Another strong quake/Going food shopping? Better bring two wallets/Aug. 18, 2012



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FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to
pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 13, 2012 Edition written by Frank DiMora



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Since putting up the red flag 7 days ago were I warned you more strong quakes were coming look at what happened? Today there was another strong  quake.


MAP 5.0  2012/08/17
  8.415 -102.981 10.1 NORTHERN EAST PACIFIC RISE
MAP 5.0  2012/08/17
  23.320   121.536 22.2 TAIWAN
MAP 5.0  2012/08/17
MAP 5.2  2012/08/17
  -0.327   -18.708 10.0 CENTRAL MID-ATLANTIC

MAP 5.0  2012/08/16
  32.058   130.069 24.0 KYUSHU, JAPAN
MAP 5.3  2012/08/16
  -0.331   -18.813 10.0 CENTRAL MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
MAP 5.7  2012/08/16
-36.228   -98.748 10.0 SOUTHEAST OF EASTER ISLAND
MAP 5.0  2012/08/16
-18.402 -177.809 556.7 FIJI REGION

MAP 5.5  2012/08/15
  13.138   -89.236 56.0 OFFSHORE EL SALVADOR
MAP 5.3  2012/08/15
  38.403   46.687 10.0 NORTHWESTERN IRAN
MAP 5.3  2012/08/15
  57.885   -32.685 10.0 REYKJANES RIDGE

MAP 5.1  2012/08/14
  38.351   46.749 10.0 NORTHWESTERN IRAN
MAP 5.2  2012/08/14
  28.726   142.562 43.5 BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
MAP 5.1  2012/08/14
  23.956   121.620 20.3 TAIWAN
MAP 7.7
  49.784   145.126 625.9 SEA OF
MAP 5.2  2012/08/14
-59.162   -26.167 88.0 SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS

MAP 5.4  2012/08/13
  34.859   73.672 35.0 PAKISTAN

MAP 5.5  2012/08/12
-63.168 -157.364 10.0 PACIFIC-ANTARCTIC RIDGE
MAP 6.3
  35.681   82.516 11.0 XINJIANG-XIZANG BORDER

MAP 5.1  2012/08/11
  38.399   46.720 9.7 NORTHWESTERN IRAN
MAP 5.3  2012/08/11
  52.192   -31.414 10.3 NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
MAP 5.0  2012/08/11
  38.275   46.617 10.0 NORTHWESTERN IRAN
MAP 6.3
  38.324   46.759 9.8 NORTHWESTERN
MAP 6.4
  38.322   46.888 9.9 NORTHWESTERN IRAN


Prophecy Sign: Cannabis at a medical marijuana shop in Los Angeles (AFP) In Revelation 9:21 we see Jesus speaking to us about drug's. The words “magic arts” in Revelation 9:21 is the Greek word pharmakia from which comes our word “pharmacy”. It signifies the use of medicine, drugs, spells, such as those used in witchcraft and those used today by those who are seeking a greater “high”. This generation was to be labeled a drug generation and we are.

Headline: early 9,000 Marijuana Plants Seized In Pueblo County: One Of The Largest Busts In Colorado History

 The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Stands By Israel





For the past few months I have no doubt overwhelmed many of my viewers with war rumors coming from all the nations listed in both the Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 prophecies.  Well, I can not hold back reporting this type of news because these are the events which are leading up to these wars coming to pass. On a weekly bases and sometimes even daily now one or more of these nations are calling for the destruction of Israel. What they are saying is exactly what the Lord told us they would say. Just read the first 5 verses of Psalm 83 and you will see that.Prophecy Sign:1Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. 2For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head. 3They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. 4They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. 5For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:” I am not going to write the details of each report below because when you click to the links and read the news you will be able to see for yourself the nations listed in these two war prophecies are well on their way in getting set to attack Israel. God help some of them to learn the truth about our Christ the Savior before they try to engage in destroying Israel. I said try because Israel will not be wiped off the map during either of these up and coming two wars.

Headline: Hezbollah says can kill tens of thousands of Israelis 

BEIRUT (Reuters) – Hezbollah said on Friday it could kill tens of thousands of Israelis by hitting targets with what it described as precision-guided missiles in a declaration that seemed aimed at deterring Israeli strikes on Lebanon or its regional backer Iran.

