What is wrong with Obama’s face? Jan. 11, 2012

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Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

Watch this video below and if anyone who is a expert in videoing can explain what would cause the change in Obama face please let us know.

Hey Frank

    I can give you my opinion on this. I'm very well versed when it    comes to graphics, I do it for a living. I'm, also the guy that took    the front and back cover of your book and made the images looking    like a real book that you still use today on the top of your    website, and as the background on your youtube channel. Although I'm    not a movie manipulation expert I can tell you to manipulate a video    with effects is a lot of work. There might be software out there    that I'm still not aware of to makes it easier, and I'm sure they    exist, but you have to modify every frame of a section. To keep the    math simple… let's say you have a movie that plays 20 frames a    seconds, and you're modifying 30 seconds of a movie, you have 20X30    images to modify. That would be 600 images to modify. So… either    someone has a lot of times on their hands, it's done with a special    movie software or this is the real deal.

    As I looked closer, I found something with a big flaw. So now I'm    thinking someone has alot of time on their hands, or there's a    software out there that will do this for you automatically. I    attached an image of the flaw. My best guess is this was done using    the "liquify" filter like the one found in photoshop. This filter    manipulates an object on the screen like it was liquid. It's amazing    what you can do with that.

    the flaw:
    See the image, I circled the flaw. What ever was used to distort the    face also grabbed part of the colar. It's pixels were stretched    along with the face. Although I think that this presentation is not    impossible if you believe in what the bible teaches, and unless the    colar was a freak accident of a camera distortion that I can't    understand… I have to say this is the work of an amateur, because    of the pixelated colar. If you do a "print screen" and zoom in to    the face you see other flaws, but I'm not going there because I    don't want to write a book here. I leave that to you… 🙂

   Ben Bigras


Comment from Cheryl:

Frank, this is Photo Shopping, plain and simple. And I don't think the General is looking "at him" as much as he is looking past him. This is not real and I think whoever created it is off his or her rocker. I'd love to see what other people have to say about it.I don't know how to edit video but I'm sure it's not hard to distort a specific area (like a face) or to whiten or darken an area (like Michele's eye.)

Commet From Rick CARDINAL 


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