have written over the past year. All of my warnings are still up at this site. Last week we saw an example of my warning about these hugh storms and once again the Philippine is about ready to get hit by another huge storm. I quote, “The Philippines began evacuating thousands of people in northern areas prone to floods and landslides on Tuesday ahead of a powerful typhoon that has gained strength over the Pacific, officials said.” "Lupit is expected to be a much stronger typhoon than the two weather systems we had in the last four weeks," Nilo told reporters. Lupit, a category 4 typhoonwith centre winds of 195 kph (121 mph) and with gusts of up to 230 kph, was 890 km (553 miles) east of northern Cagayan province, the weather bureau said.” In the near future get ready to hear a lot of news concerning bigger storms. I am warning this because of what Jesus said. In Mark 13:8 Christ told us these last days signs would take place as birth pains. Birth pains always increase in there intensity and all these last days signs are going to do the same thing.
Prophecy Sign: Remember Gerald Celente warned the Middle East was going to explode? Celente is right because, Ezekiel showed us that Israel was going to be attacked by Russia and her allies, which will include Iran. We can see this war coming up as a result of an Israeli attack against Iran’s nuclear weapons program. News today stated, “The United States would find it difficult not to join an Israeli air strike in the event that Jerusalem decides to strike Iran's nuclear facilities, a former top-ranking U.S. Air Force officer told participants at a conference this weekend organized by a Washington think tank. Charles F. Wald, former deputy commander of United States European Command, said a military strike on Iran could set back the Islamic Republic's alleged nuclear weapons program by several years, but cautioned, "I don't think Israel can do it alone." I want you to read the report on Canada and Israel below, then I will connect the dots in prophecy for you.
“The consultations were held as part of the ongoing celebration of 60 years of diplomatic relations between Canada and Israel.” “The consultations were held as part of the ongoing celebration of 60 years of diplomatic relations between Canada and Israel. The talks were characterized by the cordiality and friendship which exist between Israel and Canada. Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, who joined the dialogue, expressed Israel's appreciation for the warm relations which exist between the two countries. He congratulated the Canadian side on the occasion of the upcoming assumption by Canada of the Presidency of the G-8. Minister Lieberman also expressed his thanks for Canada's agreement to represent Israel's interests in Venezuela. The Minister also briefed the Canadian delegation on the Iranian threat to the stability of the region.”
If you noticed in the first report the Americans don’t think that Israel can take out Iran’s nuclear weapons program alone. In the second report you noticed that Canada and Israel are still good friends. When you read Ezekiel 38:13 you will see that a formal protest is made by the young lions against the Russian invasion of Israel. Notice if you will that is the only thing you see the young lions do, there is no mention at all that these young lions lift one figure to help Israel. For the past year Israel’s leaders have complained that all that the nations are doing to stop Iran from building their nuclear weapons program is talk about putting sanctions on Iran. If you take a look at the current Middle East wars you will see the U.S. Canada, Australia and Great Britain have troops in the Middle East. This is important because we believe the young lions mentioned in Ezekiel 38:13 are the nations who broke off from Great Britain. Great Britain’s symbol is a lion and since the U.S. Canada, and Australia broke off they are considered the young lions. Do you really think that these same nations who are in the Middle East right now is coincidence? When Israel attacks Iran a counter attack will take place. There will be millions of Muslims who come down against Israel with Russia. The U.S. Canada, Australia, and Great Britain won’t be able to do anything to help Israel and therefore will do nothing but give that formal protest just as it says in verse 13. Anyone watching the wars in the Middle East knows America doesn’t have enough troops fighting to be able to win any war in Iraq or Afghanistan. If you have watched the news these past two weeks you would have heard that the Generals in charge of the Middle East war keep telling President Obama they must have more troops to win the wars. America’s military force has been weakened and there is no way America and the other two young lion nations would ever be able to stop millions of Muslims attacking Israel.
The only way Israel could win a war when millions attack them is via help from God, and that is exactly what God shows us in Ezekiel chapter 39. At the end of the short lived battle Israel will still be standing while the Lord said that 5/6 of the invading armies would be killed. I warned you America was going to decline and the 7 million unemployed in America is just one example of her decline. I warned you the dollar was going to fall and it has. I warned you the euro was going to crush the dollar and it is. I warned you gold and sliver prices would go up and they are still climbing to record highs. I warned you about the huge storms and major earthquakes and they to are showing up in the news. If all these warnings are coming true what makes you think that the Russian invasion is going to take place soon. I say again. These are not my warnings, these things are warning I took right from the Bible for these last days. I have been blessed to pass you these warnings and you can be blessed by receiving these warning as coming from Christ.