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said his group could turn the lives of hundreds of
thousands of Israelis "to real hell" by hitting a small number of number of targets which he said was "not large" – a possible reference to nuclear facilities, though Nasrallah would not go into details.

"During any stage of an attack on our country, if we are forced to use or target this type of target, to protect our people and country, we will not hesitate," he said. Nasrallah's remarks will likely be factored into Israeli calculations ahead of any military action against Iran, which is pursuing a nuclear program viewed as an existential threat in Israel.

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak has said he believes his country would suffer up to 500 casualties in any conflict aimed at wiping out Iran's nuclear facilities – which both Israel and Western powers believe Tehran is using to develop nuclear weapons. "We can talk about tens of thousands of dead," Nasrallah said in a speech to mark Jerusalem Day, commemorated on the last Friday of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan according to a tradition established by Iran's late Ayatollah Khomeini.

"I tell the Israelis that you have a number of targets, not a large number … that can be hit with precision rockets … which we have," Nasrallah said. "Hitting these targets with a small number of rockets will turn … the lives of hundreds of thousands of Zionists to real hell," he said.

Israel, thought to be the Middle East's only nuclear-armed power, has repeatedly threatened military action if diplomacy fails to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue. Iran denies seeking a bomb and says its nuclear work has only peaceful purposes.


IllustrationHeadline: Report: Al-Qaeda Planning Massive Terror Attack on Israeli Plane


File photo shows Iranians participating in the Quds Day demonstrations.Headline: Millions preparing to rally for Palestinian cause on Quds Day

You may ask what does this headline below have to do with the Psalm 83 war or the Ezekiel 38 war. This news show Syria is in dire straights in their civil unrest. What happens in Syria could spill over into Israel. Syria's President Assad has warned he would attack Israel when he felt he was losing his power. The more violence we see in Syria the closer we get to Assad making good on his promise.

Headline: Thousands flee Syria, Damascus diarrhea outbreak: U.N


Headline: Israel planning an ‘irresponsible event’ that may spark disastrous war with Iran: Netanyahu’s ex-deputy

IMG_8292Prophecy Sign: 41 And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. 42 And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. 43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.”

God told us when the revived Roman Empire was standing the Antichrist would rise from this kingdom. I have been warning about a worldwide economic crash that would cause the Antichrist to take the center stage as the man who the world thinks is their savior.  The video below talks about many of the things I have been writing to about. You will hear about wars, the ecnomic collapse coming, civil unrest and depression concerns. Pay special attention starting at the 33:35 minute mark in the video below. 









Prophecy Sign: Revelation 16:8 “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire.” Revelation 7: 16 “Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat.”

For years now I have warned you food prices were going to skyrocket. Each time another news report was released telling us the food prices were going up I warned you this was only the birth pains and you would see more news reporting on even higher food prices.  My May 29, 2012 is one report I warned you concerning signs leading to Revelation 6:6. I quote that post. "If you read Revelation 6:6 where Jesus shows us people will have to work all day for one small meal and, the other prophecies concerning the intense heat, famines, droughts, hunger, and lack of water then keep track of what has been happening you will get a clear picture of where we are headed. In my book I outline for you year after year what has been happening concerning all of these prophecies. Once again I have to warn you that all these signs point to one thing. The Mark 13:8 birth pains are increasing again. Week after week now I am posting news showing you what is destroying crops and how the food prices are skyrocketing." End Quote

Below you will see only a few of the posts I posted warning you higher food prices were coming and what would cause those prices to skyrocket.  I am compelled to warn you of these things as a watchmen on the wall for all who care to hear the cry of the things that must soon come to pass.



Now I want to bring you to yet another report that was just released concerning the intense heat, the droughts, and skyrocketing food prices.


Costly livestock: Poultry farmers have been spending 40 per cent more to feed each chicken they grow Crisis: Disaster areas have been declared in 31 U.S. states after the worst drought for decades

Headline: Poultry prices poised to SKYROCKET after worst U.S. drought in half a century ravaged one-sixth of nation's entire corn crop 

7For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 8All these are the beginning of sorrows.

Headline: Tuberculosis cases are more plentiful in states along the U.S.-México border

Worldwide Mass Animal Deaths for 2012

Prophecy Sign: Hosea 4:3 …'Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall
be taken away.'

