Up-date on Syrian civil war/ Christians fleeing/Drought and Food prices/ July 30, 2012




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Prophecy Sign: Revelation 16:8 “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire.” Revelation 7: 16 “Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat.”


The US Drought Monitor reported a nearly threefold increase in areas of extreme drought over the past week in the nine Midwestern states where three quarters of the country's corn and soybean crops are produced. "That expansion of D3 or extreme conditions intensified quite rapidly and we went from 11.9 percent to 28.9 percent in just one week," Brian Fuchs, a climatologist and Drought Monitor author, told AFP. "For myself, studying drought, that's rapid. We've seen a lot of things developing with this drought that were unprecedented, especially the speed." Almost two thirds of the continental United States are now suffering drought conditions, the largest area recorded since the Drought Monitor project started in 1999. "If you are following the grain prices here in the US, they are reflecting the anticipated shortages with a price increase," Fuchs said.


 More scriptures on this subject: 

Revelation 8:7: hail and fire mixed with blood fall on the earth burning 1/3 of all trees and all the grass; all these wordsin Greek are exact and literal by definition. Job 38: 22-23 tellsus that God has store houses of hail which He has reserved for times of trouble and days of war and battle. It should be noted here that “grass” refers to green grass and growing crops. Another quick science review; what I’ll be“guessing” about has to do with meteors, asteroids and comets. They all vary in size, but typically asteroids are larger than comets. Comets have frozen gases and meteors can have, or be made of, ice. Asteroids have NO frozen gases. Perhaps this is a meteor or comet that has chunks of ice and is falling so fast that it catches fire. The blood may be literal inthat when this meteor strikes, it will kill people, whose blood will mix withit, setting fire to trees and grass. Remember when we looked at haima it meant blood, actual or resembling.

Revelation 8:8-9: a burning mountain falls intothe sea turning 1/3 to blood, sinking 1/3 of all ships and killing 1/3 of allsea life; this will most likely result in a reduction of evaporation leading toa shortage of rain and fresh water; commerce will suffer. Oros isthe Greek for mountain and it is literal. Again, this could be a meteor, asteroid or comet of giant proportions that contains a gas or substance that would cause the water to resemble blood. I’m not a scientist but bromine is a red liquid on the periodic chart. Many gases, halogens and liquids can be mixed with other elements and end up producing certain colors. Then again, it could be LITERAL.

Revelation 8:10-11: Wormwood. When I thinkof Wormwood, it brings to mind C.S. Lewis’ book the Screwtape Letters. This is NOT that Wormwood. Wormwood in this verse is a great burning starfrom Heaven that falls upon a 1/3 of the rivers and fountains of water (springs); a 1/3 part of the waters become “wormwood” and many die because the water has become bitter. The Greek word for wormwood is apsinthos; the Hebrew translated worm wood is la-anah. Apsinthos is absinthe wormwood and is native to Europe. It is abitter extract used in making absinthe and in flavoring certain wines. In Scripture, worm wood refers to plants with a bitter taste, the ingestion of which can prove fatal. Mercury inhalation leavesa very bitter taste in the mouth and ingestion of mercury causes any number of physical maladies. Once again, a comet, meteor or asteroid could contain the gas mercury and may be what this verse is referring to.

Download More Prophecy News 7-30-12


Last Chronicle Mission up-date from Pastor Joshua Wekesa

After the Crusade, today many people joined the Church.
Yours pastor Joshua Wekesa





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