Now let me jump back to the revived Roman Empire and give you the latest news concerning the last nation to actually sign the Lisbon Treaty. A week ago I warned you that the Czech President did not sign the Lisbon Treaty and he wanted to hold up the treaty. I told you not to worry because he will finally sign it and the first full time EU President will be placed in office. Today’s news told us what the Czech President just stated. I quote, “CZECH PRESIDENT Vaclav Klaus has admitted for the first time that his bid to block the Lisbon Treaty is almost certainly doomed, and suggested that he might sign it if given an “Irish-style” guarantee from EU leaders on certain issues. Mr Klaus believes the treaty will transfer too much power from national governments to Brussels, and has refused to sign it despite it receiving the approval of the Czech parliament.” The EU is going to give him what he wants and the seat of the Antichrist will finally be put in place. I would look for the Czech President to sign the Treaty by the end of Oct. This is a major deal to those watching Bible prophecy, because it is a key to knowing the Church is running out of time to witness to the unbelievers. Soon the Middle East wars against Israel will explode and the rest of the prophecies as written to us in the Book of Revelation will begin. You can escape God’s judgments on an unbelieving world by receiving Jesus Christ as your savior. There is no other way to remain safe form what is about to take place.
Gold and silver prices:
In the time that I took off from writing this weekend a number of earthquakes have been reported. I keep you up-to date concerning the quakes because Christ told us that many earthquakes would be one of the signs of the times. Read Matthew 24:7 and Luke 21:11.
MAP | 5.0 | 2009/10/20 07:53:28 | -11.358 | 165.280 | 38.5 | SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS |
MAP | 5.3 | 2009/10/20 07:02:00 | 49.398 | 155.541 | 70.2 | KURIL ISLANDS |
MAP | 5.9 | 2009/10/19 22:49:38 | -15.333 | -172.189 | 10.0 | SAMOA ISLANDS REGION |
MAP | 5.2 | 2009/10/19 22:18:17 | -6.895 | 124.006 | 607.9 | BANDA SEA |
MAP | 5.0 | 2009/10/19 16:42:44 | 31.985 | 104.652 | 10.0 | EASTERN SICHUAN, CHINA |
MAP | 5.1 | 2009/10/19 10:48:30 | -12.356 | 166.218 | 43.8 | SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS |
MAP | 5.8 | 2009/10/19 07:41:43 | -15.366 | -172.944 | 35.0 | SAMOA ISLANDS REGION |
MAP | 5.3 | 2009/10/19 07:35:56 | -13.168 | 166.120 | 35.0 | VANUATU |
MAP | 5.6 | 2009/10/18 23:50:10 | 13.684 | 120.704 | 143.0 | MINDORO, PHILIPPINES |
MAP | 5.2 | 2009/10/18 17:21:56 | -7.523 | 126.090 | 10.0 | KEPULAUAN BARAT DAYA, INDONESIA |
MAP | 5.3 | 2009/10/18 14:14:05 | -2.990 | 68.097 | 10.0 | CARLSBERG RIDGE |
MAP | 5.2 | 2009/10/18 12:02:34 | -16.419 | -173.204 | 10.0 | TONGA |
MAP | 5.4 | 2009/10/18 08:26:15 | -3.602 | 123.257 | 23.9 | SULAWESI, INDONESIA |
MAP | 5.6 | 2009/10/18 08:23:25 | -3.648 | 123.229 | 17.6 | SULAWESI, INDONESIA |
MAP | 5.0 | 2009/10/18 00:39:44 | 0.460 | 30.173 | 13.6 | LAKE EDWARD REGION, UGANDA |
It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer. Notice I said begins your walk. Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways. Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship. We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.
Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on. I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant. I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward. I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.
Has demostrado que está calificado para escribir sobre este tema. Los hechos que usted menciona y el conocimiento y la comprensión de estas cosas revelan claramente que usted tiene un montón de experiencia.