List of Mass Animal Deaths

16th August 2012 – 100 Cattle dead from Anthrax outbreak in Colorado and
Texas, America. Link

16th August 2012 – Fish kill in Wolf Creek, Iowa, America. Link

15th August 2012 – 5,000 Fish found dead in Sugar Creek, Ohio,
America. Link

15th August 2012 – Dozens of Birds fall from sky dead in New Jersey,
America. Link

14th August 2012 – UPDATE: 431 Bison killed by Anthrax outbreak in Fort
Providence, Canada. Link

14th August 2012 – Thousands of dead Fish discovered along 5.5km of Kiltha
River in Ireland. Link

14th August 2012 – Mysterious disease kills 68 cattle in Pakistan. Link

13th August 2012 – Mysterious illness killing Elk and tens of thousands of
wild birds in Sweden. Link

13th August 2012 – Hundreds of Thousands of dead Fish on beaches from
Matagorda to Galveston, Texas.

13th August 2012 – First ever mass Fish die-off along shores of Pago Bay in
Guam. Link

11th August 2012 – Thousands of Earthworms found dead in parking lot in
Komatsu city Ishikawa, Japan. Link

10th August 2012 – 500 TONNES of Salmon to be killed due to virus outbreak in
Vancouver, Canada. Link

10th August 2012 – Mass Fish death a "mystery" on a coastal region of
Japan. Link

10th August 2012 – 3,000 Fish killed by pollution in Scarborough, United
. Link

9th August 2012 – Hundreds of Crabs washing ashore dead on Tiana and
Shinnecock Bay in America. Link

9th August 2012 – Mass Die-Off of Shrimp is a "mystery" in Vietnam. Link

9th August 2012 – 20,000 dead Fish in Lake Contrary, Missouri,
America. Link

8th August 2012 – 786,000 Chickens dead, 41,000 ducks dead and over 300 Pigs
dead in South Korea. Link

7th August 2012 – 900 Birds found dead in Minnesota, America. Link

7th August 2012 – Large Fish kill on the Neuse River in North Carolina,
America. Link

6th August 2012 – UPDATE: 167 Peacocks now dead from Ranikheit disease in
Pakistan. Link

6th August 2012 – Thousands of dead fish in a lake in Srinagar, India.

6th August 2012 – Major Fish kill along 4km of the Dunleer River in
Ireland. Link

5th August 2012 – 40,000 Sturgeon and thousands of other Fish dead in Iowa
and other Central States in America. Link

4th August 2012 – 66,800 Birds killed by bird flu in Vietnam. Link

3rd August 2012 – 340 Bison dead in largest ever Anthrax outbreak in Fort
Providence, Canada. Link

3rd August 2012 – 3,000 Fish found dead on Petit Jean River in Arkansas,
America. Link

3rd August 2012 – Massive Bird kill on beaches of Bandon, Oregon,
America. Link,   Also Here

3rd August 2012 – Massive Fish kills right across America. Link

3rd August 2012 – 150 Sheep and Goats killed by virus in Pakistan. Link

31st July 2012 – Dozens of Baby Turtles found dead on beach in Cayman Brac,
Cayman Islands. Link

31st July 2012 – At least 20 Deer found dead in Stone Mountain State Park in
America. Link

30th July 2012 – UPDATE: 100 Peacocks now dead in Pakistan. Link

30th July 2012 – UPDATE: 5 MILLION Birds now killed due to flu virus in
Mexico. Link

30th July 2012 – 4,000 Fish dead in Ascot Waters Marina, Australia. Link

29th July 2012 – Thousands of dead Fish found in the Colorado River,
America. Link

27th July 2012 – 2,500 Fish found dead in Doe Park Reservoir in Bradford,
England. Link

26th July 2012 – Fish kill in a canal in Plantation, Florida, America.

25th July 2012 – 30 Turtles wash up dead on Pavana dam in India. Link

24th July 2012 – 100 Turtles wash up with 20 dead on beaches in
Uraguay. Link

23rd July 2012 – 50 dead Peacocks is a "mystery" in Pakistan. Link

23rd July 2012 – Fish kill found on Big Sandy Lake in Minnesota,
America. Link

23rd July 2012 – Thousands of dead Fish wash ashore on Ma-Me-O Beach,
Alberta, Canada. Link

23rd July 2012 – Thousands of dead Fish wash ashore on Volusia's beaches,
Daytona, America. Link

22nd July 2012 – Massive Fish kill on Lake Erie in Ohio, America. Link

21st July 2012 – 1,700 Cattle and 105,000 Turkeys killed by heat in South
Dakota and Minnesota, America. Link

21st July 2012 – Thousands of fish washing ashore dead on Lake Elsinore in
California, America. Link

20th July 2012 – 300 Birds found dead on Agate Beach in Oregon,
America. Link

20th July 2012 – 1300 Animals dead from virus outbreak in Kenya. Link

20th July 2012 – Thousands of dead Fish line beaches in Piney Point,
Maryland, America. Link

20th July 2012 – Large number of dead Fish in Shangqiu City Lake in
China. Link

19th July 2012 – Hundreds of Frogs found dead in Chesterfield Lake, Missouri,
America. Link

19th July 2012 – UPDATE: 3.8 Million Birds now killed due to flu virus in
Mexico. Link

17th July 2012 – MILLIONS of "weird", and "unknown" Crab like creatures wash
onto beaches, either dead or dying in Hawaii. Link

17th July 2012 – 17 Seal Pups wash ashore dead around the Bay of Firth in
Scotland. Link

17th July 2012 – 200 TONS of Fish have died in Egypt. Link

17th July 2012 – 10,000 Fish found dead in River in Liu Yueqing City,
China. Link

16th July 2012 – 100,000 dead Fish found in Lam Taklong creek in Nakhon
Ratchasima Province, Thailand. Link

16th July 2012 – Mass Fish death in south lake of Wuhan, China. Link

14th July 2012 – 512 Penguins wash up dead on Rio Grande do Sul beaches in
Brazil. Link

12th July 2012 – Tens of thousands of Fish dying and many birds dying to in
Horicon Marsh America. Link

12th July 2012 – Thousands of Fish found dead in the Avis Dam in Namibia,
Africa. Link

12th July 2012 – 6,500 dead Fish in Twin Lakes in North Carolina
America. Link

12th July 2012 – Thousand of dead fish found on the Vermilion River in
Illinois America. Link

11th July 2012 – 58,000 Fish kill on the Des Moines River in Iowa
America. Link

11th July 2012 – 40 acres of Pond with dead Fish in Xindong village
China. Link

11th July 2012 – 2.5 Million Birds now killed from flu virus in
Mexico. Link

11th July 2012 – 19,000 Fish dead in Lake Odessa America. Link

11th July 2012 – Thousands of small Fish washing up dead on Northwest Coast
of Ireland. Link

10th July 2012 – Another 23 Bison found dead, making total of 151 deaths in
Fort Providence Canada. Link

10th July 2012 – Dozens of dead Birds found in Illinois America. Link

10th July 2012 – Lobster mass die-off continues in Connecticut
America. Link

9th July 2012 – 28 Dead Seals. Unusual high number of deaths this year. "The
Seals look terrible" Netherlands. Link

9th July 2012 – 450,000 Salmon to be killed due to virus outbreak in
Newfoundland Canada. Link

9th July 2012 – "Catastrophic" Fish kill on Geneva Lake, also over 200 Pike
dead on Fountain Lake in Minnesota America. Link

8th July 2012 – "Mysterious" mass Salmon deaths at Marlborough Farm, New
. Link

8th July 2012 – Thousands of dead Fish found in Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka.

7th July 2012 – Thousands of dead Fish found floating on Godavari River,
India. Link

7th July 2012 – Over 50 Ducks and Geese found dead in Ohio, leaving locals
baffled, America. Link

6th July 2012 – 128 Bison found dead in Fort Providence Canada. Link

6th July 2012 – 560 Wild Animals killed by flooding in Kaziranga
India. Link

6th July 2012 – Many thousands of dead Fish found in Silver Lake, Delaware
America. Link

6th July 2012 – Mass Fish kill on Salt River in Arizona. Link

6th July 2012 – Fish kill in Trout River, Prince Edward Island,
Canada. Link

6th July 2012 – Fish kill in Patoka River, Indiana. Link

6th July 2012 – Mass Oyster deaths: 60 Million snout otter clams dead,
leaving farmers broke in Quang Ninh Vietnam. Link

5th July 2012 – Mass Fish kill due to volcanic eruption near the Canary
. Link

5th July 2012 – Fish kill on Century Village Lakes in Florida. Link

5th July 2012 – Fish kill on Roy Lake in South Dakota. Link

5th July 2012 – Thousands of Fish found dead in James River in Lamoure
North Dakota. Link

5th July 2012 – Over 20 dead Birds (Egrets) found in Rockport Texas.

4th July 2012 – Thousands of Fish found dead on Dexter City Lake in Missouri
America. Link

3rd July 2012 – 14 TONS of dead Fish found in Changshou Reservoir in
China. Link

3rd July 2012 – Major Fish kill: Hundreds of thousands of Fish dead in Lake
Wichita Texas. Link

3rd July 2012 – Hundreds of Fish found floating dead in Upstate Lake South
. Link

3rd July 2012 – Fish Kill: Catfish die-off on Lake Buffum near Fort Meade
Florida. Link

3rd July 2012 – 2,300 dead Fish washed ashore on South River in Butts County,
Georgia America. Link

2nd July 2012 – Thousands of Fish dead in Chautauqua Lake in Havana
Cuba. Link

2nd July 2012 – Thousands of Chickens killed due to Bird Flu outbreak in
Xinjiang China. Link

2nd July 2012 – 10,000 Fish dead in South Knoxville Pond in Tennessee
America. Link

2nd July 2012 – 18 mass Fish kills have happened in past 2 months in Periyar
River in India. Link

1st July 2012 – Mass Fish deaths in Fujian Jinjiang Cizao Reservoir,
China. Link

30th June 2012 – 1,000,000 Birds died or culled at 129 Farms due to Avian Flu
in Mexico. Link

29th June 2012 – Hundreds of dead Fish line the banks of Pottersburg Creek in
Ontario Canada. Link

29th June 2012 – 73 Turtles wash ashore dead, scientists concerned, in
Australia. Link

28th June 2012 – Fish die-off in Platte River in Nebraska. Link

28th June 2012 – Fish kill in river Vartry in Wicklow Ireland. Link

26th June 2012 – 200,000 Bird deaths at three farms in Mexico. Link

26th June 2012 – Over 75,000 Goats killed by a disease epidemic in
Congo. Link

26th June 2012 – Thousands of dead Sardines wash ashore on Taboga Island in
Panama. Link

26th June 2012 – Fish kill in Wisconsin Counties in America. Link

25th June 2012 – Several thousand fish dead in a lake in Georgia
America. Link

25th June 2012 – Thousands of Fish die in Gomti River India. Link

23rd June 2012 – Mass Cattle death a "mystery" in Elgin Texas. Link

23rd June 2012 – 67 Birds found dead at Kanaha Pond Wildlife Sanctuary
Hawaii. Link

22nd June 2012 – Mass deaths of Horses and Cattle due to snake bites in Kiev
Ukraine. Link (Russian)

22nd June 2012 – Fish kill on Lake Odessa in Louisa County America. Link

21st June 2012 – Dead turtles washing ashore along Delaware and New Jersey
coasts, scientists not sure why in America. Link

21st June 2012 – 150 Birds washing up dead or dying on East Florida beaches
in America. Link

20th June 2012 – 750 Bee Hives poisoned killing thousands of Bees in New
South Wales Australia. Link

20th June 2012 – Hundreds to Thousands of fish washing ashore dead on
Sutherland Reservoir Nebraska. Link

19th June 2012 – 17 dead Seals wash ashore in Parnu Estonia. Link

19th June 2012 – Hundreds of dead Fish found in Red Hill Creek Canada.

19th June 2012 – Fish die-off at Buffalo Pound Lake in Canada. Link

19th June 2012 – Over 4,000 Fish found dead in River Nene England. Link

16th June 2012 – Fish kill in Big Birch Lake in Todd County Minnesota.

15th June 2012 – Fish kill found in canal near lake Manitoba in
Canada. Link

15th June 2012 – Mass death of Sardines (about 10,000) found in Kanagawa
Japan. Link

14th June 2012 – 130 Sea Birds found dead in Australia. Link

NOTE: 120 Dolphins that died off Texas coast between November and
March declared "unusual mortality event" America. Link

11th June 2012 – Fish kill along 1.5Km of the Chovva Canal in India.

9th June 2012 – 40 TONS of dead Fish in a pond in township of Guangzhou
China. Link

8th June 2012 – Large number of dead Fish found in East Lake Park
China. Link

7th June 2012 – Hundreds of Birds found dead in East Melbourne
Australia. Link

6th June 2012 – Over 100,000 mass Fish die-off in Feidong Ning Kong (sic)
Reservoir China. Link

6th June 2012 – Mystery surrounds massive Fish kill in Coevorden
Netherlands. Link

6th June 2012 – Over 10,000 dead Carp found in Blue Springs Lake,
Missouri. Link

6th June 2012 – 5,000 dead Fish in a lake is a mystery, UK. Link

5th June 2012 – Tons and Tons of dead Sardine washing up in port of Ohara in
Japan. Link

5th June 2012 – Alarming Reindeer Die Off on St Paul Island in Alaska.

5th June 2012 – Thousands of Dead fish found in Imperial Lakes in
Florida. Link

5th June 2012 – 2500 Fish dead in Swan River in Australia. Link

31st May 2012 – Thousands of Fish dying along coast of Burma. Link

30th May 2012 – Large Fish die-off in a Lagoon in Chacahua Mexico. Link

30th May 2012 – 500 Fish die in Canal in England. Link

30th May 2012 – Thousands more Fish turning up dead in Maryland. Link

30th May 2012 – Red tide Kills 55 Million Abalone in China. Link

29th May 2012 – Mass Fish death – 13,000 Fish found in Ohatchee
Alabama. Link

27th May 2012 – Entire Fish Farm stock to be killed after virus found for
first time in waters of Washington State. Link

25th May 2012 – 10 TONS of dead Fish found in Laguna de Bay
Philippines. Link

25th May 2012 – 300 Dolphins wash up dead during past several weeks raising
concern in the Black Sea Russia. Link

25th May 2012 – Thousands of Shellfish found dead in Peru. Link

25th May 2012 – 540 Antelopes die in Kasakhstan. Link

24th May 2012 – Thousands of Fish found dead in a pond in Sichuan
China. Link

24th May 2012 – Hundreds of Fish found dead in Briar Creek in North
. Link

23rd May 2012 – 60,000 – 100,000 dead Fish in three Creeks in Maryland
USA. Link

21st May 2012 – Thousands of the "most resilient species of fish" found dead
on Mula-Mutha River banks in India. Link

20th May 2012 – Hundreds of Fish found dead at Clear Lake in
Minnesota. Link

20th May 2012 – Large Fish kill reported in Sanya Egret Park China. Link

19th May 2012 – 500,000 Salmon destroyed after virus found in fish farm in
Vancouver Canada. Link

17th May 2012 – Mass Bee deaths – "Staggering losses" reported in
Minnesota, Nebraska and Ohio USA. Link

17th May 2012 – Mystery surrounds 34 Dead Deer on Greater Qiu Islet in
Taiwan. Link

17th May 2012 – Over 8 TONS of Fish poisoned in Guiyang China. Link

16th May 2012 – Fish kill in Arcadia Lake in Oklahoma. Link

15th May 2012 – Over 10,000 Fish dead in Guanzhou China. Link

14th May 2012 – Another Fish kill in Lake Bito in MacArthur Town
Philippines. Link

14th May 2012 – Thousands of farmed Fish found dead in ponds in Nanjundapuram
village India. Link

13th May 2012 – Mass Fish death reported in Pathalam belt in River Periyar in
India. Link

12th May 2012 – 500 Fish have died in Eichbaum lake in Germany. Link

12th May 2012 – 2,300 Birds found dead on beaches in Chile. Link

10th May 2012 – Fish kill in South Negril River in Jamaica. Link

10th May 2012 – UPDATE: 5,000 Birds found dead on beaches in
Peru. Link

10th May 2012 – 550 TONS of dead Salmon in Norway. Link

10th May 2012 – Thousands of dead Fish washing up on the shores of Lake
Simcoe in Canada. Link

8th May 2012 – 12 TONS of Fish found dead in Chengdu, Sichuan China.

8th May 2012 – Hundreds of dead fish in Brake Lake, Perry County
America. Link

8th May 2012 – Low numbers of Muttonbirds returning to NZ is "most unusual
event" in 20 years studying these birds New Zealand. Link

7th May 2012 – Fish kill in Kuwait Bay in Kuwait. Link

6th May 2012 – Mass Fish death found in Heritage Park Pond in
Massachusetts. Link

5th May 2012 – 50,000 Fish found dead in a pond in Shenzhen in China.

5th May 2012 – Mass Bird death discovered in waste water in Finland.

4th May 2012 – A local "phenomena" with numerous dead fish appearing on the
same day in Spain. Link

4th May 2012 – 2 TONS of dead Fish found in a River in Jinzhou China.

4th May 2012 – Mass Fish kill found in Muttar River causing panic in
India. Link

3rd May 2012 – Dead Fish are washing up on shore of Lake Houston in
America. Link

2nd May 2012 – Large number of fish found dead in River in China. Link

2nd May 2012 – Many dead Fish washing up dead in Village causing panic in
Turkey. Link

30th April 2012 – Hundreds of Bull RedFish found dead in Alabama. Link

28th April 2012 – 1200 Pelicans found dead in Peru. Link

27th April 2012 – Mass Fish kill on Lake Elsinore in California. Link

26th April 2012 – Mysterious Death of possibly thousands of Storks in
Thailand. Link

25th April 2012 – 11,000 dead Fish found in River in Kettering,
America. Link

25th April 2012 – 28,000 dead Fish found in River in Strongsville,
America. Link

25th April 2012 – Porpoises dying in alarming numbers, causing concerns of a
local "ecological catastrophe" in China. Link

25th April 2012 – 4 Dolphins wash ashore dead at Bandra Bandstand in
India. Link

22nd April 2012 – Thousands more Fish wash ashore dead in Pakistan. Link

19th April 2012 – Thousands of Fish, also Cows and Dogs killed in
Pakistan. Link

17th April 2012 – Thousands of fish (30 species) dead in a creek in
Tennesse. Link

17th April 2012 – Thousands of fish continue to turn up dead in the Zandvlei
Estuary in South Africa. Link

17th April 2012 – Several thousand Fish found dead in River in India.

17th April 2012 – Thousands of Dead Fish found floating in Pond in
India. Link

16th April 2012 – Mass Livestock deaths in Kyrgyzstan. Link

13th April 2012 – Mass Bees falling dead in Canyon Country California.

13th April 2012 – Hundreds of dead Fish litter Ocean Floor in Durban South
. Link

11th April 2012 – 300 more Dolphins found dead on beaches in Peru. Link

11th April 2012 – 14,000 Fish dead in Creek in Missouri. Link

9th April 2012 – Thousands of fish found dead in Lake in India. Link

9th April 2012 – 3 Whales wash up dead in India. Link

6th April 2012 – Over 50 Turtles wash ashore dead in India. Link

6th April 2012 – Thousands of Dead Fish found in waterway in Malaysia.

5th April 2012 – Thousands of Dead Fish found floating in Ganga river in
India. Link

4th April 2012 – 615 Dolphins Found Dead on Beaches in Peru. Link

4th April 2012 – Over 100 Dead Catfish found in Boyne River Australia.

3rd April 2012 – Thousands of Dolphins are dying in Gulf of Mexico. Link

1st April 2012 – 9,000 Livestock killed by Foot and Mouth Disease in
Egypt. Link

1st April 2012 – 3,000 Dolphins have washed up dead this year in Peru.

30th March 2012 – Hundreds of Birds Killed in Hail storm in Texas. Link

20th March 2012 – Thousands of dead Fish wash up on riverbank in
Singapore. Link

20th March 2012 – Thousands of dead Fish found in River in Minnesota.

17th March 2012 – 4 beached Whales die in East China. Link

13th March 2012 – Tens of Thousands of Salmon deaths a "mystery" in
Marlborough New Zealand. Link

13th March 2012 – 5,000 Fish found dead in a lake in Malaysia. Link

12th March 2012 – Disease Kills 170 Chickens in South Africa. Link

9th March 2012 – Dozens of birds drop dead in University grounds in
Florida. Link

8th March 2012 – 34 Dolphins wash up dead along coast in Texas. Link

4th March 2012 – 400 Grey Seals found dead off Cape Breton in
Australia. Link

3rd March 2012 – Many Little Penguins Dying in Perth, Australia. Link

2nd March 2012 – Thousands of Jellyfish wash ashore in Texas. Link

1st March 2012 – 800kg dead fish found in Cyprus. Link

NOTE: During 2011 – Record number (335) of Sea Otters either found
dead or ill along California coast in America. Link

28th February 2012 – Over 20,000 Chickens dead in Dharke in Nepal. Link

27th February 2012 – Thousands of fish found dead at nature reserve in
UK. Link

25th February 2012 – 60 Gulls found dead in New Zealand. Link

21st February 2012 – 3,000 Tuna Fish found dead off coast of Dubai. Link

21st February 2012 – 25 Rare Turtles wash up dead in Bangladesh. Link

18th February 2012 – Thousands of Lambs being killed by incurable virus in
the UK. Link

16th February 2012 – Tonnes of dead Fish wash ashore in Somalia. Link

15th February 2012 – 100 dead birds found along highway in Maryland
America. Link

14th February 2012 – UPDATE: 124 Dolphins have now beached and died in Cape
Cod America. Link

9th February 2012 – Over 200 Dolphins wash up dead in Peru. Link

9th February 2012 – 800 dead Birds found in Christchurch New Zealand.

7th February 2012 – Dozens of dead Birds found on beach in Florida. Link

6th February 2012 – Tens of Thousands of Birds to be "culled" due to H5N1
virus in Nepal and India. Link

3rd February 2012 – Thousands of Fish wash up dead in Nigeria. Link

3rd February 2012 – 100 Pigeons found dead in South Dakota. Link

3rd February 2012 – 1,000 Fish found dead floating in two ponds in
Virginia. Link

31st January 2012 – 800 Star Fish found dead on beach in Japan. Link

31st January 2012 – Massive Fish death in Philippines. Link

27th January 2012 – 64 Dolphins and Porpoises found dead along the
Atlantic Coast. Link

27th January 2012 – 10,000 Fish found dead in Japan. Link

27th January 2012 – 12 Dolphins wash up dead in Louisiana. Link

27th January 2012 – 10,000 Ducks to be Killed in Australia. Link

24th January 2012 – 5,000 Fish found dead in Perth's River in
Australia. Link

UPDATE: 85 Dolphins beached, 61 dead in Cape Cod in America. Link

24th January 2012 – 82 Whales dead in New Zealand. Link

22nd January 2012 – Hundreds of dead Birds found in India. Link

21st January 2012 – 4 Whales found dead on beach in New Zealand. Link

19th January 2012 – 20,000 Birds killed by oil spill in New Zealand.

19th January 2012 – 3 TONNES of dead Fish wash ashore in Somalia. Link

NOTE: During the past 6 years, 6.7 MILLION Bats have died from White
Nose Disease in America. Link

16th January 2012 – 53 Fur Seals found dead on Beach in Australia. Link

14th January 2012 – 30 Dolphins beach, 20 dead in Cape Cod in America.

11th January 2012 – Hundreds of dead Fish wash ashore in The Bahamas.

10th January 2012 – 2000 Chickens dead in India. Link

10th January 2012 – Large number of dead fish found floating across 3km of
river in China. Link

9th January 2012 – Hundreds of Wildlife Animals found dead in
Zimbabwe. Link

9th January 2012 – Dozens of Turtles found dead in Florida. Link

8th January 2012 – Thousands of Deer have died during past few months in
Northern Plains in America. Link

7th January 2012 – Thousands of Dead Fish found floating in the Gholani River
in India. Link

7th January 2012 – 7 Whales become stranded and die in New Zealand. Link

7th January 2012 – Thousands of Fish found dead in California. Link

5th January 2012 – 3000 Dead Fish in Ghana. Link

4th January 2012 – Oil soaked birds washing up dead on Western Isles of
Scotland. Link

2nd January 2012 – 20 TONNES of Fish wash up dead on beach in Norway.

1st January 2012 – 200 Blackbirds found dead in Arkansas USA. Link

For a detailed list prior to 2012 just visit this link:



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The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Aug. 13,2012 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.  Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 13, 2012 Edition written by Frank


Are you really searching to know the truth? Jesus will show it to you!


Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.


If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.


DiMora, P.O. Box
732, Lompoc Ca.


All of my radio/video shows can be seen at The Edge. Just click to link below.



 Fiaz456123465What it will be like when the rapture hits. Rapture of the Church in English: Download A THIEF IN THE NIGHT- August 15 2012 (1)


Link to the rapture of the Church in French.Download Thief in the Night- French

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